Cultivation of Immortality

1145It seems to be talking to me

Not long after Qing'er left, a group of children from a distance ran over and noisily asked Zhui'er to play with them. There are only a few children in the small fishing village, so everyone hopes to have one more playmate.

Zhui'er sat peacefully on the stone, unmoved by everyone's warm invitations. He just kept smiling and shaking his head. Some people tempted him with beautiful small stones and shells, but he didn't accept it. Some people poured water on him. He was not annoyed. Someone pulled him into the water, and he struggled to climb back onto the rocks. The group of children gradually became bored after struggling for a while, and went back to the original place to play.

Qing'er, who was hiding behind the tree, felt secretly worried. She had no choice but to go over and take Zhui'er home. Qing'er couldn't feel relieved leaving him here alone.

In the afternoon, Qing'er took her children to the fields. Although the fishermen didn't have much land, they couldn't leave the tiring work of tidying up the fields to their mother-in-law. They placed Zhui'er under the shade of willows, and Qing'er went to work in the fields. Turning his head for a while, he found that Zhui'er was missing.

Qing'er hurriedly called and looked around. When she was getting anxious, she saw Zhui'er running back from a path with two little arms, followed by a small group of furry things. As she got closer, Qing'er saw clearly that it was a A yellow-haired puppy.

"Why are you running around!" Qing'er blamed Zhui'er dissatisfied.

"I heard it barking over there, so I ran over to take a look." Zhui'er picked up the puppy, which was not much bigger than a rice bowl, and held it up to her mother with a proud look on her face, "There's a big flower snake trying to bite it. I Drive away the big flower snake!"

Qing'er looked at the direction he was running in and felt a little speechless. This child could subdue ghost-faced snakes before he was born. It was obviously redundant to tell him to stay away from these snakes and insects, so she had to pat his head and said, "Let's go." You should tell your mother when you are about to leave, so as not to make her anxious. "

"Oh." Zhui'er nodded seriously, then raised the puppy higher and asked, "Mom, this puppy wants to play with me, can I take it home?"

"You want to play with it, right?" Qing'er pushed her son aside and took over the puppy. This was a puppy that looked like it had just been weaned. It was so furry and adorable.

"I want to play with it too." Zhui'er looked at her mother eagerly with a silly smile on her face.

"If you are willing to play with Brother Xiaodou and the others, I will let you take them back." Qing'er handed the puppy to him.

Zhui'er frowned, looking at the confused look on the puppy's face, and hesitated to answer.

Qing'er looked distressed and had to give up and said, "Okay, Mom, it won't be difficult for you anymore. Let's go and play."

Zhui'er happily agreed and took the puppy happily.

"Can we call it Huangdou? It's so small, like a small soybean." Qing'er also liked the puppy very much and gave it a name smoothly.

"Soybeans are smooth, they are not like soybeans." Zhui'er argued seriously.

"Then what do you want to call it?" Qing'er was a little depressed. She thought the name she chose was very good.

"It's called puppy."

Qing'er was amused by the matter-of-fact expression on his face, and enlightened, "You are still a child, so can we just call you a kid? The dogs in the village also have names, how can you just call it a puppy?" "

"Oh..." Zhui'er seemed to understand, scratched his head and said, "Then... let's call it Zhui'er dog."

Qing'er laughed dumbly, pinched his face and said, "Silly boy, if you connect your name with a dog, then you can't scold yourself. You don't have to include the word 'dog' in the name of a dog. Think about it again, If you can't think of a good name, just call it from now on

Soybeans. "After that, she turned around and went to work in the fields.

When Qing'er came back from doing farm work, Zhui'er was sitting on a tree stump, staring at the sunset, while the puppy curled up at his feet and fell asleep.

"Have you decided on a name for your puppy?"

Zhui'er turned his head, his eyes full of confusion. When his mother pointed at the puppy lying at his feet, he showed a look of surprise, shook his head and said, "I forgot."

Qing'er had long been worried about her son's situation of forgetting everything when he was in a daze. She sat next to her son, stroked his head and asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

"I was just...looking at those." Zhui'er stretched out her little finger and pointed at the clouds in the sky that were dyed red by the sunset.

"Are the clouds that beautiful?" Qing'er asked calmly.

"Yeah!" Zhui'er looked at the clouds with reluctant eyes and nodded vigorously.

"Then what do you think of your mother?" Qing'er narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Hmm... um... I don't know." Zhui'er said, his eyes still looking at the clouds lustfully.

"Then why do you always stare at our peach tree in the yard?"

"Because it's pretty."

Qing'er felt like she couldn't ask anything else, so she pulled him up to go home, but Zhui'er raised her little face and continued, "It seems to be talking to me."

"Who?" Qing'er didn't react for a moment and glanced around.

"Peach tree." Zhui'er looked at her with big pure eyes and said.

Qing'er hurriedly knelt down and lowered her voice and asked, "What did it say to you?"

"I don't know, I just think it's talking to me..." Qing'er's nervous look made Zhui'er a little afraid to speak.

"Good boy, tell me, did it really talk to you?" Qing'er squeezed out a smile and gently stroked his back.

"It seems..., it won't let me touch it." Zhui'er said, wiggling his fingers.

"It...that's what it told you? Not letting you touch it?" Qing'er felt the hairs on her back stand up.

