Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1033 Loss of the Lord God

Xunyi's eyes flickered for a while, as if he wanted to refute, but in the end he smiled and said, "Forget it, even if there is a heaven, and I finally went in, I don't even know half of the people there." , I will probably be discriminated against by everyone, what’s the point of living? Your world is simply hell to me, thank you for your kindness, let’s not talk about it.”

"You are a very nice person and are eloquent. It is easy to make friends. Everyone in heaven loves each other and no one will discriminate against you. You will understand if you learn more about the teachings of the Holy Spirit."

"You just said you couldn't tell whether I'm good or evil, and you changed it so quickly that I'm a very nice person?" You have to be patient and listen to her preaching.

Sijia pursed her lips and smiled, "Actually, I can feel your kindness, but... I just couldn't believe it for a moment. Even at this moment, I still find it incredible that the two of us are like this, but you You really put your life in my hands without any hesitation. I can only say that you are the most special Nanjingzhou monk I have ever met."

"Perhaps I was just worried that your great monks were spying nearby, so I resorted to risking my life to survive." Xunyi said and looked around seriously.

Sijia was startled, and then said with some displeasure, "Ji Ming, you don't have to play tricks on me. I advise you to avoid saying a few words in such roundabout ways. In my opinion, you have shown your sincerity enough." , there is no need to remind you one by one, I am not as stupid as you think, it would be better for me to taste some things myself. "

Xunyi couldn't help but sneer, and had to say firmly, "I do have concerns about this in my heart. After all, this is your territory, and you are a saint. It is normal for you to have a few guards around you."

Sijia ignored him. She was sure that this kid knew clearly. If there was a great monk guarding her secretly, then when she was trapped by the whirlwind, the guardian should help her no matter how hard he was. , Xunyi was afraid that she would not think of this, so she deliberately reminded her with words, which made her feel that the other party regarded her as a child.

Seeing that Sijia was really a little angry, Xunyi said, "Hey, let's end our grudges here. After you send me back, you can go back and be your saint. Don't fight and kill here." That’s right, this kind of thing is really not suitable for you.”

Sijia said coldly, "It is the duty of the saint of my altar to eradicate those who threaten my people."

"Okay, I can't control that much anymore, you can take care of yourself." Xunyi said with a somewhat desolate expression. As a compassionate person, he really didn't want to see a woman like Sijia die in the war. But he couldn't even take care of Shen Qing, so how could he have the time to care about Sijia.

Sijia glanced at him with a frown and said coldly, "You have lost your main god. Only by believing in the Holy Spirit can you remedy this."

After waiting for a while, Xun Yi remained silent. She stopped and said very seriously, "I'm not threatening you. Although you don't believe in the Lord God's theory and superficially think that it is the life soul you mentioned, I can tell you sincerely. , it does exist, and as a saint of the altar, I have the magical power to check the main god. After listening to you sigh just now, I noticed that your main god is already invisible. If you continue like this, you will die soon. You have to believe me."

Xunyi looked at her in surprise for a while, then smiled and said, "It seems that your magical powers are really quite good. I believe you. In my own situation,

I know it well, now you understand why I was willing to put my life in your hands so casually, right? I know you really want to help me, but I don’t need help. You believe that you will ascend to heaven after death, so you are not afraid of death. I also have my own heaven that I believe in, so I am not afraid of death, and even long to be able to Die early. "

"There is only one heaven above, and that is the heaven we believe in. Don't be obsessed with it anymore. If you really die, everything will be irreversible." Sijia couldn't help showing anxiety.

Xunyi smiled gently and said, "You said that your master and the others have seen the heaven with their own eyes, so you believe in its existence. But I have seen the heaven that I believe in with my own eyes. Who of us has better knowledge?" Believe it or not?”

"Have you really seen the heaven? Then...then what did the heaven you saw look like?" Sijia asked, staring at Xunyi intently.

Xunyi looked up at the sky and said calmly, "The real secret cannot be leaked. Even if some people see what God doesn't want the world to see, they will choose to keep silent because they You can realize that God's arrangement is already the best. Once what you see is leaked, it will definitely cause chaos in the world. "

"Are you implying that our theory of heaven is false?" Sijia's expression turned cold.

