Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1028 A family fleeing for their lives

Huang Ying sighed and blamed herself, "It's me, senior sister, who didn't fulfill her responsibilities. Every time I think about it, I feel guilty. I wish I could bring you back to my side and watch you grow up, but senior sister only has so little ability and can't take care of you." is you."

Xun Yi felt sad when he heard what she said, and hurriedly moved to the opposite side of her, smiling and saying, "Okay, okay, my senior sister! I just can't help but want to act coquettishly when I'm around you. If I really want you to keep guarding me, I don’t know how spoiled you will be now.”

Huang Ying felt funny and patted him on the head, scolding, "There are so many disciples on Yunyu Cliff who are not afraid of me. It's because of you that I can't bear to teach you a lesson."

"This is the fate of the past life!" Xunyi pulled her up with a playful smile and hugged her deeply again, "Senior sister, I have to go back. Please take care of yourself and do more filial piety for me in front of Master. I will come tomorrow Repay Senior Sister for your great kindness."

Huang Ying hugged him hard and choked with sobs, "Take care of yourself, Master. I will serve you with all my heart. You don't have to worry about it. Practice well and cherish the blessings given by God. Let us see your ranking earlier." On the day when you become a monk, I believe you will be able to do it."

After Xunyi let go of Huang Ying, he slowly floated up and said with a smile, "Sister, I'm leaving."

"Yi'er..." Huang Ying suddenly felt something ominous when she saw his smile. When she wanted to get up and chase him, Xun Yi had already turned into a rainbow and galloped away.

After Xunyi returned to the headquarters of the Tianlu Alliance, he directly took the teleportation array on his way back. However, after transferring to two teleportation arrays to enter the Western Guard area, he left the escort and began to act alone, because he was no longer a barbarian. The two escorts could not force him. Xunyi asked them to take a message back, saying that he would rush back to Weiyuan Camp as soon as possible.

Facing the gentle breeze and flying over the vast green land, Xunyi felt an indescribable sense of comfort. Although he volunteered to be the Yiling Guard, the feeling of being under constant supervision was enough to make him upset. Now that he was finally free again, he was as happy as a bird that had just escaped from the cage.

Of course, he didn't do this just to feel freedom, but to try his luck to see if he could intercept the witch from Yuanyi State. Anyway, he could only wait when he returned to Weiyuan Camp, so why not have some fun outside, even if he couldn't catch it? It would be nice if the witch could find someone he could take care of. Now he is almost the same as Xiaoyao Xianjun, a person who only wants to do justice for heaven.

Obviously there are not many opportunities to do justice in Nanjingzhou. Xunyi flew around for more than ten days without encountering any injustice. This made him miss Puyunzhou. If he was in Puyunzhou, he would keep it for himself now. You can kill them all.

There was no chance to fight injustice in the cultivation world. Xunyi started to pay attention to the mortal world when he was extremely bored. Although the cultivation world in Nanjingzhou was relatively peaceful, the mortal world was not blessed by it. After all, these were two people. In the world, monks need to abide by the rules of not interfering with the mortal world.

On the edge of a dense forest more than fifty miles away from a town, Xunyi finally found something he could take care of. The first thing that caught his attention was the three people who were rushing on their way in a panic. They looked like a family of three, a middle-aged couple. They looked to be in their teens, and the girl they were accompanying was only fifteen or sixteen years old. Judging from the coarse cloth clothes they were wearing, they probably didn’t come from a wealthy family. All three of them were carrying large packages, and they were either carrying bamboo baskets or carrying bags. Holding the farm tools, it looked like he was running away, but even so, he was still reluctant to throw away the heavy farm tools.

"Dad, please stop and take a breath, Feng'er can't hold it anymore." The middle-aged woman gasped and stopped first.

She was also exhausted.

The girl named Feng'er turned pale from exhaustion and was sweating profusely. After hearing what her mother said, her hands felt weak and she dropped the hoe she was carrying. She begged, "Don't bring these bulky household items." "

Before the father could speak, the mother scolded, "How can we live without these things? How can we have the money to buy them again?"

"But how can you go so fast? If you are caught..." Feng'er turned around and looked back in fear.

"Stop talking, take a breath quickly, we have to continue walking soon." The middle-aged man frowned and sat on the weeds by the roadside.

Xunyi, who was invisible in the air, listened to their conversation and looked at the three tall horses galloping in the distance, with a happy smile on his lips.

The family of three panicked when they heard the sound of horse hooves. They hurriedly picked up the large and small packages placed on the ground and tried to escape into the woods. However, they were intercepted by the three horses before they could get into the woods.

