Chapter 224, Wolf Demon

By then, the giant wild boar will be too weak and can only be slaughtered.

In fact, monks who hunt in the wild rarely target monsters and monsters that are similar in strength to themselves.

Not to mention going beyond.

After all, it is possible to get injured accidentally or even capsize.

And once the boat capsizes, decades or hundreds of years of hard work will be ruined.

Miserable and miserable.

So naturally everyone will act cautiously.

Xu Fei is blessed with the Heavenly Star War Technique.

Even if this giant wild boar launches a blood storm, its speed, strength and other aspects have been greatly enhanced, but it is still inferior to Xu Fei. Especially in the state of blood violence, it is so violent that it loses all its intelligence. .

So as long as Xu Fei is calm and careful, there will be basically no danger.

Finally, after about four or five minutes, the blood mist lingering on the giant pig's body gradually thinned and quickly disappeared.

After the blood mist dissipated, the giant pig could barely stand and was about to collapse.

Xu Fei saw this and stepped forward cautiously.

Finally, after confirming that the giant pig had no ability to fight back, he slashed his head with a sword.

The huge pig head fell to the ground, but not much blood flowed out of the neck cavity.

Although the effect of the blood storm talent possessed by this giant pig monster is impressive, it also has very serious consequences.

Boil all the blood dry.

And even if a bloody storm was launched, the gap between the giant pig itself and Xu Fei was relatively large, and it failed to cause any trouble to Xu Fei in the end.

He took out a rope from the storage bag, hoisted the giant pig, skinned it, took out the meat and deboned it.

Its skin can be used to make leather paper, writing talismans, etc.

Meat is a good supplementary food for monks.

The bones are ground into powder, but they can also be used as fertilizer for spiritual flowers and spiritual grass.

All in all, little is wasted on this giant boar.

Xu Fei quickly dealt with the giant pig.

Leave a piece of tenderloin weighing about 40 or 50 pounds and store the other parts in the storage bag.

Xu Fei prepared dinner again.

Ye Yuanmei also came from the side.

"Thank you." Xu Fei said.

This was his first time hunting monsters. The reason why he could hunt so easily was because he was as strong as a giant wild boar, but Ye Yuanmei was always there to support him, so he had almost no worries.

Ye Yuanmei smiled and nodded, but there was a hint of envy in her expression.

Because Xu Fei was able to integrate the attack, defense, movement and other functions of the Tianxing War Technique he practiced, and blessed him with them.

With such ability, even if you fight this giant pig head-on, there will basically be no problem.

Of course, this was Xu Fei's first time fighting a monster, so he couldn't be too cautious.

I had a very delicious grilled tenderloin.

Xu Fei and Ye Yuanmei found a suitable big tree, set up a tent on the branches, and rested for the night.

Xuanfeng Forest is not a dangerous and secret place.

The poisonous ghost spider that Ye Yuanmei encountered before was already one of the most difficult monsters to deal with.

Closeness produces wisdom.

Possessing the natural talent of ‘Weird Silk’.

The spider silk it spits out is invisible and colorless, making it difficult to detect.

In particular, it possesses a poison that can cause extremely serious harm to monks.

If Xu Fei's medical skills were not of a certain standard, Ye Yuanmei might not have been able to save Ye Yuanmei after she had been poisoned for several days.

And even if he is rescued, the probability of retaining his cultivation level is not high.

It was precisely because of the life-saving grace and Xu Fei's careful conditioning to help her maintain her cultivation that Ye Yuanmei chose to commit herself to Xu Fei.

The next day, Xu Fei and Ye Yuanmei wandered through the Xuanfeng Forest again.

However, he did not encounter any monsters.

The number of monster beasts is not very large, and the number of monks hunting in Xuanfeng Forest is quite large.

Xu Fei and Ye Yuanmei met monk Sanboer in the past few days.

One wave goes alone, two forms a team.

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally encountered the second monster.

It's a wolf demon.

It is more than one meter tall and three meters long. One eye is missing, and the remaining eye flashes with a cunning and cruel look.

But according to Ye Yuanmei's observation, this wolf demon is much weaker than the previous pig demon.

It's almost equivalent to more than a hundred pots of mana.

Xu Fei gained some confidence after hearing this and asked Ye Yuanmei to help him wait.

Then he beckoned and cast earth magic to create a circle of earth walls more than five meters high, trapping the wolf demon in it.

Seeing the earthen wall, the wolf demon was greatly frightened.

I immediately wanted to jump over the earth wall and escape.

But Xu Fei also wanted to use him to try out the spell, so how could he let him escape and immediately waved his hand again to use the spell.

A big tree swaggered out from the earth wall, its branches and leaves blocking the wolf demon back.

Since all the five element spells have broken through to the third level, after casting the spell, it will have an impact on one's own mana, meridians and acupoints, and it needs to be calmed down before the spells of other elements can be cast.

Now it can no longer have any influence on Xu Fei.

Use the five elements of metal, water, wood, fire, and earth spells whenever you want.

Moreover, when the spell that has been formed is further changed, the loss incurred is also greatly reduced.

Even the most difficult to re-transform the Golden Element spell, now it only costs 20 to 30% of the power to complete the re-transformation.

The wolf demon that wanted to escape was blocked by thick branches.

It was difficult to turn around for a moment and fell heavily to the ground.

However, this height has almost no impact on the wolf demon.

In a flash, he stood up again.

Xu Fei jumped onto the earth wall.

Looking at the wolf demon that was surrounded in an area of ​​about a thousand square meters.

The wolf demon noticed Xu Fei's gaze and looked up with one eye, quite fearful.

Although it still cannot be regarded as enlightening spiritual wisdom, it is already good in terms of wisdom.

After all, some smart dogs are said to have the IQ of children of several years old.

Xu Fei observed the wolf demon.

There is a slanted scar where the missing eye is. It is obvious that the wolf demon's missing eye is related to the injury that caused this scar.

Moreover, this one-eyed wolf demon still has several scars on its body that can no longer grow fur.

Silently telling that this wolf demon has experienced many life and death fights.

But Xu Fei had no sympathy.

After all, if it weren't for his considerable cultivation, he would have been kissed by a wolf.

Not even the eaten bones are left.

So at the next moment, Xu Fei pointed with one hand and shot a one-meter-long flame cone arrow straight at the wolf demon.

The wolf demon ducked sideways upon seeing this.

The flame cone hit the ground, causing a small explosion.

Xu Fei was not surprised that the wolf demon avoided the spell.

After all, although this wolf demon is not as good as the pig demon, it is more agile than the pig demon.

And the better this wolf demon can hide, the more Xu Fei can understand the use of spells in battle.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei simply jumped into the earth wall.

Seeing Xu Fei jump down, the wolf demon didn't think twice and pounced directly.

He opened his mouth, which was missing a canine tooth, and bit Xu Fei's neck.

Obviously the battle with Xu Fei was not the first time this lone wolf had fought against humans.

It even knows that the throat is the vital point of the human race.

So there is a high probability that someone has been harmed by it.

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