Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1052 English interpretation of law

"Who asked you to torture him?!" the officials who broke in shouted at the three jailers.

The three jailers hurriedly lowered Xun Yi from the pillar, and then stood in a row with Nuonuo afraid to speak.

The man with a gauze mask stepped forward and pulled Xun Yi up without saying a word and walked out. Xun Yi had frostbite, burns, and dozens of deep wounds from the previous flogging. It was painful to the bone, but he didn't let himself show any pain and acted very submissive. Pushing people into a desperate situation first, and then trying to win them over is not a clever method, but it is very effective. Xunyi can see the other party's tricks, but he is still very grateful that they did not make him suffer too much.

When he left the stone room to find Yi, his six senses were blocked. Presumably, he didn't want him to know the location of this place of imprisonment. When he woke up, he was lying on a brocade couch. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a pair of loving eyes. The owner of the eyes is wearing a dark green burqa embroidered with strange patterns, and her head is covered with dark green gauze without patterns. This is the daily attire of Yuan Yi tribe women, whether they are female cultivators or mortal women. In this way, Xunyi knew something about this, and knew that the Yuan tribe respected green, and a woman who could wear dark green clothes was of high status.

"You don't have to be afraid. I am a Dharma interpreter from the Xuan Jing Yuan. You can just call me Ying Wen Jing Shi. I am here to preach the Holy Dharma to you. It is very safe here and no one will hurt you."

The voice of this Yingwen sutra master is very soft, which makes people feel peaceful in their hearts unconsciously. Through the gauze covering her head, her face can be vaguely seen. This sutra teacher The teacher looks to be in her thirties, and her appearance cannot be said to be very handsome, but her kind-faced and kind-hearted people can easily make people feel close to her. It was she who brought him out of prison.

Xunyi said "Oh". His Qi Mansion was still sealed. He was wearing Yuan Yi tribe clothes. All accessories including the hairpin on his head had been taken away. He looked around the room where he was. After decorating the room with Yuanyizhou style, he sat up, stroked the aching wound and said, "Have you given me the healing elixir? This elixir is not very good. It can bring me the Qiankun Bag." Well, let me take out a pill."

Master Yingwen whispered softly, "Your things have been sent up. I can't get them. Fortunately, they are just superficial wounds. No matter how bad our elixirs are, they can be cured. Just be patient." ”

"Can you help me recover a little bit? As long as I can resist the pain."

Master Yingwen shook his head apologetically. The apology was not very sincere. It was more like expressing "I know you want to cause trouble." "Just listen to my sermon with peace of mind. Don't think about other things."

"What kind of official position is Dharma Interpretation?" Xunyi asked curiously, because he could see that this person's cultivation was at the early stage of Nascent Soul, but the color of her clothes showed that she had a high status.

Master Ying Wen said with a smile, "The interpreter is the highest official of the Propaganda Institute. You think my cultivation is not high, right? The Propaganda Institute respects the proficient manager and does not value cultivation."

"That's so disrespectful." Xun Yi said politely, feeling worried secretly in his heart. He asked the highest official of the Propaganda Academy to preach to him. It can be seen that the Yuan clan wanted to transform him into a believer. It was not difficult. Understand, if you can put yourself in such a position to fight against the Yuan clan,

Changing a heroic figure into their believer would definitely have a greater impact than killing him, and in this way, his death wish would be more difficult to realize.

"People who believe in the Holy Religion are all brothers and sisters. There is no distinction between high and low. Just treat me as an ordinary scribe." Ying Wenshi said lovingly.

"But I'm not a member of your religion, and I don't believe in your religion. I think you'd better not waste your efforts unless..." Xunyi sighed at this point and said no more.

"Unless what?" Yingwen Shifa asked with a smile.

Xunyi shook his head, "I know something about your teachings. Many of them are against my principles of life, so no matter what you say, it's useless." What he wanted to say was that unless Sijia came to teach me, He explained the scriptures, but he would not be tortured for the time being, so he didn't want to drag Sijia into the water. He would save people until the end. Let's take it one step at a time.

"The hostility between the two sides has been going on for a long time. It is inevitable that your side will distort and slander our holy laws. You are a smart person at first glance. How can you not know this truth? Why not listen? Maybe you can understand the Tao."