"Oh my God! Why don't you open your eyes and see..." Knowing that she was doomed, the woman gave up her resistance and knelt down on the ground, looking up to the sky and wailing.

"Humph, God won't bless you bastards. Just give up on this idea and make this trip in vain. I think you are really tired of life." The leader jumped off the horse, He waved the riding crop towards the woman with a ferocious look.

The husband rushed to stop him, but was kicked away by the big man. The daughter cried and hugged her mother, closing her eyes in despair.

"Aren't you afraid of falling into hell forever because you have lost your conscience for being the accomplice of a tiger?!" The woman hugged her daughter tightly and stared at the three of them with grief and anger.

"Hell? Hahahaha, it is precisely because you believed in that stuff that you have fallen to where you are today. This is our master's true insight. For the sake of our future dealings with each other, I will tell you so that you can understand. What the master said is true. Yes, if we brothers continue to believe in that stuff, how can we live a good life now? Hahahaha..." After the leader finished speaking, he laughed proudly, and the other two also laughed.

"Exchange an eternity of suffering for a lifetime of enjoyment, and one day you will regret it!" When Tiantian refused to respond, the woman's angrily rebuke seemed a bit harsh.

The leader of the big man said impatiently, "I'm waiting at the Flower Worship Hall over there. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Feng'er, come here and follow us back immediately. This way you can save both of their lives. Otherwise, you'll have to do it for them after the wedding." It’s a funeral.”

"Beast! You have already killed my two younger brothers. God will not forgive you. You should kill me too today!" The middle-aged man rushed forward with red eyes, but the evil man at the head could easily do it. When he was loose, he kicked him down again.

"For me, killing you is like killing a bed bug. But today is a good day for me. It is unlucky to kill you. Don't show shame. If you make me anxious, I will chop off both of your dog legs first." Let you crawl back to see your daughter get married!"

"Damn it! God, when will you open your eyes and kill these beasts..." The woman looked up to the sky and screamed sadly.

"Hit your grandma! I'm standing right here. If you have the ability, let your God come and hit me!" The big man at the head was quite upset by the woman's howling. He scolded her and swung his whip at her.

Xun Yi had almost understood the whole story at this time, and with great pleasure, he sent out a spiritual power, intending to turn it into a sharp flash to strike the three people, but unexpectedly, the spiritual power disappeared after being sent out. , this made him shocked. Huang Ying sighed and blamed herself, "It's me, senior sister, who didn't fulfill her responsibilities. Every time I think about it, I feel guilty. I wish I could bring you back to my side and watch you grow up, but senior sister only has so little ability and can't take care of you." is you."

Xun Yi felt sad when he heard what she said, and hurriedly moved to the opposite side of her, smiling and saying, "Okay, okay, my senior sister! I just can't help but want to act coquettishly when I'm around you. If I really want you to keep guarding me, I don’t know how spoiled you will be now.”

Huang Ying felt funny and patted him on the head, scolding, "There are so many disciples on Yunyu Cliff who are not afraid of me. It's because of you that I can't bear to teach you a lesson."

"This is the fate of the past life!" Xunyi pulled her up with a playful smile and hugged her deeply again, "Senior sister, I have to go back. Please take care of yourself and do more filial piety for me in front of Master. I will come tomorrow Repay Senior Sister for your great kindness."

Huang Ying hugged him hard and choked with sobs, "Take care of yourself, Master. I will serve you with all my heart. You don't have to worry about it. Practice well and cherish the blessings given by God. Let us see your ranking earlier." On the day when you become a monk, I believe you will be able to do it."

After Xunyi let go of Huang Ying, he slowly floated up and said with a smile, "Sister, I'm leaving."

"Yi'er..." Huang Ying suddenly felt something ominous when she saw his smile. When she wanted to get up and chase him, Xun Yi had already turned into a rainbow and galloped away.

After Xunyi returned to the headquarters of the Tianlu Alliance, he directly took the teleportation array on his way back. However, after transferring to two teleportation arrays to enter the Western Guard area, he left the escort and began to act alone, because he was no longer a barbarian. The two escorts could not force him. Xunyi asked them to take a message back, saying that he would rush back to Weiyuan Camp as soon as possible.

Facing the gentle breeze and flying over the vast green land, Xunyi felt an indescribable sense of comfort. Although he volunteered to be the Yiling Guard, the feeling of being under constant supervision was really enough to make him upset. Now that he was finally free again, he was as happy as a bird that had just escaped from the cage.

