Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1062 This is a ghost land

"This is a ghost land." Xunyi had already seen the light of Yinxu floating around with his spiritual eyes. He pinched the spell and tried desperately to summon the wind dragon, but the restriction in his body not only blocked most of his cultivation , and also has the effect of disrupting his thoughts. This group of people is very cautious about guarding him, which makes sense. Since they know that he has a spiritual treasure, they naturally want to do more things to him.

"Don't scare people..." Yingwen Shifa was really scared, her body trembled even more, and she couldn't help but lean towards Sijia.

"We have entered the heaven..." Sijia muttered a little stupidly.

"This is not heaven! Heaven cannot be like this!" Yingwen Shifa could not accept the fact that this was heaven, and retorted loudly and excitedly.

Sijia pointed around with trembling fingers and asked, "Then where do you think this is? This mountain, this river, and this wilderness are obviously what we just saw."

"Anyway, this is definitely not heaven!" Yingwen Shifa seemed to have forgotten her fear. Compared with the collapse of her faith, other fears were not worth mentioning. No matter what, she had to maintain her faith in heaven and took a few breaths. After getting angry, she looked at Xun Yi angrily and said, "This must be the dark realm in the heaven. It is the trouble caused to us by his repeated disrespectful words. The Holy God sent us here as punishment!"

"Why do we have to punish him for being disrespectful to the Holy God?" Sijia asked dubiously.

"We didn't teach him well, and we didn't strictly stop him when he said those rebellious words." Yingwen Shifa said with absolute certainty.

Seeing that she was putting the blame on himself, Xun Yi couldn't help but get angry and said, "You are still stubborn at this time. If just because of this little thing, your Holy God will send you two such devout believers into the realm of darkness. Then is he too mean and ungrateful? No one can wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. If you think that such a holy god is still worthy of your belief, then just kill me. I hope your holy god can do this. And forgive you."

"I just want to kill you!" Yingwen Shifa changed his kind face, and moved a flying sword with a ferocious expression.

"Don't kill him yet." Sijia knew that Xun Yi wanted to die, and if he didn't stop him, he would definitely be waiting for death.

Yingwen Shifa was full of panic at this moment, and his mind was a little crazy. He seemed to really think that his idea was right, and regarded killing Xunyi as a life-saving straw for atonement. He ignored Sijia's obstruction and urged his sword to kill Xunyi. go.

Sijia swung out a spiritual force and struck the sword hard. Her cultivation level was almost one level higher than Yingwen Shifa's. This angry attack not only knocked the sword away but also shocked Yingwen Shifa. Almost fell down.

"If you want to kill him, you have to first find out whether what you think is correct. If it's not the case, wouldn't you be harming your own helper?" Sijia scolded Yingwen Shifa angrily.

"He was the one who caused the trouble, otherwise how could it be like this? We won't get forgiveness if we don't kill him!" Ying Wen Shifa stared at Xun Yi with hateful eyes.

When Ying Wen Shi Fa came over with the sword in a menacing manner, Xun Yi narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. His calmness and calmness made even Sijia feel hateful. At this moment, he turned around and said to Ying Wen Shi Fa with a sneer. "Is it your Holy Spirit who drove you here or someone who hummed in the darkness? You clearly said that the world you should look up to is the heaven, and the mountains and rivers have not changed. Now you insist on saying that this is the realm of darkness. You want to deceive yourself and others. Please think about this first

Can you weave a round lie? "

Before Yingwen Shifa could speak, Sijia asked her first, "Is that humming sound coming from the leader?"

Yingwen Shifa was silent for a while before whispering, "It sounds like it to me."

Xunyi was too lazy to listen to Ying's explanation and said to Sijia, "This is a scam. You are unlucky. You happened to catch up with trouble here. Of course your leader cannot let you leak the vision you have seen, especially Since I still exist, the safest way is to kill people and silence them. Even if you can get out of here, he won't let you live. "

Sijia's eyes flickered, and his face gradually became more and more ugly.

"No, no way..." Yingwen Shifa shook her head firmly, but her eyes were not so firm. Suddenly she seemed to have thought of something, and excitedly said to Sijia, "Five thousand years ago The saint who came to pay homage to the heaven was left behind by the Holy Spirit. Maybe we are also blessed, so there is no need to panic. These things in front of us should be just tests for us by the Holy Spirit. As long as we believe in the Holy Spirit, there is nothing to be afraid of!" said After saying these words, her eyes flashed with enthusiasm and perseverance.

