Chapter 250, Skills

The next day, after Xu Fei finished his homework, he came to Master Yan to say hello.

"Are you busy recently?" Master Yan asked in a rare way.

"My disciple has always been at ease." Xu Fei said.

Although he planned to refine the magic sword, magic shield and Baili Yunyan in the near future, since the master asked this, he must push his affairs back.

Master Yan chuckled and nodded.

"I need to refine a magic weapon recently. If you are free, how about you help me refine some spiritual materials?" Master Yan said.

This person has a gentle and humble personality, and does not insist on his status as a master, nor does he rely on his elders to boss around.

They are quite generous to Xu Fei and his disciples.

"Thank you, Master." Xu Fei cupped his hands in greeting.

Master Yan was willing to take him to help when refining the magic weapon. Although he wanted to find an assistant to help him, he also wanted to teach Xu Fei.

The intention cannot be ignored.

Master Yan briefly said that it might take about half a month to refine the magic weapon.

Xu Fei bid farewell to Master Yan and came to Wuzifang.

He now probably knew why his master arranged so many refining rooms in the manor.

It turns out that these refining rooms, except Room A, belong to the master himself, and the other rooms belong to the master's disciples.

The Wuzifang was used by Xu Fei's master Lu Qishi when he learned the art of weapon refining.

Now it has reached Xu Fei.

This inevitably touched Xu Fei.

Concentrating his thoughts, Xu Fei began to refine the copper.

Having already made a pure iron magic shield, the next step is naturally a magic shield made of refined copper and fixed silver.

After trying out all three types of magic shields, I became familiar with the current techniques.

Then Xu Fei will use gold as the main material and combine it with other spiritual materials to create a practical shield for himself.

However, compared with the basic spiritual materials such as five or eight pounds of pure iron used to make a magic sword, the magic shield requires much more spiritual materials.

Basically it weighs more than 100 kilograms.

Based on Xu Fei's progress, it would take almost six or seven days to hone enough basic spiritual materials.

After tempering twenty kilograms of fine copper, Xu Fei left Master Yan's manor.

When preparing to go home, Xu Fei thought of the woman who called herself Rumei.

Although Xu Fei was not afraid of her causing trouble, out of consideration of avoiding it if possible, Xu Fei released the small boat and flew away from the air.

Just a moment later, Xu Fei couldn't help but be speechless as he looked at Ru Mei who landed gently on his small shrimp boat.

This woman has been blocking him for a long time.

"Junior Brother Xu, what a coincidence!" Rumei Qiao said with a charming smile.

Today, she changed into a pink dress, paired with a tiara, earrings, bracelets and other exquisite accessories.

It makes it look particularly moving.

Although Xu Fei didn't like this girl, he had to admit that she was indeed beautiful.

It was just the shrewd philistine in his eyes that made Xu Fei unhappy.

"Senior sister is too frivolous." Xu Fei said.

To women, these words are almost an accusation.

However, Rumei was only slightly embarrassed, and then looked at Xu Fei with a smile.

"Junior Brother Xu should know my thoughts." Rumei said.

It can only be said that when a woman takes the initiative, it has nothing to do with a man.

Xu Fei frowned slightly.

He now has several options.

One, knock the other party out of the small shop and care whether she lives or lives.

Second, continue to ignore it. But looking at the entangled appearance of the other party, it is obvious that he will not give up easily.

Third, open the skylight and speak frankly.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei chose the third response.

"What are senior sister's plans?" Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei's active inquiry, Ru Mei's expression flashed with joy.

Although her actions were undoubtedly showing contempt for herself, she only chose to take the initiative to deliver the goods to her door after asking some questions about Xu Fei's temperament and behavior.

After all, the difficulty of practicing cultivation really made her breathless.

"If junior brother is willing to provide me with training resources, then my innocent body will be at my disposal." Rumei simply stated the conditions.

After all, judging from the look on Xu Fei's face, if she showed any pretentiousness, the other party would probably turn away immediately.

Xu Fei's expression showed no change when he heard this.

There are many women.

There are also a lot of female nuns.

If Xu Fei really wants to do something, then with his financial resources, it is no problem to indulge in all kinds of debauchery.

But under normal circumstances Xu Fei will have a beginning and an end.

In addition, Xu Fei doesn't want to be so high-profile and eye-catching.

But since this woman took the initiative to come to the door.

Then Xu Fei wouldn't mind picking a wild flower.

"Your request is too general. Please make it clear how many spiritual stones you want." Xu Fei said.

Rumei looked at Xu Fei and hesitated for a moment.

"One hundred spiritual stones a month." Rumei opened the bid.

Xu Fei looked away directly.

"Please leave." Xu Fei said coldly.

Although Xu Fei spent a total of 500 spirit stones to buy Sha Xiu, the little rabbit demon is not only a humanoid demon, but also has super good looks that can give Xu Fei a score of 92.

Naturally, a certain premium is acceptable.

But who is this female nun in front of me?

Rumei did not expect that Xu Fei would fall out at the slightest disagreement.

"I can ask for less..." But before he could finish his words, Xu Fei had already urged the small boat to leave.

Only Ru Mei, who was holding his position in the air in a somewhat embarrassed manner, was left.

Riding the Shopee Boat, Xu Fei reached the sky above his home in a blink of an eye. He slowed down, put away the Shopee Boat first, and Xu Fei fell freely into the yard.

However, when he was about to hit the ground, Xu Fei's body paused, and then he fell to the ground as gently as a leaf, without any shock.

The reason for rejecting Rumei's asking price is also very simple.

Xu Fei can pay for his occasional interest, but if the price is unreasonable, he will not be taken advantage of.

After all, there are quite a few pretty female cultivators like Rumei with a score of over 80, although it cannot be said that they are everywhere.

What's more, he still took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

Telling the women that he was going to help his master refine the magic weapon and might not be back for about half a month, Xu Fei came to the study and continued to think about how to adjust the green sword.

Although Xu Fei could just start over again and refine another flying sword to practice sword control, the process of adjusting the green sword was also a deeper exploration and improvement of his weapon refining skills that had soared in level after studying hard for more than half a year. development.

One thing to say is that Xu Fei has only made a few magic swords and magic shields so far, and has not refined any complex and exquisite magic weapons.

Wanting to thoroughly master his current level 39 weapon refining skills in such a simple way is a bit too underestimated for the level 4 skills.

Xu Fei's system is simple and complicated.

Even for skills of the same level, the actual situation is actually different.

But judging from his experience over the past few years.

The higher the skill level, the better the effect will be, there is no doubt about this.

In terms of weapon refining skills alone.

The first level is almost equivalent to proficiency, the second level is proficiency, and the third level is considered a minor achievement. After reaching the fourth level, as the level gradually increases, Xu Fei feels that it should be considered a great achievement.

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