But just when Xu Fei was about to start refining the Sihai Gourd with Patriarch Youwei, he was summoned by the leader.

The leader of the Linglong Immortal Sect is named Juan Yi, and he has been practicing for more than 20,000 years.

He is in charge of the exquisite treasure, and his cultivation is unpredictable.

However, he usually only practices in the Jingwei Hall of Tianzhu Peak and rarely travels.

Xu Fei has been a member of the Immortal Sect for more than 700 years, but he has never even seen him.

Of course, this is also the reason why Xu Fei only focuses on practicing every day and ignores external affairs.

Xu Fei first reported the matter to Patriarch Youwei.

When Patriarch Yu Wei heard that the leader summoned Xu Fei, he looked vaguely aware.

"Go, good thing." Patriarch Youwei said.

After hearing what the Patriarch said, Xu Fei burned incense and took a bath, and came to Tianzhu Peak to pay his respects as scheduled the next day.

Tianzhu Peak is more than 4,000 feet tall and is the highest peak in Linglong Immortal Sect.

All the heads of the past dynasties have lived here.

After being checked by the gatekeeper disciples, they were also led by the attendant disciples.

Xu Fei arrived at the top of Tianzhu Peak.

As for a small peak branched off from the top of Tianzhu Peak, the top was flattened and a small hall was built.

This hall is the Jingwei Hall where the leader of the Linglong Immortal Sect lives.

There is no way to come or go.

However, the attendant disciple just bowed and signaled Xu Fei to come over.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he flew over a distance of more than ten feet and arrived at the platform under more than thirty steps in front of the Jingwei Palace.

Walk up the steps step by step before entering the temple.

The furnishings in this hall are simple.

One bed, one cupboard, two futons.

At this moment, a man in his thirties wearing a purple gown with black hair and black beard was sitting cross-legged on a futon, closing his eyes and concentrating.

Xu Fei didn't want to disturb him and waited quietly aside.

But soon the man opened his eyes and looked at Xu Fei.

Xu Fei saw the man open his eyes, bowed and said: "Disciple Xu Fei, pay your respects to the master."

Although he has never met the leader Juan Yi, Xu Fei has heard about his deeds.

So you probably know that the person in front of you is the leader Juan Yi.

But for some reason, Xu Fei felt familiar in his heart after seeing the leader.

It was obviously his first time meeting the leader, so why did he feel so weird?

"Get up and sit down." Juan Yi said.

"Yes." Xu Fei put away his distracting thoughts and sat down cross-legged on the futon next to the headmaster.

Juan Yi looked Xu Fei up and down, then nodded.

"After practicing for seven hundred years, you can defeat Zhan Xiao'er from Miaohua Sect. Not bad." Juan Yi praised.

Juan Yi has practiced for more than 20,000 years, and he is indeed qualified to call Zhan Qineng, who has only practiced for more than 10,000 years, a child.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master. However, although Zhan Qineng took the initiative to admit defeat, if he really fights hard, the disciple will not be sure of winning." Xu Fei said modestly.

"Hahaha, I was worried that you were young and impetuous, but I didn't expect you to be so meek and vain," Juan Yi said.

Xu Fei laughed when he heard this.

"I came looking for you today but I had nothing else to do. I just wanted to ask you if you are willing to become a disciple of Bei Lu?" Juan Yi said.

The disciples of Linglong Immortal Sect can be divided into four categories.

An apprentice disciple is one of those children or warriors who have Taoist roots, or who have become innate in martial arts, and who study in the Agnostic Temple or the Sutra Academy.

This was the case before Xu Fei.

If you can cultivate a pot of magic power within twelve or three years, you can join the Immortal Sect and become a formal disciple.

After successful practice, that is, having five hundred pots of magic power, or being valued by the deacons, elders, etc. in the sect and being included in the name, you can become a registered disciple of the Immortal Sect.

When traveling, you can identify yourself as a disciple of the Immortal Sect.

As for the last category, there are the Beilu disciples, who have the smallest number.

Since the current head Juan Yi took over the position seven thousand one hundred years ago, there have only been sixteen people.

In addition, some people say that there are only three types of disciples in the Immortal Sect. This is to differentiate between apprentices and disciples.

Xu Fei didn't expect that he could become this Beilu disciple today.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei said: "Everything will follow the master's arrangements."

Juan Yi laughed again.

"Okay." After saying this, Juan Yi raised his hand, and a magic weapon in the shape of a scroll appeared from the palm of his hand. It was an exquisite treasure.

Juan Yi picked up the exquisite treasure basket and tore it open.

Written on it are the names of the sixteen previous disciples who were preparing for the ritual.

However, only the names of fourteen people flickered, while the names of the other two had dimmed.

"These are your senior brothers and sisters, and these two were robbed while traveling." Juan Yi saw a touch of sadness in his expression when he saw the two dim names.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel a little silent after hearing this.

The road to immortality is never smooth sailing.

Even if you are a disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, you may die unexpectedly.

He had been staying at Xianmen before and rarely went out.

In addition to the large collection in the door that is enough for him to study and study, it is also to avoid disasters.

After all, if you travel frequently, no one knows whether tomorrow or the accident will come first.

After Juan Yi felt a little sad, he took out a magic pen and handed it to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei wrote his own name after the names of many disciples who were preparing for the ceremony.

And after Xu Fei's name was written down.

Xu Fei's name on the exquisite treasure was gradually immersed in the dim light, giving off a faint brilliance.

"From today on, you are the seventeenth Beilu disciple of my Linglong Immortal Sect. I hope you will practice hard and uphold your original intention." Juan Yi said.

"Yes." Xu Fei bowed again.

He also told some other things.

The leader Juan Yi asked Xu Fei to leave.

Leave the master to live in the subtle hall.

Xu Fei was a little curious.

It is said that there is a spiritual spring in the Jingwei Palace where the leader lives, which has been liquefied.

Why didn't he see it just now?

In addition, when he saw the leader just now, why did he feel familiar?

Has he met the leader before?

But after Xu Fei recalled it, he didn't realize that he had met the leader before.

How strange.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei put these thoughts away.

Generally speaking, a banquet would be held to celebrate something as important as becoming a Bilu disciple.

But Xu Fei just told the people around him that he became a disciple of Beilu, and then nothing happened.

After all, becoming a Bilu disciple is worth celebrating.

But it doesn’t have to be a celebration.

Avoid it if you can.

Xu Fei doesn't like trouble, he just loves peace and quiet.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Xu Fei came to Patriarch Youwei.

"Are you really not going to hold a celebration?" Patriarch Youwei said unexpectedly.

When he became the master of Tianwei Peak, he invited many guests and friends to hold a banquet, which was really lively.

"Don't worry, it's a lot of trouble." Xu Fei declined.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Patriarch Youwei looked a little emotional.

My disciple is really steady.

Since Xu Fei did not plan to hold a banquet to celebrate, Patriarch Youwei did not persuade him further.

Ask the disciples to inform Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak, to prepare to officially start refining the Four Seas Gourd.

After a while, Du Yanhui arrived.

Seeing Xu Fei's expression of surprise.

"Elder Xiao Xu has become a disciple of Beilu. Don't you want to celebrate?" Du Yanhui said.

"No, it's quite troublesome." Xu Fei explained again.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Du Yanhui's expression was similar to that of Patriarch Youcai just now, both of them were filled with emotion.

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