Chapter 323, Quota

After a while, the Patriarch of Tianqi Peak, who was in love with red clothes, came back to his senses.

Look at the disciples and grandchildren in front of you.

"This time, I failed to discipline him properly." Patriarch Youwei said.

After hearing what Patriarch Youwei said, Wuchengzi quickly bowed and apologized.

After all, he is a disciple and grandson, and he also plays a role in this 'bad discipline'.

Xu Fei naturally followed Wuchengzi and bowed to Patriarch Youwei.

Not to mention anything else, this person just saved his life.

Old Yuan Yang was so angry that he really had murderous intentions.

Even with the 50% Grand Master standing by, they didn't stop the opponent's attack.

And Xu Fei was not sure whether he could block the sword in the end.

After expressing his apology, Patriarch Yu Wei looked at Xu Fei.

In fact, most of the reason why he took action was because of Xu Fei.

He didn't pay attention before.

But when Xu Fei got out of the ring angrily, and after a few fights, some information came to him.

He has only been practicing Taoism for a few years, and has cultivated more than 4,000 pots, plus he has sharp skills.

Even if it is not as good as those who have been banished to immortals, it is still considered excellent among ordinary monks.

Therefore, it is naturally not easy to harm such a disciple at will.

"This time I have made you suffer. Let's do this. I will cancel Yuan Yang's treatment and transfer it to you as compensation." Patriarch Youwei said.

Hearing his master's arrangement, Wu Chengzi's eyes showed surprise.

Not to mention other things, that old man Yuan Yang is the fourth disciple of the founder. He has accumulated merits and deeds through thousands of years of practice, which allows him to purchase 100,000 spiritual stones in Tianwu Pavilion at regular prices in one year!

Although you need to pay corresponding spirit stones when purchasing items, you can purchase high-quality products that are difficult to find outside or are of extremely high value.

Even if you just buy these 100,000 spirit stones and sell them directly, you can still get 300,000 or 500,000 spirit stones.

Just like Xu Fei couldn't buy low-priced high-quality spiritual materials from Tianwu Pavilion, the reason was this.

They were all given a ‘special offer’ by the elders and deacons in the sect.

"Why don't you quickly thank the ancestor." Wuchengzi said quickly.

Xu Fei didn't understand. Firstly, he had only been introduced for a short time. Secondly, he was usually busy practicing and had almost no contact with outsiders. Naturally, he didn't know the inside story.

But since Grand Master Wuchengzi asked him to express his gratitude, he naturally bowed and thanked him.

Patriarch Youwei encouraged Xu Fei a few more words, and then asked his two disciples and grandsons to leave.

"You are really lucky." After leaving the Grandmaster's Red Palace, Wuchengzi turned to look at Xu Fei, his disciple, with a rather envious expression.

After all, with Yuan Yang's treatment as an old man, Xu Fei would still make a lot of money even if he did nothing for a year.

After Grand Master's explanation, Xu Fei finally understood the meaning of Yuan Yang's treatment.

Only then did he realize why when he went to Tianwu Pavilion to buy high-quality spiritual materials, there was always no stock.

"Thank you, Grand Master, for your help." Xu Fei thanked Grand Master again.

"Haha, if you really want to thank me, just give me more of the wine you brewed." Wu Chengzi said.

His cultivation level is the same as that of Mr. Yuan Yang. He is stuck and cannot make any progress, so the remaining time can only be used for enjoyment.

"Yes." Xu Fei responded.

At the same time, I can’t help but feel that I need to improve my wine-making skills and search for some recipes for fine wines.

To repay.

After a few words of gossip, Grand Master Wuchengzi left in a small shrimp boat.

Xu Fei's eyes moved slightly after watching him go away.

This competition cannot be said to be dangerous.

Not to mention the previous fight with Sun Xian and Wen Liang, old Yuan Yang just took action to put Xu Fei to death.

Fortunately, thanks to the protection of the ancestor, the matter finally came to an end.

And he actually got a benefit.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei put aside his trivial matters and returned home.

Master Lu had already returned. When he saw his apprentice returning, he quickly asked about the follow-up of the matter.

I couldn't help but be surprised to learn that the founder had transferred Yuan Yang's treatment to Xu Fei.

"Boy, you must practice well in the future and don't live up to the expectations of the ancestor." Master Lu said.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

The great compensation given by Patriarch Wei in an understatement really benefited him greatly.

The next day.

Xu Fei brought several storage bags filled with various fine wines to Taishizu Wuchengzi's place.

Looking at so many fine wines, Wu Chengzi was quite satisfied.

There is no possibility of further improvement in practice, and enjoyment becomes his life goal.

These fine wines are undoubtedly a great pleasure for him.

Xu Fei did not disturb Master Tai while he was drinking and having fun, and went to thank Master Yan again.

After all, without Master Yan's persuasion, Grand Master Wuchengzi might not care about his affairs.

After a lap, Xu Fei came to Tianwu Pavilion.

Tianwu Pavilion has obviously been notified that Xu Fei accepted Yuan Yang's quota.

Xu Fei was directly led into the quiet room, and the person responsible for receiving Xu Fei was also replaced as the steward of the pavilion.

"Mr. Xu, Elder Yuan has purchased more than 44,000 spiritual stones of various high-quality spiritual materials this year. The remaining quota of more than 55,000 spiritual stones can be transferred to Mr. Xu's name," the steward said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this and didn't care about it.

It's already November, and even if we include leap months, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in just a few dozen days.

So after Xu Fei checked the catalog of high-quality spiritual materials available in Tianwu Pavilion, he directly selected high-quality spiritual materials worth more than 50,000 spiritual stones.

Then pay and leave with the selected high-quality spiritual materials.

Quite a pleasure!

If these high-quality spiritual materials selected by Xu Fei were placed outside, they would be sold for at least three to four times the price.

I can only say that the treatment at Linglong Immortal Sect is really good.

So fragrant.

Of course, this is only limited to what he can enjoy. If he can't enjoy it, then Xu Fei may have a different face.

Return to your residence with these fine spiritual materials.

In addition to making up for some of the problems he noticed while using Baili Yunyan during this period, Xu Fei planned to refine a few more magic weapons to make a fortune.

Otherwise, Xu Fei wouldn't be able to afford next year's quota of 100,000 spirit stones.

Roughly classify the various spiritual materials.

But I heard a report from a servant that two monks from heaven and earth, Yu Xing and Fang Yin, were visiting.

Xu Fei was surprised and went out to meet him.

"What do you two want?" Xu Fei asked after welcoming the two into the main hall and sitting down separately.

Yu Xing looked at Fang Yin, seeming a little embarrassed to speak.

"I heard that Mr. Xu took over Elder Yuan's quota?" Fang Yin said with a bow.

"There is such a thing." Xu Fei said.

"Then I wonder if sir, can you help us buy a thousand-year-old purple wood incense?" Fang Yin said rather embarrassed.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

Purple wood incense does not specifically refer to a certain elixir, but the rhizome of some specific types of elixir chrysanthemums. A thousand years old is the rhizome of a thousand-year elixir.

It is already a very rare elixir.

Even for Tianwu Pavilion, the portion is not that big.

"To be honest, sir, our brother has obtained a prescription, which may help us break through the bottleneck." Yu Xing said anxiously.

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