Xu Fei was silent when he heard this.

But in his heart, he secretly estimated the mana used by the other party to activate the spell just now.

About a thousand pots?

It may not seem like much, but there is a world of difference between a monk who has cultivated thirty thousand pots and a monk who has cultivated one thousand pots. They both use the power of one thousand pots to activate spells.

On the one hand, there are different levels of mastery of magic. On the other hand, as the magic power becomes more sophisticated, the nature of the magic power also gradually changes.

The magic power of a monk who has cultivated thirty thousand pots is basically much more solid and stable than that of a monk who has cultivated one thousand pots.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some monks with extraordinary talents may not have high levels of cultivation, but possess extremely solid magic power that is comparable to or even surpasses high-level gong.

But when Xu Fei observed Zhan Qineng.

Zhan Qineng was unwilling to be lonely and urged the magic again.

Three thousand pots of mana poured out!

Several 'water dragons' jumped out of the lake!

Each water dragon is about three to two feet thick.

After appearing, he rolled up to Xu Fei unceremoniously.

Can't you hide?

Then how can you hide this time? Zhan Qineng thought with some pride.

The five elements of magic are in conflict with each other, but the earth that controls water is currently located above the water field, but it is not easy to condense.

Xu Fei's eyes moved slightly when he saw this.

Then he stretched out his hands, and ten 'golden threads' quickly spread out from the fingertips.

The golden thread grows when the wind blows.

Soon it reached a length of more than ten feet.

The next moment, when the water dragon attacked, these golden threads suddenly started to bounce randomly.

In the blink of an eye, the water dragon that Zhan Qi was able to activate was split into lake water, which collapsed and spilled into the lake.

This also surprised the monks who were watching.

This hand...

Water magic is good for life and gathering. Even if it is cut by Xu Fei's 'golden thread', it should not be destroyed.

It is obvious that Xu Fei's gold magic is very clever.

"Is it the addition of native methods?" Someone among the onlookers monks discussed with his companions.

"It's hard to see clearly," his companion replied.

In fact, Xu Fei only used the Jinxing Spell, but he used the sharpness of the Jinxing Spell more skillfully to cut off the connection between magic and water.

Law itself does not become law.

Zhan Qineng felt the deepest as the person who directly fought Xu Fei.

This also made him a little more wary of Xu Fei.

The magic of the golden element is sharp and fierce.

If he were not careful, he might be injured.

But this person really only practiced cultivation for more than 700 years, not more than 7,000 years?

Otherwise, how could he have such a masterful golden technique?

As Zhan Qineng's water technique was broken, the golden threads on Xu Fei's fingertips fell off one after another, disintegrating into inspiration.

These golden threads are cast by a spell called Golden Thread Technique. They are condensed with golden magic power and have extremely strong toughness.

Coupled with the sharpness of the metal method, some cutting abilities are obtained.

It doesn't look very powerful, but when Xu Fei uses it to cut gold and iron, it's like cutting tofu, and the cut section is as smooth as a mirror.

As for why Xu Fei dispersed the golden thread and did not continue to use it, it was also because when he broke Zhan Qineng's water dragon just now, the golden thread was still damaged to a certain extent.

Rather than tinkering, it’s better to regroup.

What's more, Zhan Qineng's follow-up methods may not be suitable for breaking the golden thread.

Seeing that Xu Fei was very strong, Zhan Qineng stopped being careless and took out a gourd.

The gourd is green in color, its two bellies are the same size as a fist, and they are stuffed with white jade.

Zhan Qineng shook slightly, and the sound of water came from the gourd.

This is the Four Seas Gourd.

There are many ways to use the Four Seas Gourd, and some are to condense magic water into it. This magic water has been soaked and tempered by monks' magic power over the years, and even acquired various special properties, making it powerful and powerful when used.

Some directly use the Four Seas Gourd to inject mana into it to increase the power of the spell.

To name a few.

The gourd Zhan Qineng in front of him is most likely condensed magic water.

After taking out the gourd, Zhan Qineng raised his hand and slowly took it to the stopper.

Quite cautiously.

But just when James was able to remove the plug, something flashed past!

There was a soft sound of "pop~" in front of Xu Fei in the distance.

A group of green viscous liquid was blocked by a layer of khaki translucent earth magic power in front of Xu Fei.

However, when the liquid sticks to the earth element's magic power, it makes a corrosive sound, and white smoke rises at the same time.

Obviously this green liquid is extremely corrosive.

Xu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him.

The translucent khaki earth magic power that he activated to block the green mucus was activated by the earth-bending technique. This method can change the shortcoming of the earth magic power that it is difficult to move flexibly.

But it also lost the solid advantage of Earth Elemental Mana.

However, the corrosive magic water used to resist the opponent is just right.

Xu Daoxiu, who was watching from a distance, looked at the scene in front of him with sweat on his forehead.

After all, he didn't even see the situation clearly just now, but Zhan Qineng, a despicable and insidious person, had already taken action.

Fortunately, my father was very strong and blocked it.

Seeing Xu Fei blocking the sneak attack, Zhan Qineng waved his hand to take back the corrosive water without taking it seriously.

Then he turned the gourd over and poured out all the corrosive water.

After a while, an almost five-foot water ball condensed.

Although there is much more magic water compared to the size of the gourd, it is actually not much.

After all, if it is a better-refined Sihai Gourd, it can hold more than 100,000 liters of magical water.

That’s three million pounds!

After prompting, it was overwhelming.

Zhan Qineng looked at the water polo gathered not far away.

The Four Seas Gourd in his hand does not win with turbulence.

But corrosive!

Although this five-foot-diameter green viscous water ball is not big, if it falls into the water and melts, the fish and shrimp in the water field more than 300 miles below will die.

And don’t expect any chance of survival within a hundred years.

Very ferocious.

The sneak attack on Xu Fei just now was done by surprise, but also with the intention of winning through corrosion.

After all, if the opponent couldn't stop his corrosive magic water, wouldn't he win directly?

Fighting is simple to say the least.

Test, find your opponent's shortcomings, and win with one strike!

It's complicated, but it's complicated.

Because even if you find the opponent's shortcomings, who can tell whether the opponent deliberately exposed them to lure people into taking the bait?

However, Xu Fei was able to gather his earth magic power in an instant and block his magic water.

It is obvious that he has good cultivation and excellent spells.

Especially after several battles so far, he still couldn't see Xu Fei's cultivation.

Although this may be because Xu Fei is more proficient in constricting his magic power, Zhan Qineng is more inclined to think that the other party has not used his true strength at all.

So from this point of view, the other party's cultivation level may be higher than his?

Thinking of this, Zhan Flag Bear was amazed in his heart, and the contempt in his eyes receded, but his fighting spirit became even higher.

Since my practice, I have experienced countless battles, big and small.

Who else has Zhan Qineng been afraid of?

Therefore, Zhan Qineng clapped the Sihai Gourd in his hand, and Fa Shui suddenly changed and rushed towards Xu Fei.

Even if he guessed that his own cultivation might not be able to fly as expected, Zhan Qineng still attacked and took action!

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