Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1119 Brothers and sisters in the past life, brothers and sisters in this life

The little boy was afraid that his sister would fall, so he turned back and said in a good voice, "You go back first, I will get the honey back soon, okay?"

"Well, brother, hurry up." The little girl didn't know whether she was scared or moved by her brother's gentle attitude. She nodded obediently and agreed.

The little boy was very happy. He touched his sister's head and praised her, "Nini is so sensible. Go back and wait. I'll be back in a minute. Maybe I can get you a nest of eggs."

"Okay! Okay! Brother, go quickly." The little girl said happily.

"Yeah!" The little boy agreed and ran forward happily.

"Brother, come back quickly!" the little girl shouted reluctantly, looking at her brother's back. .??.

"Got it!" the little boy responded without looking back.

The little girl looked at her brother walking further and further with her big eyes. She couldn't help but move forward a little bit with her calves, and then she swayed and chased forward. Her big eyes were shining with joy. She was too young. She was too young to resist any temptation. At this moment, she had already forgotten what her brother had said about the wolf bigger than rhubarb.


A deep tiger roar that shook the forest made the little boy tremble in fright. His face suddenly turned pale. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the roar, only to see a mighty and colorful tiger appearing right in front of him. Between myself and my sister.

"Brother..." Because of ignorance, the little girl was scared when she saw the tiger, but she still wanted to run to her brother.

"Little sister~" The little boy was much more afraid of tigers than his sister. He was so frightened that he couldn't move and his whole body was shaking. This cry was so low that he could only hear it. He wanted to save his little sister, but His legs didn't work at all, and he was frightened. After all, he was only seven or eight years old.

"Ouch~~~~" The tiger roared again.

"Brother~" The little girl was frightened this time and stood there without daring to move.

Seeing the tiger approaching the little sister step by step, the little boy walked towards the little sister tremblingly, and reached out to pull out the hatchet from his waist, but his hand was shaking too much and he could not pull out the hatchet.

"Ouch~~" Seeing the tiger approaching his sister, the brotherhood overcame his fear. The little boy imitated the tiger's cry and wanted to attract the tiger. He held the drawn hatchet in his hand and staggered towards the tiger. As he rushed forward, his legs were so weak that he almost fell down repeatedly.

"Aw~~~" The colorful tiger turned its head and roared fiercely at the little boy. Then, as fast as lightning, he threw the little girl down, picked her up and ran away.

"Brother..." The little girl's frightened cry was only halfway out before it ended abruptly.

"Little sister!" The boy was so anxious that he accidentally tripped a vine under his feet. He fell heavily and his head hit the rock, and blood immediately flowed out.

"Little sister, little sister! Little sister..." The little boy climbed up and watched the tiger carrying his little sister in his mouth and jumping into ditches and running away quickly. He couldn't help but cry out in despair.

After getting up with difficulty, he ignored the wound on his head and ran towards the direction where the tiger had escaped while crying. Blood and tears blurred his eyes. He fell down again after only a few steps. The little boy just fell down like this. After falling down, I got up. When I got up and fell down, I couldn't help but move forward. I was accompanied by the wailing of "Little sister, little sister...".

"Little sister!" Xunyi didn't know who he was.

Time separated from the ghost, and I don't know when I followed the little boy and called "little sister". If there were tears to shed, he would definitely shed them more violently than the little boy. If he had a heart at this moment, then his heart It must be as painful as a knife. Even as a ghost, his pain at this moment is no less than that of a physical person.

From the moment he entered this scene, he knew with a mysterious feeling that the little boy was him, and the little girl was Yuehong. They turned out to be brothers and sisters in their previous life. No wonder they are so close after meeting each other in this life. No wonder God wants Yuehong to endure the pain of abandoning her again and again. I guess God is letting her experience the feeling of being unable to save her back then.

After all, they are brothers and sisters. Although he delayed the opportunity to die for his sister in his last life because of his cowardice, he really wanted to save his sister. In this life, Yuehong was in danger twice due to Jiang Da's interference. Although she abandoned herself, she also sincerely wanted to save her. Due to their deep love and integrity, the two of them did not take the path of revenge on each other. After resolving the fate of their previous lives, they reunited as siblings.

