Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1017 Where is Yuhai?

After leaving the illusion, Xun Yi's face was filled with a happy smile.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui is well, Yuchan is well, Xiyang, Jiangxiao and Ningxiang have been brought back safely. This is all good news. He can go as bait without worries. As for Su Wan, Shen Qing, Yuehong, He couldn't care less about Shao Ling and others.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wuhun came and took Xunyi with him. After more than an hour's flight, they arrived in a dense forest near Wuchuan Camp. Yuanshan, who was selling wind and thunder forks in Xianle City, had been preceded by two law enforcement guards. I've taken him and I'm waiting here.

In order not to reveal Xun Yi's whereabouts, Wuhun first sent away the two law enforcement guards before letting Xun Yi pass. He is now the planner and executor of the entire combat plan, and has authority far beyond that of the deputy battalion commander.

Yuan Shan was brought here inexplicably and he was still confused at the moment. The appearance of Xun Yi made him startled. When he was dealing with Xianle City, he didn't take this person seriously. Later, when Xun Yi became famous in the Tang Lake, he Knowing that that humble boy can be so powerful.

"Where did you get that fork?" Xun Yi asked straight to the point without saying any nonsense.

"That fork is not mine, I'm just selling it for others." Yuan Shan had just seen Wuhun and knew that today's test would not be easy, so he did not dare to be arrogant at all and his attitude was very honest.

"Selling for whom?"

"This..." Yuan Shan showed a grimace, and instead said in a spiritual voice, "For our fate, trading illegal items is something we Yiling Guards tacitly agree on. It would be pointless to pursue it like this. Why don't you tell me first why you want to pursue this matter?" The origin of this treasure. After you became famous, I realized that this matter might not be over, so I specifically asked the person who asked me to sell it on my behalf to inquire about this treasure. If this treasure is important, I You can reveal some information.”

Xunyi also used his spiritual thoughts instead, "I only care about where this treasure came from. As for whether it is an illegal item, I have no interest in caring about it. To tell you the truth, Wuhun and I were arranged to go to Yuanyi State to perform a project. It’s almost a mission with no return, so the two of us have nothing to do now.

I'm worried, I want to make this matter clear before I go. If you don't tell me, I will let Wuhun come to search for your soul. I advise you to be sensible. If you offend me, you may not be able to go back today. . "

Yuan Shan stared at Xun Yi's eyes for a while, and then looked away. His indifferent expression expressed his disdain. He couldn't afford to offend the person who asked him to sell things. If he could avoid betraying the other person, he would rather suffer the consequences himself. He should be punished, and he felt that he was on the "reasonable" side in this matter, and that seeking Yi was breaking the rules.

"Hunless." Xunyi shouted, and Wuhun rushed over.

"Search his soul. I want to know where that fork came from." Xun Yi pointed at Yuan Shan and said to Wuhun calmly, without the slightest respect that a subordinate should have.

Seeing Wuhun walking towards him without saying a word, Yuanshan stared and said, "You have no right to search my soul. You should know the consequences of doing so!"

Wuhun stopped and said calmly, "Of course we know the consequences, but even if he wants to kill you now, I will help him. You can choose for yourself, whether you let me search for the soul or you answer it yourself."

Yuan Shan gave up now. Wuhun said these words instead of using his spiritual thoughts, which means that he is not afraid of filing a complaint himself. From this, we can also judge what Xun Yi just said. It is most likely true that these two people are willing to spare anything now.

"I will speak for myself." Yuan Shan looked at Xun Yi in surrender, and then glanced at Wuhun.

Xunyi understood that he wanted Wuhun to leave, because with this great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, he had no chance to reveal the secret with his spiritual thoughts.

Xunyi glanced at Wuhun, and Wuhun left knowingly.

