Chapter 222, Giant Wild Boar

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard that he was walking on foot because of his relationship.

Realizing that Xu Fei was a little embarrassed by this, Ye Yuanmei chuckled.

"On the one hand, you can save money if you can, and on the other hand, traveling long distances also has many benefits for monks like us." Ye Yuanmei said.

Xu Fei was speechless, with a look on his face, 'Do you think I'm really that stupid to believe such a thing? ’ expression.

Ye Yuanmei didn't explain much.

Seeing that Ye Yuanmei seemed a little serious, Xu Feijing thought about it.

Then I really realized the benefits of traveling long distances.

In addition to resting, eating, and daily practice, he and Ye Yuanmei would travel eight or nine hours a day, covering two thousand or three thousand miles.

Running such a long distance will naturally not be just a hard run. In that case, even if the monk's body is far stronger than normal, he will be exhausted.

Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize mana and use tactics.

And such a long and continuous use of tactics has improved Xu Fei's proficiency in using his own magic power and tactics.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei opened the skill panel and saw that the Tianxing War Technique skill had been improved by two levels.

Reached level 21 of the third level.

This surprised Xu Fei.

No wonder there is a saying that "walking, sitting and lying down are all practices."

After filling up the Tianxing Battle Technique, Xu Fei looked at Ye Yuanmei and was quite grateful, and naturally wanted to express his gratitude.

Ye Yuanmei took away Xu Fei's hand.

"Don't think about it, you need to be alert at all times in the wild." Ye Yuanmei said helplessly.

This guy is very passionate about these things.

Although she also likes it very much, but things have priorities.

When you are in the wild, no one knows what will happen next moment, so you must not be negligent in the slightest.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may have to pay a heavy price.

Xu Fei had no choice but to be honest after hearing this.

At noon on the fourth day after leaving Fairy City, Xu Fei followed Ye Yuanmei and saw the continuous forest from a distance.

The forest is vast and the trees are dense.

Some of the tallest giant trees are even over 100 meters tall.

Very amazing.

Ye Yuanmei casually hit a wild sheep on the neck with a stone and killed it, then turned to look at Xu Fei.

Xu Fei wisely took over the subsequent bloodletting, skinning, roasting, etc.

I quickly made a delicious roasted whole lamb meal.

The two finished eating the more than 30 kilograms of roasted sheep and then entered the forest.

As we entered the forest, the environment suddenly became quiet.

It's not completely quiet, of course.

Birds are flying and animals are flying, and insects are chirping not far away.

But otherwise there was almost no sound.

This made Xu Fei feel dazed for a moment.

Ye Yuanmei glanced at Xu Fei from the side.

"Because of the continuous trees, Xuanfeng Forest has formed a natural sound-silencing formation. No matter how loud the noise is, it cannot spread beyond ten feet." Ye Yuanmei explained.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, then nodded and followed Ye Yuanmei quietly.

This was his first time going out, so naturally he wanted to see more, learn more and talk less.

And as the two of them entered the Xuanfeng Forest together.

There are more and more birds and beasts, and insects and snakes breed.

Looking up, I saw a tree crown so high that it seemed unreachable.

Only wisps of light scattered.

Experience novelty.

"Master, do you want to try out the magic?" After walking for a while, Ye Yuanmei turned around and said.

Xu Fei shook his head when he heard this.

He naturally understood that Ye Yuanmei asked him to find some birds and beasts as opponents, and he was familiar with the use of spells, but he also practiced a lot, so he didn't need to embarrass these ordinary birds, rabbits and foxes.

Ye Yuanmei looked thoughtful when she saw this.

It seems that this gentleman from home is quite kind-hearted, but this is not possible in the wild.

After all, people with good intentions are often the most vulnerable to trouble.

So she also wanted to help remind him.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yuanmei continued to lead the way forward.

Although she was far from being able to get lost in the Xuanfeng Forest with her eyes closed, she was quite familiar with some of the paths and paths in the forest.

By the time it got dark, the two of them had gone more than three hundred miles deep into the forest.

Compared to the outside world where people are rushing around, it is naturally far behind.

But it's okay to have such speed in the forest.

We hunted another deer and had roast venison for dinner.

The two rested overnight, and after completing their homework the next day, Ye Yuanmei took Xu Fei around.

In fact, this is the daily life of many casual practitioners.

After wandering in the wild for many years, if you find some valuable elixirs or spiritual materials, it will be a harvest. Of course, if you can encounter monsters and hunt them, you will have a good income.

Ye Yuanmei was like this before.

After walking around in the wild for a day, when Xu Fei was making roast deer for dinner, Ye Yuanmei suddenly stood up and looked not far away.

A giant wild boar, more than two meters high and four meters long, with shiny flesh all over its body and two tusks nearly half a meter long protruding from its mouth, was strolling over.

Seeing such a big guy, Xu Fei quickly became alert.

At the same time, a strange thought appeared in my mind: If I brought this big guy back to Blue Star and opened a zoo, the revenue from the ticket would probably be considerable.

"This is a monster." Ye Yuanmei said after observing for a moment.

The difference between demon clan and monster beast is very simple, it depends on whether the other party has spiritual intelligence.

Those with intelligence are monsters, those without intelligence are monsters. As for the flowers, plants and trees that have the ability to absorb spiritual energy, they are naturally spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses.

Ye Yuanmei just finished speaking.

A pure iron magic sword has landed on Xu Fei's right hand, and at the same time, an iron nail he had been honing on a daily basis has been thrown away by his left hand and shot into the giant pig's right eye.

Crisp and neat.

This surprised Ye Yuanmei.

Before, she thought her master was soft-hearted.

As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance.

But even if Xu Fei makes a sudden attack.

The giant pig just closed its eyes and tilted its head to dodge the iron nails that were shot into its eyes.

Although it was still shot into the skin of the cheek, it only penetrated the skin by an inch and did not even penetrate the flesh. It fell off with the movements of the giant pig and fell to the ground.

When Xu Fei saw this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although the iron nails he threw away just now did not exert any magical power, with his strong physical strength, the iron nails had the power to penetrate trees, stone and iron.

But he didn't expect that the skin of this giant pig was actually harder than steel.

The giant pig that was attacked by Xu Fei was directly annoyed by his attack.

The nose suddenly sprayed hot air, blowing away the fallen leaves on the ground, and then suddenly rushed over!

Evil shape.

"Retreat first!" Ye Yuanmei observed the giant pig and saw that it had almost the equivalent of two or three hundred pots of mana.

Don't fight hard.

Xu Fei couldn't help but turned around and ran away.

But his sneak attack was obviously resented by the giant wild boar, and he avoided Ye Yuanmei on the other side and chased Xu Fei straight away.

Ye Yuanmei snickered when she saw this, but was not in a hurry to help.

Instead, he followed the trail and chased after him.

Xu Fei ran away while paying attention to the movement behind him.

He saw the giant pig chasing after him.

I couldn't help but regret that he had acted rashly just now.

Otherwise, this giant pig may not be chasing Ye Yuanmei now.

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