In the scene just now, Xunyi was able to sense his true inner thoughts in the previous life. He wanted to eat honey at that time, so he insisted on going, which brought his sister into danger and caused her to die tragically. , the little sister who was reincarnated as Yuehong could forgive him in this life, it was only because of her pure heart, otherwise this fate would not be so easy to end. Because of this, he felt the same self-blame and fear when he witnessed the tragic death of his little sister again. The guilt is unspeakable. If he had known that he and Yuehong had this kind of relationship in his previous life, he would have treated her tens of thousands of times better. Then he would not have left Yuehong and gone to Nanjingzhou to seek death and survival. Won't!

"Is this the Yuehong you are looking for?" asked the Evil Killer.

"Well, I'm sorry for her, and I will do my best to take care of her in the next life." Xun Yi said with great sadness.

"Only two hearts born by fate will continue. Wishful thinking alone won't work. Don't be sad. If the fate is not resolved, you will meet each other and it's time to send you to Xingdu."

"Thank you very much. This matter is of great significance to me." Xunyi thanked him sincerely.

"I hope it's good for you. I really don't know if this kind of thing is good or bad for you, but you probably won't remember anything after entering reincarnation."

Xunyi begged in pain, "Can't you really help me leave a little memory? I just want to remember Yuehong."

"No one can help you with this, but things that are unforgettable can leave a little mark. It's up to you what you can remember."

"Then can you give me a little more time? I want to recall all the people I want to remember and imprint them deeply in my heart."

"It can't be too long. I can't break the ban again and again."

"Okay, just one stick of incense is enough." After Xun Yi said that, he concentrated on recalling those people he didn't want to forget.

After almost a stick of incense, he relaxed and said to Gui Cha, "Okay, thank you very much. I won't cause you any more trouble. Our debts have been cleared. Send me to Xingdu."

"The two of us?" Gui Cha was a little confused. He had never thought about whether Gui Cha would form a fate with all the spirits in the world.

Xunyi, who has become a ghost, still retains the ability to see into other people's thoughts, and said easily, "It doesn't matter whether you and us can form a fate, anyway, I saved you, and now you have helped me so much, no one else can I owe nothing to anyone.”

"That's good." Gui Cha still muttered a little, and took him to fly towards Xingdu. The little boy was afraid that his sister would fall, so he turned back and said in a good voice, "You go back first, I will get the honey back soon, okay?"

"Well, brother, hurry up." The little girl didn't know whether she was scared or moved by her brother's gentle attitude. She nodded obediently and agreed.

The little boy was very happy. He touched his sister's head and praised her, "Nini is so sensible. Go back and wait. I'll be back in a minute. Maybe I can get you a nest of eggs."

"Okay! Okay! Brother, go quickly." The little girl said happily.

"Yeah!" The little boy agreed and ran forward happily.

"Brother, come back quickly!" the little girl shouted reluctantly, looking at her brother's back. ??

"Got it!" the little boy responded without looking back.

The little girl looked at her brother walking further and further with her big eyes. She couldn't help but move forward a little bit with her calves, and then she swayed and chased forward. Her big eyes were shining with joy. She was too young. She was too young to resist any temptation. At this moment, she had already forgotten what her brother had said about the wolf bigger than rhubarb.


A deep tiger roar that shook the forest made the little boy tremble in fright. His face suddenly turned pale. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the roar, only to see a mighty and colorful tiger appearing right in front of him. Between myself and my sister.

"Brother..." Because of her ignorance, the little girl was scared when she saw the tiger, but she still wanted to run to her brother.

"Little sister~" The little boy was much more afraid of tigers than his sister. He was so frightened that he couldn't move and his whole body was shaking. This cry was so low that he could only hear it. He wanted to save his little sister, but His legs didn't work at all, and he was frightened. After all, he was only seven or eight years old.

"Ouch~~~~" The tiger roared again.

"Brother~" The little girl was frightened this time and stood there without daring to move.

Seeing the tiger approaching the little sister step by step, the little boy walked towards the little sister tremblingly, and reached out to pull out the hatchet from his waist, but his hand was shaking too much and he could not pull out the hatchet.

"Ouch~~" Seeing the tiger approaching his sister, the brotherhood overcame his fear. The little boy imitated the tiger's cry and wanted to attract the tiger. He held the drawn hatchet in his hand and staggered towards the tiger. As he rushed forward, his legs were so weak that he almost fell down repeatedly.

