Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1143 A small calamity cloud

At the end of summer, when the heat was still lingering, a beautiful skylark flew past under the blue sky. Suddenly, it flapped its wings and stopped, then looked at a man in the courtyard below who looked up at it with his big eyes. The baby flew away.

The little baby was sitting on a straw mat spread under the shade of a tree. When he saw the lark landing on the edge of the straw mat, he smiled happily and quickly crawled over with his big head raised and his little butt twisted.

"Don't climb outside the mat." Qing'er, who was spinning on the side, glanced with the corner of her eyes and gave a faint warning. Although her son was only one year old, she knew that he understood.

The baby continued to crawl forward, as if he didn't hear anything.

"You want to ask for a beating, right?" Qing'er's tone was still calm, and she didn't even look over there.

This time the little baby stopped immediately, sitting on the edge of the mat and staring eagerly at the skylark standing a few feet away. The skylark also tilted his head and looked at him. After staring at each other for a while, the skylark came jumping up and down. When he came to his side, the little baby showed a happy smile and stretched out his little hand to poke the skylark's head. The skylark stretched out his mouth and pecked his delicate fingertips, and the baby giggled because of the itch.

After playing for a while, the little baby suddenly waved its two little arms and screamed "Ah!" with enough energy. The skylark also let out a scream, flapped its wings and flew away into the sky. The baby subconsciously turned backwards. He dodged because his head was too heavy and he fell over on his back.

"You deserve it! I made you mad!" Qing'er, who had witnessed the whole process, scolded with a smile and had no intention of going over to help her son.

The little baby struggled for a few times and then stopped moving. It lay there like a white-turned frog with its big eyes looking at the blue sky. After a while, it fell asleep on its own.

Seeing that her son was asleep, Qing'er couldn't help but slow down the speed of shaking the spinning wheel to avoid letting the buzzing sound wake her son up. After finishing spinning the thread, she didn't care to clean it up and quietly sat down next to her son with a cattail leaf fan. , slowly shaking the cattail leaf fan to cool off his son, his eyes filled with deep pity.

The color of love.

I'm afraid there aren't many children in the world who are so worry-free and fun. Qing'er loves her child so much and sincerely hopes that he can grow up slowly. It's best that he never grows up. This is different from other children. Parents hope that their children can grow up as soon as possible, which is completely opposite. No matter who it is, if they have such a worry-free child, they will probably have the same idea as Qing'er. Apart from this, Huaruixian The sporadic memories that Fei Fei and Ming Lan left for Qing'er were also one of the main reasons why she didn't want her children to grow up.

Looking at her son's sweetly sleeping little face, Qing'er gradually became tired. She felt the wind blowing in a daze. When she opened her eyes, the sky was already overcast. She hurriedly got up and wanted to pack the spinning wheel, but she saw her son suddenly twitching. , then woke up, looked at the sky with frightened eyes and cried loudly.

The child hadn't cried a few times since he was born. Seeing him crying so hard, Qing'er's heart suddenly rose to her throat. She didn't care about the spinning wheel anymore and quickly picked up the child and hugged her tightly. In arms.

The child kept crying. Qing'er followed the child's gaze and looked towards the sky. At this time, a sharp flash tore through the gloomy sky, and big raindrops fell. Qing'er stood still because she was surprised. She discovered that there was a palm-sized purple cloud floating more than ten feet above her head. The cloud was like a ball of purple cotton dyed with dye, and there was a bright light emanating from the edge. She had never seen it before. Passing such strange clouds, I couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The little baby stopped crying at this time and hugged his mother's neck tightly as if he was very scared. He kept kicking his two calves as if he was trying to escape from something.

Her son's actions made Qing'er suddenly wake up and realize this strange cloud.

It might be detrimental to the child. By the time he tried to run away, it was already too late. He saw a bolt of lightning as thin as a silk thread striking directly at the mother and son from a small purple cloud. The lightning was also purple.

"Ah!" Qing'er screamed and subconsciously raised an arm to cover it, but she saw a pale golden light flashing in the air. She felt dizzy and lost consciousness. Out of mother's instinct, she was He fell backward, and the hand holding his son slowly let go until he fell to the ground.

Qing'er was awakened by the milky "Yah! Yah!" sound. When she opened her eyes, she saw her son patting her anxiously with his little hands. When she saw that her son was safe and sound, she smiled reassuringly. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, and the strange little purple cloud was gone.

After Qing'er got up, she hugged her son and went into the house. She had already thought about what the small purple cloud was. Although she was not a Taoist, she had heard of things like robbery clouds, because Taihe was one of the best in the world. The river has been full of ghosts and monsters from ancient times to the present, so many related legends have been passed down. Although those legends are all kinds of strange, most of them mentioned strange clouds of various colors. Although the cloud that split her son The little one is pitiful and cannot compare with those legendary clouds, but Qing'er firmly believes that it is Jie Yun. Because her son is young, Jie Yun is so small.

In the understanding of the people on both sides of the Taihe River, Jie Yun is designed to kill evil spirits. It is the same as the "five thunders from heaven" that are designed to kill evil people. It is a punishment sent by heaven. The difference is not only that it is used to kill evil people Xie Sui, one is used to chop people, and another obvious difference is that calamity clouds are often accompanied by dark clouds, strong winds and rain, while thunder that chops people will fall when the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly. Therefore, they also performed the two types of manipulations. The great gods of criminal law, and many stories about these two great gods.

Qing'er couldn't understand why his son was punished because he was obviously a human being.

Of course, she didn't think her son was an evil spirit. After thinking about it, the reason could only be that an evil spirit was attached to her son. Her son's various abnormalities must be inseparable from this evil spirit.

Because Fairy Huarui and Ming Lan only left her with sporadic and vague memories, she could no longer remember what they told her about her son's previous life. There were also rich folk legends about evil spirits. And it is detailed, and some of it is even documented, so people firmly believe in it.

Although there are good and bad evil spirits, most of them are bad, so Qing'er is always willing to think that her son is gifted rather than evil. Now that even the clouds of calamity have been attracted, she can no longer lie. No matter how reluctant she is, she has to admit that her son is possessed by an evil spirit. Now she can only hope that the evil spirit is a good evil spirit. She dare not say anything because the evil spirit possessed the child before he was born. If the evil spirit is driven away from the child, the child may die.

She pursed her lips and fiddled with the silver pendant around her son's neck. There seemed to be many conflicting thoughts colliding in her heart, but she could only catch one or two. Grandpa said that this thing could ward off evil spirits, and she had seen it with her own eyes. This thing repels the river demon. Could it be that the evil spirit attached to the child is so powerful that it is not afraid of this treasure?

After thinking about it for a long time, she took her child to the ancestral hall, prayed silently for her grandfather's memorial tablet, and then prayed for a while to the portrait of a human spirit. After praying, she looked at the portrait and felt inexplicable sadness in her heart. , the thought that this person was dead arose in my heart for no reason.

Qing'er decided that when Hongshi came back, he would immediately make the tablets of the two great gods in charge of punishment, and they would have to be enshrined tonight.

Fortunately, Qing'er only had a partial understanding of Jie Yun, otherwise she would definitely be even more frightened than she is now.

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