Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1042 Is he lying to me again?

Today's Jiangxiao is no longer comparable to the little nun who always acted based on people's faces. Although the Jiang family's power has declined in the South China Sea and the Jiangxia Palace has lost its former glory, there are people who have cared about the kindness of the ancestors of the Jiang family over the years. Come to visit the only descendant of the Jiang family. Although only a few people have the opportunity to enter Jiangxia Palace to express their respect to the young master in person, there are many small arrays outside the palace protection circle specially reserved for everyone to store their prayers. On the rare occasion when he was free, such respect would naturally make Jiang Xiao feel a little more noble.

Although Jiangxia Palace has lost its former glory, the grandeur of the deep palace hall is still there, and the people who live in it will naturally have a certain atmosphere. In addition, with the personal guidance of such great powers as the famous Immortal Lord, today's Jiangxiao In terms of demeanor, he already has the demeanor of a young master from a famous family.

The changes brought about by the improvement of her cultivation have also added a lot to her. With the guidance of famous teachers, a good cultivation environment, precious elixirs, and especially the ten-thousand-year inner elixir presented by Long Ping, she and Xiyang both At the state of perfection in the early stage of Nascent Soul, Jiangxiao, a small flower blooming in the wilderness, has gradually grown into a dazzling rare and famous flower.

Although she was deliberately discussing friendship with Su Wan, her expression was quite natural and without any artificiality. When Huang Ying gave her the courtesy of a peer, she returned it calmly without any hesitation. There was a hint of intimacy in her expression, and it was obvious that she didn't take Huang Ying's cares to heart at all. No matter who was at fault, in terms of magnanimity, she was going to outshine Huang Ying. One end.

After Huang Ying left, Su Wan glanced at Jiangxiao, and then looked at Yuchan.

Jiangxiao understood that Su Wan also wanted to drive her out, so he rushed to say, "I just want to know where Xunyi is now. If you want to know, you must tell me. Xiyang and I have hung up dozens of dollars for him." The heart of the year.”

"Why didn't Xiyang come with you?" Su Wan still wanted Yu Chan to drive Jiang Xiao away first, so she asked casually.

"Although the fairy concubine has great magical powers, it is still very inconvenient to take people between the two continents. It was only after I begged the fairy concubine that she agreed to take me with her, so I can't make this trip in vain."

Yu Chan said at this time, "Do you really know where Xun Yi is?"

Su Wan asked worriedly, "He said he was with Senior Xiaoyao. Senior Xiaoyao showed him a different path of cultivation, and this was with your permission. Is this true?"

"Hmph!" Yu Chan snorted angrily.

"So he's lying to me again?" Su Wan asked tentatively.

"I know that he wants to take a different path of cultivation. Please tell me where he is now first." Yu Chan vaguely tried to cover up the matter of Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, and went around trying to cover up his lies. It was the most troublesome thing for her during this period, but no matter how troublesome it was, she had to bite the bullet and do it. Who let her get involved with the young master who has so many secrets?

"Then is he with Senior Xiaoyao?" Su Wan was also afraid that Xunyi's lies to Yu Chan would be exposed because of her garrulousness. In the final analysis, there were too many magical powers to protect Xunyi, and there was something between them. There is no dispute and she doesn't know about it at all. If Xunyi is really with Immortal Xiaoyao at this moment, then she can feel at ease even if Xunyi is in Yilingwei. Maybe she shouldn't tell Yuchan about it, although the two The person trusts Yuchan more than she does, but Xiaoyao Xianjun is undoubtedly very good at Xunyi, in terms of magical powers.

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord is not under Yu Chan either.

Yu Chan frowned and wanted to show some displeasure to force Su Wan to tell Xun Yi's whereabouts quickly, but thinking about Su Wan's character and seeing the embarrassment in her eyes, she gave up the idea and thought carefully about her words. He said, "As far as I know, Immortal Xiaoyao shouldn't have been with him recently. This is what he told me in the illusion last time."

Su Wan didn't get the answer she wanted, so she had to continue asking, "Do you know what kind of path he is taking now?"

Jiangxiao was already a little impatient at this time. She didn't understand how Xunyi could like such a boring person.

Yu Chan showed enough patience and said calmly, "He has always refused to tell me this, but he did improve his cultivation through the path he chose, and the effect is very significant. You don't have to hide it for him. I I promised him that I would not interfere with his cultivation. I am just asking you to find out where he is now so that I can have some peace of mind." After saying that, she turned to Jiangxiao and said, "You don't want to keep going after you know his whereabouts. Please ask me to take you to see him, and he will come back when he wants to see you."

