Chapter 240, woman

After changing rooms, it was almost half past nine in the evening.

Xu Fei came to Sha Xiu.

In January this year, Shaxiu gave birth to a son for him.

He is also Xu Fei’s fourth son in the spiritual realm, named Zhongping.

There doesn't appear to be any obvious demon clan characteristics on the outside.

Humanoid monsters are extremely special.

They can combine with any other race to give birth to children.

As for what bloodline the offspring will have, that depends on luck.

After having children, Shaxiu's original out-of-the-box and lively personality became somewhat restrained.

At least he won't keep talking about wanting to eat bulletworms.

"Master." When Shaxiu saw Xu Fei coming over, her rabbit ears twitched happily: "The cakes delivered this afternoon are delicious."

Xu Fei chuckled lightly, took off his coat, and then looked at his fourth son.

The little guy slept with his arms and legs spread out.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Fei gently took Sha Xiu into his arms and said softly.

For more than half a year, he had been studying various books on weapon refining techniques in Master Yan's Ancestral Library, and it was inevitable that he had paid less attention to matters at home.

"Hehe, it's not hard for me. Sister Meiniang, Sister Yuejiao and Sister Jingru are here to help me." Sha Xiuhan said with a smile.

Xu Fei felt even more distressed when he heard this.

Although this little rabbit demon has grown in body, he is not very old. The child is only a few months old now, so he is actually just an adult.

"That's good. By the way, I heard from Meiniang that you like to grow flowers?" Xu Fei said gently.

Shaxiu nodded quickly.

She likes flowers and plants the most, they are not only beautiful but also delicious.

"If you need any flower seeds, just tell me or Meiniang." Xu Fei said.

Shaxiu is a demon after all, and she is especially beautiful. So in order to avoid trouble, she is basically not allowed to go out.

"Okay." Shaxiu nodded quickly, quite happily.

Compared with the past, life now is simply too good.

There is no need to worry about food, the master still loves her, and her sisters also take good care of her.

And a little baby~

Yeah~ Sa Xiu couldn't help but blush with embarrassment when she thought of this.

After all, it’s a little baby~

If we were in Lingling Village, everyone would be very happy whenever a child was born.

Thinking of this, Shaxiu couldn't help but fall into memories.

I don’t know how everyone is doing now.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei noticed something strange about Shaxiu, held the little rabbit demon in his arms, came to the bed and sat down.

"I, I miss everyone." Shaxiu said hesitantly.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Sha Xiu was born in the Purple Domain, which was also the most chaotic area of ​​the Linglong Immortal Sect.

There are many demons in the high mountains and dense forests.

Xu Fei dared to follow Ye Yuanmei to the Xuanfeng Forest, but he did not dare to go to the Purple Domain.

Even Cai Juan and his wife dared to venture into the Purple Territory with only a few dozen or a hundred pots of cultivation.

But Xu Fei was unwilling to take risks easily.

After all, Xu Fei had enough training resources when he stayed in the Immortal City and Linglong Immortal Sect. By carefully practicing various Taoist techniques with increasing levels, and supplemented by pills, his cultivation level increased at a pretty good rate. But as a casual cultivator, the other party could only fight tooth and nail.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei was extremely grateful for his cheat.

Without the plug-in, his situation would be basically inferior to that of Cai Juan and his wife.

"Well, let's go back and have a look together if we have a chance in the future." Xu Fei once again drew a big cake for Sha Xiu.

The innocent little rabbit demon believed it, his eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

Xu Fei was very moved when he saw Sha Xiu's cute appearance, so naturally he would not be polite anymore.

What's more, they are already an old couple.

Xu Fei finished his homework the next day and then went to Tianwu Pavilion outside the mountain gate.

Most of the places inside the mountain gate focus on cultivation, and there is no shop like Tianwu Pavilion that sells spiritual materials and techniques.

Even though there were some scattered sellers, Xu Fei didn't have enough time to choose, so the best option was to go to Tianwu Pavilion outside the mountain gate.

But this time Xu Fei didn't rely on two legs.

It was a small boat with crane feathers given by the master for transportation.

There is no difficulty in using this thing. You only need to stand in a specific position and pour mana into the shrimp boat to control its rise, fall, forward and backward.

And the speed is related to the mana poured into it.

The more mana is poured into it, the faster the boat will go.

However, when the speed exceeds two thousand miles per hour, the Shopee Boat will experience bumps and even disintegration and damage.

That is the ‘speed limit’.

After all, although the quality of this shrimp boat is good, it is only made of ordinary sweet shrimp shells and snow crane feathers.

Therefore, Xu Fei kept his speed at about 1,500 miles an hour.

It took less than two hours to get from Wujiaji's home to Tianwu Pavilion outside the mountain gate.

Xu Fei slowly lowered his speed and landed, then put away the small boat.

Then he stood on tiptoes on the platform in front of the floating Tianwu Pavilion.

No more boat-operating disciples were allowed to pick him up and down on a pontoon boat.

Walk directly into Tianwu Pavilion.

Seeing Xu Fei, many Tianwu Pavilion maids were quite eager.

After all, during this period Xu Fei bought a lot of spiritual materials for his master to refine Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke.

Every time it's a pretty big deal.

When several waitresses who knew Jingru saw Xu Fei, their expressions showed envy and jealousy.

After Jingru followed Xu Fei before, their living conditions were very ordinary, which made them quite happy about their misfortune.

After all, if you follow a monk, you won't be able to eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, and you won't be able to use the rich clothes.

It will be like that for the rest of my life.

Who would have known that within a few years, Jingru would move into Linglong Mountain Gate with Xu Fei.

In particular, every time Xu Fei came to buy spiritual materials, he would spend a huge amount of spiritual stones.

Although these expenses are definitely not Xu Fei's own, the fact that the other party can control such a purchase also proves that the other party has really made a fortune.

Very typical of haters and laughers.

The waitress on duty paid no attention to so many of them and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Mr. Xu, what do you need to buy?" the waitress asked enthusiastically.

Xu Fei heard this and looked at the maid in front of him.

One thing to say, the quality of the waitresses in Tianwu Pavilion is really very high.

Both his appearance and figure are top-notch choices. At a glance, there is no one who can rate him lower than 85 points.

So wouldn't it be great if we could catch all these female waitresses in one fell swoop?

But now Xu Fei's target has been set on the 'female cultivator'.

Although these female cultivators are very old, often over a hundred or even hundreds of years old, they have advantages that ordinary women cannot match.

As Xu Fei's cultivation level improved, his body became stronger and stronger.

Ordinary women were softer and more fragile than clay dolls in front of Xu Fei.

Therefore, Xu Fei must pay special attention when opening branches and leaves to avoid hurting the women.

And if you can't enjoy this kind of thing...

That wouldn't be nice.

So unless she is an ordinary woman like Jingru who knows a lot about various spiritual materials and elixirs for spiritual cultivation, or an ordinary woman who is very beautiful and special like Shaxiu, Xu Fei will no longer accept ordinary women.

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