Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1133 Zhui'er, Yi'er

Not long after Langming was buried, when Qing'er was walking through the ancestral hall with her child in her arms, the child suddenly started struggling and kept looking at the ancestral hall with her face twisted.

This child has always been well-behaved and almost never cried. When Qing'er saw him struggling like this, she knew something was wrong, so she carefully opened the door of the ancestral hall.

As soon as the door opened, Qing'er was stunned. She saw a woman in a light green dress standing quietly in front of the portrait of a "human spirit". The sound of opening the door did not cause her to turn around.

When did this person come in? The door of the ancestral hall was old, and it made a squeaking sound when pushed. This person pushed it open and closed it, but why didn't he hear any sound? This thought only flashed through Qing'er's mind, because just looking at the woman's back made her realize that this woman was extraordinary, and her uneasiness made her unable to think about anything else.

"You come in."

Following this command that seemed to ring in her mind, Qing'er walked in involuntarily, and the door behind her closed silently.

Qing'er's heart was beating wildly, and she subconsciously wanted to hold the child in her arms tightly, but for some reason, the child disappeared all of a sudden. When she saw that the child was already in the woman's arms, she wanted to go up and grab it, but her body could no longer move. Not only that, she couldn't make a sound even if she wanted to shout.

The woman turned around at this time, and Qing'er saw a beautiful face without any fireworks. The face looked holy and charitable, but at the moment it was obviously sad.

"What is the connection between this person and your family?" The woman did not open her mouth, but Qing'er clearly heard the question, but she was speechless and unable to answer.

The woman nodded slightly, as if she had gotten the answer. She picked up the silver pendant hanging around the baby's neck, looked at it, and then started to stare into the child's eyes.

"Give me the child! Give me Zhui'er! Give me Zhui'er!!" Qing'er shouted anxiously in her heart.


As if he heard her inner cry, he moved his eyes away from the baby's face and looked at her and said, "I have a close relationship with the person in the painting. I just heard about his death not long ago, and I was very sad. I happened to see it when I passed by. This portrait, so I came in to express my condolences, so I guess it is fate to meet your child, and I think he is indeed destined to be." As she said this, she looked at the child in her arms with great affection.

Qing'er had long noticed that her child not only didn't struggle in other people's arms, but also stretched out her little hands to touch their faces. It was no lie to say that they were close to each other.

"This child's nickname is Zhui'er, right? I'm going to take him away. Don't worry, I will love him more than you do. Follow me and he will achieve great things in the future. Don't be reluctant to part with him. This is his blessing. It's also his life." The woman said and left.

"Don't... no, no! No! I won't agree!!" Qing'er was a little hesitant at first. This was not only because she had seen how extraordinary this woman was, but also because of the love she showed for her son. But the feeling of protecting her child made her quickly strengthen her mind. No matter what, she could not just hand the child over to others, but the woman ignored her inner cry and disappeared in a flash.

"No! No! Give me back my child! Give me Zhui'er!!" Qing'er's eyes, which were still unable to move, suddenly turned red, and two drops of blood and tears slowly came out from the corners of her eyes. She had reached the point of going crazy. edge.

"Alas..." With a sigh, the woman's figure appeared in the same place as before, as if she had never left. She said softly, "There are some things you don't understand, and I can't tell you, but I can’t drive you crazy, so let him make his own choice, what do you think?” After she said that, she placed the baby on the ground between them.

"You have to let me speak! You have to let me call him!" Qing'er knew that she had to accept this condition, so she eagerly made the request in her heart.

"Zhui'er! Come to mother quickly!" As soon as she made the request in her heart, she could speak out. She shouted very loudly, hoping to alert her mother-in-law. At this time, she couldn't care less about keeping any secrets. .

The little baby sat on the ground, turned his head and looked at the woman and then at his mother, then quickly twisted his little butt and crawled towards his mother.

"Zhui'er! Good Zhui'er, come quickly!" Qing'er was so excited that her eyes filled with tears. She stretched out her hands and wanted to take her son into her arms.

"Yi'er." The woman in green called softly at this time. .??.

The little baby stopped when he heard the call, frowned and looked at the woman, his eyes full of confusion.

"Don't be cheating! Don't use magic!" Qing'er was anxious. Although she knew that she was very kind-hearted, otherwise she wouldn't have given her this chance, but she loved her son so much that she couldn't lose her son, "Zhui'er! You are Mom’s Zhui’er is not Yi’er, come here quickly!”

"Come to Master's wife. Master's wife failed to take good care of you. After hearing the news of your death, I still haven't recovered. If you are Yi'er, give Master's wife a chance to make up for it." The woman in green said, and there was something in her eyes. burst into tears.

The little baby slowly turned around, still frowning and looking up at Princess Huarui crawling over.

"Zhui'er~~! You don't want your mother anymore!" Qing'er made a heartbreaking cry. If her body wasn't still trapped, she would definitely collapse.

This stern call made the little baby stop again. He looked at his mother and then at Fairy Huarui. His little mouth flattened and he cried and crawled towards Qing'er. However, as he climbed, he turned his head towards Fairy Huarui. look

, shed tears of grievance all the way.

When the child crawled to her feet, Qing'er's body was able to move at once. She picked up the child and hugged her tightly in her arms regardless of it. She kept saying, "Good boy! Good boy! Damn, you're so cute!"

"It's God's will. Take good care of him. I'll come to pick him up in ten years. Don't delay him any more then." After saying this, Fairy Princess Huarui walked to Qing'er and gently caressed the child's face with her jade fingers. , said softly, "Since your relationship with her is not over, I can't force it. The master's wife knows that you are Yi'er, and she wants to raise you because she wants to repay the debt she owes you, but the master's wife's heart is also very painful." , when I come to pick you up, you have to go with the teacher’s wife, don’t let the teacher’s wife carry this guilt forever.”

After Huarui Fairy Princess disappeared, Qing'er woke up from her dream. Touching the tears on her face, she could only remember a few vague scenes of what had just happened. It felt like a dream.

The art of asking the mind is Huarui Fairy's specialty. Not to mention dealing with a mortal like Qing'er, even if it is used on a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, it will be unfavorable. It is her intention to leave a shred of memory for Qing'er. Otherwise, Qing'er would be like Su Wan back then and couldn't figure out where her tears came from.

"Qing'er, why are you crying again? Don't cry for the milk. It's important to take care of the child." At this time, the mother-in-law walked into the ancestral hall and said with both distress and blame. She was very touched by this daughter-in-law's affection for her grandfather, but she couldn't. It really made her feel worried.

"No..." Qing'er hurriedly wiped her tears, and then tentatively asked, "Did you hear anything just now?"

"What's the noise? No, I didn't see you in the house, so I came here. Did you hear anything?"

"Well... I think... I heard someone calling Zhui'er. I must have heard wrongly." Qing'er brushed it off, but the doubts in her heart became more and more.

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