Jiang Xiao shook his head vigorously and said, "There is no reason for him to delay meeting us until now. I don't believe he will do this. He must be in big trouble. You must believe me. I dare to guarantee it with my life!"

Yu Chan didn't know how many times Jiang Xiao had told her this. She believed it, but there was nothing she could do about Xun Yi. Fortunately, Xun Yi's performance in the illusion of Qian Xin didn't reveal anything that worried her. So she is not as nervous as Jiang Xiao.

"He...joined the Yiling Guards." Su Wan finally decided to tell the truth, "He said this was Senior Xiaoyao's intention."

"Yilingwei?!" Jiangxiao immediately changed her color and looked at Su Wan with wide eyes in disbelief. Although she didn't know much about this mysterious Yilingwei, she was full of interest in him like many Nanjingzhou monks. He was afraid, knowing that it was a shady dark force composed of extremely evil people, specializing in carrying out the most dangerous tasks.

"Fairy, I knew he must be in big trouble. Please rescue him as soon as possible!" Jiang Xiao grabbed Yu Chan's hand anxiously after she recovered. Although she was quite familiar with Yu Chan, she would never dare to do such a thing if she was in a hurry.

Although Yu Chan was complaining in her heart, her face remained calm.

"Is this the instruction of Senior Xiaoyao?" Su Wan looked at Yu Chan earnestly and asked.

"Please be patient. I will go to check." Yu Chan asked Su Wan briefly about Xun Yi's current situation and left in a hurry.

"When was the last time you saw him?" Jiang Xiao asked Su Wan anxiously. Due to her terrifying knowledge of Yiling Guard, she was afraid that Xun Yi would lose his life at any time.

"Huang Ying just met him a month ago. He should be fine." Su Wan forced a smile. The intervention of Fairy Yu Chan not only failed to make her feel at ease, but made her more uneasy. She was afraid that Xun Yi would be forced into a corner this time.

Although Yu Chan was always vague about the matter of Xiaoyao Xianjun, Su Wan could already conclude that Xun Yi was lying to her. There should be no Xiaoyao Xianjun here. In fact, she had long guessed that it would be like this, but she was not very sure. Now it is confirmed, then Xun Yi joined Yiling Guard for only one purpose - to die! Today's Jiang Xiao is no longer the little female cultivator who had to act according to other people's faces. Although the power of the Jiang family has declined in the South China Sea, and the Jiangxia Palace has lost its former glory, there have been people who have come to visit the only descendant of the Jiang family for the kindness of the ancestors of the Jiang family over the years. Although only a very few people have the opportunity to enter the Jiangxia Palace to express their respect to the young master in person, the small magic circle outside the palace protection magic circle specially reserved for everyone to store the worship is rarely empty. Such respect will naturally make Jiang Xiao more noble.

Although the Jiangxia Palace has lost its former glory, the grandeur of the palace is still there. People living in it naturally want to be more generous. In addition, with the personal guidance of the great master Mingbenxianzun, Jiangxiao today has the demeanor of a young master of a famous sect.

The changes brought about by the improvement of her cultivation have also added a lot to her. With the guidance of a famous teacher, a good cultivation environment, precious elixirs, and especially the help of the ten thousand inner elixir given by Long Ping, she and Xiyang have both reached the perfect state of the early Nascent Soul. Jiangxiao, a small flower blooming in the wilderness, has gradually grown into a dazzling and rare flower.

Although she deliberately made a show of being on the same level with Su Wan, her expression was quite natural, without any sense of affectation. Huang Ying treated her with equal courtesy, and she also calmly returned the courtesy without any hesitation. Her expression was also a bit intimate. It can be seen that she did not take Huang Ying's calculation to heart at all. No matter who was in the wrong, she would definitely be better than Huang Ying in terms of temperament.

After Huang Ying left, Su Wan glanced at Jiang Xiao, and then looked at Yu Chan.

Jiang Xiao understood that Su Wan also wanted to drive her out, so she rushed to say, "I just want to know where Xun Yi is now. If you want to know, you must tell me. Xiyang and I have been worried about him for decades."

"Why didn't Xiyang come with you?" Su Wan still wanted Yu Chan to drive Jiang Xiao away first, and asked casually while delaying.

