Chapter 284, Black Market

So after Xu Fei thought about it, he ransomed several of the poor people who had become friends with him, gave them some silver coins, and let them make a living on their own.

And the cost of doing this is only a few thousand taels of silver.

I stayed in the pig's trotters market for several days.

Xu Fei almost figured out the price of fine blue fluorite.

It's exactly what the fat shopkeeper said.

One coin costs about three thousand spirit stones, which is one to two to thirty thousand spirit stones.

Xu Fei refined a pretty good magic shield, and he could only exchange it for one or two fine blue fluorite by selling the spirit stones.

It makes people speechless.

This is too expensive.

However, apart from the six families and eight surnames, there are still some ways to get high-quality blue fluorite.

black market!

After all, in addition to the more than ten abyss cracks occupied by the six families and eight surnames, Lan Lingshan still has other cracks in the abyss that are not occupied by them.

Occasionally there will be production among them.

However, six families and eight surnames have kept the purchase price of high-quality blue fluorite very low.

Therefore, some people do not want to sell their harvest at a low price.

Most of the high-quality blue fluorite that occasionally appears on the black market comes from this.

The price is even lower than the price quoted by Tianwu Pavilion.

Of course, if there is a black mark on the black market, you will get into trouble if you are not careful, and it will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Xu Fei has always been hesitant to take risks.

And I spent two days in the pig's trotters market.

Xu Fei finally decided to check out the black market.

If there's trouble, it's not too late for him to run away.

That night, Xu Fei left from Hualou.

Go northwest of the Pig's Feet Collection.

After traveling for almost two hundred miles, Xu Fei came to a valley.

Looking around, Xu Fei walked towards an inconspicuous wild forest in the valley.

And just after Xu Fei approached, two men in black rushed out.

"Stop!" shouted a man in black.

Xu Fei took out two taels of broken spirits and threw them over.

This is the price of admission to the black market.

Another man in black took the broken spirit.

"Since we know the rules, we brothers don't talk nonsense. We are not allowed to cause trouble, do not do many things, and are not allowed to ask about the origin of things. We can buy when we want and sell when we want." said the man in black who received the admission fee.

The two men in black did not restrain their magic power.

One person has about 1,300 pots, and the other person has more than 1,200 pots.

For ordinary monks, it is already extremely intimidating.

Xu Fei nodded and said nothing more.

Then the two men in black stepped aside.

Xu Fei walked into the wild woods between the two men in black.

After walking through a forest of more than 100 meters, my eyes were completely empty, with no more trees.

On the contrary, there were quite a few people.

Some were setting up street stalls, some were wandering around, and some were haggling.

But these are all monks, not ordinary people.

And they are trying to stay quiet.

Xu Fei took a brief look.

Things are very complicated.

Some incomplete magic weapons, even magic swords, magic shields, etc. that have not been wiped clean of blood.

Spiritual materials of different quality.

There are also Taoism and magic.

There are many kinds.

After Xu Fei asked the stall owner for permission, he picked up several books on Taoism and spells and read through them.

He couldn't help but frown.

Most of the Taoism and spells sold by this stall owner are flawed.

I don’t know if it’s like this, or if it’s intentional.

He definitely doesn’t know how to practice anyway.

As for those magic weapons, Xu Fei looked down upon them even more.

So there were only various elixirs and spiritual materials that made Xu Fei a little interested.

After walking around twice, Xu Fei spent more than a hundred spirit stones to buy some elixirs and spiritual materials.

If it were in Tianwu Pavilion, the same quality would probably cost three to five times the price.

So this black market is really a good place.

Of course, the prerequisite is to have a good eye.

After all, there are many people selling fake goods.

Xu Fei once watched a monk buy a bottle of fake elixir...

But this is a black market. If Xu Fei says anything, he will inevitably get into trouble, so he can only do nothing.

After looking around for a while, Xu Fei didn't find anything useful.

Just when Xu Fei was a little disappointed, a new monk came to the side and set up a stall after hesitation.

Xu Fei took a look and found that many of the items sold by this monk were blue fluorite of various qualities.

After choosing two items, Xu Fei paid and whispered, "Do you have blue fluorite of better quality, fellow Taoist?"

Hearing Xu Fei's question, the stall owner shook his head repeatedly.

"These are all my collections," the stall owner said.

When Xu Fei saw this, he couldn't help but wonder.

If there is no better blue fluorite, then there will be none. Why are you panicking?

Is it true?

After Xu Fei thought about it, he didn't say much.

He left the monk's stall and continued wandering around.

And at around four o'clock in the morning, when the sky was getting darker, the black market ended.

Xu Fei made a lot of moves.

For a price of almost 500 spirit stones, I bought something that would have cost 3,000 spirit stones at Tianwu Pavilion.

Especially a kudzu plant with complete branches and leaves that has been used for more than 700 years. If purchased at Tianwu Pavilion, it would cost at least 1,500 or 1,600 spirit stones.

But Xu Fei only used two hundred spirit stones to buy it.

It was so cheap that Xu Fei couldn't believe it.

After repeatedly confirming that this was indeed a good kudzu plant and that there were no unnecessary problems, I finally bought it.

Although he did not buy high-quality blue fluorite, Xu Fei left the wild forest with some gains.

Instead of taking the main road, we took the small road and prepared to return to Pig's Knuckle Set.

However, after walking for a while, Xu Fei discovered that there was another monk rushing ahead.

Xu Fei paused for a moment and did not catch up to avoid unnecessary trouble.

When the other party saw that Xu Fei was not following him and knew that Xu Fei was just passing by by chance, he quickened his pace and left quickly.

Xu Fei waited for the other party's figure to disappear before continuing on the path.

But after walking for more than ten miles, Xu Fei noticed a fight in the distance.

He originally wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, Xu Fei cautiously approached.

It has to be said that even Xu Fei is not exempt from the habit of watching the excitement.

Hiding his voice, Xu Fei approached the location where the battle took place.

There were five monks fighting.

Two were besieged by three.

The two people being besieged were a middle-aged man and a young woman.

Women's looks are average.

Xu Fei glanced at it and then looked away.

But among the three monks who participated in the siege, there was a very beautiful woman.

Holding a magical sword, he strikes without mercy.

She is actually a femme fatale.

Xu Fei couldn't help but click his tongue.

After watching for a while, Xu Fei looked in another direction.

Because several monks are approaching quickly.

"Brother Yang, don't panic!" a monk shouted.

"Haha, Brother Wuwu! You are finally here!" The older man among the two people who were besieged said with a hearty smile.

Such an unexpected situation caused the expressions of the three people who were besieging to change drastically.

A sudden fierce attack was launched, hoping to force the opponent back before retreating.

But he didn't expect that 'Brother Yang' directly grabbed the woman next to him and fiercely faced the three people's attacks.

Fight to the death and never retreat.

But it was someone else who died.

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