Almost half an hour later, Peak Master Du returned.

In fact, it was the 'escape bait' that wanted to sacrifice to the demon. In addition to his extraordinary strength, he also risked his life to escape.

This made Master Du Lao peak really useless.

When Master Du Laofeng returned to Tianya City, he saw Xu Fei using the formation to suppress the demon of desire, and he quickly handed over his hands to express his thanks.

"Thank you, Elder Xiao Xu, for your help." Peak Master Du said.

Xu Fei had previously used the Ten Thousand Woods Thunder Formation to refine blood and slay demons.

At that time, everyone in the Linglong Immortal Sect knew that Elder Xu, who had practiced for less than a thousand years, was proficient in formations.

Therefore, it was not surprising that Du Laofeng thought that Xu Fei could subdue the Demon of Desire.

Master Du Laofeng entered the formation, carefully looked at the Desire Demon, and confirmed his identity.

Raise your hand to kill the demon who wants to sacrifice and avenge your descendants.

Suddenly there was a loud thunder.

Xu Fei's four-two formation was actually broken!

The four or two formations use the earth's energy to stir the weight of everything connected to the earth's energy within the range of the formation.

The most taboo thing is the change of earth atmosphere.

Thunder in the sky is a situation that has a relatively large impact on the earth's atmosphere.

The Desire Demon thought he was going to die here today.

Unexpectedly, something happened, and he quickly escaped from Tianya City.

Although the four or two formations were quickly smoothed out by Xu Fei and could be activated again, the Demon of Desire had already escaped from the formation.

The four or two formations were clearly useless.

But how can there be thunder in good weather?

Xu Fei looked up at the sky.

Although there are some clouds, it doesn't look like rain.

Therefore, someone must be rescuing the Demon of Desire and triggering the thunder method.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei looked around.

Peak Master Du Lao had already followed the trail of the Demon of Desire and pursued him.

Xu Fei looked at the horizon and finally found some traces.

Someone is hiding in the clouds!

This made Xu Fei frown.

I guess it was this person who broke his formation.

However, the opponent's thunder method was silent and there was no trace, so he was obviously not a weakling.

In the blink of an eye, the demon of desire fled under the clouds.

A man wearing bright yellow brocade clothes appeared from the clouds.

Stand in front of Master Du Lao.

"Master Du Feng, slow down." The man chuckled.

Seeing this person, Master Du's eyes narrowed.

"War Demon?" Peak Master Du Lao was quite afraid.

In demonic cultivation, there are not only strange and cunning methods, but also the power of violent and vicious fighting.

For example, what the fighting demon practices is the evil fighting demon technique.

The more you fight, the stronger you become.

The growth of his cultivation depends entirely on fighting to the death.

As long as you don't die and practice demonic cultivation such as fierce fighting, your cultivation level will continue to grow.

Extremely amazing.

"That's right." The war demon was wearing bright yellow brocade clothes and had a beard.

The aura is peaceful, not aggressive or aggressive.

But the more this happens, the more frightening it is.

Because this means that the other party has been able to curb the influence of the magic power on the mind.

It can almost be considered a return to the right path!

When the Demon of Desire saw him coming to save him, his face was filled with joy of escaping from death.

"Why did you come here?" The Demon of Desire said, half surprised and half complaining.

It's like a quarrel between lovers.

"I've tried my best to get here." War Demon chuckled.

There was actually a bit of doting on his look.

No one would think that this person should have such a domineering title.

Xu Fei quickly followed.

Look at the battle demon in front of you.

This one is an old devil.

He has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, and it is said that he once had a legal battle with the former head of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

No matter who wins or loses.

Although the previous leader was only a disciple of Beilu at that time and did not take over as leader, he could still know the other party's strength from now on.

Master Du Laofeng had many thoughts, but he also understood that he might not be able to avenge his descendants today.

After all, even he, coupled with the already well-nurtured Sihai Gourd, may not be a match for the War Demon.

Xu Fei on the side did not look worried, but rather eager to try.

The person in front of me is almost the most powerful figure here.

I just don’t know how I will compare with the other person?

It has to be said that although Xu Fei has been practicing for hundreds of years, he still has some anger in his heart.

War Demon was keenly aware of this.

Can't help but look at it.

Master Du Laofeng quickly stood in front of Xu Fei and held the half-human-sized Sihai Gourd behind him with one hand.

Very alert.

After all, the strength of this war demon is astonishing. Although Xu Fei's formation is well arranged, there is no help from the formation at this moment.

I'm afraid that I may not be able to stop the opponent's vicious hands.

The war demon smiled lightly when he saw this.

"Master Du Feng, how about we just give up this time?" War Demon said.

Although it is called a War Demon, it is no longer as ferocious and aggressive as before.

After all, once you fight, your cultivation level will increase.

War Demon's current cultivation level is almost at the limit of what he can currently control.

Once this limit is exceeded, the war demon will degenerate into a monster without consciousness.

Therefore, for him, it is natural to avoid fighting if possible.

Master Du Laofeng heard this, although he looked a little depressed, but he had to agree.

But the next moment, rainbow light flashed across the sky.

Four Linglong Immortal Sect Peak Masters came.

It was during this trip that they, like Xu Fei, were invited by Master Du Laofeng to pursue the Demon of Desire.

They are Qi Qingyun, the master of Tiangang Peak.

Yan Xuanmei, the master of Tianxuan Peak.

Li Huixin, the master of Tiansi Peak.

The master of Tianding Peak is Chang Zhen.

Among these four, Qi Qingyun, the master of Tiangang Peak, is about fifty years old. He is wearing gray robes and looks like a charitable elder.

The leader of Tianxuan Peak, Yan Xuanmei, is the only woman among the crowd. She is wearing a purple robe, has a gorgeous appearance, and holds a crescent lens staff.

The starlight flashes in the mirror used as the head of the staff, which is quite special.

He is also the most eye-catching one among them.

The master of Tiansi Peak, Li Huixin, has no hair, no eyebrows and no beard.

The leader of Tianding Peak is really dressed in brocade robes, just like an ordinary prince or noble.

With the arrival of the four peak masters, Peak Master Du, who originally thought he would put his revenge on hold, looked a little hesitant.

After all, he and Xu Fei were the only ones on our side, so it was unlikely that they could defeat the war demon.

But now that the six peak masters are here, how can the war demon be allowed to run rampant?

Master Du's thoughts were once again seen by the war demon.

He chuckled and activated his magic skills, and several rainbow lights suddenly flew up in the distance.

After a while, several more big demons appeared.

Wrathful Demon

Greedy Devil

Absolute Demon

The demonic skills practiced by several demons are different, and their evil deeds are evil.

For a moment, the demonic energy was astonishing.

"Master Du Feng, war or peace?" War Demon chuckled.

As a demon cultivator, if he didn't join the group to keep warm, he would have been strangled to death by the nine major sects.

And even though the Desire Demon was easily manipulated by Xu Fei, it was of great use against the War Demon.

After all, he has practiced evil-fighting skills, and his cultivation will improve after one fight.

But once his cultivation exceeds what he can master, he will become a monster.

Therefore, if you want to sacrifice to the demon, you can use the demon-gathering and tonifying power to suit him.

As long as the war demon's cultivation is about to exceed the limit of mastery, he will look for the desire demon to play with him.

Very convenient and enjoyable.

This is also the reason why the Yuji Demon Society acted like a little daughter in front of the War Demon just now.

After all, 'he' and the war demon have been intimate with each other more than once.

Although after being intimate, 'he' will often be severely weakened by taking supplements from opponents whose cultivation is much higher than his own, but it can also benefit his own cultivation.

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