Chapter 88, arbitrary

"Yes, yes." As the mastermind who ordered the gangster to teach Wan Duxing a lesson yesterday, the restaurant owner was full of fear and did not dare to let the kitchen send good wine and meat without any hesitation.

After the wine and meat were served, Wan Duxing picked up a piece of pork, took a bite, and then picked up the wine jar and drank deeply.

"Ha~ so happy!" Wan Duxing laughed.

Someone in the restaurant recognized that it was the crazy monk who killed someone on the street yesterday, and immediately left with his companions with a changed expression.

In the blink of an eye, only Wan Duoxing was left in the restaurant.

This makes Wan Duxing even happier.

No one dares to mess with you if you act arrogantly!


The restaurant owner looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help trembling with a towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

But the sweat couldn't be wiped off.

He regretted extremely why he provoked this crazy monk yesterday.

He wanted to sneak away while Wan Duxing was eating meat and drinking, but unexpectedly the other party turned to look at him.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to laugh or cry and stayed there, desperately waiting for what this crazy monk would do to him.

But just when Wan Duxing was eating and drinking.

Several detectives came in from outside the restaurant.

It was Gao Tong who took the lead.

Among all the head catchers, this one is considered to be the most conscientious.

So after finding out that the crazy monk who killed people on the street yesterday was haunting this restaurant, I brought people here directly.

But after coming over, Gao Tong frowned tightly.

The opponent is very strong!

Especially based on the opponent's inner strength to keep his body ready to take action and his physical characteristics, he could roughly guess the opponent's identity.

One of the seven heroes in the world, he always does evil alone!

Wan Duxing took a bite of pork and turned to look at Gao Tong.

"What, you want to meddle in someone's business?" Wan Duxing said.

Gao Tong calmed down his emotions. The opponent was very strong, but he was not weak either.

And as a head catcher, how could he back down just because the prisoner was strong?

"Evil perpetrator, you killed someone in the street yesterday, and there are all the witnesses and physical evidence. Just arrest him without any effort!" Gao Tong scolded.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Wan Duxing seemed to have heard something very funny and laughed wildly.

After all, the head catcher in front of him probably didn't have a clear mind.

He actually let him be captured without any help? !

The next moment, Wan Duxing, who was laughing, suddenly took action!

He jumped out, threw the bone with his left hand to attract Gao Tong's attention, and used his inner strength with his right hand to shoot out suddenly!

"Touch!" There was a loud noise.

Although Wan Duxing used despicable tricks, Gao Tong was not fooled.

Accurately blocked Wan Duxing's attack.

But unfortunately, compared to Wan Duxing's fierce palm power, Gao Tong was far behind.

After the two palms struck each other, Gao Tong was knocked away directly. His arm was twisted strangely and broken, and he made no sound after he landed, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Hahahaha!!" Wan Duxing laughed wildly again.

The policemen who followed Gao Tong did not even have the courage to take action and hurriedly exited the restaurant.

"I let you go!" Just when the detectives were about to escape, Wan Duxing stopped laughing wildly and said with a bloodthirsty look on his face.

Several detectives were shocked when they heard this and quickly sped up their actions. Two of them even wanted to take the unconscious Captain Gao and escape.

But Wan Duxing went out to kill the generals, and in a blink of an eye, he killed all the escaped officers with a few moves.

Only high copper fell to the ground.

After a fall, Gao Tong woke up from a coma, but his eyes were cracked after seeing the tragic scene in front of him.

"How dare you do this!"

"Hahahaha! I have slept with the wives and daughters of the governor of a state. Killing you ants is not just a casual matter!" Wan Duxing said proudly.

Before learning martial arts, Wan Du was gentle, courteous and thrifty.

After he succeeded in learning martial arts, he directly killed his master, senior fellow apprentices, and brothers, and defiled all his female classmates, including his master's wife, senior sisters, and sisters.

Then hang everyone's heads in front of the mountain gate.

Declare to the world his arbitrariness.

And this time I came to Yongle City to see how powerful Blood Book Li Feiyu, who has the strength of the legendary realm, is.

But after two days of searching, he couldn't find the other party.

Just make a few major cases and draw out the bloody letter that claims to be a chivalrous person.

After Wan Duxing finished speaking, he turned around and left.

But this does not mean letting go of high copper.

He left and returned after a while, but there was a bundle of hemp rope in his hand. With a grin on his face, Wan Duxing tied the still-living Gao Tong with the corpses of other police officers, and then hung them directly on a roadside restaurant.

Gao Tong had been severely injured to begin with, but after all this suffering, his struggle became weaker and weaker.




After gaining great strength, the evildoer Wan Duxing magnified his evil thoughts endlessly.

After doing this, Wan Duxing returned to the restaurant and looked at the shopkeeper.

"Do you have a daughter?" Wan Duxing asked.

The shopkeeper looked at the crazy monk in front of him who had even killed all the policemen, and nodded in fear.

"That's good. Find your daughter and I'll let you go." Wan Duxing said.

The shopkeeper looked a little surprised when he heard this. Although he would sacrifice his daughter, he could be saved, and his daughter would be very willing to do so.

"Okay, okay." He agreed quickly, fearing that Wan Duxing would regret it.

The shopkeeper went to take his daughter.

Afraid that Wan Duxing would be dissatisfied, the shopkeeper brought his two daughters with him after returning.

The eldest daughter is eighteen or nineteen years old and is slim and graceful.

The younger daughter is twelve or thirteen years old and quite afraid of life.

When the two women saw the tragic scene outside their restaurant, they were so frightened that they turned pale and screamed.

"Shut up! Go and serve the uncle!" the shopkeeper angrily scolded his daughter.

Wan Duxing was satisfied with the shopkeeper's knowledge.

When the two women walked over slowly and hesitantly, they threw out a big bone that they had just chewed and knocked the shopkeeper away.

When he landed on the ground, blood flowed from the shopkeeper's mouth, and he became silent in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, even if the shopkeeper pushed his daughter into the fire pit with his own hands, Wan Duxing had no intention of sparing him.

"Ah!!!!!!" The two girls screamed again when they saw their father dying tragically in front of them.

Unfortunately, Wan Duxing didn't pay any attention to this and pounced directly on him.

Regardless of whether it is a gang, a martial arts school, or the government, except for Gao Tong, they seem to have never heard of the tragedy that happened here. Gao Tong, who dared to arrest Wan Duxing, has been hung up in the restaurant.

Such a cruel thing spread quickly in Yongle City.

Soon Xu Fei also heard such shocking things.

Although there were occasional rumors of some warriors committing major crimes, such outrageous and absurd situations still somewhat exceeded Xu Fei's limits.

Can human beings be so evil?

It is inevitable that there will be panic in the medical clinic.

The boss simply closed the shop.

The doctor and his assistant left in a hurry.

But they all avoided the direction of the restaurant where the incident occurred.

For fear of getting into trouble.

Xu Fei followed the crowd and returned home.

After all, if this crazy monk's madness affects his family, wouldn't he regret it beyond words?

When Xu Fei returned home, he saw that his father had returned.

"This, this..." Zhang Lian looked panicked.

In the past few decades of life, I lived in an environment that could not be said to be absolutely safe and peaceful, but it was still passable.

Even if the situation has suddenly worsened recently, they are just being oppressed and seizing their family property.

And this kind of killing in the street, and even the arrest of the head and the police showed no mercy, leaving the body hanging high, still shocked Zhang Lian a lot.

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