After refining the elixir, Xu Fei returned to his residence.

The refining of the elixir this time consumed a lot of the pharmacy's storage, and it was necessary to arrange manpower to replenish it.

However, Xu Fei felt quite indebted to his wife, concubines, and children when he thought that in addition to practicing cultivation recently, he was also traveling.

Find Yingwei and ask her to make arrangements. He will cook for everyone in the evening.

"Master, are you so interested today?" Yingwei said.

Xu Fei was a little embarrassed when he heard this, as the number of children increased.

After all, he was not as concerned about his children as his eldest son Zhang Xian and other children.

Some children he has not seen a few times have grown up, or have started a family, or have returned home.

The responsibility of being a father is seriously missing in the growth of children.

But there are only twelve hours in each day.

Xu Fei either prefers his own cultivation or takes care of his children and family.

If he wanted to practice and teach his children, Xu Fei would have to sacrifice his rest.

But it is true that the physical fitness of monks is far superior to that of ordinary people. They can go without sleep for a long time, but the role of sleep in monks cannot be underestimated.

At least after a long period of sleeplessness, a monk will become irritable and irritable.

It may even endanger the Taoist mind.

After all, monks are still human beings, and the most they can do is master super powers.

When it was time for dinner, Xu Fei's unmarried children and his many wives and concubines immediately beamed with joy when they saw the table full of delicious food.

No one in the family knows about Xu Fei's exquisite cooking skills.

When the taste reaches this level, it is the ultimate enjoyment.

The meal was lively and joyful.

It can be considered that Xu Fei made up for his wife, concubines and children a little.

After resting at home for a few days, Xu Fei came to Xiiling again, near Mount Jie.

"May I ask, sir, are you Han Li?" A banshee who had been waiting here for a long time stepped forward and asked.

"That's right." Xu Fei said.

"Sir, please wait a moment. My master will be here in a moment," the banshee said.

Not a moment later, three girls, Fang'er, Lan'er, and Qing'er, came hand in hand.

"Fellow Taoist is indeed trustworthy." Fang'er, who has a free and easy temperament, said with a smile.

Qing'er, who was dressed coolly, even gave Xu Fei a wink.

However, his magic power is pure and strong, and he obviously did not mix his magic power with the unorthodox double cultivation method.

Xu Fei looked calm when he saw this. He was neither happy because of Fang'er's praise nor timid because of Qing'er's teasing.

Plain and simple.

Then Xu Fei took out a storage bag.

"There are a thousand pills of various kinds of spiritual elixirs in it, priced at 1.7 million spiritual stones." Xu Fei said.

Depending on the type and quality of the elixir refined this time, the price ranges from dozens to thousands of spirit stones.

However, there are not many high-quality elixirs, so on average, the value of one elixir is about five hundred spirit stones.

Logically speaking, it is not as high as 1.7 million spiritual stones.

But Xiiling is different from the outside world. The price of the elixir is very expensive, three or four times the usual selling price of Xu Fei.

That's why a thousand elixirs can be offered at such an astonishing price.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, the three women couldn't help but be surprised.

"This... I wonder if my friend can let me check it out?" Fang'er said.

"You have nothing to do." Xu Fei raised his hand and threw the storage bag to the other party.

Fang'er caught the storage bag and looked even more surprised after sensing the items in the bag with her mind.

Because the quality of these spiritual pills is very good, the price of 1.7 million spiritual stones is actually considered very generous here in Xiiling.

After Fang'er thought for a while, she handed the storage bag to Lan'er, who had a quiet temperament.

After checking it, the woman handed the storage bag to Qing'er.

The three women checked the quality of the elixir one by one and exchanged looks with each other.

After a lot of piecing together, I finally collected the elixirs and spiritual materials worth 1.7 million spiritual stones.

Then give it to Xu Fei.

The transaction went smoothly.

This also made Xu Fei relax.

Although the amount of this transaction is not particularly huge, it is enough to induce many monks to break through the limit and commit murder and extravagance.

Especially this time the transaction was in Xiiling.

Can't see anything beyond ten feet.

If the other person has bad intentions, take the elixir and run away.

Even if Xu Feiliu had a secret hand, it would still take a lot of effort.

After the transaction was completed, the three women couldn't help but smile.

It seems like they don't make much money, but in fact, even if they sell these elixirs at a low price, they can earn almost 700,000 spiritual stones.

After all, the price they paid for purchasing elixirs and spiritual materials was not high, and they only used nearly a million spiritual stones.

When it was exchanged for Xu Fei, the price was 1.7 million spirit stones.

Of course, Xu Fei had already agreed to the 50% premium for elixirs and spiritual materials.

Because this batch of elixirs was kept outside, Xu Fei could even sell three million or four million spiritual stones.

Get huge profits.

I can only say that making money as a business owner is really awesome.

However, the risks are not small.

Are the three women sincerely dealing with him?

In addition, even if everything goes well, if the three women's purchase of spiritual materials is noticed by someone who is interested.

Then Xu Fei may not be in trouble.

In short, huge profits also come with the risk of sudden death at any time.

Of course, because Xu Fei is very strong, whether it is a risk or a gift from nature is another question.

"When can Fellow Daoist Han come over to trade next time?" Fang'er said.

He has actually started thinking about the next cooperation.

"When will fellow Taoist need it?" Xu Fei said.

Although more than 8,000 elixirs were refined in one furnace, Xu Fei did not take them out at once.

After all, the business of more than 8,000 spiritual pills and tens of millions of spiritual stones will probably have a great impact on the sales of pills in Xialing.

Unpredictable risks may occur.

"How about half a year later?" Fang'er said.

A thousand elixirs are not a lot.

Especially since the quality of these elixirs was not low, it was impossible for the sisters to sell them at will.

It’s best to have a steady stream of water.

Therefore, the transaction of a thousand elixirs in half a year is undoubtedly very suitable.

Xu Fei was thoughtful when he heard the words.

He took out a thousand elixirs, which seemed to give him a head start.

I don’t think the three women can eat them all at once.

But I didn't expect that the three women got together and actually exchanged them all.

And thinking about our next cooperation.

Obviously the three women are quite important in Xiiling.

However, it is impossible for three women to reach this level with only two or thirty thousand pots of cultivation.

There should be something behind it.

Or parents, or sect, etc.

"I hope that in the next transaction, Taoist friends can get some spiritual seeds from the previous year." Xu Fei said.

When the three women heard Xu Fei's request, they couldn't help but look at it.

He looked thoughtful.

It seems that the identity of the other party is not ordinary.

But this is good.

If Han Li was just an ordinary monk, there would be a problem if he traded three or two times.

That is also troublesome for them.

"Since Fellow Daoist Han has such a request, we will naturally do our best to satisfy it." Fang'er said with a chuckle.

She has the highest cultivation level among the three girls, and is also a sharp-shooting sword cultivator.

In addition, she has a cheerful personality, so she is usually the one involved in foreign affairs.

Lan'er is quiet and thoughtful, and most things are decided by her.

As for Qing'er, she seems coquettish, but she observes carefully.

Through some subtle reactions of others, you can roughly guess their true thoughts. (End of chapter)

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