Of course, he didn't do this just to feel freedom, but to try his luck to see if he could intercept the witch from Yuanyi State. Anyway, he could only wait when he returned to Weiyuan Camp, so why not have some fun outside, even if he couldn't catch it? It would be nice if the witch could find something that she could take care of. Now he is almost the same as Xiaoyao Xianjun, a person who only wants to do justice for heaven.

Obviously there are not many opportunities to do justice in Nanjingzhou. Xunyi flew around for more than ten days without encountering any injustice. This made him miss Puyunzhou. If he was in Puyunzhou, he would keep it for himself now. You can kill them all.

There was no chance to fight injustice in the cultivation world. Xunyi started to pay attention to the mortal world when he was extremely bored. Although the cultivation world in Nanjingzhou was relatively peaceful, the mortal world was not blessed by it. After all, these were two people. In the world, monks need to abide by the rules of not interfering with the mortal world.

On the edge of a dense forest more than fifty miles away from a town, Xunyi finally found something he could take care of. The first thing that caught his attention was the three people who were rushing on their way in a panic. They looked like a family of three, a middle-aged couple. They looked to be in their teens, and the girl they were accompanying was only fifteen or sixteen years old. Judging from the coarse cloth clothes they were wearing, they probably didn’t come from a wealthy family. All three of them were carrying large packages, and they were either carrying bamboo baskets or carrying bags. Holding the farm tools, it seemed that he was fleeing, but even so, he was still reluctant to throw away the heavy farm tools.

"Dad, please stop and take a breath, Feng'er can't hold it anymore." The middle-aged woman gasped and stopped first.

She was also exhausted.

The girl named Feng'er turned pale from exhaustion and was sweating profusely. After hearing what her mother said, her hands felt weak and she dropped the hoe she was carrying. She begged, "Don't carry these bulky household items." "

Before the father could speak, the mother scolded, "How can we live without these things? How can we have the money to buy them again?"

"But how can you go so fast? If you are caught..." Feng'er turned around and looked back in fear.

"Stop talking, take a breath quickly, we have to continue walking soon." The middle-aged man frowned and sat down on the weeds by the roadside.

Xunyi, who was invisible in the air, listened to their conversation and looked at the three tall horses galloping in the distance, with a happy smile on his lips.

The family of three panicked when they heard the sound of horse hooves. They hurriedly picked up the large and small packages placed on the ground and tried to escape into the woods. However, they were intercepted by the three horses before they could get into the woods.

"Oh my God! Why don't you open your eyes and see..." Knowing that she was doomed, the woman gave up her resistance and knelt down on the ground, looking up to the sky and wailing.

"Humph, God won't bless you bastards. Just give up on this idea and make this trip in vain. I think you are really tired of life." The leader jumped off the horse, He waved the riding crop towards the woman with a ferocious look.

The husband rushed to stop him, but was kicked away by the big man. The daughter cried and hugged her mother, closing her eyes in despair.

"Aren't you afraid of falling into hell forever because you have lost your conscience for being the accomplice of a tiger?!" The woman hugged her daughter tightly and stared at the three of them with grief and anger.

"Hell? Hahahaha, it is precisely because you believed in that stuff that you have fallen to where you are today. This is our master's true insight. For the sake of our future dealings with each other, I would like to say it so that you can understand. What the master said is true. Yes, if we brothers continue to believe in that stuff, how can we live a good life now? Hahahaha..." After the leader finished speaking, he laughed proudly, and the other two also laughed.

"Exchange an eternity of suffering for a lifetime of enjoyment, and one day you will regret it!" When Tiantian refused to respond, the woman's angrily rebuke seemed a bit harsh.

The leader of the big man said impatiently, "The master is waiting at the Flower Worship Hall. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Feng'er, come here and follow us back immediately. This can save both of their lives. Otherwise, you will have to do it for them after the wedding." It’s a funeral.”

"Beast! You have already killed two of my younger brothers. God will not forgive you. Kill me today too!" The middle-aged man rushed forward with red eyes, but the evil man at the head could easily do it. When he was loose, he kicked him down again.

"For me, killing you is like killing a bed bug. But today is a good day for me. It is unlucky to kill you. Don't show shame. If you make me anxious, I will chop off both of your dog legs first." Let you crawl back to see your daughter get married!"

"Damn it! God, when will you open your eyes and kill these beasts..." The woman looked up to the sky and screamed sadly.

"Hit your grandma! I'm standing right here. If you have the ability, let your God come and hit me!" The big man at the head was quite upset by the woman's howling. He scolded her and swung his whip at her.

Xun Yi had almost understood the whole story at this time, and with great pleasure, he sent out a spiritual power, intending to turn it into a sharp flash to strike the three people, but unexpectedly, the spiritual power disappeared after being sent out. , this made him shocked.

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