Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1113 Internal strife within the Xuanfang Sect

Deng Wei looked at Huang Ying's cold eyes and felt a little timid. If he was beaten by this nephew, his face would be even more humiliated today. He had to use his spiritual power to beg for mercy and said, "I was wrong." I really shouldn’t have said those words, so don’t worry about it anymore, I’ll apologize to you and your master.”

"You say it with your mouth. I said, don't use your spiritual thoughts with me. You have to apologize to my disciples in Red Stone Valley!"

"Huang Ying, don't bully others too much! I'm your uncle after all. How can you talk to an elder like this?" Deng Wei was anxious, as would anyone else. Huang Ying was indeed too much.

Of course, Huang Ying's excess was not just to vent her anger. She was stirring up trouble here to provoke Master, so that he could be distracted and pull Master out of his deep sorrow.

"So what if you are a senior uncle? You are still my master's junior brother. You can slander your senior sister, why can't we question you? Why should we respect you? Say it! Do you want to apologize?"

"You are so angry that you are going to attack me if I don't apologize?" Deng Wei also stared with a stern expression, and at the same time, he sent a message of help to his fellow disciples nearby.

"As the elder of the sect, I want to hold you accountable for the crime of slandering fellow sects and causing trouble to the sect. Get him!" Seeing that there was no movement from the master, Huang Ying had no choice but to continue to escalate the matter. In fact, Even if the charges she accused Deng Wei were true, there was no need to take him down on the spot, but she could only be so unreasonable in order to make more noise.

"You are abusing your power! I just said that casually, don't make a fuss out of a molehill!" Deng Wei was so angry that his face was livid. He had always been the only one who bullied others in the Xuanfang Sect. How had he ever been bullied by others?

"Take it down!" Huang Ying ordered sternly to the anxious junior sisters around her. ??

Third Junior Sister Jin Xuan, Ninth Junior Sister Cen Xia, and Twelfth Junior Sister Mu Hui were the more courageous. After listening to Senior Sister's order, the three of them took the lead and rushed forward.

"Presumptuous!" Deng Wei waved his hand to repel the three of them.

Huang Ying naturally couldn't let her junior sisters suffer, so she immediately ejected a burst of spiritual power and knocked Deng Wei away. Although the gap between the early stage of Nascent Soul and the perfect realm of forming pills was only a thin line, no matter inside or outside the line, it was in terms of realm. There was a huge difference in his cultivation. It was easy for Huang Ying to subdue him, but she just wanted to make a bigger noise so that he didn't lose his ability to resist all of a sudden.

Although Mu Hui still didn't know that her recent popularity with Master was related to Xun Yi, she was already close to Xun Yi. Not only did she take advantage of Xun Yi, she got a Ding Yan Pill from Xun Yi. It was her fault that Yi was forced to collect medicine, so she felt guilty towards Xun Yi. She wanted to take care of Xun Yi more in the future, but unfortunately Xun Yi didn't come back much after that, forcing Xun Yi to collect medicine. This is Deng Wei. Now that she has the support of her senior sister, she will of course rush to the front. So after Huang Ying took action, she activated the demon-binding net made of spiritual cotton silk. She didn't know that she had such little cultivation. How did he get involved with the Silk Refining Sect? The demon-binding silk ribbon given to Xunyi last time also came from the Silk Refining Sect and was made from spiritual cotton.

Lu Yan followed Mu Hui and took action. He was an honest man and never participated in disputes, but now the senior sister was standing up for Red Stone Valley. He no longer wanted to cause trouble and could not stand idly by.

Other Hongshigu disciples followed Lu Yanzhi

In the end, it's just that their cultivation levels are not high, so they can't help much if they rush forward, just to show their attitude.

"Stop!" The second elder and fourth elder of the Xuanfang Sect rushed over at the same time, both of them frowning. The Xuanfang Sect is a sect with few disputes, but Deng Wei is careless. From time to time, trouble would be stirred up.

Deng Wei saw the two senior brothers looking at him with bored eyes, and hurriedly complained, "Second senior brother, fourth senior brother, you have to make the decision for me this time! It's not me who picked the problem this time, it was Huang Ying who made trouble out of nothing, relying on Xiu For the following offense, I didn’t provoke her at all.”

The second elder Shi An said to Huang Ying, "Let everyone go back first. Let's discuss anything in private. He is also an elder after all, so we have to leave him some dignity."

Huang Ying paid attention to the movements on the master's side and used her spiritual thoughts to say to the two elders, "Two masters, I deliberately made trouble for him in order to lure the master out. The master was addicted to grief and couldn't extricate himself. , I want to distract her and ask the two uncles not to interfere for the time being. "

Shi An worriedly sent a spiritual message to the small courtyard at the top of Yunyu Cliff, but received no response from Su Wan.

