Chapter 43, Nosy

Hearing Yun Niang's cold words, Xu Fei was not annoyed and just took Yun Niang into his arms.

Fortunately, the Xiaoyao chair is large and sturdy enough to accommodate two people.

"This tea is my treasure." Xu Fei said.

Yun Niang didn't panic.

"Oh." He responded calmly.

For some reasons, she and her brother settled in Liang Kingdom.

However, the loyal servant who had been escorting her and her brother had run out of gas some time ago.

In desperation, she could only sell herself to Xu Fei and give the money to her brother.

Let him live a good life.

But if you say you have any good feelings for Xu Fei, that's nonsense.

As for why I chose Xu Fei.

One is a coincidence, and the other is that the loyal servant of the family went to the other party's hospital for treatment before his death, and his life was extended for more than a month. Therefore, the loyal servant was once surprised by Xu Fei's superb medical skills.

Seeing Yun Niang's calm and unfazed look, Xu Fei was helpless.

He was originally thinking of using the wasted tea leaves in his collection as an excuse to open up more ways to play.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei stopped pretending and went straight to him.

It can only be said that this boy is also a guy who forgets his parents when he has a wife.

The father asked him for the tea leaves he wanted, and gave him only half a tael miserably. A servant girl rounded up the remaining 1 or 2 halves, but she was not annoyed at all, and just thought about opening more ways to play.

Really stupid.

But alas, that seems to be the case for most people.

Xu Fei is not exempt from vulgarity.

However, when he saw his father the next day, Xu Fei also felt a little sorry for his father, so he treated him and specially replenished his kidney water.

Although it is basically impossible to have more brothers or sisters, if the life of father and mother is harmonious, then he can be considered filial.

It's nothing more than brushing off your clothes and hiding your merit and fame.

Came to the hospital again.

Xu Fei frowned slightly as he looked at the number of patients, which had been significantly reduced by 30%.

This is not to say that everyone is not getting sick.

After all, who dares to say that he is not sick?

But the environment is difficult.

Several martial arts gangs divide the territory and collect monthly money, one person per person. If the family has a large population, that is a huge expense per month.

So see a doctor?

As long as it's not really to the point where they can't bear it anymore, most people won't come to the hospital again.

Xu Fei sighed in his heart and tried his best to prescribe cheap and effective prescriptions to the patients.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang." After taking the medicine and knowing that his two doses of medicine only cost fifteen copper coins, a man in his forties looked grateful.

Xu Fei chuckled and nodded, accepting the other party's gratitude.

Because verbal gratitude is the only way poor people can express their gratitude.

"Thank you, thank you." The man thanked him and left, not daring to disturb Xu Fei's diagnosis and treatment of others.

"Doctor Zhang, come and see this patient." A doctor in the medical center looked worried after diagnosing the patient in front of him for a moment.

After Xu Fei heard this and prescribed a prescription for the patient in front of him, he came to the doctor who was asking for help.

After personally diagnosing the patient, he got up and went to consult with the master for a while before returning and writing a prescription.

Although doing this is unnecessary, after all, Xu Fei's medical skills, which have advanced to level 41, can cure almost all diseases, but with such a process, Xu Fei's strength can be slightly concealed.

It won't look too outstanding.

The beauty of trees in the forest must be urged by the wind.

This old saying is not just talk.

If you should hide your clumsiness, you should hide it.

At noon, Xu Fei said goodbye to his master.

But he saw the master sorting out the prescriptions he prescribed for patients.

This touched Xu Fei a little.


After all, he is an apprentice, and now the master is helping him organize the medical records.

Doctor Zhao didn't care and laughed.

"What's wrong?"

The apprentice's medical skills are much better than his, so sorting out the apprentice's medical records, whether it is passed down to future generations or just handed over to a few of his other apprentices, is a good deed that may save people's lives.

"If you finish sorting it out, please be sure to add my name." Xu Fei suddenly turned a corner.

This made Dr. Zhao feel happy again.

This close disciple of mine does not have the impetuousness of young people at all, and he knows how to restrain himself and hide his clumsiness. Based on this, Doctor Zhao concluded that his apprentice would be able to reach a higher level in the future.

Maybe he can be as famous as the ancestor of medicine, the ancestor of medicine, and the medical sage?

Immediately, Dr. Zhao chuckled and calmed down his distracting thoughts, and continued to sort out the prescriptions Xu Fei prescribed for the patient.

Xu Fei scratched his head and left the hospital.

As I was walking home, I saw someone from the Dilong Gang blowing up a roadside vegetable stall.

And he chased the hawker very arrogantly.

The man in his thirties kept beating him until he begged for mercy, and beat him until he made no sound. Only then did the Dilong Gang finally stop.

"You want to set up a stall without paying the money? You are too courageous. I will teach you a lesson today!" the leader of the Dilong Gang said proudly, not only to warn potential guys who don't want to pay the monthly fee, but also to Showing off his majesty to the surrounding audience.

Then he picked up the man's money bag, weighed it, nodded with satisfaction, and left with his men.

Seeing the man lying on the ground with no idea whether he was alive or dead, Xu Fei thought for a while and squatted down to diagnose and treat him.

Although he was severely beaten, there were no fatal injuries.

This made Xu Fei relax, and he simply treated the man under the current conditions.

Soon the man woke up and realized that Xu Fei was helping him treat him and quickly thanked him.

But his expression was full of sadness.

Xu Fei sighed helplessly.

Although he could understand the methods adopted by today's officials in order to revitalize imperial power, the cost of reusing warriors was borne by many subjects of the Liang Kingdom.

But there was nothing Xu Fei could do about this.

After all, he can now jump dozens of meters and break down trees with one palm.

But facing the army formed in formation, equipped with strong bows and crossbows, there was no chance of winning, and they could only drink in anger on the spot.

Back home, Xu Fei was practicing martial arts.

But suddenly I heard a report from a servant that someone from the Dilong Gang was visiting.

This made Xu Fei stunned and came to the front hall to meet him.

"Miracle Doctor Zhang, our hall master asked me to hand over this purse to you." The visitor was polite and polite, and no one could tell from his appearance that he was actually a member of a gang.

Xu Fei's eyes shrank when he saw the money bag.

Because this money bag apparently belonged to the man who was beaten and had the money bag taken away at noon!

Xu Fei hesitated for a moment and took the money bag.

The money bag was quite heavy, so Xu Fei opened it after thinking about it.

There are two silver ingots inside.

One ingot and ten taels.

In other words, there are twenty taels of silver in the purse.

"This is?" Xu Fei looked at the man from the Dilong Gang in confusion.

The other party chuckled lightly.

"Doctor Zhang should be able to understand. If you don't understand, then you should understand and say goodbye." But the man just said such a strange sentence and turned around to leave.

Xu Fei looked at the money bag and then watched the Dilong Gang men leave.

I sighed again in my heart.

When he took the money bag and took out the silver ingots, he knew what the other party meant.

Although it seemed that the Dilong Gang gave him money, in fact this was indeed a warning.

Don't meddle in other people's business.

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