Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1140 Moving to Zixiao Palace

Yueshang endured her grief and said to Su Wan, "We ghost foxes have very limited magical powers in this area and must rely on tears. Moreover, pursuing reincarnation has always been a taboo for our clan. This will be punished by God." , I have to say that what I ended up with today is a punishment from God.”

She wiped away her tears and continued, "When he sacrificed his life to save me, I was so moved that I shed tears on his body and vowed to repay his great kindness. Later, when I found him, I actually found him in danger. It's a pity that I can't do it." Too shallow, I couldn't exorcise the evil spirit that possessed him, I could only fight it to the death, and was eventually injured by the people sent by Tianying. Now that he has reincarnated again, I can't find him again, but wait for me I will try my best after recovering a bit, but this situation is definitely not possible.”

Su Wan nodded apologetically to her, then bowed to the sky and said, "God be damned, it was I, Su Wan, who forced Yueshang to track down the reincarnated person. If there is any punishment, just me alone..."

Yueshang stepped forward to stop her before she could finish her words, "What are you talking about? You are my benefactor, and I am willing to track him down. You must never say such words again."

Su Wan said firmly, "You and I are both close to him. You have already lost half your life for him. It's my turn to bear it. I shouldn't let you be affected anymore, but I am here to beg you." Besides, there is really no other way. Sister Yueshang, I leave this matter to you. If you can trace his traces, just tell me. Don't get involved in the rest. I don't want you to do it anymore. any harm."

Yueshang waved her hands repeatedly and said, "I can't afford to be called 'sister'. Although I have lived for a long time, I have only been in human form for a short time. If you don't mind, just call me sister. Although I have suffered for him." I am injured, but it is not enough to repay his kindness, and most of his ups and downs in this life were caused by me seeking the magic pill, so it is my duty to try my best to trace his traces. "

When it came to the Soul-Guarding Pill, Su Wan lamented in her heart. Most of her suspicion and guarding against Xunyi was indeed due to the Soul-Guarding Pill. Now that she thought about it, if she hadn't been too suspicious, Xunyi wouldn't have ended up like this. .??.

"You can rest assured and recover first." Su Wan took out a few bottles of elixirs and handed them to Yue Shang, "I have prepared these elixirs for you before. Some of them can heal injuries and help improve your cultivation. Xingshang also has a copy. "As she said that, she took out two more bottles and handed them to Xingshang.

Xingshang wiped her tears and took the elixir, choking with sobs and saying, "If sister can't find him, I am willing to search for him with you. I hope you can take me with you."

Yue Shang pulled Xing Shang and scolded her in a low voice, "Nonsense! If you go out with such little cultivation, you will die. Aren't you going to cause trouble for Sister Wan!"

Su Wan also advised, "It's really inconvenient for you to follow me. I can't take care of you with my little cultivation."

Xingshang cried loudly, "He is so good to me. How can I feel at ease if I don't do something for him... Just let me follow..."

Yueshang hugged her sister tightly and said to Su Wan, "I have to take her back. You should go back and wait patiently for ten or twenty years. Once I recover enough to use my magical powers, I will immediately try to find her, but don't hold out any hope. Nine times out of ten it won’t work.”

Su Wan nodded gratefully, "Then I'll help you. I'll come back in ten years. Don't be impatient. Haste will make waste in haste. There are many monks who are looking for him, even if we can't find him. They may be able to find it, so please advise Xingshang not to let her go out and take risks. "

After bidding farewell to the two sisters, Su Wan ran to Xilin Village where Xun Yi lived in her childhood, filled with sadness.


Over at Puyunzhou, after Xiyang recovered from his illness, Yuchan sent him and Jiangxiao to Zixiao Palace, in response to the previous request of Erxian Zhixia.

At this time, it had been almost half a year since Xun Yi's death, and mourning flags were still flying on all the islands in Zixiao Palace. Xin De and others who went on an expedition and Yan Bing and others who returned to the battlefield had not yet returned. Compared with Yuanyizhou and Nanjingzhou, Although it is small, the area is also very vast. Killing all the monks there is not something that can be accomplished in a day. In fact, when the main sects in Yuanyi State were almost eradicated, Xinde and others were ready to go back. However, Yan Bing and the other inner sea disciples refused to agree and insisted on completely wiping out the Yuanyizhou cultivation world. Facing these red-eyed inner sea disciples, Xin De and the others had no choice but to obey. This was nothing to them. It's just a matter of wasting a little more time, so as not to get into trouble with these apprentice nephews just because of this.

The sad atmosphere in the inner sea is much stronger than that in the outer sea. The second fairy is so sad that it hurts her cultivation. The third fairy often has tears in her eyes, not to mention the fourth fairy, because she will not be allowed to save her junior brother. She had been holding back a lot of anger, but as a result, her junior brother died. You can imagine how she felt. The fourth fairy stared at everyone now, and scolded her if she didn't go well.