"Take it!" Huang Ying ordered her junior brothers and sisters again.

The two elders retreated to the side in silence. They understood Huang Ying's approach, but Deng Wei was their junior brother. If he started this bully leader, the majesty of their elders would definitely be damaged. In their hearts, It is inevitable that some things hurt others. But Huang Ying's cultivation level has surpassed them, and they also know Huang Ying's feelings for her master Su Wan. If they try to stop her now, Huang Ying might beat them both. Big loss.

"I think you dare! Second Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, are you just going to watch me being bullied by these juniors?" Deng Wei resisted the attacks of several senior nephews while asking the two senior brothers for help. He was afraid that Huang Ying would attack him again. Therefore, he only dared to defend blindly and did not dare to fight back against Mu Hui and others. He looked quite embarrassed under the siege of a group of juniors.

"You ask them to stop first, and let me go up and see your master." Shi Anzhen couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Huang Ying with his spiritual mind.

"It's useless." Huang Ying replied, staring at the battle situation. She knew that none of these uncles and uncles could persuade the master now. Their going would only make the master more upset. Even if the master came back now, it would be useless.

"Seventh Senior Brother, Eighth Senior Brother, come and help me get justice!" The commotion was so loud that two more elders rushed over. Deng Wei hurriedly called for help to the two people who came over.

At this time, the only four disciples under Deng Wei's sect also rushed over after hearing the news. The other disciples from all branches were restrained by their respective masters or senior brothers in charge and were not allowed to come. Although these disciples of Deng Wei also received the ban, they Their master was bullied, how could they care about the ban?

"Stop them for me. If anyone dares to attack, I will capture them all!" Huang Ying ordered the disciples of Yun Yuya fiercely. Today she was willing to risk everything, even if the Xuanfang faction sent other factions to besiege Yun Yuya. She is not afraid of Yuya either.

The four disciples of Deng Wei have the highest cultivation level only in the late stage of Kairong. Yun Yuya can send just one person to knock down the four of them, but the master is in such a mess that these four disciples know they are invincible. They had to fight hard, so the four of them, with red eyes, activated their flying swords and rushed towards the approaching Yunyuya disciples. Deng Wei looked at Huang Ying's cold eyes and felt a little timid. If he was beaten by this nephew, his face would be even more humiliated today. He had to use his spiritual power to beg for mercy and said, "I was wrong." I really shouldn’t have said those words, so don’t worry about it anymore, I’ll apologize to you and your master.”

"Say it with your mouth. I said, don't use your spiritual thoughts with me. You have to apologize to my disciples in Red Stone Valley!"

"Huang Ying, don't bully others too much! I'm your uncle after all. How can you talk to an elder like this?" Deng Wei was anxious, as would anyone else. Huang Ying was indeed too much.

Of course, Huang Ying's excess was not just to vent her anger. She was stirring up trouble here to provoke Master, so that he could be distracted and pull Master out of his deep sorrow.

"So what if you are a senior uncle? You are still my master's junior brother. You can slander your senior sister, why can't we question you? Why should we respect you? Say it! Do you want to apologize?"

"You are so angry that you are going to attack me if I don't apologize?" Deng Wei also stared with a stern expression, and at the same time, he sent a message of help to his fellow disciples nearby.

"As the elder of the sect, I want to hold you accountable for the crime of slandering fellow sects and causing trouble to the sect. Get him!" Seeing that there was no movement from the master, Huang Ying had no choice but to continue to escalate the matter. In fact, Even if the charges she accused Deng Wei were true, there was no need to take him down on the spot, but she could only be so unreasonable in order to make more noise.

"You are abusing your power! I just said that casually, don't make a fuss out of a molehill!" Deng Wei was so angry that his face was livid. He had always been the only one who bullied others in the Xuanfang Sect. How had he ever been bullied by others?

"Take it down!" Huang Ying ordered sternly to the anxious junior sisters around her.

Third Junior Sister Jin Xuan, Ninth Junior Sister Cen Xia, and Twelfth Junior Sister Mu Hui were the more courageous. After listening to Senior Sister's order, the three of them took the lead and rushed forward.

"Presumptuous!" Deng Wei waved his hand to repel the three of them.

Huang Ying naturally couldn't let her junior sisters suffer, so she immediately ejected a burst of spiritual power and knocked Deng Wei away. Although the gap between the early stage of Nascent Soul and the perfect realm of forming pills was only a thin line, no matter inside or outside the line, it was in terms of realm. There was a huge difference in his cultivation. It was easy for Huang Ying to subdue him, but she just wanted to make a bigger noise so that he didn't lose his ability to resist all of a sudden.

