Chapter 41, Yun Niang

After all, these women are very sensible and usually don't get jealous.

Let Xu Fei be busy with his own affairs every day.

Don't worry about home.

This alone is enough to make Xu Fei love them all.

After seeing the women and his son, Xu Fei continued to practice martial arts and didn't stop until dinner time.

For more than a year, Xu Fei's martial arts training time every afternoon has been unbreakable.

No matter it was windy or rainy, or the cold winter was uninterrupted, if not for this, he would not be as strong as he is now.

It's just that Xu Fei hasn't really played against anyone yet, so it's not easy to judge where his level is in the world.

But it is impossible for Xu Fei to really find a charlatan to fight in order to know his own level.

If you can beat it, that's fine. If you can't beat it...

Wouldn't that be cool?

After dinner and reading several times, Xu Fei came to Yun Niang.

In fact, it was a coincidence that I was able to buy Yun Niang.

After Zhou Yue and He Hua became pregnant one after another, Xu Fei was ready to buy another maid.

After all, when you are having an affair with a pregnant woman, it is quite frustrating not to give proficiency points.

It's just that maybe Xu Fei is rich.

Looking at the women in the dental shop who looked ordinary and had no special advantages, Xu Fei was a little dissatisfied and planned to go to other dental shops.

However, after walking around for a while, Xu Fei still couldn't find the maid who could sleep.

But at this moment, a person stopped in front of him.

Frankly speaking, you can sell yourself to him.

This surprised Xu Fei, and he was about to take a detour. After all, the maid bought from Yaxing had a certain guarantee. Suddenly, an unknown person said that he would sell herself to him?

Can this be believed?

But after seeing Xu Fei's rejection, the other party pulled off his cloak, revealing his obscured face.

Xu Fei couldn't help but stop in his footsteps.

Because the other party's appearance is very outstanding.

With Xu Fei's picky aesthetic, he can score more than 80 points.

The top female celebrities in the entertainment industry during Xu Fei's lifetime, such as Feifei, Mimi, etc., could only reach this level under Xu Fei's strict scoring system.

So you can see the appearance of this mysterious woman in front of you.

Then Xu Fei made a strange mistake, and to put it bluntly, he gave the money because of his lust.

The other party took Xu Fei's money and left for a while, and then came back as promised, followed Xu Fei home, and became his maid.

She was renamed Yunniang by Xu Fei.

Xu Fei scratched his chin, put his memories back, and then came to Yun Niang's room.

Seeing Xu Fei coming over, the maid serving Yun Niang bowed and stepped back.

Yun Niang, who was writing, was still concentrating on practicing calligraphy and didn't pay attention to anything else.

Xu Fei approached, hugged Yun Niang gently from behind, held Yun Niang's calligraphy hand, and began to teach her to practice calligraphy with his own hands.

Soon, an article was copied.

Yun Niang looked at the article, which had completely different handwriting on the front and back, but the handwriting on the second half looked beautiful, and looked back at Xu Fei.

He pursed his lips slightly, then looked away.

Yun Niang has a cold temperament and never talks about her origins.

This caused Xu Fei to have many guesses.

I feel that the other party may be a young lady in trouble who is being hunted by her enemies, or she may be a noble lady who has caused some trouble...

It's all trouble anyway.

However, the past two months had been uneventful, which made Xu Fei think that he might be scaring himself. Yun Niang might just be the daughter of a wealthy family who had sold herself and used the money to settle her family.

"What's on your mind?" Xu Fei said.

After getting along for the past two months, we still have a negative distance relationship, so naturally we are closer than before.

"No." Yun Niang said calmly.

After hearing this, Xu Fei lost interest in asking further questions and simply got down to business.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

Looking at Yun Niang who was sleeping tiredly in his arms, Xu Fei hugged her into his arms.

After meeting Yun Niang, he couldn't control himself and bought her regardless of the possible risks.

It's like a person who can only eat some chicken, duck and fish every day, facing a steamed red lobster that makes people salivate.

I can only admire him for being a man if he can hold back his chopsticks.

Of course, these are Xu Fei's sophistry, but in fact, he just forgets his duty.

Fortunately, no problems occurred.

At the same time, this incident also reminded Xu Fei that he is not so lucky every time.

Before you have enough strength, it is very necessary to keep a low profile.

Otherwise, forget it if you encounter danger and trouble, and you will regret it if you bring your parents and family to a fault.

The next day.

Xu Fei got up early and practiced the crane-shaped breathing method several times.

As the level of the breathing method increases, the effects of practice become more and more obvious.

Strengthen the organs!

This is a part that cannot be exercised very well when practicing Tiger Fist with internal strength.

After all, internal energy is only in the flesh and blood. After the movement energy is advanced, it can also reach the bones, but the internal organs are still a restricted area for internal energy.

We can only rely on the body to become stronger and stronger, and slowly feed back the strong nourishment to the internal organs.

Xu Fei, on the other hand, can slowly strengthen his internal organs by relying on the breathing method.

Qi and blood are strong, breathing is longer, food digestion is more efficient, and kidney water is more abundant.

If not, Xu Fei would not have been able to achieve his current achievements by relying on simple food and occasional supplements.

Because the nourishing medicinal materials Xu Fei has encountered so far are ordinary tonics such as ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, and there is nothing special or magical about them.

It doesn't quite meet his current needs.

This also made Xu Fei inevitably have doubts.

How do other martial artists satisfy their body's nutritional needs as they pursue more advanced martial arts skills?

Little did he know that the speed of improvement of other warriors was basically impossible to be as exaggerated as his.

It took ten, twenty, or even decades of persistence to reach Xu Fei's current level.

Of course, there is no need for powerful supplements.

After practicing the breathing method, Xu Fei went to the medical clinic.

Something that could not only advance the level of medical skills but also make money was worth spending half a day on.

But at noon, when Xu Fei went home, he encountered people from the Dilong Gang going door to door to collect monthly money.

In the past, although these martial arts and martial arts gangs in Liang State relied on force to monopolize some industries, they were still under the management of the government.

But in just one year, the situation has collapsed.

These gangs actually started collecting monthly payments.

Ordinary people get one tael of silver per month, and children under the age of 16 get half of it. If you open a shop or something like that, you will be charged several taels, ten taels, or even dozens of taels of silver depending on the size of the store.

Because people in these gangs are inevitably injured, the medical clinic will receive preferential treatment. In addition, Xu Fei's medical skills are superb, so the medical clinic does not charge money.

But his father Zhang Lian's cloth shop would be charged seven taels of silver a month.

It is said that this was because the other party knew that the cloth shop was owned by Xu Fei's father, so he discounted it, otherwise it would have been twenty taels a month.


Thank you Master Ming for your advice. I separated the skill values ​​in quotation marks. Thank you.

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