"If you don't want to, forget it." Xu Fei saw the middle-aged couple's expressions of panic again, knowing that the other party thought he was not a good person.

He simply said nothing more.

After all, if you can do it, you can do it, and if you can't do it, you can't.

With Xu Fei's current status, it was an opportunity for their family to fall in love with this girl.

And after missing this opportunity, what will happen to them in the future, and what does it have to do with Xu Fei?

"Sir, wait a minute!" Seeing Xu Fei about to turn around and leave, the woman Xu Fei liked suddenly spoke.

The sound is clear and crisp, like an oriole.

The middle-aged couple were shocked when they saw this. They saw that Xu Fei was not entangled and prepared to leave.

I was really relieved, but my daughter suddenly asked, what are you doing?

"I do!" But before the middle-aged couple could stop them, the woman said.

Being born in Tianya City is a punishment.

And if you have an outstanding appearance and possess Dao roots, it will be even more like hell.

Now that she finally has the chance to jump out of here, the woman is naturally willing.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

I didn't expect that this timid woman just now would be so decisive now.

The middle-aged couple wanted to stop their daughter, but they were afraid of offending Xu Fei and were unable to move forward or retreat.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm not a bad person. If you don't agree, I won't take any revenge." Xu Fei said calmly.

Although the middle-aged couple's rejection just now made Xu Fei lose a concubine, Xu Fei would not hold any grudge against them.


With Xu Fei's current status, his fancy is like an opportunity to change the fate of this family.

If they catch it, their family can escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

If you can't catch it, what will happen next has nothing to do with Xu Fei.

"Don't dare, don't dare. Of course we don't dare to have such thoughts." The middle-aged couple quickly explained reluctantly.

Xu Fei ignored the two of them and turned to look at the woman.

"The little girl's name is Lvzhu." The woman said quickly.

"Luzhu? Your name doesn't sound too nice. After you follow me, please change your name to Qiao Niang." Xu Fei said calmly.

Xu Fei is very picky now.

After a comprehensive evaluation of a woman's appearance, figure, temperament, etc., the evaluation score is less than 90 points, so she is not attractive to him at all.

That is to say, this woman is still a pure woman, quite attractive, and has a pair of wonderful eyes that makes Xu Fei a little moved.

Otherwise, even if Xu Fei helps the other party solve the trouble, he will not accept him.

Seeing Xu Fei's indifferent expression, the middle-aged couple felt even more uneasy. They looked at their daughter anxiously, hoping that she would change her mind.

After all, the origin of the person in front of him was unknown, and when he came up, he said that he wanted to take his daughter as a concubine. It was really frivolous for Meng Lang.

It makes people feel uneasy.

However, Luzhu, the woman who was renamed Qiaoniang by Xu Fei, looked determined.

She decided to take a gamble!

If you stay in Tianya City, you will either obey your parents' arrangements and get married, or you will encounter such trouble again and become a service worker and sink into ruin.

But she was unwilling to do so!

With Taoist roots, if she were elsewhere, she would be able to embark on the path to immortality and become a monk.

But in Tianya City, you can only become a service staff.

The young man in front of her could easily give out two spirit stones to solve her trouble.

Especially after her parents rejected the other party's request to take her as a concubine, her expression showed no anger and was so calm that it didn't matter.

From this point of view, the young man in front of him is anything but ordinary.

So becoming the other party's concubine may be a blessing for her.

Of course, since it is a bet, it is possible to lose the bet.

The other party may be showing off, or he may have an ulterior motive.

But Qiao Niang still wasn't ready to change her determination.

Seeing Qiao Niang's determined look, Xu Fei chuckled lightly.

"Okay then, you and your family will come with me. Later I will take you out of the outer realm and go back to live within the nine major sects." Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei say this.

The middle-aged couple and Qiao Niang looked surprised.

After all, they thought that Xu Fei was also from an outside world, perhaps the second generation of a certain sect, or from some big family.

But he never expected that the other party would actually come from the nine major sects.


Qiao Niang's expression was still somewhat restrained, but the expressions of the middle-aged couple were already extremely excited.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor, thank you so much, my benefactor." The middle-aged couple said quickly.

Even begging for food within the sect's domain is safer than living in this outer domain.

What's more...since this benefactor has fallen in love with Luzhu, he shouldn't leave them alone, right?

Although after walking around for half a circle, there was no trace of the Desire Demon, and instead he took in a room of concubines, which seemed like he was not doing his job properly, but when he met a good woman, Xu Fei could not help but be moved.

He led Qiao Niang back to the inn. As for the middle-aged couple, they did not follow him and wanted to pack up their things at home.

Xu Fei didn't pay much attention to this.

After placing Qiao Niang, Xu Fei continued to wander around Tianya City.

I have to say that this city is indeed a famous city of flowers and willows.

There are endless beauties of all kinds.

There were even a few courtesans who went shopping with their maids and servants, which made Xu Fei a little surprised to see them.

It's a pity that the other party is already in ruins, so Xu Fei can only ignore it with a little regret.

In the evening, Xu Fei returned to the inn.

Although Master Du Laofeng was very busy, he had not gained much.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Xu Fei thought it would continue like this for a while.

Suddenly, he noticed that Master Du Laofeng was flying back from outside the city.

And there is no concealment of his aura.

This made Xu Fei immediately understand that this was probably the imprint left by Master Du Laofeng on the Master of the Yuxian Sect.

He immediately flew to follow him.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at the Yuxian Gate.

Master Du Laofeng directly activated his magic power to lift off the roofs of a large area of ​​buildings in the Yuxian Sect.

Reveal the deeds involved.

Some men and women are passionate, some are women and men, and some are men and women, and so on.

And the roof was suddenly lifted from the outside.

The busy men and women couldn't help but panic.

Some were shy and hurriedly found clothes to cover up.

Some are angry.

"Presumptuous!!! Do you know where this place is!!"

Anyway, everyone has a reaction.

But when they noticed the undisguised aura of Peak Master Du, their faces turned pale with fear.

Because he came from a prestigious and upright family like the Linglong Immortal Sect, Master Du Laofeng would be restrained when he activated his magic power.

He will not show off his momentum unscrupulously.

Otherwise, with the cultivation of the old peak master, it would be easy to destroy Tianya City, which is more than fifty miles wide and two hundred miles long.

It's just that although he saw the master of the Yuxian Sect, there was no one around him who fit the characteristics of the Yuxian Demon.

This made Peak Master Du frown involuntarily.

Could it be that the mark he made was seen through by the other party?

Xu Fei's body floated in the air, looking down.

But Xu Fei didn't think that the Demon of Desire had escaped.

After all, Xu Fei has always paid attention to various situations in the city.

You can detect anything unusual.

Therefore, this desire sacrifice demon most likely changed his aura concealment cultivation and hid among the crowd. (End of chapter)

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