Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1031: Losing means losing

When the nine-color ribbon transformed into a sky full of colors like a big net covering Xun Yi, the black light flashed from Li Yan rushed upward. Li Yan once cut off the soft and tough spirit spider silk in the spirit spider cave, and was the nemesis of this kind of magic weapon.

As Li Yan suddenly appeared, the sky full of colors suddenly stopped falling and started circling and dancing in an instant. Xun Yi felt dizzy for a while, and at the same time he felt that Li Yan's spirit was also confused by this brilliance.

It was only then that Xun Yi realized that the ribbon was also a spiritual treasure. While he forced Li Yan to move, he swung the evil-killing knife, but the magic power generated by the ribbon made him dizzy and unable to use his full cultivation power. The evil sword only flashed less than two feet of sword light, and its speed was also greatly reduced.

Before the Evil-Slaying Sword could hit the rapidly changing piece of light, Sijia had already shot out a silver light and knocked the Evil-Slaying Sword away.

"Use whatever means you have left." Sijia urged the stream of light to slowly fall towards Xun Yi. It could be seen that she was starting to play tricks on Xun Yi. .??.

"I just don't want to destroy your spiritual treasure." Xunyi Hand Kneading Technique pointed at Sijia, and he suppressed dizziness and softly chanted "Wind Eliminating Soul Bone"

After the small whirlpool as big as a bean flew out from Xunyi's fingertips, it turned into a large whirlpool more than ten feet high in a flash and sucked Sijia into it.

The sky-wide stream of colors that shrouded Xunyi's head disappeared in a flash, turning into a ribbon about a foot long and slowly falling down. At the same time, Xunyi noticed that Sijia had escaped from the whirlwind. He had never thought about it. The killer, so he caught the falling ribbon without moving and sealed a restriction, and then looked at Sijia who returned from a distance calmly.

Sijia stopped a thousand feet away from Xunyi and looked at Xunyi with a gloomy expression.

"The outcome has been decided. Fulfill your promise and send me back. Just pretend this battle never happened. I'll return the treasure to you." Xunyi said, throwing the ribbon out and flying down to take it back. The knocked down evil-killing knife.

"I was just careless and haven't used my true skills yet. Let's fight again!" Sijia chased after Xun Yi and said unconvinced.

Xun Yi Bu Ji Bu Xu said, "Losing means losing. You never said you would fight twice before. I have shown mercy. Otherwise, you will be dead now. As a saint on the altar, you have to keep your word, right?"

"You..." Si Jia raised his eyebrows and pointed at Xun Yi, but he was speechless. Then he straightened his expression and said, "Okay, I admit that I lost, but if we fight again, I will send you back no matter whether you win or lose." "

"What if I don't agree? Are you going to break your promise and not send it back?"

"Of course I will keep my promise!"

Xunyi said slowly, "If you want to keep your promise, send me back immediately. I just said that I don't want to fight you. I've returned the spiritual treasure to you. Is this sincerity enough? You want to force me again?" It’s unkind and unjust.”

"What will it take for you to fight with me again?" Sijia realized that he would not be able to fight with me in a quarrel, so he simply went straight to the point.

Xunyi shook his head, "I have hands on you. I can do it at any time if I want. I'll just stand there and not fight back. I'll let you beat me up. If you accidentally kill me anyway, you'll be breaking your promise."

"Aren't you afraid that I will really kill you?" Sijia said with a cold look in his eyes.

"If I were afraid of death, would I still stay here with you? If I were afraid of death, I would have killed you just now and gone back by myself. It's not like I don't know the way."

"I'll give you a treasure, can you fight with me again?"

"Do you think I am short of treasures? Besides, if you give me a treasure and then send me back, what will you say to me this time?"

"You're so shameless!" Sijia was so angry that she finally couldn't bear it and burst out. She had always been aloof and aloof, and she had never been so angry before.

"Deceitful?" Xunyi hadn't heard this word for a long time. When he couldn't help but want to laugh, he saw that Sijia's eyes were red. This made him blame himself secretly. He felt that bullying such a girl would be a bit unkind. , and then comforted him with good words: "If we fight again, I will be killed, but you are limited by your promise and can't kill me, so don't I want to take advantage of you? Why fight with such an unfair method?" , what do you think?”

After hearing what he said sincerely, Sijia calmed down and regained some of his former demeanor. His bright eyes flashed a few times before he had an idea, and he said in a matter-of-fact tone, "I will send you back right now, but you have to seal it." Your six senses cannot let you know the secret path."