Sijia swallowed and turned to look at Xun Yi, his eyes a bit complicated.

Xun Yi said to Yingwen Shifa in a teasing tone, "Even me, an outsider who doesn't believe in him, was left behind? How does this make thousands of believers feel embarrassed? That saint who was left behind five thousand years ago I’m afraid that just like us, we have seen things we shouldn’t have seen. If a person only believes in what he wants to believe, he will definitely become stupid.”

Sijia's eyes dimmed. She had the same suspicion as Xun Yi about what happened to the saint, but she still had some hope. She looked at Xun Yi just to hear his thoughts.

"Don't be self-righteous. We can stay in the heaven after passing the test, but it's hard for you to say. Maybe the Holy God kept you to drive you into the realm of darkness. You can do it for yourself!" Yingwen Shifa said with disdain. She said that she was as proud as if she could live in heaven the next moment.

"Then you should accept the test properly. I am not interested in playing with him." Xunyi said and stretched out his hand to Sijia, "She is already in a state of madness. If you are with her, you will definitely be killed."

Yingwen Shifa hurriedly grabbed Sijia's hand and said urgently, "You are a saint, you must not be bewitched by such a despicable alien like him, otherwise you will never come out of the black realm again!"

Sijia looked at Xunyi with hesitation in her expression. Judging from the state of the two of them, she should indeed choose to be with Xunyi, but the belief formed over hundreds of years cannot be easily collapsed. of.

Xunyi smiled nonchalantly and said, "Now the only way out is death. I just don't want you to die with a fool. I definitely can't save your life, but maybe I can make you understand."

"What can a lowly foreigner like him know?" Yingwen Shifa was afraid that Sijia would abandon her.

"He is a foreigner but not despicable." Sijia slowly but firmly pushed Yingwen Shifa away, and grabbed Xunyi's outstretched hand as if he were risking his life.

"If you believe him, you are no longer worthy of being a saint!" Yingwen Shifa shouted almost hysterically.

s??Thanks to Senior Brother Qu Zhi Ren San for becoming the second deacon. This book will end with people gathering together. After finishing the book, I will write a postscript, and all the marked senior brothers will appear in the story. "This is a ghost land." Xunyi had already seen the light of Yinxu floating around with his spiritual eyes. He pinched the spell and tried desperately to summon the wind dragon, but the restriction in his body not only blocked most of his cultivation , and also has the effect of disrupting his thoughts. This group of people is very cautious about guarding him, which makes sense. Since they know that he has a spiritual treasure, they naturally want to do more things to him.

"Don't scare people..." Yingwen Shifa was really scared, her body trembled even more, and she couldn't help but lean towards Sijia.

"We have entered the heaven..." Sijia muttered a little stupidly.

"This is not heaven! Heaven cannot be like this!" Yingwen Shifa could not accept the fact that this was heaven, and retorted loudly and excitedly.

Sijia pointed around with trembling fingers and asked, "Then where do you think this is? This mountain, this river, and this wilderness are obviously what we just saw."

"Anyway, this is definitely not heaven!" Yingwen Shifa seemed to have forgotten her fear. Compared with the collapse of faith, other fears were not worth mentioning. No matter what, she had to maintain her belief in heaven and took a few breaths. After getting angry, she looked at Xun Yi angrily and said, "This must be the dark realm in the heaven. It is the trouble caused to us by his repeated disrespectful words. The Holy God sent us here as punishment!"

"Why do we have to punish him for being disrespectful to the Holy God?" Sijia asked dubiously.

"We didn't teach him well, and we didn't strictly stop him when he said those rebellious words." Yingwen Shifa said with absolute certainty.

Seeing that she was putting the blame on himself, Xun Yi couldn't help but get angry and said, "You are still stubborn at this time. If just because of this little thing, your Holy God will send you two such devout believers into the realm of darkness. Then is he too mean and ungrateful? No one can wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. If you think that such a holy god is still worthy of your belief, then just kill me. I hope your holy god can do this. And forgive you."

"I just want to kill you!" Yingwen Shifa changed his kind face, and moved a flying sword with a ferocious expression.

"Don't kill him yet." Sijia knew that Xun Yi wanted to die, and if he didn't stop him, he would definitely be waiting for death.