Although Mu Hui still didn't know that her recent popularity with Master was related to Xun Yi, she was already close to Xun Yi. Not only did she take advantage of Xun Yi, she got a Ding Yan Pill from Xun Yi. It was her fault that Yi was forced to collect medicine, so she felt guilty towards Xun Yi. She wanted to take care of Xun Yi more in the future, but unfortunately Xun Yi didn't come back much after that, forcing Xun Yi to collect medicine. This is Deng Wei. Now that she has the support of her senior sister, she will of course rush to the front. So after Huang Ying took action, she activated the demon-binding net made of spiritual cotton silk. She didn't know that she had such little cultivation. How did he get involved with the Silk Refining Sect? The demon-binding silk ribbon given to Xunyi last time also came from the Silk Refining Sect and was made from spiritual cotton.

Lu Yan followed Mu Hui and took action. He was an honest man and never participated in disputes, but now the senior sister was standing up for Red Stone Valley. He no longer wanted to cause trouble and could not stand idly by.

Other Hongshigu disciples followed Lu Yanzhi

In the end, it's just that their cultivation levels are not high, so they can't help much if they rush forward, just to show their attitude.

"Stop!" The second elder and fourth elder of the Xuanfang Sect rushed over at the same time, both of them frowning. The Xuanfang Sect is a sect with few disputes, but Deng Wei is careless. From time to time, trouble would be stirred up.

Deng Wei saw the two senior brothers looking at him with bored eyes, and hurriedly complained, "Second senior brother, fourth senior brother, you have to make the decision for me this time! It's not me who picked the problem this time, it was Huang Ying who made trouble out of nothing, relying on Xiu For the following offense, I didn’t provoke her at all.”

The second elder Shi An said to Huang Ying, "Let everyone go back first. Let's discuss anything in private. He is also an elder after all, so we have to leave him some dignity."

Huang Ying paid attention to the movements on the master's side and used her spiritual thoughts to say to the two elders, "Two masters, I deliberately made trouble for him in order to lure the master out. The master was addicted to grief and couldn't extricate himself. , I want to distract her and ask the two uncles not to interfere for the time being. "

Shi An worriedly sent a spiritual message to the small courtyard at the top of Yunyu Cliff, but received no response from Su Wan.

"Take it!" Huang Ying ordered her junior brothers and sisters again.

The two elders retreated to the side in silence. They understood Huang Ying's approach, but Deng Wei was their junior brother. If he started this bully leader, the majesty of their elders would definitely be damaged. In their hearts, It is inevitable that some things hurt others. But Huang Ying's cultivation level has surpassed theirs, and they also know Huang Ying's feelings for her master Su Wan. If they try to stop her now, Huang Ying might even beat them both. Big loss.

"I think you dare! Second senior brother, fourth senior brother, are you just going to watch me being bullied by these juniors?" Deng Wei resisted the attacks of several senior nephews while asking the two senior brothers for help. He was afraid that Huang Ying would attack him again. Therefore, he only dared to defend blindly and did not dare to fight back against Mu Hui and others. He looked quite embarrassed under the siege of a group of juniors.

"You ask them to stop first, and let me go up and see your master." Shi Anzhen couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Huang Ying with his spiritual mind.

"It's useless." Huang Ying replied, staring at the battle situation. She knew that none of these uncles and uncles could persuade the master now. Their going would only make the master more upset. Even if the master came back now, it would be useless.

"Seventh Senior Brother, Eighth Senior Brother, come and help me get justice!" The commotion was so loud that two more elders rushed over. Deng Wei hurriedly called for help to the two people who came over.

At this time, the only four disciples under Deng Wei's sect also rushed over after hearing the news. The other disciples from all branches were restrained by their respective masters or senior brothers in charge and were not allowed to come. Although these disciples of Deng Wei also received the ban, they Their master was bullied, how could they care about the ban?

"Stop them for me. If anyone dares to attack, I will capture them all!" Huang Ying ordered the disciples of Yun Yuya fiercely. Today she was willing to risk everything, even if the Xuanfang faction sent other factions to besiege Yun Yuya. She is not afraid of Yuya either.

The four disciples of Deng Wei have the highest cultivation level only in the late stage of Kairong. Yun Yuya can send just one person to knock down the four of them, but the master is in such a mess that these four disciples know they are invincible. They had to fight hard, so the four of them, with red eyes, activated their flying swords and rushed towards the approaching Yunyuya disciples.

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