"Aw~~~" The colorful tiger turned its head and roared fiercely at the little boy. Then, as fast as lightning, he threw the little girl down, picked her up and ran away.

"Brother..." The little girl's frightened cry was only halfway out before it ended abruptly.

"Little sister!" The boy was so anxious that he accidentally tripped a vine under his feet. He fell heavily and his head hit the rock, and blood immediately flowed out.

"Little sister, little sister! Little sister..." The little boy climbed up and watched the tiger carrying his little sister in his mouth and jumping into ditches and running away quickly. He couldn't help but cry out in despair.

After getting up with difficulty, he ignored the wound on his head and ran towards the direction where the tiger had escaped while crying. Blood and tears blurred his eyes. He fell down again after only a few steps. The little boy just fell down like this. After falling down, I got up. When I got up and fell down, I couldn't help but move forward. I was accompanied by the wailing of "Little sister, little sister...".

"Little sister!" Xunyi didn't know who he was.

Time separated from the ghost, and I don't know when I followed the little boy and called "little sister". If there were tears to shed, he would definitely shed them more violently than the little boy. If he had a heart at this moment, then his heart It must be as painful as a knife. Even as a ghost, his pain at this moment is no less than that of a physical person.

From the moment he entered this scene, he knew with a mysterious feeling that the little boy was him, and the little girl was Yuehong. They turned out to be brothers and sisters in their previous life. No wonder they are so close after meeting each other in this life. No wonder God wants Yuehong to endure the pain of abandoning her again and again. I guess God is letting her experience the feeling of being unable to save her back then.

After all, they are brothers and sisters. Although he delayed the opportunity to die for his sister in his last life because of his cowardice, he really wanted to save his sister. In this life, Yuehong was in danger twice due to Jiang Da's interference. Although she abandoned herself, she also sincerely wanted to save her. Due to their deep love and integrity, the two of them did not take the path of revenge on each other. After resolving the fate of their previous lives, they reunited as siblings.

In the scene just now, Xunyi was able to sense his true inner thoughts in the previous life. He wanted to eat honey at that time, so he insisted on going, which brought his sister into danger and caused her to die tragically. , the little sister who was reincarnated as Yuehong could forgive him in this life, it was only because of the little sister's pure heart, otherwise this fate would not be so easy to end. Because of this, he felt the same self-blame and fear when he witnessed the tragic death of the little sister again. The guilt is unspeakable. If he had known that he and Yuehong had this kind of relationship in his previous life, he would have treated her tens of thousands of times better. Then he would not have left Yuehong and gone to Nanjingzhou to seek death and survival. Won't!

"Is this the Yuehong you are looking for?" asked the Evil Killer.

"Well, I'm sorry for her, and I will do my best to take care of her in the next life." Xun Yi said with great sadness.

"Only two hearts born by fate will continue. Wishful thinking alone will not work. Don't be sad. If the fate is not resolved, you will meet each other and it's time to send you to Xingdu."

"Thank you very much. This matter is of great significance to me." Xunyi thanked him sincerely.

"I hope it's good for you. I really don't know if this kind of thing is good or bad for you, but you probably won't remember anything after entering reincarnation."

Xunyi begged in pain, "Can't you really help me leave a little memory? I just want to remember Yuehong."

"No one can help you with this, but things that are unforgettable can leave a little mark. It's up to you what you can remember."

"Then can you give me a little more time? I want to recall all the people I want to remember and imprint them deeply in my heart."

"It can't be too long. I can't break the ban again and again."

"Okay, just one stick of incense is enough." After Xun Yi said that, he concentrated on recalling those people he didn't want to forget.

After almost a stick of incense, he relaxed and said to Gui Cha, "Okay, thank you very much. I won't cause you any more trouble. Our debts have been cleared. Send me to Xingdu."

"The two of us?" Gui Cha was a little confused. He had never thought about whether Gui Cha would form a fate with all the spirits in the world.

Xunyi, who has become a ghost, still retains the ability to see into other people's thoughts, and said easily, "It doesn't matter whether you and us can form a fate, anyway, I saved you, and now you have helped me so much, no one else can I owe nothing to anyone.”

"That's good." Gui Cha still muttered a little, and took him to fly towards Xingdu.

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