Xunyi looked away and asked with a smile, "Are we friends or enemies now?"

Si Jialuo pondered for a while and said, "If you stop slandering the Holy God, I will not be your enemy. If we meet on the battlefield, we will retreat."

Xunyi nodded lightly, "I like to be emotional, and I already regard you as a friend in my heart."

Sijia avoided his gaze and looked at the mountains in the distance.

Xunyi continued, "I know that in your opinion, we are a humble clan..."

Sijia turned around and interrupted, "You have earned my respect. Although I can't treat you as a friend yet, it's not because I think you are humble."

Xunyi nodded again with a smile, "It doesn't matter whether you treat me as a friend or not, but I know that you sincerely want to save my life, and that's enough. I don't want to argue with you about whether your heaven is true or false. , because that is likely to bring disaster to you. I just want to tell you that if you can keep your inner purity and stay away from killing, then no matter whether the heaven we believe in is true, you will eventually be able to enter. "

Sijia Sha smiled and said, "I can't enter the heaven unless I fulfill my duty of killing traitors and eradicating evil. Even if I can enter your heaven, wouldn't I become the one without friends?"

Xunyi sighed helplessly, "There is only one heaven. Okay, let's not fight anymore. Neither of us can convince the other. Send me back. Don't come to Nanjingzhou to make trouble again. Anyway, I don't have a few days to live. By then, if I die in your hands, your anger will be gone.”

Sijia led him slowly and asked tentatively, "The heaven you see is what you call the fairy world, right?"

"No, although many of our people there firmly believe in the existence of the immortal world, no one can produce strong evidence. The evidence that can be used to support this view is nothing more than some powerful so-called immortal treasures and magic, and Some ancient ruins.”

"So you don't believe in the fairy world?" As soon as the words came out, Sijia shook his head and said with a smile, "Since you have seen the heaven, you will naturally not believe in any fairy world anymore."

Xunyi smiled and did not continue as Sijia wished. Xunyi's eyes flickered for a while, as if he wanted to refute, but in the end he smiled and said, "Forget it, even if there is a heaven, and I finally went in, I don't even know half of the people there." , I will probably be discriminated against by everyone, what’s the point of living? Your world is simply hell to me, thank you for your kindness, let’s not talk about it.”

"You are a very nice person and are eloquent. It is easy to make friends. Everyone in heaven loves each other and no one will discriminate against you. You will understand if you learn more about the teachings of the Holy Spirit."

"You just said you couldn't tell whether I'm good or evil, so you changed it so quickly that I'm a very nice person?" You have to be patient and listen to her preaching.

Sijia pursed her lips and smiled, "Actually, I can feel your kindness, but... I just couldn't believe it for a moment. Even at this moment, I still find it incredible that the two of us are like this, but you You really put your life in my hands without any hesitation. I can only say that you are the most special Nanjingzhou monk I have ever met."

"Perhaps I was just worried that your great monks were spying nearby, so I resorted to risking my life to survive." Xunyi said and looked around seriously.

Sijia was startled, and then said with some displeasure, "Ji Ming, you don't have to play tricks on me. I advise you to avoid saying a few words in such roundabout ways. In my opinion, you have shown your sincerity enough." , there is no need to remind you one by one, I am not as stupid as you think, and it would be better for me to taste some things myself. "

Xunyi couldn't help but sneer, and had to say firmly, "I do have concerns about this in my heart. After all, this is your territory, and you are a saint. It is normal for you to have a few guards around you."

Sijia ignored him. She was sure that this kid knew clearly. If there was a great monk guarding her secretly, then when she was trapped by the whirlwind, the guardian should help her no matter how hard he was. , Xunyi was afraid that she would not think of this, so she deliberately reminded her with words, which made her feel that the other party regarded her as a child.

Seeing that Sijia was really a little angry, Xunyi said, "Hey, let's end our grudges here. After you send me back, you can go back and be your saint. Don't fight and kill here." That’s right, this kind of thing is really not suitable for you.”

