Place the eel demon in a pool inside the fairy gate, and then Xu Fei takes the two Tao sisters back home.

The appearance of these two sisters is only over 80 points.

Xu Fei didn't really want to keep him by his side.

But who let the Tao sisters take him to get the Gengjin meteorite?

So just make do with it.

After settling the two sisters, Xu Fei came to Yangwu Taoist Hall.

After some searching, I found a scroll of Taoism suitable for the eel demon.

Hold on to the ten thousand transformations and hold on to the wonderful laws of mind.

When the demon clan practices this method to transform the human race, it will have almost no impact on the demon clan.

However, the mana consumption will be relatively large.

In other words, the eel demon has a cultivation level of more than 20,000 pots, and in the end, I am afraid that there will only be about 5,000 pots left.

But after the demon race practices this law of determination and becomes a human race, it can practice almost all human race Taoism.

The foundation gained is also deep.

It is almost the best method that Xu Fei can find so far to convert demons into Taoism.

When the eel demon handed over the enforcement method, after a brief inspection, tears immediately flowed from his eyes.

"The little demon will follow Master Ding from now on," said the eel demon.

In fact, during these years, the eel demon also obtained some methods of converting to Taoism.

But those Taoist methods are too superficial. Even if you practice to an extremely advanced level, you will still have the characteristics of the demon clan.

It would be quite troublesome to change the method of converting to Taoism at that time.

Not only will one's cultivation be wasted, but even if one obtains a human body, there will most likely be flaws.

You may even never be able to practice again.

Even though the eel demon is a bit funny in front of Xu Fei, his heart towards the Tao is very firm.

I am determined that there is no better way to practice Taoism, so I would rather continue practicing in the demon body!

Xu Fei vaguely noticed the situation of this demon and couldn't help but sigh.

If it weren't for the plug-in, he might have already died in the Deathly Hallows.

It is simply impossible to achieve today's achievements.

These trivial matters were taken care of.

Xu Fei returned to his residence.

A small courtyard of the Xu family was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Naturally, he was congratulating Xu Fei for taking the Tao sisters as concubines.

It is also the bridal chamber for the two women.

Although Xu Fei didn't say much when he brought the two girls back, Yingwei would naturally help handle these matters.

So Xu Fei only needs to enter the bridal chamber.

In the bridal chamber, the Tao sisters, covered with red headscarves and sitting by the bed holding hands, noticed Xu Fei coming in.

Quite shy.

Xu Fei bought spiritual lotus flowers and gave them 100,000 spiritual stones.

The two sisters were quite thoughtful at that time.

But now that the dream has come true, it is inevitable to be shy when things come to pass.

"Very beautiful." Xu Fei's eyes lit up after he lifted the headscarves of the two women.

Even though they were dressed up, the sisters Tao Ling'er and Tao Yue'er were quite colorful.

As for the fact that the two girls were obviously concubines, but they wore the red hijab that the main wife could only use when she got married, it was also Xu Fei's love for his concubines.

There was no formal and lively wedding, so wearing a wedding dress and hijab made up for it a little.

"Master," said the Tao sisters.

Even though they were already in the bridal chamber, the two women were still a little dizzy and in disbelief.

After all, they can become the master's concubines?

Have a fun night.

The next day, Xu Fei left the bridal chamber with satisfaction.

It was the first time for both women.

Although they are not biological sisters, they still have a lot of similarities, so there is still a lot of fun in it, so there is no need to go into details.

After resting for a while, Xu Fei went to meet his elders such as Patriarch Youwei, Grandmaster Yan, and Uncle Beauty.

Exercising the courtesy of a junior.

Xu Fei was thinking about smelting Gengjin from meteorites.

Came to a refining room.

Xu Fei purchased many refining rooms over the years.

Some are suitable for all seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and some are suitable for specific weather such as wind, frost, rain, snow, sunny and cloudy.

After the weapon refining skills reach a certain level, these subtleties that originally had little impact will have a lot of effects.

With more attention, the quality of the refined magic weapon can be improved by one, two, or even three or five hundred.

Therefore Xu Fei will naturally not ignore it.

And Xu Fei came to a refining room that was suitable for the time when the fire was flowing.

After some adjustments, the fire in the refining room rose.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry to put the Gengjin meteorite into the earth fire to burn it.

Continue to wait for the ground fire to burn.

He even refined a few magic weapons to familiarize himself with the effects of the current earth fire.

After all, Xu Fei's weapon refining skills have reached an ultra-high level of level 49, which is extraordinary.

But that doesn’t mean it can be refined and processed at will.

Because weapon refining has always been a delicate job.

Even with Xu Fei's skills, if he slacks off, he will produce defective products or even fail.

Meticulousness is required.

After some familiarity, Xu Fei had some understanding.

Take out the Gengjin meteorite from the storage bag.

This meteorite is the size of a watermelon.

After weighing it, it was only three kilograms, five taels, and nine cents.

Silently sensing the content of Geng gold in it.

If it is refined properly, you may be able to get one or two to one and a half Geng gold.

And this content is already quite high.

Because in ancient times, when Linglong Immortal Sect still had Geng gold veins, it was possible to smelt two or three coins of Geng gold from one hundred thousand or even one million kilograms of Geng gold ore.

But even so, it has attracted a lot of covetousness and prying eyes.

There were many fights and killings.

It can even be said that every piece of Geng gold is covered with blood.

After several days of careful smelting.

In the end, Xu Fei smelted a piece of silvery-white gold from the meteorite that was the size of a thumbnail.

Seeing the silver-white Geng Jin, Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

Geng gold has several qualities, among which the light golden color is the best.

Silver color comes second.

If it's brass color, it's normal.

It is the worst when it is dark and iron-colored.

Refining Gengjin of this quality into a magical weapon will improve the sturdiness of the magical weapon, but it will also have an impact on the spirituality of the magical weapon.

So Xu Fei's luck is indeed good this time.

He held a small piece of Geng Jin in his hand and played with it for a moment.

Xu Fei went to another refining room and waited quietly for the rainy day.

Because if you want to refine Geng Gold into Tianlong Wood, you don't need to use the Patriarch's refining room to mobilize a large number of people, but if you choose the right weather, it can also help the refining to a certain extent.

And a rainy day was the suitable time chosen by Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was not kept waiting too long.

However, a few days later, raindrops scattered in the sky and gradually became heavier.

Let the hot weather suddenly cool down.

Xu Fei did not hesitate and activated the earth fire to melt Geng Jin.

At the same time, he was training Geng Jin.

It's not that Xu Fei didn't prepare in advance, but practicing it when refining the magical weapon will make Geng Financial's refining of the Tianlong Sword smoother and more effective.

And with Xu Fei's careful manipulation, Geng Jin quickly completed the training.

After all, it's just a piece the size of a fingernail.

Although it's a bit time-consuming, it's not too troublesome.

After tempering the Geng Metal, Xu Fei took out the Tianlong Wood.

The originally wood-colored sword body gradually turned green as Xu Fei refined it.

It looks like it's about to sprout again.

But in fact, it was just Xu Fei's proper maintenance that allowed the properties of Tianlong Wood to be better promoted.

As long as you continue to carefully cultivate it, when it finally reaches its optimal state, the power of the Tianlong Sword may be more than three times that of when it was first refined!

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