Chapter 48, Sanhua chapter

And Yun Niang also let Xu Fei take whatever he asked for in the subsequent branches and leaves.

It was the first time for Xu Fei to be so happy.

"Tsk, tsk, why are you so good today?" Xu Fei said with a smile.

Yun Niang rolled her eyes at Xu Fei and squeezed herself into Xu Fei's arms.

"You like practicing martial arts?"

Xu Fei felt that Yun Niang finally had some love for him and hugged him gently.

"I quite like it."

"Then I have a set of martial arts passed down from our family. Do you want to learn it?" Yun Niang said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised, but he didn't care.

"Okay, come and listen."

"This set of martial arts is called Sanhua Chapter, the beginning of heaven and earth..." Yun Niang slowly recited the martial arts techniques.

Xu Fei didn't care when he first heard it, but after listening for a while, his eyes showed horror.

Because this Sanhua chapter was so wonderful that he could only stand in admiration!

"W-what level of martial arts is this?" Xu Fei asked in surprise, never expecting that Yun Niang had such a family heritage.

"There's no level at all. It's just ordinary inner strength and mental skills." Yun Niang said.

Seeing Yun Niang's understatement, Xu Fei was silent for a moment.

"伱..." He wanted to ask about the origins of Sister Yun Niang, but after hesitation, Xu Fei did not continue to ask.

After all, when Yun Niang wants to say something, she should be able to say it, right?

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei stood up, found a pen and paper, and asked Yun Niang to dictate again. He copied out a copy of the Sanhua Pian.

Looking at the Sanhua Chapter, which was only about 2,000 words long, Xu Fei put it away cautiously.

Seeing Xu Fei's cautious look, Yun Niang went to sleep without caring.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Sanhua chapter【0/5】【0/2】

This was the result that Xu Fei only came to after comprehending the Sanhua Chapter several times.

What's more, Xu Fei is now equipped with the advanced level 32 Crane Shape Breathing Technique and the advanced level 29 Sitting Tiger Internal Skill. This is not the time when he knew nothing about martial arts internal skills before.

However, with the acquisition of the Sanhua Chapter, the levels of these two sets of internal martial arts have increased dramatically.

Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【32/41】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/10】【29/40】

The Breathing Technique has gone up to the upper limit of 9 levels, and the Sitting Tiger Neigong has gone all the way, raising the upper limit of the skill to 11 levels.

From the original score.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he filled up the existing level 2 of the Sanhua chapter.

An insight poured into Xu Fei's heart, giving him a deeper understanding of the Sanhua Chapter.

And this deeper understanding also made Xu Fei more and more amazed at the brilliance of this set of internal skills.

To put it simply, Sanhua Pian is a set of inner strength and mental methods that shed old knowledge and incorporate new ones.

Compared with the Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu, which uses a lot of energy to temper one's own flesh and blood, muscles and bones, and the Crane Shape Breathing and Inhalation Method, which strengthens the internal organs, the intention is much higher.

Not to mention the various extremely ingenious exercises in the Sanhua Chapter, which are much better than the Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu and the Crane-Shaped Breathing Method.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a moment, Xu Fei began to practice his inner energy according to the practice method of the Sanhua chapter.

After practicing the Sanhua Chapter for the first time, Xu Fei felt that his body was two points lighter.

Some injuries caused by practicing martial arts such as Tiger Boxing in the past have been relieved and healed.

This made Xu Fei's eyes flash with surprise.

These injuries were naturally not ignored by his superb medical skills, but they could usually be healed, so he didn't pay too much attention to them.

But now it seems that it still puts a certain burden on the body.

While thinking about it, Xu Fei did not continue to practice the Sanhua chapter.

I opened the panel and looked at it again, and found that the skill level of Sanhua Chapter was still level 2.

This made Xu Fei frown.

After other skills are learned, there will be a period of rapid progress.

It is not an exaggeration to say that one level will be improved after reading the book and one level will be achieved after practicing it.

But the Sanhua Chapter is much more difficult. After practicing it once, the level limit was not increased.

This made Xu Fei scratch his chin and was not very optimistic about the speed at which the level limit would be raised in the Sanhua Chapter in the future.

Then he looked at Yun Niang, who was already sleeping with a slight snore.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply went to bed first.

The next day, Xu Fei got up early, stood in the small courtyard, and began to practice the Sanhua Chapter.

Sanhua Pian is a set of internal skills that can be practiced both dynamically and silently.

You can meditate and practice it, or you can combine it with boxing and kicking skills.

Compared with Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu, which can only be combined with Tiger Fist and Tiger Sword Technique, it has higher applicability.

Whether it's the iron cloth shirt, the Eighteen Hands skillfully, or even the point-and-cloud step, it can all be paired with the Sanhua chapter during practice.

And the name of the Sanhua chapter seems a little different.

Everything else is just gong and boxing, but it is a piece!

It's obviously extraordinary.

I practiced my current several sets of kung fu.

After Xu Fei opened the panel, he was surprised to find that the upper limits of these skills had been greatly improved.

Iron shirt【0/10】【14/22】

Skillfully play eighteen moves【0/10】【28/33】

Point Cloud Step【0/10】【16/25】

So what is going on in this Sanhua chapter?

Although it is difficult for him to improve his level, he can advance the levels of other martial arts like flying?

This is certainly not simple!

However, Yun Niang was very secretive about her own origins, so there must be something that would be inconvenient to say more about.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't ask any further questions.

After filling up all the newly upgraded skills, go to the medical center.

Walking on the road, the depression in Gaoxian County is visible to the naked eye.

But Xu Fei has gradually become accustomed to this, and he no longer has the same emotion as before.

Not only Xu Fei, but also everyone else is slowly getting used to it.

At the same time, this situation also caused the four gang martial arts gyms, namely Dadao Hui, Dilong Gang, Haowu Hall, and Tiger Boxing Gym, which were not very popular before, to be bustling with people now.

A large number of parents want to send their children into it.

Because the current gang martial arts gyms not only waive tuition fees, but if there are disciples of the gang martial arts gyms at home, not only will their monthly fees be exempted, but their parents and children can even be further exempted based on their performance in the gang martial arts gyms. Monthly money.

These benefits immediately overshadow the idea of ​​studying to gain fame in the future.

Thinking of such a change, Xu Fei shook his head helplessly and walked into the hospital.

"Doctor Zhang, do you have any prescriptions for nourishing the body and strengthening the muscles and bones?"

Not long after, a couple in their forties came over to inquire.

Xu Fei was somewhat surprised when he heard this.

There have been a lot of customers asking about these prescriptions recently.

Xu Fei immediately thought of the more and more disciples in the martial arts hall.

"This...everyone's situation is different. You have to have someone come over in person. I can make a diagnosis before prescribing medicine." Xu Fei said.

The middle-aged couple heard this and nodded in approval.

"Okay, okay, we will bring our son tomorrow morning." Obviously he knew that Xu Fei was only at the hospital in the morning.

Xu Fei nodded and dealt with the two guests, then continued to diagnose the next patient.

At noon, Xu Fei left the hospital.

Seeing the disciples of the martial arts gang walking around on the street, I couldn't help scratching my chin.

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