Chapter 24, buy a knife

This is Xu Fei's first real action.

A quick test.

And the effect was unexpectedly perfect.

With almost no effort, Ling Niang's parents and four brothers were brought down.

After Ling Niang's brother was knocked down, he stood up unconvinced and wanted to rush over and beat Xu Fei.

But Xu Fei's eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing outside my house! Aren't you afraid that I'll report you to the police?"

Hearing Xu Fei's sharp shout, several people could not help but remain silent.

"I, I'm here to find my daughter." Ling Niang's father said.

When they heard that their daughter was bought by someone and lived a good life, they inevitably had some crooked thoughts and wanted to come over to enjoy some benefits.

But I didn't expect that when my daughter saw them, she immediately closed the courtyard door tightly and blocked it from the inside.

Very alert.

And soon many people came to watch the excitement, making it difficult for them to climb over the wall.

Then under the stalemate, Xu Fei came.

"What's your daughter's name?" Xu Fei said calmly.

Ling Niang, whom he bought through the tooth shop, was already married.

Although Xu Fei has handed over his body deed to Ling Niang for safekeeping, as long as these people dare to cause trouble, the government is not a decoration.

Especially during the more than 140 years since the founding of the Liang Kingdom, although the official system could not be explained, it did not collapse and continued to operate normally.

So as long as he holds the legal principles, Xu Fei doesn't mind finding the government to solve his troubles.

"My daughter's name is Qi Erniang!" Lingniang's father said quickly, while glaring at Lingniang who was hiding behind Xu Fei.

"She has been bought by me and her name has been changed. If she comes to pester you again in the future, I will send you to prison!" Xu Fei said.

Ling Niang's parents and brothers were shocked when they heard Xu Fei said that he was going to be sent to an official position.

After being bought and becoming someone else's slave, the relationship with the family is automatically severed.

If the family dares to continue to argue, they will be punished.

Especially the kid in front of me is not very old, but he has a lot of magnanimity.

"Doctor Zhang, what's the matter with you?" At this time, a man walked out from the side.

His name is Yu Daniu.

In late autumn, he still wears the linen waistcoat worn by coolies in kung fu.

And his profession is the same as that of a coolie, a hard worker.

Do some strenuous work like carrying big bags.

Previously, he took his mother to Zhao Ji Medical Center for medical treatment, and Xu Fei exempted her from part of the medical fee.

At this moment, seeing that Xu Fei was in trouble, he came to help without hesitation.

"It should be fine. If they make trouble again, I need to ask you to help me send them to the government." Xu Fei said.

As a doctor, I treat more than a dozen patients a day.

That’s two hundred or three hundred people a month.

And if only one of these patients was grateful because Xu Fei had treated them, it would be a big network of connections.

After Yu Daniu stepped forward to help Xu Fei, others immediately followed him.

They may not be patients who have been treated by Xu Fei, but maybe they want to form a good relationship with the doctor Xu Fei because of the reputation of Daniel.

In short, after about ten people gathered around, Lingniang's parents and brothers no longer had any arrogance and left in a hurry.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and bowed in all directions to thank everyone for their help.

Seeing that nothing had happened, everyone quickly dispersed.

After all, everyone is very busy.

When everything was over, Ling Niang breathed a sigh of relief.

When her parents and brothers came to her door, she was really scared and desperate.

Fortunately Xu Fei came back soon.

But soon, Ling Niang remembered that this was the trouble she had brought to her master, and she couldn't help but feel frightened.

"Master...I, I..."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Xu Fei said unconcernedly.

Although these troubles are annoying, Lingniang herself is also a victim, and she herself has done nothing.

They are completely different from those White Lotus who made trouble and got into trouble.

So Xu Fei naturally didn't mean to blame.

Seeing Xu Fei treat her so well, Ling Niang had tears in her eyes.

"Master, master..." He was already so moved that he was incoherent.

Xu Fei laughed and gently stopped Ling Niang's waist.

After following him, Ling Niang's figure gradually became plumper.

Compared with those thin bamboo poles, this kind of figure is obviously more flavorful.

So Xu Fei was naturally very pleased with it.

After a quick fun, Xu Fei left with 3 proficiency points after dinner.

Got home and had another dinner.

Xu Fei came to his study room.

Opening the panel, I saw that the upper limit of level 7 of Tiger Sword Technique was only level 1. I also looked at the proficiency value of 66 points, and I didn't skimp on it.

I directly added 30 points of proficiency to it, maxing out the Tiger Sword Technique.

As the Tiger Sword Technique reached level 7, Xu Fei gained a little more mastery of the sword technique created by the Tiger Fist.

At least you don't have to worry about hurting yourself when swinging the knife.

Xu Fei then thought that since he had sword skills, should he prepare a good sword for himself?

This is not because he is a poor student and has too much stationery, but because he has learned the tiger sword technique, which he will definitely have to practice in the future.

Is it possible if I don’t have a suitable knife to use during practice?

Definitely not.

So this knife is still needed.

The next day, Xu Fei treated patients at the hospital in the morning.

Came to Zhou's house in the afternoon.

"Boss Zhou, I want to buy a suitable knife. I wonder if you can help me get the details?" Xu Fei said.

He was not proficient in weapons, so he still wanted to turn to Zhou Biaotou, who had practiced martial arts for many years.

Captain Zhou was not surprised when he heard this.

"Okay, let Xiaoyue go shopping for a knife with you. She is also quite good at choosing weapons."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou." Xu Fei said.

Soon, Xu Fei and Zhou Yue left home and headed south of the county.

There are not only tooth shops in the south of the county, but also several blacksmith shops.

But there was only one company selling weapons.

Still an official camp.

Moreover, buying and selling weapons requires registration at the store.

All in all quite troublesome.

However, the quality of the weapons is okay.

"What kind of weapon do you want to buy?" The man at the blacksmith shop saw that Xu Fei and Zhou Yue were so energetic and knew they were warriors, so he asked directly what kind of weapon to buy.

Very discerning.

"We want to buy a knife." Xu Fei said.

The guy laughed when he heard this

Achievements are here, right?

"Are you two residents of Gaoxian County?" After all, it is a government-run blacksmith shop. Iron tools are bought and sold. Hoes, shovels, kitchen knives, etc. may not be very strict, but weapons are not.

Every weapon sold must be registered.

Before coming here, Xu Fei had heard that Zhou Yue had popularized these things.

"I live in Gao County."

After hearing this, the guy didn't ask any more questions.

However, when the weapon is actually purchased, the person who lives in the place needs to come over to confirm whether the person purchasing the weapon is really the person buying the weapon.

It is said that when buying weapons in the past, when officials like Fangzheng were invited to register and register, those who wanted to buy weapons had to pay for tea.

However, this problem was improved later when the government-run blacksmith shop invited Fangzheng and the village chief to confirm the identity of the person who purchased the weapons.

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