Chapter 51, selling medicine

"Excuse me, what do you two want?" Xu Fei said.

The words are polite and the voice is kind.

The young man known as Brother Hong sat down in front of Xu Fei's consultation table. He just looked at Xu Fei and ignored Xu Fei's questions.

Very arrogant.

The companion next to him, in fact, to put it bluntly, he was just a follower, chuckled lightly.

"Doctor Zhang, this is Young Master Yang. Please help him take care of himself."

Xu Fei turned to look at Master Yang.

Young Master Yang raised his arm and put it on the consultation table noncommittally.

Xu Fei asked about some physical conditions, and the other party did not remain aloof and answered them all.

After feeling the pulse, Xu Fei had a grasp of Young Master Yang's condition, and after thinking for a moment, he wrote a prescription.

Although the other party was very impressive, Xu Fei did not prescribe high-priced medicine.

It's still more than four hundred copper coins per serving.

After the boy who was following him prescribed three medicines, the group got up and left.

After Xu Fei watched the other party leave, he continued to treat the patients.

In addition to this Young Master Yang, Xu Fei has already prescribed nourishing and recuperating medicines for many young and girls practicing martial arts during this period.

However, whether Xu Fei can make money from these young martial arts practitioners depends on what happens next.

Xu Fei is treating patients here.

Two young men wearing uniforms as disciples of the Dilong Gang came over.

Although the Dilong Gang is a cross-river dragon in Gaoxian County, it has already gained recognition from some people because it has taken root in the local area and occupied part of the Hualou gambling stall business left behind by the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Hall.

So it’s not surprising that some young people would choose to join it.

When the two teenagers arrived at the medical center, they went straight to the counter, each bought a bottle of health elixir, and then turned around and left.

This health-preserving pill was thought up by Xu Fei, a pill that can nourish young people practicing martial arts.

The size of a peanut.

As for the effect...

You say it exists, it exists, you say it is useless without it, it all depends on one mind.

Xu Fei never denies this.

At noon, Xu Fei said goodbye to his master and returned to his home.

Because I bought two more houses to connect with the old house, the current Zhang family is still quite large.

It is almost 2,000 square meters, which is more than three acres.

However, because the family is not extravagant and has not undergone any large-scale expansion or reconstruction, not many people know about it.

Have lunch first.

Although he didn't practice martial arts in the morning, Xu Fei was still hungry.

After filling my stomach, I went to see my son as usual.

This brat was very proud today, blinking his eyes and looking around.

Xu Fei carefully took his son over from Ling Niang's arms and teased his eldest son in a strange way.

But I don't know whether it was because of the unfamiliarity or because Xu Fei's hug was uncomfortable, but the brat soon started crying.

The maid hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that there was nothing wrong.

Xu Fei couldn't see his son crying, so he quickly returned the brat to Ling Niang.

Strangely enough, after being in Ling Niang's arms for a moment, this brat stopped crying.

Xu Fei was helpless.

After talking to Ling Niang for a while, Xu Fei came to Zhou Yue and the others.

Yuan Niang's body is getting heavier and she is not with the two girls today, but is resting in her room.

So after seeing Zhou Yue Hehua, Xu Fei came to Yuan Niang again.

"Master, I'm a little tired today." Yuan Niang explained quickly.

After all, because she was not staying with his wife, Xu Fei came over to visit.

This was undoubtedly a bit unethical for a concubine like her.

To put it seriously, it means being pampered.

Xu Fei didn't care about this. He first asked about Yuan Niang's condition and then checked her pulse.

There's nothing wrong with it. It's probably because my body is getting heavier and it affects my rest.

"It's okay. You are in good health. Take a rest and I won't disturb you anymore." Xu Fei said.

"Yes." Yuan Niang said with a sigh of relief.

A considerate and gentle gentleman like Xu Fei was really hard to find even with a lantern, but she was lucky enough to find him.

After seeing the women and children, Xu Fei came to the courtyard and started practicing various martial arts.

After thinking about it, I decided to practice Iron Shirt.

Although he has the skills to practice hard body kung fu, he also has methods to reduce the damage by adjusting his position when he is attacked, adjusting the force-receiving posture, etc.

So you still need to practice a lot, and you can’t just add some and then forget about it.

After taking turns to practice several martial arts several times, the sky became darker.

When I went to wash up, I saw Yunniang's sister Shang Caixia walking by. She was wearing a simple cardigan. Although it was not as stunning as the white undershirt before, it was still good.

Xu Fei smiled and nodded in greeting.

But the other person turned around and ran away like a little rabbit, as if he was frightened.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but touch his face. Is he so scary? Obviously, when he was caught by the Tiger Boxing Gym before, he could still argue with reason.

Not paying attention to this, Xu Fei went to wash up.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

After seeing two patients, Xu Fei took out a medical record to kill time when he saw that there were no patients at the moment.

Within a few minutes, a boy came over.

"Doctor Zhang, our young master has invited you."

Xu Fei thought to himself when he saw this boy.

Because the guy in front of me is the one who came with Master Yang yesterday.

"Did Master Yang say something?" Xu Fei asked.

"The young one just got the order and didn't dare to ask any more questions," the boy said.

Xu Fei didn't embarrass him, took the medicine box and got on the mule cart that the other party came to.

Soon, Xu Fei came to Yang's house.

Although the lintel of the Yang family is not as dazzling as that of the Chen family, the left minister of the Ministry of War, the Yang family has two prefects.

A Qing magistrate is worth one hundred thousand snowflakes and silver.

Although Liang Guo's government has not been corrupt enough for me to clean up, it is still very simple to make money with the power.

Get off the mule cart and enter Yang's house through the side door.

After walking into Yang's house, he didn't expect that Young Master Yang, who was quite arrogant yesterday, would be waiting for him today.

This made Xu Fei quickly bow his hands and say, "Master Yang."

When Master Yang saw Xu Feili, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Then he took Xu Fei to his own courtyard.

"Doctor Zhang, I wonder if you have any other decoctions that are more effective in recuperating and nourishing the body?"

Xu Fei looked at Master Yang after hearing this.

The fish is now hooked.

He prescribed nourishing medicines to many young martial arts practitioners. Although they were expensive, the effects were basically acceptable and corresponded to their respective physical conditions.

And after the results are achieved, some people who are not short of money will naturally think about pursuing something better.

That's when his business came to him.

This is also Xu Fei's plan to make money.

However, it is definitely impossible for Xu Fei to use all his medical skills.

At most, it can be maintained at a level slightly higher than that of the master.

"Master Yang, what do you mean?" Xu Fei took retreat as the path forward.

Young Master Yang chuckled lightly: "I have been practicing martial arts recently, but the progress is not good, so I want to find some formulas to nourish the body."

Xu Fei rolled his eyes when he heard this.

This kid is not active in practicing martial arts and is still thinking about making more progress.

He discovered it yesterday when he took his pulse.

Young Master Yang has a very good body. Although he has suffered some wear and tear due to practicing martial arts, it is not serious. It is obvious that he usually practices martial arts perfunctorily.

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