Although Du Xinwei knew that Xu Fei was no longer what he used to be, he was not quite sure what height Xu Fei was at now because of the huge gap.

But today Xu Fei said that three million spirit stones would be waived, which instantly gave Du Xinwei a similar idea.

For more than 90% of the monks, Xu Fei gave up the wealth that was almost impossible to earn in a lifetime.

"This... this matter is too big. I need to go back and ask Ancestor Yanhui." Du Xinwei thought for a moment and replied quickly.

No matter what Ancestor Yanhui decides in the end, such a major matter is not something he can decide.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, but did not try to persuade Du Yanhui to stay.

After the other party left, he found his family members and continued to deal with trivial matters.

After all, although Xu Fei devoted himself to studying various skills in the past few hundred years, he still had many industries without knowing it.

Among them, Danpu and Qipu are the most important ones.

The weapon shop is run by the 'high-end customization' accepted by Xu Fei, as well as by recruiting some weapon masters, as well as some of Xu Fei's descendants who are skilled in weapon refining.

With Xu Fei's reputation as an elder of Tianqi Peak, he basically doesn't have to worry about any trouble.

The situation in Danpu is similar.

Moreover, it not only opened stores in Immortal City, but also now spreads across the eight regions under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect.

It brings Xu Fei a large amount of income every year.

If not, Xu Fei would not remain unmoved when faced with the reward of 5 million spirit stones offered by Master Du Lao.

Now that we have just gotten married, although we do not want to directly hand over the management of these family businesses to Yingwei, we still need to let her know.

When she heard that Xu Fei's family was so rich, Yingwei couldn't hide her surprise.

The marriage that the master told her was just because of Xu Fei's identity and weapon refining skills.

But he didn't expect that the other party was so rich.

"But I have many descendants, more than ten million in number." Xu Fei said.

Upon hearing such a number, Yingwei was immediately stunned.

She has become the grandmother of more than 10 million people?

Yingwei's mood was quite complicated for a while.

After handling these trivial matters, Xu Fei took Yingwei to visit Master Yan, Grand Master Wuchengzi, and Uncle Beauty.

After visiting the beautiful master uncle, Yingwei looked at Xu Fei with a hint of inquiry.

Although Xu Fei hid it well, she was still keenly aware of her husband, and her feelings for this elder seemed to be unusual.

But Yingwei didn't say much.

After all, even if Xu Fei didn't have that much property, just the skill of helping Patriarch Youwei refine the best Four Seas Gourd was enough for her to take care of him.

How could Xu Fei's privacy be exposed?

After meeting the elders, the couple returned home.

Xu Fei and Yingwei returned to their residence.

Compared with the two rooms before, Xu Fei now lives in a courtyard.

In addition to the three main rooms, there are also east and west wing rooms.

"From now on, you can rest here while I go to another place." Xu Fei said.

When Yingwei heard this, she nodded obediently.

She was not the only woman in the family, so it was naturally inconvenient for Xu Fei to live with her.

Moreover, Xu Fei's willingness to give up the place where he used to live has given her enough respect as a wife.

Asking for too much will undoubtedly appear to be greedy.

"In which aspect are you good at practice?" Xu Fei asked again.

When Yingwei heard this, she blinked her beautiful eyes.

She has extremely good looks and a well-proportioned and graceful figure. Otherwise, Xu Fei would not have met her, so she would give her a super high score of 90+, and she is also willing to marry her and become his wife.

However, Yingwei didn't quite understand Xu Fei's inquiry.

"I asked you what kind of magic you practice and what type of fighting method you like." Xu Feiduo explained.

"Ah?" Yingwei was a little surprised.

Xu Fei saw that Yingwei seemed hesitant and waited quietly for the other party's explanation.

Yingwei felt relieved when she saw that Xu Fei was quite patient with her.

Her husband was both loving and peaceful towards her.

"After I joined the Lingwai Sect, I devoted myself to cultivation and have not practiced magic yet." Yingwei's voice became softer as she spoke, feeling that she might not be in line with her husband's wishes.

Xu Fei was also surprised when he heard this.

Do you only practice Taoism and not magic?

It may sound a little strange.

But for Yingwei, who is a high-level disciple of the Lingwai Sect, there is no problem.

After all, although the Lingwai Sect is not as powerful as the Linglong Immortal Sect, with sixty-one peak masters gathered together, the territory under its control is more than 100,000 miles.

It is normal to worship in it and only practice it carefully in order to pursue higher Taoism.

"You still need to practice some self-defense and life-protection methods." Xu Fei reminded with a chuckle.

Yingwei nodded quickly when she heard this.

"Practice your magic first and see what kind of self-defense methods you like. Later I will prepare some suitable magic weapons for you." Xu Fei said.

After all, she is his wife, so she still needs to prepare for what she should have.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he took out an orb, a bead string, and a gold hairpin from his storage bag.

"This bead is called the Radiant Bead, and it is a protective weapon. It can restrain the monks' overflowing spiritual energy at ordinary times, and actively bloom the light when encountering danger. It can withstand attacks with less than three thousand pots of mana for a quarter of an hour. Of course, if the opponent's attack is more rapid, The time of resistance will be shortened.”

"This string of beads is called the Jingling Bead String. It is a magical tool to assist in spiritual practice. Wearing it on the body can assist the monks in regulating their spiritual energy."

"And this golden hairpin is called the Thorn Gold Hairpin. It can emit a stream of sharp golden energy when infused with magic power, which is somewhat useful for self-defense." Xu Fei introduced it to Yingwei.

Although Xu Fei's approach is a bit like that of a Sanbao boy, these magical weapons are all Xu Fei's daily refining of magical weapons and his occasional casual creations.

It is true that he can sell a lot of spiritual stones if he sells them, but Xu Fei is not short of spiritual stones.

As for giving these magic weapons to the monks among the descendants, it can also enhance their strength.

In addition to his own children, he will no longer have any additional care for his grandson Xu Fei.

After all, although most of the more than 3,000 children are no longer here, they have also brought Xu Fei more than 10,000 grandchildren.

If there is any care, will it be given to this, or will it be given to that?

And if all were given, how much would it cost to have more than 10,000 grandchildren?

So Xu Fei could only take care of the person in front of him.

Yingwei was surprised and thought for a while before accepting the magic weapon given by Xu Fei.

"Thank you sir for the treasure." Yingwei thanked her happily.

Originally, Yingwei was a little uneasy. After all, her marriage to Xu Fei was just a matchmaking arrangement between her elders and was not loveless.

But now that Xu Fei is giving her magic weapons one after another, he obviously still cares about her quite a lot.

Xu Fei asked Yingwei to refine the magic weapon, then came to the study and began to look at the Du family's collection.

The master of three peaks in one sect.

The Du family of Lanyu is quite a legend within the Linglong Immortal Sect.

After all, even among the nine major sects, only the Du family has such a grand occasion.

Therefore, the other party's family's collection is no small matter.

Xu Fei picked up a volume of Taoism that he had not read before and looked at it carefully.

Not to mention, it does have some merits.

After studying it for more than an hour, he upgraded it to level 2 49 and incorporated the corresponding skills. Xu Fei's strength increased a little bit.

Quite enjoyable.

It can be said that as long as there is enough reading volume, Xu Fei can get corresponding improvement.

During these seven hundred years, Xu Fei went through the general collection of humane series in Yangwu Daotang.

The improvement of his strength is far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

In fact, even Patriarch You Wei, who is quite familiar with Xu Fei, cannot accurately judge Xu Fei's strength.

Even Xu Fei doesn't quite know what kind of strength he currently has.

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