Xu Fei thought he was just here to pay respects to his elders, but he didn't expect that there would be benefits.

On the way back, there was a constant smile on my face.

This precious apricot is basically not available outside.

After all, as the years go by, the seven-thousand-year-old apricot tree with spiritual seeds in Lingwaimen does not bear fruit every year.

It may even not bloom for three to five years.

So this precious apricot is very precious.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Xiu actually gave him twelve coins today.

Leaving the 3,000-story Zhaixing Tower where Master Xiu lives, he returned to Yuan Zhenren’s Qingfeng Tower.

Xu Fei stayed in Lingwaimen for a few more days before leaving.

"My dear son-in-law, from now on the 710th floor of my Qingfeng Building will be reserved exclusively for you. You must come and go often." Yuan Zhenren said earnestly when bidding farewell.

Xu Fei chuckled and nodded in response.

However, there will never be many opportunities for him to come to Lingwaimen in the future.

After all, monks still focus on polishing their magic power, deepening their cultivation, and studying spells.

After greeting the other fellow Taoists he had met in the past few days, Xu Fei left with the girls.

There were two when they came and seven when they returned.

Xu Fei looked around at the girls. They were all stunningly beautiful, which made him feel quite good.

And on the way back, I was no more nervous than when I came here, so I was naturally a little more relaxed.

Therefore, when encountering scenic spots, Xu Fei and his party would stop and enjoy them.

At the same time, Xu Fei also tasted Yingwei's beautiful sisters one after another.

It was the first time for all five beauties, and his status as a monk gave Xu Fei a lot of proficiency points.

Of course the taste is also quite wonderful.

No need to elaborate.

After returning to Linglong Immortal Sect, Xu Fei was summoned by the head Juan Yi before he had time to rest.

Xu Fei did not hesitate and went directly to Tianzhu Peak.

Crossing the more than ten feet of mountains between Tianzhu Peak and Jingwei Hall.

Xu Fei landed on the platform under the steps in front of Jingwei Hall.

After tidying up his clothes, Xu Fei climbed up the steps and came to the front of Jingwei Hall.

"Disciple Xu Fei, please pay homage to the master." Xu Fei bowed and saluted.

Juan Yi in the palace looked at Xu Fei with an expression of surprise.

In a battle between monks, unless there is a big difference in strength, it is generally difficult to leave an opponent behind.

Especially the crafty cultivators and demonic cultivators are even harder to kill.

What's more, a cunning demon cultivator like the Blood Demon Slayer is even more difficult to fight.

This is also the main reason why it has been able to circulate for so many years.

But he didn't expect that Xu Fei had successfully refined the demon some time ago.

"Sit." Juan Yi said.

As the head of the Linglong Immortal Sect, Juan Yi can already ignore most of the so-called rules in this world.

But now he was a little more polite to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei noticed it, but just pretended not to know, and still respectfully came to the head and sat down on the futon.

Then after chatting for a while, he recounted his general experience of this trip.

Juan Yi nodded when he heard that Xu Fei had refined the blood demon slayer with his own formation.

But he didn't ask much about the reason for this formation.

After all, as the leader, he cannot covet the cultivation methods of his disciples.

Otherwise, wouldn’t everyone in the family be in danger?

Why was the sect called a sect at that time?

"You have made great achievements in slaying demons during this trip. What kind of reward do you want?" Juan Yi asked.

"I want to see some collections about the Earth's Wonderful Series." Xu Fei said.

Juan Yi was not surprised when he heard this and thought for a moment.

"I remember that you already have a humane immunity? Well, how about I take the decision today to upgrade your immunity to a wonderful level?" Juan Yi said.

Xu Fei was even more surprised when he heard the leader say this.

Unexpectedly, this time I refined the demon once, but there were two rewards.

The Lingwai Sect took twelve precious apricots, but the Linglong Immortal Sect also received a wonderful pass.

"Haha, I heard that Mr. Xiu gave you twelve treasured apricots. If the door only gives you a promotion pass, you will inevitably be laughed at next time you see him. Let's do this. In a while, there will be an eight-tree in the door. The thousand-year-old snow peach tree is about to bear fruit, how about a few snow peaches for you then?" Juan Yi asked again.

When Xu Fei heard this, he was overjoyed again.

Then he handed over a storage bag.

"I would like to inform the leader that what is contained in this bag is the Ten Thousand Woods Thunder Formation that I created. Please correct it." Xu Fei said.

Since the master gave such a generous gift, Xu Fei would not be ignorant.

Moreover, although offering the Ten Thousand Woods Lightning Formation would expose some of his cultivation, his current strength is entirely due to the support of his sect.

After all, without the inclusion of Linglong Immortal Sect, Xu Fei might just be a lonely cultivator now.

What's more, there is no reason why Xu Fei would not be in the same situation as he is today if the founder's previous transfer of humanity to Mr. Yuan Yang was all done to Xu Fei.

It is only natural to give back to the sect by dedicating the Ten Thousand Wood Formation.

Besides, Xu Fei also received immunity from the Di Miao series and had eight thousand snow peaches.

Juan Yi was surprised when he saw this, but after thinking about it, he still accepted the Ten Thousand Woods Thunder Formation offered by Xu Fei.

"You will be remembered for one more achievement inside the door." Juan Yi said.

Xu Feiqian gave in and saw that the leader really wanted the reward, so he didn't refuse anymore.

Leaving Tianzhu Peak, Xu Fei returned home.

Yingwei's senior sisters have already been accommodated.

After Xu Fei washed up, he went to see Patriarch Youwei.

I've been away for about three months and haven't come to greet you very much, so I naturally have to make up for it when I get back.

Even though his current strength is higher than that of Patriarch Youwei.

But elders are elders.

Don't be disrespectful just because of your strength.

Moreover, Patriarch Yu Wei has always taken great care of Xu Fei and is a loving elder.

Although Patriarch Yu Wei had some vague guesses, Xu Fei was already stronger than him.

But he didn't expect that Xu Fei would do such a big thing when he returned to his parents' home.

Refining the blood-slaying demon that has been rampant for a long time.

"You are indeed good." Patriarch Youwei said with emotion after listening to Xu Fei's brief description.

Back then, he saved Xu Fei from an angry and fatal attack by his fourth disciple Yuan Yang, and compensated him with Yuan Yang's humane immunity.

From that time on, he valued Xu Fei quite a bit.

But no matter how much he valued it at that time, Patriarch You never thought that Xu Fei's strength would have improved to this point just over seven hundred years later.

After all, how many people among the nine major sects dare to say that they can refine blood and slay demons alone?

So Xu Fei is now the top being among the nine major sects.

Xu Fei sighed a little when he saw Yu Wei as the Patriarch, but he didn't have much to say.

Just wait quietly.

After a moment, Patriarch Youwei smiled freely.

"You have just come back from a long journey, so you should go and rest early." Patriarch Youwei said with concern.

Although monks can stay awake day and night, without drinking or eating, the state of hard work is never as good as when they are relaxed and at ease.

Therefore, even if the monks' bodies are far superior to those of ordinary people, no one will take a rest until they are drowsy.

It’s time to eat and sleep.

The patriarch would naturally not deliberately embarrass such an outstanding junior.

Xu Fei bowed and said goodbye.

After going home to rest for a night, he met Master Yan the next day.

Master Yan looked at Xu Fei with a rather calm expression.

After all, Xu Fei's cultivation level has long been far superior to his.

"Come, play chess with me." Master Yan said.

Xu Fei chuckled and stepped forward to grab the white chess piece. (End of chapter)

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