Chapter 76, injustice

Armed with a sharp weapon, the murderous intention arises.

Even though Xu Fei was determined to keep a low profile and maintain a stable development, after reaching a certain level of strength, he still couldn't help but take action when encountering injustice.

Fortunately, Xu Fei didn't take action at that time, but waited until late at night, dressed in black and masked, before he came to the door.

It was just that Xu Fei was not sure about his opponent's strength at that time, so he punched out with all his strength.

When he reached level 30 in the Sanhua Chapter, Xu Fei mastered the technique of blasting out his inner energy through his body.

Although at first it could only be separated from the body by more than ten centimeters, and the power was almost as strong as the breeze, but with the proficiency in the technique of releasing the internal energy to the outside, Xu Fei is now able to achieve the extremely attenuated power within five steps after the internal energy is blasted out with the fist. Less, the power is reduced by half ten steps away.

At that time, he punched out the internal force and hit the loan shark thug who had killed his sick husband during the day and sold his wife into a flower house.

It was directly broken into two pieces at the waist...

While killing the opponent instantly, it also shocked Xu Fei.

This is too much.

Fortunately, Xu Fei didn't panic and simply cleaned up.

He left behind the bloody words "Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death, and the murderer Li Feiyu" was left behind.

Although doing this is a bit superfluous, it will most likely reduce the chance that other people will associate this matter with him, the harmless second-class doctor of Ji Xiangtang.

But tonight Xu Fei once again put on black clothes and a scarf to cover his face. Naturally, something outrageous happened again.

On Xu Fei's way to the hospital, there was an old man Xun who was selling breakfast at a stall. Because his family was poor when he was young, he could not marry and have children. When he got older, he picked up a girl and regarded him as his adopted daughter.

Xu Fei also met him when we ran a stall together.

A well-behaved and sensible girl.

There were many people who said that matchmakers proposed marriage, but on the one hand, Old Man Xun was reluctant, and on the other hand, the marriage was not possible because there was no suitable candidate.

But that's where the bad luck lies.

A few days ago, when Master Xiang passed by, he took a fancy to Miss Xun and immediately directed his servants to come forward to marry her.

But the other party has a bad reputation. How could old man Xun entrust his adopted daughter to such a person? He refused on the spot.

After Young Master Xiang was rejected, he simply stopped pretending and grabbed him head-on.

While he was pulling, Old Man Xun was pushed by an unknown servant, and he fell down and hit the ground on the back of his head. He died immediately.

When Xu Fei went to work before, he was a little surprised when he didn't see the stall of Uncle Xun and his daughter.

It took a few days to find out about this.

Tonight, Xu Fei had already inquired about the situation of the evil young man, and naturally he did not intend to just sit idly by.

After first observing the area around his home and seeing that there was nothing going on, Xu Fei jumped forward, making no movement like a feather.

When it fell, it was already on the roof several feet away.

Tap the roof tiles of this house, and the sound they make is even softer than a cat passing by.

But Xu Fei had already appeared several feet away again.

For more than a year, Xu Fei not only practiced various martial arts and internal skills to increase the level limit of Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic, but also learned two sets of Qinggong. After integrating them into Dianyunbu, the new Dianyunbu was obtained. Between excellent and high quality.

Paired with the profound inner strength developed in the Sanhua chapter.

Flying over the eaves, walking over the walls, stepping on the snow, leaving no trace, just like flying.

It was only after having such superb Qinggong that Xu Fei had the courage to pay attention to the injustice.

Less than five minutes later, Xu Fei arrived at Xiang's home from his home.

As someone capable of bullying men and dominating women, Xiang Jia is certainly not ordinary.

There are more than ten yards in the front and back.

Although it cannot be called luxurious, it is quite spacious.

Xu Fei looked at the main courtyard. The purpose of his visit today was only the evil young man and his father, and he did not intend to pursue the others.

Flying down, Xu Fei arrived at the main courtyard. He broke the latch with his palm and pushed the door open.

There were two people on the bed in the room at night.

Xu Fei approached and saw that one of them was the Xiang family's master, and he was also the culprit who allowed his only son to run rampant and cause such evil deeds.

Xu Fei lit the candle.

Mr. Xiang seemed to have woken up while sleeping, and woke up in a hazy state.

When he realized there was someone else in the room, he suddenly panicked.

"Hero, I have money, I'll give you money!"

After lighting the candle, Xu Fei discovered that the person sleeping next to Mr. Xiang was none other than Xun Xiaoniang.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

Master Xiang's noise alarmed Miss Xun.

He woke up sleepily.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Listening to her voice, there was no trace of hatred towards her father who was the culprit of her adoptive father's death and taking possession of her.

Xu Fei narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

It seems that one more person will be killed today.

With such a wolf-like heart and dog-like lungs, not killing him is not enough to comfort Old Man Xun.

"On the third day of June, do you know that your son killed a hawker on the street?" Xu Fei said calmly.

Hearing Xu Fei mention the murder of her adoptive father, Xun Xiaoniang couldn't help turning her head.

After discovering Xu Fei, a man in black and masked, he was immediately frightened and screamed.

Mr. Xiang on the side was delighted and a little panicked when he heard that such a useless thing made such a loud noise.

I'm glad that the situation here will be found out from the outside.

Although Mr. Xiang secretly resented that the nursing homes that his family spent a lot of money on every month were useless and allowed thieves to break into his bedroom, at this moment, Mr. Xiang could only place his hope on these useless nursing homes.

But after causing such a big commotion, if the murderer in front of him started killing after a disagreement, he would be desperate if he couldn't wait for the nursing home to come to rescue him.

So he has to hold the other party back.

"Hero, I don't know about this." Mr. Xiang argued.

Although he went to the government office and stuffed thirty taels of silver with him afterwards to suppress the matter, Mr. Xiang also knew what to say at this moment without irritating the other party.

And as long as he makes a few quibbles, the nursing staff will come over!

When Xu Fei heard such sophistry, he stopped paying attention to the other party and turned to look at Xun Xiaoniang.

If he is not taught but punished, he is called cruelty.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to give Xun Xiaoniang a chance.

"Your adoptive father was killed by this man's son. What do you think?" Xu Fei said.

After Xun Xiaoniang screamed, she vaguely understood that her scream might alert the other party.

Shut up quickly.

At this moment, I heard the other party ask about my adoptive father again.

"So what? Now I live in fine clothes and good food..." But before Xun Xiaoniang could finish her words, a chopstick suddenly appeared on her throat.

In the blink of an eye, his body fell to the side, dark red blood flowed out, staining the bedding, and his eyes gradually lost their look.

Xu Fei calmly withdrew his gaze and looked at Master Xiang.

Turn around and leave.

Just when Mr. Xiang thought he had escaped with his life.

A chopstick was thrown away by Xu Fei again.

Hit him right in the throat.

When Master Xiang noticed it, he could only cover his throat in vain and make loud noises, feeling the feeling of life draining from his body.


"Master, what's wrong!"

Outside, more than a dozen torches came brightly.

Each nurse holds a knife in one hand and a torch in the other.

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