"Xinwei, please stay." Xu Fei said after walking some distance.

"Xu...elder, please go slowly." Du Xinwei bowed his hands and said.

In the past few hundred years, except for Du Shaocheng and Xu Fei who continued to trade spiritual wine, he had not met Xu Fei many times.

It’s inevitable to feel unfamiliar for a while.

Especially Xu Fei's changes before and after were so huge.

Now the other party is on an equal footing with their Du family ancestor!

Xu Fei nodded, but there was no alienation in his expression.

It was only with Du Xinwei's help that the family's wine shop was able to open. Later, the business prospered, and half of it was due to Du Xinwei's reputation.

And these interactions were accumulated when Xu Fei was at his weakest.

Xu Fei naturally would not ignore this.

But it was impossible for Xu Fei to have any more enthusiasm for Du Xinwei.

After taking a few steps forward, Xu Fei flew into the air and escaped.

The figure instantly disappeared into the night.

Amaterasu Peak is still some distance away from Tianqi Peak.

It took Xu Fei half a stick of incense to get home.

Yu Yixin brought tea and helped Xu Fei wash up.

After drinking some wine and looking at the charming and plump Yu Yixin, Xu Fei couldn't help but feel emotional.

Seven hundred years have brought great changes.

Although there are many women around him now, the only wives and concubines from back then are Ye Yuanmei, Shu Lan and Yu Yixin in front of him.

Yu Yixin saw that Xu Fei was interested, so naturally he would not refuse.

Cater carefully so that Xu Fei can enjoy himself.

Half an hour later, Xu Fei completed the ceremony and took Yu Yixin into his arms.

Enjoy the tenderness afterwards.

After more than seven hundred years of getting along, Xu Fei and Yu Yixin have become an old couple.

Although we cannot say that our love is as deep as the sea, we can still help each other.

While chatting with Yu Yixin about trivial matters, Xu Fei's mood naturally calmed down.

Then fell into a deep sleep.

More than three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak, finally gathered together the spiritual materials to refine the Four Seas Gourd.

Patriarch Youwei summoned Xu Fei to discuss the matter of refining the magical weapon.

After Xu Fei washed up, he went to the Red Palace of the Patriarch.

When they arrived at the Red Hall, Patriarch Yu Wei and Du Yanhui were already there.

When Xu Fei saw the jade-like gourd the size of two fists placed in front of Patriarch Youwei, he finally understood why Du Yanhui, a highly skilled person, wanted to refine an ordinary magic weapon like the Four Seas Gourd.

If his vision is not bad, this gourd is a spiritual seed called 'oil gourd'.

However, the average spiritual oil gourd contains only a few spiritual stones. After being slightly processed, it is mainly used to store wine and the like for monks. Obviously, it will not be in the eyes of the master of Amaterasu Peak.

As for the 'oil gourd' in front of me, its skin is like a beautiful jade, exuding a faint magical energy. It is at least the spiritual root of heaven and earth that has grown for more than ten thousand years!

It's a good baby.

It is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with any number of spiritual stones!

But even so, it is impossible to refine a top-level magic weapon.

Xu Fei was thoughtful and bowed his hands to Patriarch Youwei and Du Yanhui.

"I got this gourd accidentally when I was traveling. At that time, there was a monster guarding me who had been practicing for ten thousand years. I drove him away before I could pick it." Du Yanhui told how he got this ten thousand-year-old oil gourd.

He looked slightly proud.

Of course, this is indeed something to be proud of.

A stone can be left there for a hundred thousand years, or even millions of years, and no one will fight for it.

But if a miraculous spiritual material grows for a hundred years, it will inevitably be missed by others.

This gourd is quite rare. It was discovered after it had grown for more than 10,000 years. It is undoubtedly quite rare.

After Du Yanhui finished speaking, Patriarch Youwei motioned Xu Fei to take a look at the Ten Thousand Years Oil Gourd.

Xu Fei took it and looked at it.

The skin of this gourd is like jade, the color is light yellow, with green in the yellow, it is slightly cool to the touch, and it also has a refreshing fragrance.

Especially after holding it in his hand, the faint magical power became even more clear, which made Xu Fei pay close attention to it.

In addition, this gourd is already mature.

Of course, as the spiritual root of heaven and earth, as long as it does not suffer disaster, it can add more magic if it continues to grow.

But now it has been taken off.

Xu Fei felt a little regretful, but his expression didn't show it at all.

And after looking at it for a while, Xu Fei put the ten thousand year oil gourd back to its original place and waited for the ancestor's arrangements.

From the perspective of the founder, Xu Fei has already observed this ten thousand year old oil gourd that is about to become the main material of the Four Seas gourd.

"I prefer that I refine this ten-thousand-year-old oil gourd, while Xu Fei handles the other spiritual materials for refining the Four Seas Gourd." Patriarch Youwei thought for a while and arranged.

"Yes." Xu Fei answered with his hands raised.

Among the rewards given by Du Yanhui, he had not received all the five million spirit stones, but only received two million.

As for the other part of the refining method of Wanli Yunyan, which was also given as a reward, Xu Fei had already understood it many times.

Therefore, Xu Fei naturally would not refuse to help the ancestor refine magic weapons.

Patriarch Youwei nodded slightly when he heard this, and then handed Xu Fei a storage bag.

This storage bag is extremely spacious.

It is almost ten feet high and wide.

Among them, jade boxes and wooden boxes are placed in an orderly manner.

Xu Fei roughly estimated that there were nearly a thousand kinds of spiritual materials.

And these are just the auxiliary spiritual materials for the Four Seas Gourd refined this time.

No wonder Patriarch Youwei asked Xu Fei to come over for help.

After all, if he was left to handle it alone, it would take many years just for the initial training of so many spiritual materials.

"This is the refining method." Patriarch Youwei handed Xu Fei another storage bag.

Xu Fei took it again.

And this storage bag is not that big.

There are only a few wooden boxes among them.

However, with a thought, Xu Fei also knew what was in the wooden box.


In the six boxes, there are a total of 1,626 books recording the Sihai Gourd refining method.

It is rich in pictures and texts and is quite detailed.

However, the book is still new, and may even have been transcribed in the past two days.

After the monk's cultivation is advanced, he can use his magic power to copy various books.

Extremely fast.

Depending on one's proficiency, one can even copy hundreds or thousands of books at the same time.

Therefore, even if the records of some Taoist methods and secret techniques require hundreds or thousands of books, it is actually not a troublesome thing.

What's more, copying is not the only method here.

Technologies such as movable type printing also existed.

"When you are refining the spiritual materials, you should come here once a month to check the specific tempering situation of the Ten Thousand Years Oil Gourd, so that you can make subsequent adjustments and process the spiritual materials." Patriarch Youwei added.

"Yes." Xu Fei responded.

After talking about other things about refining the Sihai Gourd this time, Xu Fei left with two storage bags.

Du Yanhui watched Xu Fei leave and couldn't help stroking his beard.

Although he had seen Xu Fei's skills and believed that Junior Brother Youwei would not act recklessly, he was still a little nervous because of how important the matter was.

After all, he couldn't find another ten thousand year oil gourd.

In other words, there is only one chance to refine the magic weapon this time.

If the refining of the magic weapon fails this time, Du Yanhui will feel very distressed just thinking about this situation (End of Chapter)

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