"Zhan lost." Zhan Qineng, who was hiding in the clouds, was decisive and admitted defeat.

Hearing Zhan Qineng admit defeat, the monks who followed Zhan Qineng looked greatly shocked.

How could the ancestor lose?

Several monks from the Du family and Xu Fei's descendants who were watching were smiling happily.

The Du family was happy that Xu Fei had not diminished the reputation of the Linglong Immortal Sect, while Xu Fei's descendants were happy because of the majesty of their ancestor.

After all, with such a strong ancestor, they will be able to strengthen their backs when they walk in the world.

Xu Fei's eyes moved slightly when he heard that Zhan Qineng had given up.

However, he no longer encouraged mana.

Of course, the precautions that should be taken have not been removed.

Although the possibility is unlikely, what if the opponent's brain suddenly twitches and launches a sneak attack?

Have to guard against it.

And seeing Xu Fei restraining his magic power, Zhan Qineng also dispersed the clouds and smoke.

Reveal your figure.

At the same time, the magic shield, magic beads and other magic weapons were all put away.

"Access." Xu Fei bowed his hands and said.

Hearing Xu Fei's politeness, Zhan Qineng was stunned.

"Elder Xu has profound magic power and exquisite skills." Zhan Qineng said quickly.

Since the other party gave him dignity, he would naturally not refuse.

Xu Fei nodded and retreated to his descendants.

Seeing that the other party was trying to cheat, he simply proposed a bet.

Not only can he be familiar with his own strength, but he can also cut through the mess quickly.

As for the outcome, Xu Fei didn't care that much.

After all, losing would be nothing more than him taking his descendants and leaving the Miaohuamen territory, and winning would be better.

Xu Fei has no baggage.

In addition, after Zhan Qineng admitted defeat, Xu Fei did not force him anymore and had to fight to the death.

After all, the opponent is a ten thousand year old cultivator. Even if he consumes a lot of mana at this moment, how do you know that the opponent has no other tricks to beat the opponent?

So when it comes to fighting for his life, Xu Fei may not be as relaxed as he is now, and there may even be an accident.

Therefore, since Zhan Qi could admit defeat, Xu Fei simply accepted the result.

After Zhan Qineng admitted defeat, he quickly told the people around him to release the descendant of the Xu family who killed the descendants of the Zhan family.

And after thinking for a moment, Zhan Qi was able to take out two boxes of high-grade spiritual stones from the storage bag.

Due to their characteristics, low-grade spiritual stones are generally used as currency, medium-grade spiritual stones are used, and high-grade spiritual stones are treasured.

After all, once the spiritual machine in the low-grade spiritual stone is used up, it will disintegrate into pieces and never be seen again.

After the spiritual machine in the middle-grade spiritual stone is used, it can be recharged again and again.

As for the spiritual power of the high-grade spiritual stone, after it is used, the high-grade spiritual stone itself can even absorb and converge the spiritual power to replenish consumption.

Therefore, among the three types of spiritual stones, high-grade spiritual stones are the most expensive. Only some more important formations will use high-grade spiritual stones as the hub.

However, for this reason, the exchange ratio between low-grade spiritual stones and medium-grade and high-grade spiritual stones is not fixed, but depends on the clarity, size and other factors of the middle-grade and high-grade spiritual stones.

Some high-grade spiritual stones are of sufficient purity and large size, and can be exchanged for low-grade spiritual stones that weigh thousands of times.

"These two boxes of high-grade spiritual stones were caused by my improper discipline of my descendants and I robbed Elder Xu's family property as compensation." Zhan Qineng said.

Zhan Qineng did not admit this before, but he is also a decent person after all, and he will admit it if he loses.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he activated his magic power to take over the two boxes of spiritual stones.

After a brief inspection, although the quality of the high-grade spiritual stones in the box is not very good, they can be exchanged for low-grade spiritual stones that are about two hundred times the weight of these spiritual stones.

The top-grade spiritual stones in these two boxes weigh about five hundred or six hundred kilograms.

In other words, its value is even 500,000 or 600,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

It far exceeds the industry Xu Daoxiu has accumulated over the years.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei thanked him.

"After bringing that descendant back, I will hand it over to the Chuanjie Hall for punishment." Xu Fei said at the same time.

Although he was handed back by Zhan Qineng, Xu Fei had no intention of letting this unscrupulous descendant go.

Even if it doesn't come to the point of killing someone to pay for it with one's life, there is no chance of ever being free for the rest of your life.

Zhan Qineng was slightly surprised when he heard Xu Fei's words.

"Thank you." Zhan Qineng returned the greeting with a cupped hand.

The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only the sparkling water field blown by the breeze, quiet and peaceful.

Xu Fei took the Du family monks and descendants back home, and soon the murderer's descendants were also released.

After he came back, his parents and relatives hugged him and cried, and then came to express their gratitude to the ancestor Xu Fei.

Doing the math, the other party is Xu Fei's tenth generation great-great-grandson.

Not very old.

And he probably suffered a lot in prison and was quite embarrassed.

"Don't thank me either. After you return to Linglong Immortal Sect, I will hand you over to the Chuanjie Hall." Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei's decision, the boy was stunned and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy.

His parents and relatives also repeatedly begged for mercy.

It's just that Xu Fei has already made up his mind, so how can he change it easily.

In previous lives, few in one generation were more than three hundred years old.

Although there are many reasons, unworthy descendants are undoubtedly one of the factors that account for a large proportion.

Therefore, Xu Fei planned to set some reward and punishment measures at his own house, and also follow the example of Linglong Immortal Sect and build a place similar to the Ordination Hall.

Punish the unscrupulous children and grandchildren with a little restraint.

As for whether doing this will cause his descendants to complain about his ancestor and alienate him.

Then Xu Fei didn't care.

After all, if you can’t even understand why he did what he did, then what are the uses of such descendants?

Although Xu Fei defeated Zhan Qineng and wanted to come back to compensate his son Xu Daoxiu, it would be difficult for Xu Daoxiu to stay in Miaohuamen again in the future.

So naturally what follows is a great migration.

Fortunately, this is the world of cultivating immortals. Otherwise, under the ancient environment, if more than 10,000 people traveled tens of thousands of miles, how many people would reach the end point in the end would undoubtedly be a very questionable matter.

But there is a Shopee boat for transportation.

But more than a month later.

Xu Fei took his son Xu Daoxiu and returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Place your descendants in the fairy city.

Xu Fei thanked several monks from the Du family and said goodbye to them.

Then he found his son Xu Daoxiu.

"What are your plans in the future?" Xu Fei said.

As for the trivial matter of sending the unscrupulous descendant who killed someone to the Ordination Hall, Xu Fei naturally didn't have to worry about it.

And if someone takes the opportunity to move their hands, Xu Fei will take advantage of it.

Clean up those scoundrels among our descendants.

"I don't know either." Xu Daoxiu said with his head hanging down.

He had been operating in Miaohuamen for more than two hundred years. He finally built a business, but all of it was gone.

Xu Fei chuckled upon seeing this.

"Those two boxes of high-grade spiritual stones are of use to me, so I will accept them and give you another 300,000 low-grade spiritual stones." Xu Fei said after thinking about it.

Although generally speaking, Xu Fei should have given all of the two boxes of high-grade spiritual stones that Zhan Qi could compensate Xu Daoxiu to his son, but this time the Du family monks were busy, and he had to repay the favor.

Of course Xu Fei can also spend his own money to do things, but why give this brat so many spiritual stones?

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