Chapter 59: Advanced Archery

Xu Fei was not surprised to hear that his father-in-law wanted to bring the mules and carriages to his place.

After all, my father-in-law's small courtyard is not big.

There just can't be enough room for so many carriages, and it takes some effort to raise mules.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei hired Erdan.

Isn’t it enough to overwork my father-in-law?

Xu Fei is not that out of tune.

Under the guidance of his father-in-law, Xu Fei unfamiliarly tied the carriage to a mule.

Because it was a large, well-raised animal, even if a stranger like Xu Fei approached, he had no intention of kicking him.

Xu Fei felt relieved.

Captain Zhou couldn't help but grin when he saw his son-in-law learning trivial matters like tying a carriage from him.

Being able to do these small things conscientiously and condescendingly shows that his son-in-law is very calm.

This made Captain Zhou very satisfied.

After harnessing the mule cart, Xu Fei followed Zhou Biaotou and drove the cart back home.

Although Ms. Liu was a little surprised when she saw her son buying a mule cart, since the father and son had been talking about it for a long time and her husband didn't stop her, she just left it alone.

Chatting with the in-laws.

Separating the carriage from the mule, and leaving the mule to Erdan to raise, Xu Fei chatted with his father-in-law about some trivial matters, and then sent his father-in-law away.

"Okay, go back, I'm not old enough to ask you to send me away." After walking out of the in-laws' house, Captain Zhou said with a smile.

Although his legs have been disabled for more than ten years, he is not unable to walk.

Xu Fei could only nod when he heard this, but hesitated slightly.

"Taishan, do you have any hidden weapon skills?"

"Hidden weapon?" Zhou Biao was stunned, wondering why his son-in-law learned this.

But since it was his son-in-law who wanted to learn, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, I'll go to the meeting and find a copy for you." Zhou Biaotou said again.

Although he also knows how to throw darts and rocks, practice makes perfect.

"Thank you Taishan." Xu Fei thanked him.

After learning archery, Xu Fei thought of learning a hidden weapon.

After all, bows and arrows still have some limitations at certain times.

As for hidden weapons, not to mention the throwing knives and darts prepared, the rocks scattered everywhere can also be used.

arrive home.

Xu Fei came to his father's side.

Due to the pressure from Tiger Boxing Gym, Zhang Lian had to sell all the land to the boxing gym.

Choosing to resist means that resistance has a certain hope of achieving its own goals.

But when the gang martial arts school has directly taken over all the land, what can it do even if it does not agree to sell the land?

But after selling the land, Zhang Lian felt very regretful and guilty as if he had destroyed the foundation of the family with his own hands.

Ashamed of my ancestors.

Xu Fei didn't care that much.

"Dad, sell the cloth shop and the house at home, if you can," Xu Fei said.

Zhang Lian inevitably hesitated after hearing his son's words.

It’s hard to leave your homeland.

There may not be any danger in staying in my hometown. Traveling far away may not always be safe.

Xu Fei did not urge him.

After all, his decision was based on common sense.

Maybe before it gets to its worst, a mighty man descends from the sky to clean up the broken things and reshape the country?

These are all uncertain things.

However, it is better to make plans in advance and try to put yourself in a safer environment than to make up for it when the problem comes.

After eating and seeing his children and women, Xu Fei continued to practice archery.

I plan to practice archery to an advanced level first.

As arrows flew one after another, Xu Fei's mastery of archery was gradually accumulated.

In fact, if there is a pair of treasure bows and arrows that can withstand the internal energy, Xu Fei's current internal energy will be very powerful when used.

But it's a pity that good things of that level are worth thousands of dollars.

Xu Fei can't afford it now.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts and drew the bowstring. He aimed at the middle of the straw target and gently let go.

Arrows flew out like snakes.

Although the mirror image that could only be seen through slow motion was not so clear in Xu Fei's eyes, it was not completely unknown.


A soft sound.

The arrow shot through the straw target and was nailed straight to the wall behind the target.

Xu Fei seemed to have some realization in his heart.


Although Xu Fei's plug-in seems to be very troublesome. Not only does it need to collect proficiency points, but it also has to be understood and learned by oneself in order to increase the level limit of the corresponding skills. However, every accidental understanding can be recorded and saved by the plug-in.

Ordinary people occasionally hit a good kick, but it is basically impossible to repeat it again.

But Xu Fei can.

Because of this accidental understanding and mastery, Xu Fei's skill level limit has been increased.

If the subsequent proficiency value is added, it means that the ball is good with both feet.

After recharging his archery skills, Xu Fei picked up a pot of arrows.

Due to repeated use, some of the arrows were damaged. Fortunately, Xu Fei bought a lot of arrows and counted some more to fill up a pot of arrows.

After calming down for a while, Xu Fei hung the arrow pot on his waist, and in the next moment he drew his bow and shot arrows.

The bow strings sounded continuously.

In just a few seconds, a pot of twenty arrows was shot empty by Xu Fei.

The target almost fifteen meters away was filled with arrows.

None failed.

As his archery skills advanced, Xu Fei had begun to develop a human-machine gun.

However, ordinary arrows can only deal with ordinary people or weak inner strength warriors.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it will no longer work.

After emptying the pot of arrows, Xu Fei picked up another arrow, put on his bow and shot.

At the same time, he jumped forward and rushed forward.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the arrow that was about to hit the target, and gently stretched out his hand to pinch it.

Land firmly.

Although he is still not up to the level where Huoyun Evil God can shoot himself with a gun and then clamp the bullet with his fingers, the current Xu Fei is far beyond the ordinary.

After collecting the arrows he shot just now, Xu Fei continued to practice archery.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the hospital and once again mentioned to his master about moving to the county town.

This made Doctor Zhao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Obviously he also understands that the apprentice has already made up his mind, even if he doesn't agree, it won't work.

"How come you have such an idea?" Dr. Zhao asked.

"All the land in our Gao County has been controlled by gang martial arts schools." Xu Fei said.

Doctor Zhao was concentrating on revising the medical records at this time and did not care about other things. He was stunned after hearing Xu Fei's words.

For most of his life, he lived in a situation where gang martial arts schools were under the control of the government. Even if the situation took a turn for the worse recently, he still had no sense of crisis despite his lifelong devotion to medical skills.

But after all, Dr. Zhao can understand the consequences of pressing harder and harder.

With a helpless sigh, Doctor Zhao no longer refused his apprentice's kindness.

Seeing that the master had been clarified, Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if the master really doesn't leave, then he can only take the old man away by force, and it won't look good if there is a commotion.

Furthermore, what if something happens to the master and makes him angry?

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