Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 236, Senior Uncle and Senior Sister

Chapter 235, Senior Uncle and Senior Sister

The Xu family welcomed its sixth mistress.

Yesterday, the servants had sorted out a yard.

Waiting for Shulan's check-in.

This made Xiao Yu, who visited Xu Fei again, envious and jealous.

However, Xu Fei has already gone to the Valley Artifact Hall to help Master Lu refine Shili Yunyan.

Finished processing the spiritual materials in hand.

Xu Fei began to refine Shili Yunyan.

As the number of refining times increased, Xu Fei became quite familiar with the refining of Shili Yunyan.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to make certain improvements in the refining method.

However, with the gradual improvement, Xu Fei had some doubts about the refining method of Shili Yunyan.

After all, according to the current refining model, is it really possible to reach the legendary level of clouds and smoke?

Based on the current use of Shili Yunyan, Xu Fei estimates that about two thousand pots of mana can fully exert its power.

After continuing to improve and refine a magical weapon of the level of 'Baili Yunyan', it will require almost 100,000 pots of mana.

Not to mention the two levels of ‘thousands’ and ‘ten thousand’ above.

After reaching that level, the magic weapon refined with the current refining method will be so huge that it does not look like a magic weapon, and the mana required for promoting luck will also reach an extremely astonishing level.

Therefore, either the current refining method is not possible to continue the deduction, or a more magical spiritual material is used.

However, based on the knowledge related to the weapon refining method that Xu Fei has come into contact with so far, there is no such information.

This made Xu Fei somewhat regretful.

Master Lu, who was refining another Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke, glanced at his apprentice.

The disciple he accepted casually was extremely talented.

This makes Master Lu somewhat proud.

My apprentice!

"What's wrong?" Master Lu asked.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he lowered his doubts about Shili Yunyan a few levels and asked the old man.

Master Lu laughed when he heard this.

"Although I imitated the method of refining Shili Yunyan from Wanli Yunyan, the two are not the same type of items at all."

"Besides, the clouds and smoke in the Ten Thousand Miles are unique and unique. So far, there is only one of them."

Xu Fei was silent for a moment after hearing this. He should have thought of this situation a long time ago.

But he got into trouble. He always thought that the old man was inspired by the refining method of Wanli Yunyan and came up with a simplified version of Shili Yunyan.

Therefore, he planned to rely on his increasingly advanced weapon refining skills to deduce the method of refining Wanli Yunyan.

But I didn't expect such a result.

It's really frustrating.

"Sir, are those thousands of miles of clouds really as swaggering as the legend says?" Xu Fei asked.

"No." Master Lu said with an incomprehensible expression.

Xu Fei was inevitably disappointed for a while when he heard that the power of Wanli Yunyan was not as powerful as the legend said.

He was very comfortable with Ten Miles of Clouds, so he thought about making clouds with the words "hundred", "thousand" and "ten thousand".

But I didn’t expect that Wanli Yunyan was not as strong as the legend?

"But it's stronger than the legend." Lu Weapon Master said again.

This made Xu Fei stunned. The old man was causing trouble. He was breathing heavily when he spoke!

"Wanli Yunyan is the most precious treasure of the Tiande Sect and has always been in charge of the head of the Tiande Sect. However, the head of Tiande suddenly disappeared thousands of years ago, and Wanli Yunyan also disappeared." Master Lu sighed with some emotion.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment after hearing this.

It was said earlier that Wanli Yunyan was stronger than the legend, but before describing the situation, he turned around and said that the head of Tiande who was in charge of such a treasure as Wanli Yunyan was missing? ?

This is a bit of a state of mind.

After all, if Wanli Yunyan is really powerful, how come the head of Tiande who is in charge of this treasure disappears?

Obviously it's still not strong enough.

As for why Xu Fei subconsciously felt that the leader of Tiande had been killed...

After all, the other party is the leader of the sect. If he hadn't been killed, he probably wouldn't have left the sect alone, right?

After the small talk, Xu Fei and Master Lu continued to make Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke.

Over time, Shili Yunyan’s sales have begun to decrease.

Those who can afford it have already bought it, and those who cannot afford it are still unaffordable.

So Xu Fei thinks that he can probably earn 50,000 or 80,000 spirit stones from refining Shili Yunyan, that's about it.

While the master and the apprentice were refining the magic weapon, two women wearing gray dresses walked into the Valley Artifact Hall.

The woman in front is a little older, in her thirties.

She has thin eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, and is even more beautiful with a pair of pearl earrings.

The woman behind, about 20 years old, with light eyebrows and round eyes, was curiously looking at the scene in the Valley Hall.

"May I ask why you two came to the Valley Artifact Hall?" Luo Dagen noticed someone coming. When he came out of the smelting room and saw the two women, his eyes lit up.


Therefore, his expression could not help but flatter him.

The older woman nodded and said, "I am Lu Hao's senior sister and I am here to visit."

Hearing Lu Hao's name, Luo Dagen's attitude immediately became more respectful, and at the same time he also calmed down the distracting thoughts in his heart.

After all, Lu Hao is Lu Weapon Master!

Luo Dagen tried his best to become his disciple.

"Master Lu is refining a magic weapon, please let me know." Luo Dagen said quickly.

The woman nodded when she heard this and was not embarrassed.

Luo Dagen hurriedly jogged all the way to the smelting room of Master Lu.

"Master Lu, there is a woman outside who calls herself your senior sister." Luo Dagen said.

Hearing Luo Dagen's report, Master Lu was a little surprised. After thinking about it for a while, he had some guesses in his mind.

Seeing that Xu Fei's matter at hand came to an end, he asked Xu Fei to go out to greet him.

Seeing the woman in the distance confirmed what he was thinking, and Master Lu took a few steps quickly.

"Senior Sister Yu." He bowed his hands respectfully at the same time.

When he entered the school, he was taken care of by Senior Sister Yu, so he naturally respected her a lot.

Senior Sister Yu nodded when she heard this and looked at Xu Fei behind Master Lu.

"Disciple Xu Fei, I have met my uncle." Xu Fei saluted quickly when he saw this.

In the Linglong Immortal Sect, the master’s peers are called brothers and sisters, and they are generally called uncles and uncles.

There is no distinction based on gender.

Senior Sister Yu looked at Xu Fei for a moment, with a smile on her face.

"This child is indeed a talented person." Senior Sister Yu praised him.

Master Lu smiled proudly and welcomed Senior Sister Yu into his smelting room.

Xu Fei quickly went to make tea and find some fruits and snacks to entertain.

Although I don't know the purpose of Uncle Yu's visit, judging from the respect the old man has for him, it is obvious that he is a close elder.

"Senior sister, what's the matter here?" After a few words of greeting, Master Lu asked directly.

"I just came to see you." Senior Sister Yu said.

This junior brother is very energetic.

Before, I left my master because I was not good at cultivation and my skills were not good enough.

She came over to try to persuade him, but was rejected.

This time I also came out of seclusion refining a magic weapon. I learned that my junior brother had accepted an outstanding disciple, and he took the initiative to meet the master with the newly refined magic weapon.

That's why I came here again.

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