Chapter ninety-seven, borrowing

"I would like to use a thousand taels of silver as a bet to compete with the master of the hall."

"If the owner of the hall wins, the thousand taels of silver will naturally belong to the owner."

"If I win, then please ask the master of the gym to let me see the Yinmen Quan and Qiqiao Neigong of the Guiwu Hall." Xu Fei made his intention clear.

His statement is undoubtedly childish.

After all, if you visit someone late at night, you have to bet with someone, and you still have to bet on the opponent's special skills.

Who can agree?

But under the power of Li Feiyu's identity, the other party had to consider the consequences of rejecting him.

What should you do if you are rejected and the other party suddenly goes on a killing spree?

After all, Xuancheng is not far from Yongle City, so I have naturally heard of these gang martial arts schools.

Therefore, after consideration, the old man, the head of the Yinmen Boxing Gym, agreed to Xu Fei's bet even though he was very reluctant.

And he not only knew about 'Li Feiyu', but he also knew about the evildoer in front of him who killed one of the seven heroes in the world in just a few moves, turning the seven heroes into six heroes.

Xu Fei was somewhat surprised when he heard that the other party agreed to his request for a bet.

Because if the other party doesn't agree, then he seems to have no choice but to leave?

You can't just wipe out the Yinmen Boxing Gym just because the other party doesn't agree to bet with him...

And the competition was not held in public.

The master of the hall took Xu Fei to an indoor martial arts performance hall.

It was easy to pass both hands.

The master of the museum quickly took two steps back.

"I think I am no match for Hero Li, so I'd better not make a fool of myself."

Then he got the secret books of Yinmen Quan and Qiqiao Internal Skills.

Xu Fei was even more surprised that the other party admitted defeat so neatly.

However, he still took the secret book handed over by the other party.

After more than ten minutes, Xu Fei looked through the two secret books and felt a little disappointed.

Because although the Yinmen Quan and Qiqiao Internal Skills are unique and unique, they are only excellent martial arts.

There is still a long way to go before the high-quality martial arts that Xu Fei wants.

In fact, if Xu Fei's proficiency points are high enough, then he can search for various internal skills and martial arts in large quantities, practice them to the second level 49, and integrate them into the Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic, then the effect will be much better than just integrating into high-quality martial arts. .

But it's a pity that Xu Fei doesn't have that many proficiency points.

Moreover, he also needs to save part of his proficiency points in advance for practicing Taoism in the future.

So it's less likely to be wasted like before.

"Thank you, Master." Xu Fei raised his hand and returned the secret book to the old man, then turned and left.

He saw that Li Feiyu had simply read through the martial arts skills that he regarded as secrets and could not be taught to his disciples without going through the test for more than ten years or even longer, and then left like that.

The head of the museum couldn't help but sigh.

Things went smoothly at the Yinmen Boxing Gym, which gave Xu Fei some confidence.

In fact, he has also considered what to do if the other party rejects his request.

Take action by force? Somewhat excessive.

Directly harming people's lives? That's even crueler.

Fortunately, the seal master was very cooperative.

Come to the next martial arts gym.

This family was not so cooperative. They neither agreed to let Xu Fei borrow the martial arts from their martial arts school, nor were willing to bet on the fight.

Of course, this in itself means that Xu Fei's request is outrageous, and it is normal to refuse.

So Xu Fei didn't say much.

Went to the third one.

Soon, all the six martial arts schools and gangs in Xuancheng were visited, except Xu Fei, who did not go to the sword club here in Xuancheng.

The final result was good. Three gang martial arts schools agreed to borrow Xu Fei's martial arts. Although they were only excellent-level martial arts, the process was quite smooth, while the other two rejected Xu Fei's request.

Xu Fei didn't say much at that time.

He didn't even make any threats. If the other party refused, he left.

After all, his method of borrowing other people's martial arts skills sounds excessive.

It’s totally ‘bullying’.

But what kind of good things are these martial arts gangs?

Xu Fei's family suffered a lot from this in the past.

So now it’s just that ‘evil people will have their own trials and tribulations’, no, it seems silly to say that you are an evil person.

And even though Xu Fei felt a little apologetic, he immediately dissipated after hearing some bad stories about these martial arts gangs.

What kind of garbage is this? !

Buying and selling by force, bullying and dominating the market, and even forcing the owner and his whole family to death just because they saw good business in other stores? !


The more Xu Fei listened, the more annoyed he became, so he happened to take action against these two martial arts gangs who were unwilling to let him borrow martial arts skills.

As for other martial arts gangs who let him borrow martial arts skills...

Alas, Xu Fei still can't beat the cook after eating. I can only hope that after taking action this time, he can wake them up.

Don't be so extreme in the future.

It was night, and Xu Fei was not polite.

With two chopsticks, he shot to death two martial arts gang leaders and gang leaders who refused to borrow martial arts skills from him.

After searching for a while, Xu Fei found the martial arts secrets from one of the martial arts schools. After a brief look, he found that they were only excellent martial arts.

Xu Fei did not find the martial arts secrets of another gang, but he did find more than 5,000 taels of silver notes.

Let Xu Fei get rich instantly.

Because according to the consumption power of three hundred taels of silver, which is equivalent to approximately 1 million to 1.5 million, these more than 5,000 taels of silver notes are equivalent to 17 million to 26 million.

It can be considered a huge fortune.

The next day, Xu Fei did not stop in Xuancheng and continued to other cities to look for possible high-quality martial arts.

But what he did shocked everyone in Xuancheng.

After all, he kills people just because he disagrees?

And they are two very powerful museum leaders and gang leaders!

This also made the three martial arts gangs who agreed to Xu Fei's bet and after losing the martial arts secret book for Xu Fei to borrow extremely happy.

If they had decided to refuse then, they would probably be dead now.

In addition, Li Feiyu's ruthless tactics made the remaining three gang martial arts schools less oppressive on the common people.

After all, it is rumored that Li Feiyu's character has the attribute of being jealous of evil.

The other party took action to kill two gang leaders who refused to borrow martial arts skills. Although they were definitely seeking revenge, if they had been more restrained in doing things, then maybe this blood book would not have taken action?

No matter what others guessed, or what Xu Fei did, it made the people in Xuancheng a little easier to live a heavy life under the pressure of the martial arts gangs. For Xu Fei, who led the mule and left Xuancheng, it was all in the past. matter.

What he needs to consider now is how to borrow the martial arts from these martial arts gangs after traveling to the next city.

In Xuancheng, he simply came to the door and asked for a bet. After the bet failed, he directly killed the two leaders of the martial arts gangs who had done many evil things.

Things are simple and crude.

Basically no one would associate a young doctor like him with Li Feiyu's identity.

But it would be hard to say if Li Feiyu always appeared after a little doctor like him appeared.

In the end, paper cannot contain the fire.

So Xu Fei can only do one job this way at present.

Then you have to find other ways to avoid getting into trouble.

But Xu Fei was inevitably at a loss as to how to do it.

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