So after being happy and happy, Xu Fei inevitably fell in love with the Snow Demon Yunv a little more.

"If you have any unhappy things, tell me and it will make me happy." Xu Fei saw that the little snow demon was not very happy and couldn't help but joked.

Snow Demon Yunu looked even more discouraged when she heard what Xu Fei said.

"No, it's nothing." Yu Nu said.

Xu Fei gently took Yu Nu into his arms.

It was as if he was holding a fragrant and soft ice cube. This novel feeling made Xu Fei quite fond of it.

"How about I help you solve this trouble?" Xu Fei asked again.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Yu Nu couldn't help but be startled, and turned to look at Xu Fei with eyes full of surprise.

"Is this okay?" Yu Nu asked.

The parents disappeared six years ago, when the remaining daughter was only twelve years old.

However, under the education of her parents, Yu Nu has always required herself to be a benevolent leader.

If not for this, when grandpa asked Xu Fei for help but could not get any reward.

Yu Nu will not take the initiative to sacrifice herself.

Feed the tiger with your body.

So from this we can also know how much Yu Nu attaches great importance to the horizontal value species.

Xu Fei saw exactly this situation.

In addition, I also want to see what is going on in Huogong Garden.

So he just pushed the boat aside and offered to help Heng Zizhong solve the problem without any hassle.

Sure enough, Yu Nu, who was a little depressed because Xu Fei was thinking about recruiting more women from various demon tribes, cheered up.

As long as the master helps it find its parents, it will solve the trouble of being a species.

Then let it be whatever you want.

Seeing Yu Nu being coaxed by his words, Xu Fei smiled and touched its head.

Xu Fei has always preferred this kind of obedient and easy-to-coax character.

If you are the kind of person who is always willing to spend money and money, who is messy and confused, then get away as far as you can.

The next day.

Xu Fei took Yu Nu and wandered around Hengzhuizhong for a while.

But what makes Yu Nu a little confused is, why is the master walking around?

And when it asked, the master just smiled back.

Soon, it was noon.

The time has come to execute the fox demon.

Obviously, even the demon clan is more cautious about executing prisoners.

I deliberately chose the time when the sun is the brightest at noon.

Avoid spawning evil spirits.

Also executed together with the fox demon was the Yingui whom Xu Fei had captured before.

You only need to put it in the sun and add fierce magic fire to refine it.

However, the execution also required Xu Fei to make certain adjustments to the treacherous earth atmosphere.

Otherwise, neither magic fire nor sunlight can affect the mystery wrapped in earth energy.

Following the eerie screams.

There are also manifestations such as the fox demon's unwillingness to curse, beg for mercy, cry bitterly, etc. before dying.

One fox and one guile were executed.

Xu Fei didn't do anything extra.

Quietly waiting for subsequent changes.

Maintaining the status quo.

It would be best if the possible mastermind gave up.

And if the other party intends to continue with the plot it wants to carry out, there is a high probability that it will not ignore the changes in the horizontal value.

So it was okay for Xu Fei to choose to wait quietly.

However, doing so requires far beyond ordinary strength.

After all, after waiting, I found that I couldn't solve the problem.

Then there will be another word to describe it.

Sit back and wait for death.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Snow Demon Yu Nu sat on the mat, picked up the berries on the side, and fed them to Xu Fei who was resting on her lap.

Because Yu Nu is a snow demon, the ordinary berries seemed to have been frozen after being taken by her.

It tastes extremely cold and refreshing.

Xu Fei was very satisfied.

However, there was a hint of sadness in Yu Nu's expression.

These days have passed and nothing has changed.

This made it want to urge the master to do something, but it didn't know how to speak.

"Mr. Li, Hengzhuicheng would like to ask you to help catch tricks." A moment later, the old demon Hado came in a hurry.

When the snow demon Yunu saw her grandfather coming, she immediately stood up shyly.

Xu Fei stood up generously and generously.

"Let's go." He said simply.

Arrive at the residence of old demon Hado.

Xu Fei found that it was still very lively here.

There was a group of monsters holding weapons and wearing armor standing outside.

In the old demon's residence were two tiger demons and a humanoid banshee wearing a veil with only her eyes exposed, and her eyes were rather uneasy.

The two coral-like horns on its head are quite eye-catching.

"Old man." The two tiger demons saw the old demon Haduo and stood up quickly.

They are the guard generals of the past.

However, after the chief and his wife disappeared, the "Hengzheng" who was originally under the chief and assisted the chief in managing the affairs of the city expelled the old chief and the demon clan who supported him and the chief.

Occupied Hengzhi City.

Although the two of them have some strength, it is difficult to disobey Hengzheng's orders.

And with the old cultivator leaving, it will no longer be possible to enjoy the prosperity of Hengzhi City.

So the two tiger demons changed their families and joined the new leader.

It's just that at this moment, I need to ask the old man to come here, which is inevitably a bit embarrassing.

Old Yao Hadou has lived a long time. Although betrayal cannot be said to be commonplace, he has experienced ups and downs after all.

So there is no change in expression.

And he politely asked the two demons to sit down.

The two tiger monsters did not do that, and turned to observe Xu Fei.

Is this the human monk who 'has a beautiful woman to help catch the villain'?

After slightly sensing the other's cultivation level, and seeing that the two brothers could not judge the other's cultivation level at all, their expressions immediately became more respectful.

"Deer Girl!" said a tiger demon.

The veiled banshee not far behind the two heard the words and silently opened her veil.

Under the veil, there is a beautiful succubus with gentle eyebrows.

Paired with the two antlers on its head.

Let Xu Fei take a fancy to it.

After all, the appearance of this deer demon is more to his liking.

I also listened to some brief descriptions of the situation in Hengzhui City by the two tiger monsters.

"Okay, I agree to this matter." Xu Fei said.

When they heard that Xu Fei agreed to take action, the two tiger monsters were extremely happy.

He quickly thanked him, and at the same time presented him with gold, silver, jewelry, spiritual stones, elixirs, various spiritual fruits, etc.

Although the value was not much, only a few thousand spirit stones, his respect for Xu Fei was shown.

Let Yunu, the snow demon, lead the deer demon home.

Xu Fei followed the two tiger monsters to Hengzhi City.

Although there are many monsters in Hengzhi City, the layout is a bit chaotic.

And the scale is much larger than that of the Hengzhi species with more than 20,000 demon mouths.

Almost 50 square kilometers.

This made it more difficult for Xu Fei to find the shady people who came to Hengzhi City from time to time to steal flesh and blood.

But now that he has agreed to this matter, he is also prepared to use tricks to frighten the enemy.

Xu Fei naturally wouldn't find it troublesome.

Soon, Xu Fei was led by two tiger demons to the Zhongchang Mansion in Hengzhi City.

The current Hengzhui City has been renamed Linghua City.

The demon clan living here is naturally the spirit flower species.

Obviously, this original Hengzheng, after expelling the old demon Hado, started from scratch and re-established the ethnic group.

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