Xunyi closed his eyes and made a gesture of silence, which could mean that he was ready to listen quietly or that he was not ready to listen.

"Ding~~~~" Yingwen Shifa took out a small golden bell and shook it, and then began to talk with a sweet voice that seemed to have magic power, starting from the beginning of the Holy Spirit's opening up of Hongmeng.

Xunyi was distracted by the sound of the golden bell and couldn't help but listen. Fortunately, the sound of the golden bell could only attract his attention but not affect his mind. After listening for a while, he interrupted Yingwen Shifa's vivid narration. He said solemnly, "The Holy God in the beginning opened up the world we are in and sent his third son Huao to take charge of it. Why is this? Could it be that his son Huao made some mistake? According to you, this place is comparable to the heaven." It feels like hell. Even if you are king and hegemon here, it is worse than being an ordinary person in heaven, not to mention that he is the son of the Holy God."

Yingwen explained the law quite approvingly and said, "He was demoted here to reflect because he disobeyed the words of the Holy God. You see, few people think of asking this question, because in their view, being the king of a realm is This is a very beautiful thing, but it is limited by your vision, so I say that you are a smart person, and as long as you listen carefully, you will definitely understand the truth of this world. "

Xunyi smiled lightly and said, "Then why does Huoao want to disobey his father?"

"No one knows about this."

Xunyi tried his best to maintain a thoughtful expression and said, "Haha, you are proud of being the descendants of a god, but that god is an exiled criminal, so your status is not very noble."

For the first time, Yingwen explained the law with a serious look, "The Holy God only demoted our Holy Ancestors here to reflect. It is inappropriate to use the word 'exile'. It is just like a mortal locking up his own child." Let him think about it in the house, can you say that the child is a criminal? "

"That's true. You can go on." Xunyi seemed to be convinced, but in fact he was holding back bad ideas in his heart, because during the years of camping in ancient times, he had already become familiar with the stories of the ancestors of the Yuanyi tribe, and knew what to do next. Now it’s time to talk about the battle between this holy ancestor and his enemies. "Who asked you to torture him?!" the officials who broke in shouted at the three jailers.

The three jailers hurriedly lowered Xun Yi from the pillar, and then stood in a row with Nuonuo afraid to speak.

The man with a gauze mask stepped forward and pulled Xun Yi up without saying a word and walked out. Xun Yi had frostbite, burns, and dozens of deep wounds from the previous flogging. It was painful to the bone, but he didn't let himself show any pain and acted very submissive. Pushing people into a desperate situation first, and then trying to win them over is not a clever method, but it is very effective. Xunyi can see the other party's tricks, but he is still very grateful that they did not make him suffer too much.

When he left the stone room to find Yi, his six senses were blocked. Presumably, he didn't want him to know the location of this place of imprisonment. When he woke up, he was lying on a brocade couch. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a pair of loving eyes. The owner of the eyes is wearing a dark green burqa embroidered with strange patterns, and her head is covered with dark green gauze without patterns. This is the daily attire of Yuan Yi tribe women, whether they are female cultivators or mortal women. In this way, Xunyi knew something about this, and knew that the Yuan tribe respected green, and a woman who could wear dark green clothes was of high status.

"You don't have to be afraid. I am a Dharma interpreter from the Xuan Jing Yuan. You can just call me Ying Wen Jing Shi. I am here to preach the Holy Dharma to you. It is very safe here and no one will hurt you."

The voice of this Yingwen sutra master is very soft, which makes people feel peaceful in their hearts unconsciously. Through the gauze covering her head, her face can be vaguely seen. This sutra teacher The teacher looks to be in her thirties, and her appearance cannot be said to be very handsome, but her kind-faced and kind-hearted people can easily make people feel close to her. It was she who brought him out of prison.

Xunyi said "Oh". His Qi Mansion was still sealed. He was wearing Yuan Yi tribe clothes. All accessories including the hairpin on his head had been taken away. He looked around the room where he was. After decorating the room with Yuanyizhou style, he sat up, stroked the aching wound and said, "Have you given me the healing elixir? This elixir is not very good. It can bring me the Qiankun Bag." Well, let me take out a pill."

