Holding the wet prescription in his hand, Xie Hao looked uneasy.

After all, he had accepted his fate, but he didn't expect that his injuries could be cured?

"Fellow Taoist..." Xie Hao was afraid that he would still be disappointed after this time.

"Once you take it every seven days, it should be fine within three to five years." Xu Fei nodded.

After all, it was a serious injury that would make it difficult for a monk of Xie Hao's level to heal on his own, so even with Xu Fei's prescription, it would take a lot of time.

After all, Xie Hao is not the kind of person who is procrastinating. The main reason why he is so rude now is because his own wealth and life are at stake.

Xie Hao immediately collected his emotions.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Xie Hao said.

Then he took out a jade pendant.

"If something happens to you, fellow Taoist, take this jade pendant to the Lianjia Inn in Shanyingcheng and you can find me." Xie Hao bundled his voice into a line and only reached Xu Fei's ears.

Obviously, you have to be cautious about things that are related to your own fundamentals.

Xu Fei took the jade pendant, nodded, and said nothing more.

Xie Hao bowed his hand and left with the prescription.

Xu Fei continued to wait at Grape Mountain.

Because it was already too late, half a month later, a strange inspiration spread from the old roots of the spiritual grape.

The originally green grapes turned to mature purple-red.

Such a strange scene made Xu Fei couldn't help but pay attention.

Although this old root is just a rather ordinary spiritual seed, it is a spiritual seed after all.

Xu Fei picked a grape and threw it into his mouth.

Sweet and sour, mouthful of juice.

This makes the grape taste particularly outstanding.

As the grapes matured, it was naturally time to start purchasing them under Kufang's arrangement.

Over the past few years, some monks have come over one after another, either with their own strength or with the support behind them, to get a share of the pie.

In short, a total of more than 29,000 kilograms of top-quality old-root grapes were purchased.

It cost more than 100,000 spirit stones.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Fang'er." After finishing the matter, Xu Fei bowed his hands and said.

"Fellow Taoist, please don't forget the deal between us." Ku Fang said with a smile.

"Please keep this in mind." Xu Fei bowed his hands and said goodbye before flying away.

Returning with a large amount of grapes, Xu Fei recruited the disciples who had often worked with him over the years.

There is nothing in terms of magical weapons. As Xu Fei's alchemy furnace gets bigger and bigger, there are more than a thousand disciples who are initially refining elixirs and spiritual materials for him.

Xu Fei then took out the purchased spiritual grapes and asked these medicine-grinding disciples to clean them and then conduct preliminary tempering.

Wanting to make wine from grapes is not just about talking.

It also requires many processes and auxiliary materials.

After several days of busy work, with the coordinated efforts of more than a thousand medicine-making disciples, all the nearly 30,000 kilograms of grapes were finally barreled and fermented.

In about fifteen days, these wines will be fermented.

You can taste it then.

Look at the taste, the quality.

According to Xu Fei's estimation, even if this batch of wine cannot reach the level of top-quality spiritual wine, it can still reach the level of high-quality fine wine.

After finishing dealing with the grape matter, Xu Fei finally relaxed.

After all, these fresh fruit grapes cannot be stored for a long time.

If the spirit wine is not brewed as soon as possible, it may go bad.

The loss will be small then. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to be able to drink delicious wine?

After going to wash up first, Xu Fei changed into loose clothes and prepared to go to the school to take care of his children's studies.

Although there is no scientific examination for reading in Xianmen, reading is still indispensable.

Otherwise, let the children play around all day?

That's impossible.

I have been caught in the rain, so I definitely can't let these little guys hide under the umbrella and enjoy the happiness.

Therefore, from the age of six, the children of the Xu family have to attend a private school to learn to read and write.

Moreover, the annual grades in the library classes are directly related to the distribution of the children’s allowance tomorrow.

In short, although Xu Fei didn't teach his children much, he was always very concerned about their restraint.

"Master." The master in the school bowed quickly when he saw Xu Fei.

He is a descendant of a disciple of the Immortal Sect. To be able to come to the Xu family as a teacher is like smoke rising from the ancestral grave.

Xu Fei was not arrogant and bowed: "Sorry, sir."

Even Xu Fei today would not despise the respect his children's teachers deserve.

"I don't dare, I don't dare." The Master said with some fear.

Xu Fei ignored these. After all, the gap in status was too large, which put a lot of pressure on the other party.

"I have some free time today. I want to test the children in school. There will be rewards for good results." Xu Fei turned to look at his children.

There are now fifty-one of his children in the school.

Twenty-seven sons and twenty-four daughters.

The older ones are eighteen or nineteen years old, and the younger ones are only six or seven years old.

Mothers are all different.

But it seems that they can generally get along with each other in harmony.

Of course, there are occasional fights and the like.

But as long as he doesn't hurt or bully anyone, Xu Fei usually won't be punished too seriously.

And when they heard that their father was about to take the school entrance examination, the children with good grades usually looked eager to try, while those with poor grades looked as sad as bitter gourds.

When the master heard that Xu Fei was going to take the exam, he didn't dare to neglect it and quickly found some questions for the year-end library class.

There is arithmetic, there is literature, etc., to name a few.

"Today I will take the liberal arts class, and tomorrow I will take the martial arts class." Xu Fei said after thinking as he watched the test papers being handed out.

And when they heard that there would be martial arts classes tomorrow, some children who were not good at studying but were good at martial arts suddenly became frightened.

They were all gearing up.

Yingwei heard that Xu Fei had gone to the school to take exams for his children, and came over soon.

My master comes up with whatever he wants.

But it didn't disturb Xu Fei's interest.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The results of the literature class will come out soon.

Due to different ages, the difficulty of the test papers taken by children is naturally different.

But generally speaking, the results of younger children are generally good.

Of course, this is mainly because the test paper is simple.

Among the older children, Xu Fei's 2003rd son, 18-year-old Xu Rongqing, and 1935th daughter, 16-year-old Xu Yunmei, have the best results.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he did not give a reward directly.

But let them do it themselves.

However, Xu Rongqing is young and has a lot of ideas. Even though he doesn't dare to cross the line, he actually already has an idea in mind.

"You just say it, it's my business whether you agree or not." Xu Fei took a sip of the tea brought by Yingwei and chuckled.

Xu Rongqing looked at his father again.

As he grows up, there are not many opportunities to meet his father.

So it's hard to get close.

"I, I want to take over from Brother Yi and manage the affairs of the family when I grow up." Xu Rongqing said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

As time goes by, there are countless generations of children who manage the household chores.

Xu Fei paid less attention to things at home.

Unexpectedly, Xu Rongqing was thinking about this.

This made Xu Fei sigh for a moment.

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