"Okay." Xun Yi said nothing nonsense and immediately withdrew his body-protecting divine light.

Sijia slowly floated over, and when he reached Xunyi's side, he suddenly struck out like lightning and sealed his Qi Palace.

Xunyi couldn't help but snorted, and said mockingly, "You are not without any scheming in your feelings."

"You are too cunning, so I naturally have to be on guard." Sijia said and sealed another restriction on him.

"Your tribe has often told you that I am cunning, right? Do you think I am cunning?" Xunyi asked, looking at Sijia with contempt.

"I think you are very cunning!" Sijia stared at those enchanting eyes.

"So cunning that I put my life in your hands at your command? In comparison, you are much more cunning than I am. Hearing the truth is deceptive, seeing is believing. Many things you firmly believe may not be true. ”

Sijia picked him up and said, "You know I won't break my promise, so you dare to bet like this."

"Yeah, I can trust you with just one look. And I showed mercy and returned the treasure, but I still can't gain your trust. You have to know that your status as a saint is nothing in our eyes. It’s not worth it. It even means that you are more insidious and despicable than other Yuan clan members. This is exactly the case. Many people over there think so and call you a witch.”

"What did you say about me?" Sijia was very concerned about this.

"Because not many people have seen you, of course they are mostly making unfounded guesses. Yilingwei is afraid that I will respond to your provocation, so I have heard the least about you. Anyway, I haven't heard a single good word. Curses such as witches and witches, and conjectures such as being good at sinister magic and debauched behavior, let’s put it this way, your image on our side will not be better than my image on yours.”

"You actually slander me like this?" Sijia was shocked and angry at the same time.

"These are just private rumors here. The Heavenly Law Alliance has never publicly slandered you. Think about the people who say bad things about me to you. I am afraid that everyone who can talk to you must It has some identity.”

"Based on what is happening right now, I still can't tell whether you are good or evil. Those of you who don't believe in the Holy Spirit are rarely good. What you are best at is conspiracy. Who knows that you are not under the influence of evil intentions now? Are you just being pretentious?"

Xunyi snorted disdainfully, closed his eyes and stopped talking. When the nine-color ribbon transformed into a sky full of colors like a big net covering Xun Yi, the black light flashed from Li Yan rushed upward. Li Yan once cut off the most flexible and tough spirit spider silk in the spirit spider cave, and was the nemesis of this kind of magic weapon.

As Li Yan suddenly appeared, the sky full of colors suddenly stopped falling and started circling and dancing in an instant. Xun Yi felt dizzy for a while, and at the same time he felt that Li Yan's spirit was also confused by this brilliance.

It was only then that Xun Yi realized that the ribbon was also a spiritual treasure. While he forced Li Yan to move, he swung the evil-killing knife, but the magic power generated by the ribbon made him dizzy and unable to use his full cultivation power. The evil sword only flashed a sword light of less than two feet, and its speed was also greatly reduced.

Before the Evil-Slaying Sword could hit the rapidly changing piece of light, Sijia had already shot out a silver light and knocked the Evil-Slaying Sword away.

"Use whatever means you have left." Sijia urged the stream of light to slowly fall towards Xun Yi. It could be seen that she was starting to play tricks on Xun Yi.

"I just don't want to destroy your spiritual treasure." Xunyi Hand Kneading Technique pointed at Sijia, and he suppressed dizziness and softly chanted "Wind Eliminating Soul Bone"

After the small whirlpool as big as a bean flew out from Xunyi's fingertips, it turned into a large whirlpool more than ten feet high in a flash and sucked Sijia into it.

The sky-wide stream of colors that shrouded Xunyi's head disappeared in a flash, turning into a ribbon about a foot long and slowly falling down. At the same time, Xunyi noticed that Sijia had escaped from the whirlwind. He had never thought about it. The killer, so he caught the falling ribbon without moving and sealed a restriction, and then looked at Sijia who returned from a distance calmly.

Sijia stopped a thousand feet away from Xunyi and looked at Xunyi with a gloomy expression.

"The victory has been decided. Fulfill your promise and send me back. Just pretend this battle never happened. I'll return the treasure to you." Xunyi said, throwing the ribbon out and flying down to take it back. The knocked down evil sword.