Under this situation, even those who had no feelings for Xun Yi had to look sad all day long and did not dare to speak loudly.

When Yuchan sent Xiyang and Jiangxiao over, Zhixia had already calmed down a bit. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, she had experienced too many life and death separations. The reason why Xunyi tricked her into this was because The relationship between the two is really deep, and secondly, Xunyi is too young. If Xunyi had lived hundreds or thousands of years, she would never be so sad.

After meeting, Zhixia proposed that Xiyang and Jiangxiao stay in Zixiao Palace to practice. Yuchan did not give a direct answer, but asked the two if they were willing.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao immediately expressed their willingness to stay. They knew in their hearts that Yu Chan was willing to take care of them purely out of Xun Yi's favor. Now that Xun Yi is dead, how can a Fei Yu Fairy keep looking after them both? , it is better to live in Zixiao Palace temporarily. Next, it depends on Zixiao Palace's attitude towards them. If living there is boring, the two of them will make other plans. This is what they have discussed long ago.

Yu Chan didn't express any objection to their decision. He only said that he would let them stay for a while and give them a try. If they got used to it, they would stay there. If they didn't, he would take them back when he came next time. After making arrangements for the two of them, Yu Chan and Zhi Xia had a few more secret discussions and then left.

After Yuchan left, Zhixia did not immediately take Xiyang and Jiangxiao to see Qingqiu and others. Instead, he first asked about the situation before Xunyi died. Yuchan had specifically instructed the two of them not to tell the truth about this matter. Because it involves heavenly secrets, and talking about it will cause big trouble. She personally made up a rhetoric and taught it to the two of them to deal with Zhixia and others. Xiyang and Jiangxiao knew this well, and they agreed. From Yu Chan's point of view, although Jiangxiao had a good impression of Zhixia, even if he planned to tell her the truth, it would have to wait until later depending on the situation, so he immediately told the story that Yu Chan had made up.

Yu Chan's level of telling lies was naturally much higher than that of Xun Yi. After all, her cultivation level was there, and she was much more scheming than Xun Yi. The story she made up made it impossible for Zhi Xia to find any flaws.

As Jiangxiao talked, he carefully showed Zhixia some scenes before Xunyi's death. Seeing this, Zhixia couldn't help but shed a few more tears.

s?:?Thanks to Brother Jiy for the reward. I feel ashamed to reward you because of two updates. I’m sorry everyone. I will try my best to spend as much time as possible coding. Yueshang endured her grief and said to Su Wan, "We ghost foxes have very limited magical powers in this area and must rely on tears. Moreover, pursuing reincarnation has always been a taboo for our clan. This will be punished by God." , I have to say that what I ended up with today is a punishment from God.”

She wiped away her tears and continued, "When he risked his life to save me, I was so moved that I shed tears on his body and vowed to repay his great kindness. Later, when I found him, I actually found him in danger. It's a pity that I can't do it." Too shallow, I couldn't exorcise the evil spirit that possessed him, I could only fight it to the death, and was eventually injured by the people sent by Tianying. Now that he has reincarnated again, I can't find him again, but wait for me I will try my best after recovering a bit, but this situation is definitely not possible.”

Su Wan nodded apologetically to her, then bowed to the sky and said, "God be damned, it was I, Su Wan, who forced Yueshang to track down the reincarnated person. If there is any punishment, just me alone..."

Yueshang stepped forward to stop her before she could finish her words, "What are you talking about? You are my benefactor, and I am willing to track him down. You must never say such words again."

Su Wan said firmly, "You and I are both close to him. You have already lost half your life for him. It's my turn to bear it. I shouldn't let you be affected anymore, but I am here to beg you." Besides, there is really no other way. Sister Yueshang, I leave this matter to you. If you can trace his traces, just tell me. Don't get involved in the rest. I don't want you to do it anymore. any harm."

Yueshang waved her hands repeatedly and said, "I can't afford to be called 'sister'. Although I have lived for a long time, I have only been in human form for a short time. If you don't mind, just call me sister. Although I have suffered for him." I am injured, but it is not enough to repay his kindness, and most of his ups and downs in this life were caused by me asking for the spiritual elixir, so it is my duty to try my best to trace his traces.” .??.??

When it came to the Soul-Guarding Pill, Su Wan lamented in her heart. Most of her suspicion and guarding against Xunyi was indeed due to the Soul-Guarding Pill. Now that she thought about it, if she hadn't been too suspicious, Xunyi wouldn't have ended up like this.

"You can rest assured and recover first." Su Wan took out a few bottles of elixirs and handed them to Yue Shang, "I have prepared these elixirs for you before. Some of them can heal injuries and help improve your cultivation. Xingshang also has a copy. "As she said that, she took out two more bottles and handed them to Xingshang.

Xingshang wiped her tears and took the elixir, choking with sobs and saying, "If sister can't find him, I am willing to search for him with you. I hope you can take me with you."

