After the female demon cultivator finished speaking, she ignored Xu Fei and stood up to leave.

She didn't seem to care whether Xu Fei was involved in her plan.

This made Xu Fei's expression even more tangled.

After all, there were several other demon cultivators watching him in the dark.

So Xu Fei could only continue to perform.

After a while, Xu Fei seemed to have made a decision.

Caught up with the female demon cultivator.

When the female demon cultivator saw this, a proud smile appeared on her lips.

If Xu Fei didn't catch up after she left, the companions who were secretly watching Xu Fei would naturally kill him.

to prevent their plans from being revealed.

But now it seems that the other party made the right choice.

The female demon cultivator ignored Xu Fei who was catching up.

He went straight to an inconspicuous residence.

After Xu Fei followed the female demon cultivator into it, he smelled a slight smell of blood.

And Xu Fei was definitely human blood.

So this group of demonic cultivators not only occupied the magpie's nest, but also killed the original owner?

Xu Fei was deep in thought, and soon discovered seven corpses, three large, four small and three, buried beside the tree in the backyard.

This made Xu Fei's eyes freeze.

Affected by the earth's energy, it is difficult for the spiritual thoughts of ordinary monks to penetrate the soil. Moreover, these corpses are also disguised. Even if a monk finds them, they will basically think they are stones.

It's no wonder that these demonic cultivators refused to leave even after killing people, and used this building as a stronghold.

"Fellow Taoist, you look so surprised." As Xu Fei arrived, another demon cultivator looked at Xu Fei and said.

"I am from one of the nine major sects." Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei confess his origin, the demon cultivators had different expressions.

Some ignored it, some were surprised, and some became interested.

The demon cultivator who asked the question couldn't help but want to ask more details when he heard that Xu Fei was from nine major sects.

Their plans this time were very big, and if it weren't for the shortage of manpower, they wouldn't have rashly approached Xu Fei, whom they didn't know, to join them.

So it is inevitable to want to cross-examine clearly.

But after Xu Fei simply answered some questions, he didn't say anything more.

After all, after becoming a demon cultivator, you might involve your family.

Naturally, you have to hide your identity.

Several other demon cultivators also understood this.

Therefore, Xu Fei was reluctantly recognized in the end.

"I have already set up a blood refining formation in Capital City. As long as I find a few more comrades, I am confident that I can activate the formation within half an hour."

"At that time, all the comrades participating can stand in a formation, receive the infusion of blood essence, and improve their cultivation." The female demon cultivator explained to Xu Fei.

In the manifest world, demon cultivators are something that everyone shouts about.

Even demons, treacherous cultivators, etc. are disgusted when they see demon cultivators.

This is also the reason why the female demon cultivator and others will quickly believe in Xu Fei, who exudes demonic cultivator energy.

It's all scum.

We can only hug each other to keep warm.

After hearing what the female demon cultivator said, Xu Fei's face showed a look of shock.

At the same time, Xu Fei probably understood why this thing had set up the blood refining array in advance.


Let's see if there are any monks in the capital city who can spot the vicious formation she has arranged.

If they were not discovered, then they would naturally activate the formation in the capital city.

And if it is discovered, it means that the capital city is quite vigilant, or there is a high-level person who is difficult to deal with.

However, doing so may be counterproductive.

After all, if the discoverer chooses to wait and see what happens, like Xu Fei is doing now.

Then this group of demons will throw themselves into a trap.

However, after hearing that the female demon cultivator wanted to win over other demon cultivators, Xu Fei thought about it and did not rush to take action.

Like war demons, there are only a very small number of demon cultivators who use fighting and fighting spirit as their qualifications to improve their cultivation.

More demonic cultivators still use the flesh, blood, souls of ordinary people and monks, combined with various poisons and poisonous plants to refine poison elixirs to improve their cultivation.

Especially after practicing demonic techniques, your character will become vicious and vicious without even realizing it.

That is to say, there is the blood refining magic array as a temptation, otherwise these demon cultivators might have plotted against each other.

But even so, I'm afraid the demon cultivators present have their own thoughts.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but turn his head to look at the female demon cultivator.

She was able to bring together such a group of demon cultivators who all had their own agendas.

There's obviously something strange about it.

However, although he was thinking about it, Xu Fei's expression showed that he was very moved, but he also had doubts and didn't want to get involved.

When the female demon cultivator saw Xu Fei's appearance, she couldn't help but gently shake her fingers.

There are several inconspicuous bells wrapped around his fingers that make people subconsciously think they are just decorative bells, making a soft tinkling sound.

And Xu Fei suddenly felt that his soul was affected.

After a slight perception, Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Because even he didn't realize that the bell turned out to be a magic weapon.

It can make the subject unconsciously feel more trust and obedience to the user of the magic weapon, which has an effect similar to hypnosis.

And its effect on demonic cultivators is particularly powerful.

After all, although the magic cultivator's techniques are strange and strange, they are basically flawed in terms of soul.

Most vulnerable to attacks from the soul.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he simply followed the effect of the bell and became a little more respectful towards the female demon cultivator.

Seeing Xu Fei comply, the female demon cultivator was speechless.

The demon cultivators are all selfish, but they are also very vigilant.

If it weren't for the Heart Seizing Bell bestowed by the Lord, it would have been difficult for her to gather so many demonic cultivators without causing problems.

After using the Heart Seizing Bell on Xu Fei, the female demon cultivator's attitude became more relaxed.

He also mentioned some plans that under normal circumstances would be almost impossible for the demon cultivators to believe.

Under the influence of the 'Heart Seizing Bell', Xu Fei's expression was quite emotional, and he quickly expressed his willingness to participate in this blood refining formation to turn the entire population of the capital city into food.

Probably because she was very reassured by the effect of the heart-grabbing bell, the female demon cultivator turned around and left after convincing Xu Fei.

Xu Fei watched the female demon cultivator leave and turned to look at the other demon cultivators in the room.

Probably due to the influence of the bell, none of the demon cultivators showed any signs of causing trouble.

It’s also rare.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply found a corner and began to close his eyes and rest.

Although there are not many demon cultivators, they are recruited and won over by the female demon cultivator, coupled with the powerful hypnotic effect of her strange bell.

A few days later, the number of demon cultivators who activated the blood refining magic array was finally gathered.

The female demon cultivator assigned the areas they were responsible for, and then gave some instructions on how to activate the magic array.

No time was wasted.

Directly let the demon cultivators who were hypnotized by her go to their respective areas late at night.

The area assigned to Xu Fei is in the west of the city.

The formation eyes that need to be protected are not very important, which is commensurate with the cultivation level of nearly ten thousand pots that he has revealed.

There are several demon cultivators with good cultivation, and the positions of their assigned formations are near the Duxiu Gate.

Once the Blood Refining Demonic Array starts to activate, they will directly face the attacks of many monks from the Duxiu Sect.

But even so, the female demon cultivator dared to promote this matter, and it was also the blood refining magic array that she made certain improvements.

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