Sijia said coldly, "It is the duty of the saint of my altar to eradicate those who threaten my people."

"Okay, I can't control that much anymore, you can take care of yourself." Xunyi said with a somewhat desolate expression. As a compassionate person, he really didn't want to see a woman like Sijia die in the war. But he couldn't even take care of Shen Qing, so how could he have the time to care about Sijia.

Sijia glanced at him with a frown and said coldly, "You have lost your main god. Only by believing in the Holy Spirit can you remedy this."

After waiting for a while, Xun Yi remained silent. She stopped and said very seriously, "I'm not threatening you. Although you don't believe in the Lord God's theory and superficially think that it is the soul of life you mentioned, I can tell you sincerely. , it does exist, and as a saint of the altar, I have the magical power to check the main god. After listening to you sigh just now, I noticed that your main god is already invisible. If you continue like this, you will die soon. You have to believe me."

Xunyi looked at her in surprise for a while, then smiled and said, "It seems that your magical powers are really quite good. I believe you. In my own situation,

I know it well, now you understand why I was willing to put my life in your hands so casually, right? I know you really want to help me, but I don’t need help. You believe that you will ascend to heaven after death, so you are not afraid of death. I also have my own heaven that I believe in, so I am not afraid of death, and even long to be able to Die early. "

"There is only one heaven above, and that is the heaven we believe in. Don't be obsessed with it anymore. If you really die, everything will be irreversible." Sijia couldn't help showing anxiety.

Xunyi smiled gently and said, "You said that your master and the others have seen the heaven with their own eyes, so you believe in its existence. But I have seen the heaven that I believe in with my own eyes. Who of us has better knowledge?" Believe it or not?”

"Have you really seen the heaven? Then...then what did the heaven you saw look like?" Sijia asked, staring at Xunyi intently.

Xunyi looked up at the sky and said calmly, "The true secret cannot be leaked. Even if what God doesn't want the world to see is glimpsed by some people, they will take the initiative to keep silent because they You can realize that God's arrangement is already the best. Once what you see is leaked, it will definitely cause chaos in the world. "

"Are you implying that our theory of heaven is false?" Sijia's expression turned cold.

Xunyi looked away and asked with a smile, "Are we friends or enemies now?"

Sijia Luo pondered for a while and said, "If you stop slandering the Holy God, I will not be your enemy. If we meet on the battlefield, we will retreat."

Xunyi nodded lightly, "I like to be emotional, and I already regard you as a friend in my heart."

Sijia avoided his gaze and looked at the mountains in the distance.

Xunyi continued, "I know that in your opinion, we are a humble clan..."

Sijia turned around and interrupted, "You have earned my respect. Although I can't treat you as a friend yet, it's not because I think you are humble."

Xunyi nodded again with a smile, "It doesn't matter whether you treat me as a friend or not, but I know that you sincerely want to save my life, and that's enough. I don't want to argue with you about whether your heaven is true or false. , because that is likely to bring disaster to you. I just want to tell you that if you can keep your inner purity and stay away from killing, then no matter whether the heaven we believe in is true, you will eventually be able to enter. "

Sijia Sha smiled and said, "I can't enter the heaven unless I fulfill my duty of killing traitors and eradicating evil. Even if I can enter your heaven, wouldn't I become the one without friends?"

Xunyi sighed helplessly, "There is only one heaven. Okay, let's not fight anymore. Neither of us can convince the other. Send me back. Don't come to Nanjingzhou to make trouble again. Anyway, I don't have a few days to live. By then, if I die in your hands, your anger will be gone."

Sijia led him slowly and asked tentatively, "The heaven you see is what you call the fairy world, right?"

"No, although many of our people there firmly believe in the existence of the immortal world, no one can produce strong evidence. The evidence that can be used to support this view is nothing more than some powerful so-called immortal treasures and magic, and Some ancient ruins.”

"So you don't believe in the fairy world?" As soon as the words came out, Sijia shook his head and said with a smile, "Since you have seen the heaven, you will naturally not believe in any fairy world anymore."

Xunyi smiled and did not continue as Sijia wished.

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