Yueshang pulled Xingshang over and scolded her in a low voice, "Nonsense! If you go out with such little cultivation, you will die. Aren't you going to cause trouble for Sister Wan!"

Su Wan also advised, "It's really inconvenient for you to follow me. I can't take care of you with my little cultivation."

Xingshang cried loudly, "He is so good to me. How can I feel at ease if I don't do something for him... Just let me follow..."

Yueshang hugged her sister tightly and said to Su Wan, "I have to take her back. You should go back and wait patiently for ten or twenty years. Once I recover enough to use my magical powers, I will immediately try to find her, but don't hold out any hope. Nine times out of ten it won’t work.”

Su Wan nodded gratefully, "Then I'll help you. I'll come back in ten years. Don't be impatient. Haste will make waste in haste. There are many monks who are looking for him, even if we can't find him. They may be able to find it, so please advise Xingshang not to let her go out and take risks. "

After bidding farewell to the two sisters, Su Wan ran to Xilin Village where Xun Yi lived in her childhood, filled with sadness.


Over at Puyunzhou, after Xiyang recovered from his illness, Yuchan sent him and Jiangxiao to Zixiao Palace, in response to the previous request of Erxian Zhixia.

At this time, it had been almost half a year since Xun Yi's death, and mourning flags were still flying on all the islands in Zixiao Palace. Xin De and others who went on an expedition and Yan Bing and others who returned to the battlefield had not yet returned. Compared with Yuanyizhou and Nanjingzhou, Although it is small, the area is also very vast. Killing all the monks there is not something that can be accomplished in a day. In fact, when the main sects in Yuanyi State were almost eradicated, Xinde and others were ready to go back. However, Yan Bing and the other inner sea disciples refused to agree and insisted on completely wiping out the Yuanyizhou cultivation world. Facing these red-eyed inner sea disciples, Xin De and the others had no choice but to obey. This was nothing to them. It's just a matter of wasting a little more time, so as not to get into trouble with these apprentice nephews just because of this.

The sad atmosphere in the inner sea is much stronger than that in the outer sea. The second fairy is so sad that it hurts her cultivation. The third fairy often has tears in her eyes, not to mention the fourth fairy, because she will not be allowed to save her junior brother. She had been holding back a lot of anger, but as a result, her junior brother died. You can imagine how she felt. The fourth fairy stared at everyone now, and scolded her if she didn't go well.

Under this situation, even those who had no feelings for Xun Yi had to look sad all day long and did not dare to speak loudly.

When Yuchan sent Xiyang and Jiangxiao over, Zhixia had already calmed down a bit. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, she had experienced too many life and death separations. The reason why Xunyi tricked her into this was because The relationship between the two is really deep, and secondly, Xunyi is too young. If Xunyi had lived hundreds or thousands of years, she would never be so sad.

After meeting, Zhixia proposed that Xiyang and Jiangxiao stay in Zixiao Palace to practice. Yuchan did not give a direct answer, but asked the two if they were willing.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao immediately expressed their willingness to stay. They knew in their hearts that Yu Chan was willing to take care of them purely out of Xun Yi's favor. Now that Xun Yi is dead, how can a Fei Yu Fairy keep looking after them both? , it is better to live in Zixiao Palace temporarily. Next, it depends on Zixiao Palace's attitude towards them. If living there is boring, the two of them will make other plans. This is what they have discussed long ago.

Yu Chan didn't express any objection to their decision. He only said that he would let them stay for a while and give them a try. If they got used to it, they would stay there. If they didn't, he would take them back when he came next time. After making arrangements for the two of them, Yu Chan and Zhi Xia had a few more secret discussions and then left.

After Yuchan left, Zhixia did not immediately take Xiyang and Jiangxiao to see Qingqiu and others. Instead, he first asked about the situation before Xunyi died. Yuchan had specifically instructed the two of them not to tell the truth about this matter. Because it involves heavenly secrets, and talking about it will cause big trouble. She personally made up a rhetoric and taught it to the two of them to deal with Zhixia and others. Xiyang and Jiangxiao knew this well, and they agreed. From Yu Chan's point of view, although Jiangxiao had a good impression of Zhixia, even if he planned to tell her the truth, it would have to wait until later depending on the situation, so he immediately told the story that Yu Chan had made up.

Yu Chan's level of telling lies was naturally much higher than that of Xun Yi. After all, her cultivation level was there, and she was much more scheming than Xun Yi. The story she made up made it impossible for Zhi Xia to find any flaws.

As Jiangxiao talked, he carefully showed Zhixia some scenes before Xunyi's death. Seeing this, Zhixia couldn't help but shed a few more tears.

s?:?Thanks to Brother ?jiy ​​for the reward. I feel ashamed to reward you because of two updates. I’m sorry everyone. I will try my best to spend as much time as possible to code.

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