Chapter 64, Promotion

Instead of rushing to practice these newly purchased sets of martial arts, Xu Fei still practiced the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic.

Because he had to be at the hospital during the day, Xu Fei could only move his martial arts training time to the morning and evening.

Transfer the time you originally spent reading at night to the time you spent at the medical clinic during the day.

Although the number of patients coming to him for treatment is gradually increasing, Xu Fei still has most of his free time when he is in Jixiangtang.

So it’s just right for reading.

Before I knew it, it was around ten o'clock in the evening.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then came to Yun Niang.

I don’t know why, but this woman never got pregnant.

Xu Fei also diagnosed her. She was obviously in good health, but she was not pregnant.

Very strange.

After arriving in the county town, the family's living conditions plummeted.

The first thing is that I no longer have my own separate courtyard.

This makes Yun Niang still a little unaccustomed to it.

She is quite spontaneous.

In the past, I could do whatever I wanted in my own courtyard.

But now living with Hehua and her sister is always a little inconvenient.

However, Yun Niang did not complain about this.

This is not what it used to be.

She has learned to take things as they come.

The next day, Xu Fei went to the medical clinic with a book of swordsmanship.

When there are no patients, he studies the newly purchased swordsmanship.

Compared to the Sword Manual, this set of swordsmanship is much inferior to the naked eye.

But that doesn't mean it's completely useless.

Because some of these moves also solidified Xu Fei's understanding and application of swordsmanship.

Swift Wind Sword Technique【0/5】【0/7】

Sword Sutra【0/5】【17/18】

Soon as Xu Fei learned, the upper limit of the Sword Scripture skill was increased to one level.

However, this is not all due to the new swordsmanship. After all, Xu Fei has been practicing martial arts during this period and is also increasing his understanding of swordsmanship.

The superposition of the two factors contributed to the increase in the upper limit of the Sword Scripture skill level this time.

But from this point of view, Xu Fei's idea of ​​learning more other martial arts to promote the speed of level improvement in the Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic is undoubtedly correct.

Xu Fei conveniently refilled his skills and continued to study the Swift Wind Sword Technique.

In fact, as a warrior with inner strength who can catch up with flying arrows, Xu Fei basically has no problem following his elder brother's example to travel around the world.

It's a pity that Xu Fei doesn't want to take the risk.

Traveling around the world and licking the blood of sword heads, you can collect various martial arts at a faster speed, and you can also improve your martial arts level faster.

But why does he have to be so fast? !

Based on the current situation, step by step, before the age of 20, he will most likely be able to improve the Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic to the second level of level 49.

And when that time comes, what level of strength will he have?

As for not improving your strength faster, what should you do if you encounter danger?

He is usually low-key and steady. After realizing that there might be problems in Gaoxian County where he had lived for more than a year, he moved directly with his family.

If things were like this and he still ran into trouble, then he would admit it.

Xu Fei is studying swordsmanship.

An old woman came over hesitantly.

"Little doctor, I have a headache." The old woman said.

Xu Fei put down the book, first gave him a friendly smile, and then after some diagnosis, he determined that the other party had a migraine.

And based on the fact that the other party's clothes were simple, he must have limited financial resources in his family. After thinking for a while, he came up with a prescription that was cheap and effective.

A moment later, after taking three doses of medicine, the old woman came over again to thank Xu Fei and left after learning that her medicine only cost twenty copper coins.

Although Xu Fei has always been more concerned about making money, it would be too immoral to take advantage of the poor.

He couldn't do such a thing either.

And after a while, Yan Guanshi came over.

"Doctor Zhang, you will be a second-class doctor from now on. Do you have any requirements?"

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this. He probably understood that it was because of his selling of prescriptions yesterday that he got today's promotion.

"It all depends on the arrangement of the boss and the manager." Xu Fei said modestly.

After all, he wasn't practicing medicine under his master before, when he could be considered half a boss.

Now he is just a doctor at Jixiangtang. Even if he has superb medical skills, what will happen if he insists on not using it?

So you still need to keep a low profile.

Seeing Xu Fei's humble performance, Manager Yan nodded secretly.

If he hadn't known that Xu Fei was married, he would have wanted to recruit this young man as his son-in-law.

After all, such a good son-in-law can't be found even with a lantern.

He was only eighteen years old, but he was already a second-class doctor in the medical clinic, and his future was limitless.

There were other doctors nearby who heard what Yan Guanshi said and couldn't help but look at Xu Fei in shock.

How old is this boy, a second-class doctor? !

Xu Fei didn't make many friends in the hospital these days, so he just smiled gently and moved his things to the second-class doctor's consultation table.

Compared to Class C and Class D, Class B doctors are already the backbone of Jixiangtang and can usually be more casual.

If you don’t want to come to the hospital for a consultation, you just need to say hello.

As long as it's not too much, neither the manager nor the employer will interfere.

The three second-class doctors who were currently consulting in the hospital couldn't help but look shocked when they saw Xu Fei moving over.

what's the situation? !

Immediately some good people came over to inquire.

Xu Fei only reasoned that he didn't know very well.

This made several doctors even more curious.

In the afternoon, some information about Xu Fei was found out.

One is that he has excellent medical skills, and the other is that he gave the medical clinic three prescriptions.

That's why he got an exceptional promotion.

After knowing the inside story, some were satisfied with their curiosity, while others became even more jealous.

All kinds of human feelings are vividly displayed in a small medical clinic.

However, everyone is still friendly and peaceful on the surface.

After all, there are only six second-class doctors in Jixiang Hall, including Xu Fei.

He is already very valued by his boss.

If you talk, the doctors of Class C and Class D will not be able to hold it back.

Although he has risen in level, Xu Fei is not proud of it.

Because after all, he is just a doctor at a county medical clinic. Even if this medical clinic is the best in Yongle City, he cannot feel noble because of it.

It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and I saw several other second-class doctors all leaving after being polite.

Xu Fei thought for a while, persisted for a while, and then left.

Compared with doctors in grades C and D, doctors in grade B not only receive better treatment, but also have more freedom.

This is very friendly to Xu Fei who needs time to practice martial arts.

Even in the county, not everyone can afford to see a doctor, and even if it is not possible, many people will not come to see a doctor, so doctors, especially those who have reached a certain level, do not have to be busy. land.

And the days can be spent leisurely.

It has to be said that Xu Fei's blindly learned medical skills have indeed made his life much easier.

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