Master Yingwen whispered softly, "Your things have been sent up. I can't get them. Fortunately, they are just superficial wounds. No matter how bad our elixirs are, they can be cured. Just be patient." ”

"Can you help me recover a little bit? As long as I can resist the pain."

Master Yingwen shook his head apologetically. The apology was not very sincere. It was more like expressing "I know you want to cause trouble." "Just listen to my sermon with peace of mind. Don't think about other things."

"What kind of official position is Dharma Interpretation?" Xunyi asked curiously, because he could see that this person's cultivation was at the early stage of Nascent Soul, but the color of her clothes showed that she had a high status.

Master Ying Wen said with a smile, "The interpreter is the highest official of the Propaganda Institute. You think my cultivation is not high, right? The Propaganda Institute respects the proficient manager and does not value cultivation."

"That's so disrespectful." Xun Yi said politely, feeling worried secretly in his heart. He asked the highest official of the Propaganda Academy to preach to him. It can be seen that the Yuan clan wanted to transform him into a believer. It was not difficult. Understand, if you can put yourself in such a position to fight against the Yuan clan,

Changing a heroic figure into their believer would definitely have a greater impact than killing him, and in this way, his death wish would be more difficult to realize.

"People who believe in the Holy Religion are all brothers and sisters. There is no distinction between high and low. Just treat me as an ordinary scribe." Ying Wenshi said lovingly.

"But I'm not a member of your religion, and I don't believe in your religion. I think you'd better not waste your efforts unless..." Xunyi sighed at this point and said no more.

"Unless what?" Yingwen Shifa asked with a smile.

Xunyi shook his head, "I know something about your teachings. Many of them are against my principles of life, so no matter what you say, it's useless." What he wanted to say was that unless Sijia came to teach me, He explained the scriptures, but he would not be tortured for the time being, so he didn't want to drag Sijia into the water. He would save people until the end. Let's take it one step at a time.

"The hostility between the two sides has been going on for a long time. It is inevitable that your side will distort and slander our holy law. You are a smart person at first glance. How can you not know this truth? Why not listen? Maybe you can understand the Tao."

Xunyi closed his eyes and made a gesture of silence. This could mean that he was ready to listen quietly or that he was not ready to listen.

"Ding~~~~" Yingwen Shifa took out a small golden bell and shook it, and then began to talk with a sweet voice that seemed to have magic power, starting from the beginning of the Holy Spirit's opening up of Hongmeng.

Xunyi was distracted by the sound of the golden bell and couldn't help but listen. Fortunately, the sound of the golden bell could only attract his attention but not affect his mind. After listening for a while, he interrupted Yingwen Shifa's vivid narration. He said seriously, "The Holy God of the Beginning opened up the world we are in and sent his third son Huoao to take charge of it. Why is this? Could it be that his son Huoao made some mistake? According to you, this place is comparable to the heaven." It feels like hell. Even if you are king and dominate here, it is worse than being an ordinary person in heaven, not to mention that he is the son of the Holy God."

Yingwen explained the law quite approvingly and said, "He was demoted here to reflect because he disobeyed the words of the Holy God. You see, few people think of asking this question, because in their view, being the king of a realm is This is a very beautiful thing, but it is limited by your vision, so I say that you are a smart person, and as long as you listen carefully, you will definitely understand the truth of this world. "

Xunyi smiled lightly and said, "Then why does Huoao want to disobey his father?"

"No one knows about this."

Xunyi tried his best to maintain a thoughtful expression and said, "Haha, you are proud of being the descendants of a god, but that god is an exiled criminal, so your status is not very noble."

For the first time, Yingwen explained the law with a serious look, "The Holy God only demoted our Holy Ancestors here to reflect. It is inappropriate to use the word 'exile'. It is just like a mortal locking up his own child." Let him think about it in the house, can you say that the child is a criminal? "

"That's true. You can go on." Xunyi seemed to be convinced, but in fact he was holding back bad ideas in his heart, because during the years of camping in ancient times, he had already become familiar with the stories of the ancestors of the Yuanyi tribe, and knew what to do next. Now it’s time to talk about the battle between this holy ancestor and his enemies.

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