"This treasure was made five years ago

It was obtained from a fugitive hiding in the gray swamp. This fugitive escaped from Yuhai. He was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and was good at water-attribute spells. At that time, the only information on the wanted list was this. One would think that he could come to Ashmoor, and bumping into him was purely accidental, so the person who killed him didn't report the matter in order to get the treasure. That's it. If you continue to investigate, you won't gain more. . "With this spiritual thought, Yuan Shan passed the image of the fugitive to Xun Yi.

Seeing Xun Yi frowning and saying nothing, Yuan Shan popped out a drop of oath blood and solemnly said, "I guarantee with my Taoist heart that what I said is absolutely true. I hope you will stop investigating. If you just want to know the origin of that fork, can you That’s all that was found.”

Xunyi stared at him, his cold eyes showing some sincerity, "That fork is obviously not enough for a person who can kill a fugitive in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to conceal his merits. I think there are better treasures, and I have no intention of tracking them down." Besides, I just want to know if there is any further information about this person’s identity from those treasures?”

"He is good at water-based spells, and he escaped from Jade Sea. From these two points, we can roughly deduce his identity." Yuan Shan saw the confusion in Xun Yi's eyes, and simply sent another divine message. Read, "Let me tell you clearly, this person is probably a disciple of Jade Sea Palace. I have told you everything you want to know. I hope you can keep this secret for us. If you pursue this kind of transaction, you will be hated by all Yiling Guards." of."

"Keep your heart in your stomach." After Xunyi said that, he turned around and left. Yuanshan was detained on the spot by two Yiling guards. He had become a hidden danger that could leak secrets. On Xunyi's side It must be carefully watched until the mission is completed.

"How's it going?" Wuhun asked while taking Xunyi flying.

Xunyi shook his head slightly. Although the clues to find Gongsun Chong were not broken, he had to go to Yuhai if he wanted to continue tracing. This made him feel powerless. Gongsun Chong said in the message that he had encountered

When it came to Fuyuan, Xunyi had always thought that he had probably met a great monk who was compatible with him. Now Fenglei Cha appeared in Yuhai, and according to Yuan Shan, Yuhai Palace is good at water-attribute spells, so Gongsun Chong It is more likely that he met a great monk from Jade Sea Palace, because he possesses Yunshui True Essence, so it is reasonable for him to be favored by others.

As for the character of the person who took Gongsun Chong away, whether he wanted to cultivate Gongsun Chong or was greedy because he felt the true essence of Yunshui, Xunyi has no way to guess. The wind and thunder fork is not enough evidence. If Gongsun Chong can cultivate Logically speaking, the fork should have no value to him now, and it would be no surprise to give it away or sell it.

"Where is the Jade Sea?" Xunyi had never heard of this place.

"Does the matter you want to investigate involve Yuhai?" Wuhun frowned, "In the southwest of Nanjingzhou, there is the sphere of influence of Yuhai Palace, and they are not on good terms with Nanjingzhou. , but it’s not as incompatible with the Yuan clan.”

"Oh, forget it, let's talk about it later." At this point, Xunyi could only put down the matter of Gongsun Chong, and he was not ready to tell Xiyang and the others about the news. When it came to his friendship with Gongsun Chong, Naturally, he is the closest to Gongsun Chong. The friendship between Xiyang and Jiangxiao and Gongsun Chong cannot be said to be shallow. After all, they have shared hardships in the South China Sea for so many years, but Xunyi feels that Xiyang and Jiangxiao should not be allowed to go to Gongsun Chong. Taking such a big risk,

Xun Yi didn't want to ask Yu Chan for help. Although he was extremely close to Yu Chan, he couldn't bother her with everything. For Su Wan, he could ask Yu Chan for help. For Xi Yang and Jiang Xiao, he could also ask Yu Chan. Help, but it is a bit inappropriate for Gongsun Chong. This is different from the risk-free thing of asking Yu Chan to accept Shao Ling as his disciple. Listening to Wuhun's tone, you know that Yuhai is not a calm place, even though Yu Chan She is a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of becoming a feather, but that does not mean that she can run rampant in Yunei. She has the experience to seek changes.

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