Xu Fei didn't expect that the stall owner actually had information about high-quality blue fluorite.

And this old man was just willing to intercede for Xu Fei, who just bought something from his stall, and now he wanted to intercede for his companion.

It can be seen that he has a good nature.

But unfortunately, this world does not allow kindness.

Xu Fei could clearly see the stern look in the 'boss'' eyes just now.

I'm afraid the stall owner will have a difficult time after this incident.

So after thinking about it for a while, Xu Fei didn't leave the problem until later.

"Yes, but you, the boss, can't." Xu Fei said.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, the expressions of the monks present could not help but change.

Life is difficult for casual cultivators.

If there is no strong enough leader to take the lead, it is easy to be bullied.

And although their current boss is not a good person, he is barely competent.

So these monks were a little confused for a while.

Some want to leave right now, while others want to fight Xu Fei, who refuses to let go of his boss.

Each one is different.

But their boss ran away the next moment.

And he kicked the stall owner towards Xu Fei quite shamelessly.

He planned to use the stall owner to buy himself some time to escape.

Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh, with such a decisive performance, no wonder he became the boss.

Learned again.

However, it was a sigh of relief, but Xu Fei's reaction was not slow.

With a move of his right hand, he used his magic power to stabilize the stall owner and make him land firmly on the ground.

With a flick of his left hand, sparks like fireflies flew out.

In the past few years, Xu Fei has not forgotten to practice the Five Elements spells in addition to practicing, refining magic weapons, and practicing sword control.

With the improvement of his cultivation and the improvement of the level of Five Elements spells, Xu Fei has more mastery and application of spells.

Those fire arrows just now were an application that Xu Fei mastered in order to achieve fast enough execution speed.

The current 'spark' is made by compressing the fire spell to a great extent.

The sparks shimmered and passed by.

Chasing the ‘boss’.

After all, the boss had a good level of cultivation. He noticed that Xu Fei was using a spell to pursue him. After his expression changed, he took out a fine copper magic shield.

Obviously, he knows that the fine copper magic shield has a good effect on resisting spells.

But it's a pity that after the boss propped up the shield.

The sparks shot by Xu Fei's finger passed through the shield and sank directly into the heart of the 'boss' back.

The boss's body stiffened and he fell to the ground.

A monk with two thousand pots of mana could not even block a single move from Xu Fei.

Although the other party was too busy running for his life and neglected to deal with it, Xu Fei's strength was quite impressive.

Seeing the boss die like this.

The monks who had just planned to fight Xu Fei suddenly retreated.

They don't think they can be stronger than the boss.

The monk who had moaned in pain from time to time because of Xu Fei's fire arrow injury also quietly calmed down.

Strength is, after all, the highest level of speaking power.

Although he could kill all these monks, Xu Fei didn't want to live up to the kindness of the stall owner.

Let go of the other monks.

In the blink of an eye, only Xu Fei, the stall owner, and a few corpses were left on the scene.

Xu Fei and the stall owner went aside.

"Brother said before that he knew about the high-quality blue fluorite?" Xu Fei asked.

The stall owner couldn't help but feel nervous after hearing this.

The boss's cultivation level was much higher than his, but his life was taken away by Xu Fei in an understatement.

"Yes." The stall owner said as calmly as possible.

"Then I wonder if I can tell you, brother?" Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei let go of the stall owner's companion, he did not take this as a condition.

After all, this old man had tried to intercede for him before.

This point of affection cannot be ignored.

The stall owner couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this.

Xu Fei raised his hand to kill someone just now, which made him feel that if he told the information, he might harm the person who owned the fine blue fluorite.

"Brother, please don't worry. I still have some spiritual stones and I won't buy or sell them by force." Xu Fei said.

"Then, how about I take my husband there?" the stall owner said.

Xu Fei couldn't help being surprised.

Is there really such a person?

The previous kindness was free of charge for the stall owner.

But now if you follow Xu Fei to buy high-quality blue fluorite, you may be killed by Xu Fei who wants to rob you because you can't agree on the price.

Although Xu Fei would definitely not do this.

"Since I have such a request, I can do whatever I want." Xu Fei chuckled.

I went back and packed up the belongings of several dead monks.

The belongings of the female cultivator who was killed by the middle-aged man had already been confiscated by other cultivators.

As for the monk who surrounded and killed the middle-aged man, his belongings were also confiscated.

The only bodies left in the field were the body of the monk who attacked Xu Fei and the body of the boss, which had not yet been searched.

The monk who attacked Xu Fei was fine, but Xu Fei found seven storage bags on the boss's body.

In one of the storage bags, there were more than ten elixirs that were hundreds of years old.

And they are all well preserved without losing their medicinal properties.

Come on, come on, it's worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Of course, the price here is calculated based on the selling price of Tianwu Pavilion. If it were on the black market, it would most likely not be sold at such a high price.

But even so, Xu Fei was quite satisfied with this windfall.

As for the items stored in several other storage bags, the value is not very high.

It feels like there are only seven thousand or eight thousand spirit stones in total.

Therefore, this 'boss' is actually worth quite a lot, with almost 20,000 spiritual stones.

Return to the pig's trotters set with the stall owner.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry to find traces of fine blue fluorite.

Rest overnight.

After completing my homework the next day, I went with the stall owner to the village where the man who owned the fine blue fluorite lived.

But when they arrived at the place, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

Because the house in front of me was in a mess.

The stall owner was also very surprised when he saw this, and quickly asked other people in the village.

Only then did I know the whole story.

The fact that the other party owned fine blue fluorite actually spread out.

A few days ago, the Wei family, one of the six families with eight surnames, came to the door and wanted to forcefully purchase it at a low price.

If the other party doesn't comply, then there will be a fight.

The final result is that the whole house is full of chickens and dogs, but no one is left.

Xu Fei felt sorry for the other party's family, but also felt speechless for his own bad luck.

Obviously, I finally found out about the high-quality blue fluorite by chance, but I didn't expect that it would be a step too late.

However, even the stall owner knew that the other party had high-quality blue fluorite, so even if this situation was kept secret, it must not be absolutely unknown to everyone.

It’s not surprising that word got out.

I just didn't expect that the Wei family would be so domineering, just take away the fine blue fluorite.

Why do you want to silence another family?

Or is it that the blue fluorite owned by this company is not just high-quality?

Xu Fei couldn't help but think divergently. (End of chapter)

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