Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 295, the limit of heaven and earth

Chapter 294: The limit of heaven and earth

A few years have passed in the blink of an eye since Xu Fei joined the Linglong Immortal Sect.

This is the first reunion between Xu Fei and Senior Brother Gou.

Gou Kewen looked at Xu Fei, then at Mo Shuang who was following Xu Fei, with a look of surprise.

This junior brother of mine has only joined the sect not long ago, right?

How come we have such a beautiful couple?

"Junior brother now..." Gou Kewen didn't know how to say hello.

"This is not the place to talk, senior brother, please." Xu Fei chuckled.

He and Gou Kewen came to a restaurant.

"This is my senior sister." Xu Fei introduced briefly.

Mo Shuang nodded, slightly coldly.

Seeing this, Gou Kewen knew that the other party had no intention of saying anything to him, so he started chatting with Xu Fei after returning the gift.

When he heard that Xu Fei came to the door of Tianqi Peak, Gou Kewen looked envious.

"Junior brother is very talented, don't let this opportunity pass you by." Gou Kewen reminded.

Xu Fei felt warm in his heart when he heard this.

This Senior Brother Gou is indeed a good person, so he gave this sincere warning.

"Thank you, senior brother, for reminding me that I'm awake." Xu Fei said.

After ordering some food and drinks, Xu Fei and Senior Brother Gou chatted while eating.

After sitting with him for a while, Mo Shuang felt a little bored, so he left first.

Almost an hour later, when the food and wine were gone, Xu Fei said goodbye to Senior Brother Gou.

Prepare to return to your residence.

But when he came back to the square in front of Yangwu Taoist Hall, Xu Fei thought about it and came to the square to see if there was anything good.

After walking around for a while, Xu Fei saw a stall.

"Bartering for wine?" Xu Fei read out the words on the dilapidated wooden sign placed diagonally in front of the stall.

Then he looked up at the stall owner.

He is a young man about thirty years old and unkempt.

At this moment, he was sitting on the ground leaning against a stone, raising his head and sipping the wine from the gourd in his hand.

Xu Fei took a brief look and found that the other party's gourd should be a magic weapon and could hold a much larger volume of wine than the gourd.

After drinking for a while, the young stall owner noticed someone stopping in front of his stall. He turned to look at Xu Fei and then continued drinking.

Xu Fei couldn't help but shake his head when he saw that this man was so weird and only loved drinking. Then he lowered his head and looked at the things on the stall.

But after watching for a moment, Xu Fei's eyes showed surprise.

Because there are quite a few good things at this stall.

After picking up a few of the items he was interested in, Xu Fei looked at the stall owner again.

"Excuse me, boss, how can I exchange these items?" Xu Fei said.

"As long as you have drinks that satisfy me." After hearing the inquiry, the young stall owner stopped drinking and answered.

After just answering Xu Fei, he started drinking again.

Although Saxiu loves to drink, she only drinks good wine.

If it is bad wine, Sha Xiu will not taste it.

The young stall owner was just drinking.

After all, Xu Fei judged from the smell that the other party drank was pretty average.

It's not even spiritual wine, just ordinary wine.

But I heard the other party say that.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he took out several jars of fine wine from his storage bag.

These are his occasional masterpieces.

If you use it in exchange for these spiritual materials, you won't get much advantage.

Seeing Xu Fei take out several jars of wine, the young stall owner stopped drinking again.

He took a jar of wine and opened the mud seal.

Immediately a captivating aroma of wine spread out.

When he smelled the aroma of wine, the young man's eyes lit up. He picked up the wine jar and raised his head to drink again.

"Happy, okay, you can take it." The young stall owner drank a jar of almost ten kilograms of wine and nodded with satisfaction.

It didn't matter what Xu Fei chose from his stall.

He directly agreed to the deal.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

The other party's cultivation level is quite good.

Almost three thousand pots.

Moreover, the magic power is also quite condensed, which is extraordinary.

But I don’t know why this picture is so virtuous?

"Dare I ask my senior brother's name?" Xu Fei said.

The young man heard this and glanced at Xu Fei.

"Ying Tianya," the young stall owner said.

Ying Tianya?

Is the other party Ying Tianya?

Xu Fei was a little surprised.

There are also some people in the Linglong Immortal Sect who have improved their cultivation extremely quickly, and some are even faster than Xu Fei.

And this Ying Tianya is one of these few monks.

But unfortunately, the other party's cultivation did not continue to advance by leaps and bounds, but stopped abruptly after reaching a certain level.

Is that why you are so decadent?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei looked at Ying Tianya again.

"I have some medical skills, would you like to ask my senior brother if you can let me check your pulse?" Xu Fei said.

His cultivation speed was also very fast, Master Yan warned him several times.

In addition, he now has more than 4,000 pots of mana, so it is difficult to buy suitable elixirs.

That's why Xu Fei stopped improving his cultivation and instead consolidated his own foundation.

However, Xu Fei did not want to give up on his rapid improvement in cultivation.

So faced with such a good sample, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

"Okay, get the wine." Ying Tianya drank another jar of wine given by Xu Fei before replying.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this, and could only take out some wine again.

With good wine-making skills, Xu Fei not only supplies wine shops, but also searches for some wine recipes to satisfy his appetite.

What's more, there are Sha Xiu and Lu Qianshi at home who are both good drinkers.

Ying Tianya took the wine jar, briefly inspected it and nodded with satisfaction. He directly handed his left hand to Xu Fei and let him use it.

Xu Fei took out a low table stool from his storage bag, placed Ying Tianya's left hand on the cushion on the table, and then began to take his pulse seriously.

After a while, Xu Fei stopped to check his pulse and frowned slightly.

The other party's body is very healthy, even if he drinks alcohol all year round, this little harm has no impact on the monk at all.

So does bottlenecks have an impact other than physical health?

Xu Fei's mind was spinning rapidly.

"Have you seen it?" Ying Tianya said.

Xu Fei nodded, and then saw Ying Tianya drinking up the wine he had just traded, one after another.

Moreover, the other party did not use magic power to relieve the drunkenness, and just drank until he was drunk and fell asleep.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he saw this, but he couldn't say much.

If he were to be in Ying Tianya's situation, his performance might not be any better than the other person's.

I am afraid that I will be as dissolute as I want.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei left a few jars of fine wine and left.

The speed of advancement in cultivation is slow, and it is easier than ordinary monks to hit bottlenecks during practice and eventually get stuck.

The speed of cultivation is too fast. After the cultivation reaches a certain level, there will be a bottleneck that cannot be broken through. In the future, there will be no progress in cultivation.

This is the limit of heaven and earth.

But through today's medical examination with Tianya, Xu Fei roughly guessed that this limit has nothing to do with the 'body'.

So it's an external cause?

So what exactly will it be?

After all, it was about him, and Xu Fei's cultivation was improving very quickly, so he was still quite concerned.

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