"Although the Immortal Concubine has great magical powers, it is still inconvenient to bring people back and forth between the two continents. I begged the Immortal Concubine to take me with me, so I can't make a wasted trip." Yu Chan said at this time, "Do you really know where Xun Yi is?" Su Wan asked back with concern, "He said he was with Senior Xiaoyao, and Senior Xiaoyao pointed out a different way of cultivation for him, and this was approved by you. Is this true?" .??. "Humph!" Yu Chan snorted unhappily. "So he is lying to me again?" Su Wan asked tentatively. "I know he wants to take a different way of cultivation. Tell me where he is now." Yu Chan tried to cover up the matter of Immortal Lord Xiaoyao with vague words. Lying for Xun Yi everywhere has become her most troublesome thing during this period. But no matter how annoying it is, she has to bite the bullet and do it. Who let her get involved with so many secrets? "So is he with Senior Xiaoyao?" Su Wan was afraid that she would expose Xunyi's lie to Yuchan because of her mouthiness. After all, there were too many great magical powers protecting Xunyi. She had no idea whether there was any entanglement between them. If Xunyi was really with Senior Xiaoyao at this moment, she would be at ease even if Xunyi was in Yiling Guard. Maybe she shouldn't tell Yuchan about this. Although she trusted Yuchan more than the other two, Senior Xiaoyao was undoubtedly very good to Xunyi. In terms of magical powers, Senior Xiaoyao was not inferior to Yuchan. Yu Chan frowned and wanted to show some displeasure to force Su Wan to tell her where Xun Yi was, but she gave up the idea when she thought of Su Wan's character and saw the embarrassment in her eyes. She said carefully, "As far as I know, Xiaoyao Xianjun should not be with him recently. This is what he told me in the illusion last time." Su Wan did not get the answer she wanted, so she had to continue asking, "Do you know what kind of path he is taking now?" Jiang Xiao was a little impatient at this time. She didn't understand why Xun Yi liked such a nagging person.

Yu Chan showed enough patience and said calmly, "He has always refused to tell me this, but he did improve his cultivation through the path he chose, and the effect is very significant. You don't have to hide it for him. I I promised him that I would not interfere with his cultivation. I am just asking you to find out where he is now so that I can have some peace of mind." After saying that, she turned to Jiangxiao and said, "You don't want to keep going after you know his whereabouts. Please ask me to take you to see him, and he will come back when he wants to see you."

Jiang Xiao shook his head vigorously and said, "There is no reason for him to delay meeting us until now. I don't believe he will do this. He must be in big trouble. You must believe me. I dare to guarantee it with my life!"

Yu Chan didn't know how many times Jiang Xiao had told her this. She believed it, but there was nothing she could do about Xun Yi. Fortunately, Xun Yi's performance in the illusion of Qian Xin didn't reveal anything that worried her. So she is not as nervous as Jiang Xiao.

"He...joined the Yiling Guards." Su Wan finally decided to tell the truth, "He said this was Senior Xiaoyao's intention."

"Yilingwei?!" Jiangxiao immediately changed her color and looked at Su Wan with wide eyes in disbelief. Although she didn't know much about this mysterious Yilingwei, she was full of interest in him like many Nanjingzhou monks. He was afraid, knowing that it was a shady dark force composed of extremely evil people, specializing in carrying out the most dangerous tasks.

"Fairy Concubine, I knew he must be in big trouble. Please rescue him as soon as possible no matter what!" After Jiangxiao calmed down, she anxiously grabbed Yu Chan's hand. Although she and Yu Chan She was quite familiar with it, but if she was in a hurry, she would never dare to do such a thing.

Although Yu Chan was crying in her heart, her face still remained calm.

"Is this the instruction of Senior Xiaoyao?" Su Wan looked at Yu Chan sincerely and asked.

"Don't be impatient for a moment. I'm going to check." Yu Chan briefly asked Su Wan about Xun Yi's current situation and left in a hurry.

"When was the last time you saw him?" Jiangxiao asked Su Wan anxiously. Due to her terrifying knowledge of Yilingwei, she was afraid that Xun Yi would lose her life at any time.

"Huang Ying just met him a month ago, so he should be fine." Su Wan forced a smile. Fairy Concubine Yuchan's intervention not only failed to make her feel at ease, but made her even more uneasy. She was afraid that Xun Yi would be forced into a hurry this time.

Although Yu Chan was always vague about the matter of Xiaoyao Immortal, Su Wan could already conclude that Xunyi was lying to her. There should be nothing about Xiaoyao Immortal here. In fact, she had already guessed that this would probably be the case. It's just that I'm not completely sure. Now it's confirmed that Xun Yi has only one purpose in joining the Yiling Guards - to seek death!

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