"I was just careless and haven't used my true skills yet. Let's fight again!" Sijia chased after Xun Yi and said unconvinced.

Xun Yi Bu Ji Bu Xu said, "Losing means losing. You never said you would fight twice before. I have shown mercy. Otherwise, you will be dead now. As a saint on the altar, you have to keep your word, right?"

"You..." Si Jia raised his eyebrows and pointed at Xun Yi, but he was speechless. Then he straightened his expression and said, "Okay, I admit that I lost, but if we fight again, I will send you back no matter whether you win or lose." "

"What if I don't agree? Are you going to break your promise and not send it back?"

"Of course I will keep my promise!"

Xunyi said slowly, "If you want to keep your promise, send me back immediately. I just said that I don't want to fight you. I've returned the spiritual treasure to you. Is this sincerity enough? You want to force me again?" It’s unkind and unjust.”

"What will it take for you to fight with me again?" Sijia realized that he would not be able to fight with me in a quarrel, so he simply went straight to the point.

Xunyi shook his head, "I have hands on you. I can do it at any time if I want. I'll just stand there and not fight back. I'll let you beat me up. If you accidentally kill me anyway, you'll be breaking your promise."

"Aren't you afraid that I will really kill you?" Sijia said with a cold look in his eyes.

"If I were afraid of death, would I still stay here with you? If I were afraid of death, I would have killed you just now and gone back by myself. It's not like I don't know the way."

"I'll give you a treasure, can you fight with me again?"

"Do you think I am short of treasures? Besides, if you give me a treasure and then send me back, what will you say to me this time?"

"You're so shameless!" Sijia was so angry that she finally couldn't bear it and broke out. She had always been aloof and had never been so angry before.

"Deceitful?" Xunyi hadn't heard this word for a long time. When he couldn't help but want to laugh, he saw that the circles in Sijia's eyes were red. This made him blame himself secretly, feeling that bullying such a girl would be a bit unkind. , and then comforted him with good words, "If we fight again, I will be killed, but you are limited by your promise and can't kill me, so don't I want to take advantage of you? Why fight with such an unfair method?" , what do you think?”

After hearing what he said sincerely, Sijia calmed down and regained some of his former demeanor. His bright eyes flashed a few times before he had an idea, and he said in a matter-of-fact tone, "I will send you back right now, but you have to seal it." Your six senses cannot let you know the secret path."

"Okay." Xun Yi said nothing nonsense and immediately withdrew his body-protecting divine light.

Sijia slowly floated over, and when he reached Xunyi's side, he suddenly struck out like lightning and sealed his Qi Palace.

Xunyi couldn't help but snorted and said sarcastically, "You are not without any scheming in your feelings."

"You are too cunning, so I naturally have to be on guard." Sijia said and sealed another restriction on him.

"Your tribe has often told you that I am cunning, right? Do you think I am cunning?" Xunyi asked, looking at Sijia with contempt.

"I think you are very cunning!" Sijia stared at those enchanting eyes.

"So cunning that I put my life in your hands at your command? In comparison, you are much more cunning than I am. Hearing the truth is deceptive, seeing is believing. Many things you firmly believe may not be true. ”

Sijia picked him up and said, "You know I won't break my promise, so you dare to bet like this."

"Yeah, I can trust you with just one look. And I showed mercy and returned the treasure, but I still can't gain your trust. You have to know that your status as a saint is nothing in our eyes. It’s not worth it. It even means that you are more sinister and despicable than other Yuan clan members. This is exactly the case. Many people over there think so and call you a witch.”

"What did you say about me?" Sijia was very concerned about this.

"Because not many people have seen you, of course they are mostly making unfounded guesses. Yilingwei is afraid that I will respond to your provocation, so I have heard the least about you. Anyway, I haven't heard a single good word. Curses such as witches and witches, and conjectures such as being good at sinister magic and debauched behavior, let’s put it this way, your image on our side will not be better than my image on yours.”

"You actually slander me like this?" Sijia was shocked and angry at the same time.

"These are just private rumors here. The Heavenly Law Alliance has never publicly slandered you. Think about the people who say bad things about me to you. I am afraid that everyone who can talk to you must It has some identity.”

"Based on what is happening right now, I still can't tell whether you are good or evil. Those of you who don't believe in the Holy Spirit are rarely good. What you are best at is conspiracy. Who knows that you are not under the influence of evil intentions now? Are you just being pretentious?"

Xunyi snorted disdainfully, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

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