Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1094 Stop talking!

Before Yu Chan left the battlefield, he saw a man. The man appeared suddenly, right in the middle of the two camps. He was in his forties, his appearance was unremarkable, and his clothes were ordinary. The moon-white Taoist robe was not ordinary. He seemed to be from the Yuanyi tribe, and he didn't look like he was from Nanjingzhou. After he appeared, he glanced at Yuchan and walked away from the middle of the battlefield leisurely, walking to the left side of the battlefield. It seemed that he was indeed leisurely. I was pacing, but in the blink of an eye I was thousands of miles away.

Judging from the fact that no one noticed his appearance, this person seemed to only want to attract his attention. It can be seen that his cultivation level must be higher than hers, but Yu Chan left the battlefield not because of this person, she It could be seen that this person was clearly standing by and watching. As for why he wanted her to see him, Yu Chan was not in the mood to think about it at the moment. No matter what his purpose was, she had to avenge Xun Yi first. And at this moment, she felt that the illusion of the heart was opening.

I have to say that Xun Yi is very good at choosing the right time. He is the only one who can make Yu Chan leave the battlefield at this time. The moment she felt the opening of the illusion of heart, Yu Chan couldn't believe it. Wasn't Xun Yi dead? But then ecstasy came to her heart. She wanted to ask Huojiang what was going on, but she was afraid that she would miss the opportunity to enter the illusion. She thought it was important to enter the illusion first, and at this time Zixiao Fairy The formation had been activated, and she didn't care about these people, nor the people watching the battle on the sidelines. She immediately used her body skills to rush tens of thousands of miles, then hurriedly set up a defensive formation and entered the illusion.

Xunyi, who had been waiting in the illusion for a while, had already calmed down. When he saw Yuchan's figure flashing out, he hurriedly said, "You have to pay attention, the leader of the other party has an immortal treasure in his hand! Brother, he was caught off guard by him." It’s taken in!”

"Immortal treasure?" Yu Chan frowned, "Don't talk about this yet, where are you now?"

"I...I am also trapped in the fairy treasure. Originally, I didn't want you to be in danger, but...Jiang Xiao was also taken in. I can only beg you. I...I can't look at her. Death..."Xun

Yi's eyes turned red when he said it, "But I don't want to kill you, so can you do your best? Don't let anything happen to me, otherwise I..." Tears welled up from his red eyes, and he couldn't continue talking. .

Yu Chan could clearly feel how entangled he was. Fortunately, Jiang Xiao was also captured, otherwise he would never open an illusion and ask for help until he died. Yu Chan said angrily and distressedly, "Don't cry to me." ! To tell you the truth, if the illusion had been opened even half a breath later, I would have started fighting for you. I would risk my life to avenge you. Don’t worry so much. The two sides are already fighting. Your brothers and sisters are fighting hard, please tell me about the immortal treasure so that I can rush back to help as soon as possible!"

"Ah!" Hearing that his senior brother and senior sister were playing tricks on others, Xunyi suddenly couldn't care less about the entanglement, and eloquently described the scene that was included in the spiritual treasure that Immortal Xiaoyao sent to him with his spiritual thoughts. As he spoke, he subconsciously walked forward, and when he finished speaking, he grabbed Yu Chan's arm.

"Brother said that those who can pretend to be human must be immortal treasures. You must be careful!"

"How are you doing now?" Yu Chan also grabbed his arm, wishing to pull him out of the illusion.

"There are evil ghosts here, but as long as I'm here, there's nothing to be afraid of. Chenfeng happens to be the nemesis of these things. With Jiangxiao helping me, my power will be even greater. Don't worry, we might be able to sweep away those things." It’s clean.”

"If it were an immortal treasure, how could you have survived till now?" She was just confused and said it casually. Seeing Xun Yi blinking in confusion, she shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it. Do you have anything else to say?"

Xunyi shook his head, but held her arm tightly and refused to


"I will definitely rescue you!" Yu Chan left the illusion with a heart. Even if she didn't care about the life and death of the gang on the battlefield, she still had to beware of that mysterious figure coming here and taking the opportunity to attack her, so she only cared about Xun Yi's reluctance. The look in her eyes made her heartbroken, but she didn't dare to delay for a moment longer.

Jiangxiao saw Xunyi burst into tears suddenly, and couldn't help but panic. Before he could open his eyes, he stepped forward and held his shoulders, shaking him and saying, "Xunyi! Xunyi! What's wrong with you?"

Sijia also came over nervously.

Xunyi wiped away his tears, opened his eyes and forced a smile, "It's okay, it's okay, they are trying their best to rescue us, and they will rescue us soon."

"You... what did you just do?" Jiang Xiao was curious about how he used to get in touch with people outside.

"Let's talk about this later. I have missed you all these years. We finally meet. How are Lingxiang and Ning Xin?" Xunyi looked at Jiangxiao with strong emotions in his eyes.

"They are all fine. Ning Xin misses you very much. Why don't you go to the South China Sea to find us!" Jiangxiao grabbed his shoulders angrily. With the help of a great fairy concubine like Yuchan, Xunyi would have gone to the South China Sea to find them long ago. .

"I have unspeakable difficulties. Don't be angry. It's my fault." Xunyi patted her back gently.

"I know you are suffering..." Jiangxiao looked at him sadly, and instead said with spiritual thoughts, "I have talked with Su Wan. The knot between you can be untangled. In fact, she..."

"Stop talking!" Xunyi interrupted her with a stern spiritual thought, and then said with a gentle divine thought with an embarrassed look on his face, "You know you want to help me, but I don't want anyone to interfere in this matter, don't do it again It’s embarrassing for my master, please don’t talk to her about this again, I beg you.”

Jiangxiao wanted to explain it again, but

Seeing that Xun Yi was in such a state that it was really not suitable to talk much, and it was not a good time to talk about it now, so he nodded with a grimace, "Okay, let's talk about this after we get out."

Xunyi shook his head at her, turned to Sijia, who looked miserable, and said, "Are you worried about your people? This may be God's will. I said that your unkindness to foreigners will sooner or later lead to annihilation. Those fanatics cannot be saved. Only by killing them all will your clan be able to change completely. Don't be sad. If we can be saved, I will try my best to persuade them to kill less."

"Fanasia is due to being deceived. Wasn't I a fanatic before? Tell them the truth and they will wake up." Sijia looked at Xunyi with pleading eyes. After hearing Xunyi say that people outside were doing their best to rescue When they were there, she began to feel heartbroken for the fate of thousands of people. She was very touched that Xun Yi could carefully understand what she was thinking, but she couldn't bear to express this feeling. As the key figure in the catastrophe of the Yi clan's annihilation, she could only find Yi.

"Some people only want to believe what they want to believe. The truth is of no use to them." If they are eradicated, they will soon reappear. You kind people will never be able to defeat them. For such a smart person, you only have to see it with your own eyes. How easy is it to convince them of reincarnation? It is a heavenly secret that cannot be leaked. Then they will have no hope. In this way, they will not easily give up their belief in entering the kingdom of heaven. You can definitely understand this truth. The only way is to eradicate the root of the disaster as cleanly as possible. The Yuan Yi tribe can slowly accept new education and be reborn. Don’t feel sorry for those who deserve to die. It is a good thing for them to send them to the underworld as soon as possible so that they will lessen their sins. "

Speaking of the fate of being less guilty, Sijia couldn't help but start thinking again.

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