Yingwen Shifa was full of panic at this moment, and his mind was a little crazy. He seemed to really think that his idea was right, and regarded killing Xunyi as a life-saving straw for atonement. He ignored Sijia's obstruction and urged his sword to kill Xunyi. go.

Sijia swung out a spiritual force and struck the sword hard. Her cultivation level was almost one level higher than Yingwen Shifa's. This angry attack not only knocked the sword away but also shocked Yingwen Shifa. Almost fell down.

"If you want to kill him, you have to first find out whether what you think is correct. If it's not the case, wouldn't you be harming your own helper?" Sijia scolded Yingwen Shifa angrily.

"He was the one who caused the trouble, otherwise how could it be like this? We won't get forgiveness if we don't kill him!" Ying Wen Shifa stared at Xun Yi with hateful eyes.

When Ying Wen Shi Fa came over with the sword in a menacing manner, Xun Yi narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. His calmness and calmness made even Sijia feel hateful. At this moment, he turned around and said to Ying Wen Shi Fa with a sneer. "Is it your Holy Spirit who drove you here or someone who hummed in the darkness? You clearly said that the world you should look up to is the heaven, and the mountains and rivers have not changed. Now you insist on saying that this is the realm of darkness. You want to deceive yourself and others. Please think about this first

Can you weave a round lie? "

Before Yingwen Shifa could speak, Sijia asked her first, "Is that humming sound coming from the leader?"

Yingwen Shifa was silent for a while before whispering, "It sounds like it to me."

Xunyi was too lazy to listen to Ying's explanation and said to Sijia, "This is a scam. You are unlucky. You happened to catch up with trouble here. Of course your leader cannot let you leak the vision you have seen, especially Since I still exist, the safest way is to kill people and silence them. Even if you can get out of here, he won't let you live. "

Sijia's eyes flickered, and his face gradually became more and more ugly.

"No, no way..." Yingwen Shifa shook her head firmly, but her eyes were not so firm. Suddenly she seemed to have thought of something, and excitedly said to Sijia, "Five thousand years ago The saint who came to pay homage to the heaven was left behind by the Holy Spirit. Maybe we are also blessed, so there is no need to panic. These things in front of us should be just tests for us by the Holy Spirit. As long as we believe in the Holy Spirit, there is nothing to be afraid of!" said After saying these words, her eyes flashed with enthusiasm and perseverance.

Sijia swallowed and turned to look at Xun Yi, his eyes a bit complicated.

Xun Yi said to Yingwen Shifa in a teasing tone, "Even me, an outsider who doesn't believe in him, was left behind? How does this make thousands of believers feel embarrassed? That saint who was left behind five thousand years ago I’m afraid that just like us, we have seen things we shouldn’t have seen. If a person only believes in what he wants to believe, he will definitely become stupid.”

Sijia's eyes dimmed. She had the same suspicion as Xun Yi about what happened to the saint, but she still had some hope. She looked at Xun Yi just to hear his thoughts.

"Don't be self-righteous. We can stay in the heaven after passing the test, but it's hard for you to say. Maybe the Holy God kept you to drive you into the realm of darkness. You can do it for yourself!" Yingwen Shifa said with disdain. She said that she was as proud as if she could live in heaven the next moment.

"Then you should accept the test properly. I am not interested in playing with him." Xunyi said and stretched out his hand to Sijia, "She is already in a state of madness. If you are with her, you will definitely be killed."

Yingwen Shifa hurriedly grabbed Sijia's hand and said urgently, "You are a saint, you must not be bewitched by such a despicable alien like him, otherwise you will never come out of the black realm again!"

Sijia looked at Xunyi with hesitation in her expression. Judging from the state of the two of them, she should indeed choose to be with Xunyi, but the belief formed over hundreds of years cannot be easily collapsed. of.

Xunyi smiled nonchalantly and said, "Now the only way out is death. I just don't want you to die with a fool. I definitely can't save your life, but maybe I can make you understand."

"What can a lowly foreigner like him know?" Yingwen Shifa was afraid that Sijia would abandon her.

"He is a foreigner but not despicable." Sijia slowly but firmly pushed Yingwen Shifa away, and grabbed Xunyi's outstretched hand as if he were risking his life.

"If you believe him, you are no longer worthy of being a saint!" Yingwen Shifa shouted almost hysterically.

s??Thanks to Senior Brother Qu Zhi Ren San for becoming the second deacon. This book will end with people gathering together. After finishing the book, I will write a postscript, and all the marked senior brothers will appear in the story.

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