"It didn't make a sound, but I knew it." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er closed her mouth tightly and looked at her mother who changed her face in a panic.

"What did it say to you? It didn't make a sound. How do you know what it said?" Qing'er asked eagerly,

Zhui'er shook his head and closed his mouth tighter.

Qing'er stabilized her mind, smiled again and coaxed him and said, "Zhui'er, be good, tell your mother, and your mother will listen to it later to see if you heard it right."

Zhui'er blinked twice, a little undecided, but after a few murmurs, he finally said, "It... seems to let me play with it."

"How does it ask you to play with it?" Qing'er swallowed her saliva, suppressing her panic and then asked, "Can it transform into a little person?" She had to suspect that the peach tree had become a spirit. , but that tree was planted by her grandfather, and it has only been more than thirty years since then. The legendary tree that can become a spirit must have been hundreds of years old, but she then thought that her grandfather was a living god who planted this peach tree. Some anomalies are also possible.

Zhui'er whispered, "There is no villain, just...just...just look at it."

A fierce light flashed in Qing'er's eyes. It turned out that it was the peach tree that had fascinated her son's soul. No wonder such a young child was always in a daze. He couldn't explain it. He had to cut down the spirit tree as soon as he got back. We have to invite a magician to perform a ritual again. Not long after Qing'er left, a group of children from a distance ran over and noisily asked Zhui'er to play with them. There are only a few children in the small fishing village, so everyone hopes to have one more playmate.

Zhui'er sat peacefully on the stone, unmoved by everyone's warm invitations. He just kept smiling and shaking his head. Some people tempted him with beautiful small stones and shells, but he didn't accept it. Some people poured water on him. He was not annoyed. Someone pulled him into the water, and he struggled to climb back onto the rocks. The group of children gradually became bored after struggling for a while, and went back to the original place to play.

Qing'er, who was hiding behind the tree, felt secretly worried. She had no choice but to go over and take Zhui'er home. Qing'er couldn't feel relieved leaving him here alone.

In the afternoon, Qing'er took her children to the fields. Although the fishermen didn't have much land, they couldn't leave the tiring work of tidying up the fields to their mother-in-law. They placed Zhui'er under the shade of willows, and Qing'er went to work in the fields. Turning his head for a while, he found that Zhui'er was missing.

Qing'er hurriedly called and looked around. When she was getting anxious, she saw Zhui'er running back from a path with two little arms, followed by a small group of furry things. As she got closer, Qing'er saw clearly that it was a A yellow-haired puppy.

"Why are you running around!" Qing'er blamed Zhui'er dissatisfied. .??.

"I heard it barking over there, so I ran over to take a look." Zhui'er picked up the puppy, which was not much bigger than a rice bowl, and held it up to her mother with a proud look on her face, "There's a big flower snake trying to bite it. I Drive away the big flower snake!"

Qing'er looked at the direction he was running in and felt a little speechless. This child could subdue ghost-faced snakes before he was born. It was obviously redundant to tell him to stay away from these snakes and insects, so she had to pat his head and said, "Let's go." You should tell your mother when you are about to leave, so as not to make her anxious. "

"Oh." Zhui'er nodded seriously, then raised the puppy higher and asked, "Mom, this puppy wants to play with me, can I take it home?"

"You want to play with it, right?" Qing'er pushed her son aside and took over the puppy. This was a puppy that looked like it had just been weaned. It was so furry and adorable.

"I want to play with it too." Zhui'er looked at her mother eagerly with a silly smile on her face.

"If you are willing to play with Brother Xiaodou and the others, I will let you take them back." Qing'er handed the puppy to him.

Zhui'er frowned, looking at the confused look on the puppy's face, and hesitated to answer.

Qing'er looked distressed and had to give up and said, "Okay, Mom, it won't be difficult for you anymore. Let's go and play."

Zhui'er happily agreed and took the puppy happily.

"Can we call it Huangdou? It's so small, like a small soybean." Qing'er also liked the puppy very much and gave it a name smoothly.

"Soybeans are smooth, they are not like soybeans." Zhui'er argued seriously.

"Then what do you want to call it?" Qing'er was a little depressed. She thought the name she chose was very good.

"It's called puppy."

Qing'er was amused by the matter-of-fact expression on his face, and enlightened, "You are still a child, so can we just call you a child? The dogs in the village also have names, how can you just call it a puppy?" "

"Oh..." Zhui'er seemed to understand, scratched his head and said, "Then... let's call it Zhui'er dog."

Qing'er laughed dumbly, pinched his face and said, "Silly boy, if you connect your name with a dog, then you can't scold yourself. You don't have to include the word 'dog' in the name of a dog. Think about it again, If you can't think of a good name, just call it from now on

Soybeans. "After that, she turned around and went to work in the fields.

When Qing'er came back from doing farm work, Zhui'er was sitting on a tree stump, staring at the sunset, while the puppy curled up at his feet and fell asleep.

"Have you decided on a name for your puppy?"

Zhui'er turned his head, his eyes full of confusion. When his mother pointed at the puppy lying at his feet, he showed a look of surprise, shook his head and said, "I forgot."

Qing'er had long been worried about her son's situation of forgetting everything when he was in a daze. She sat next to her son, stroked his head and asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

"I was just...looking at those." Zhui'er stretched out her little finger and pointed at the clouds in the sky that were dyed red by the sunset.

"Are the clouds that beautiful?" Qing'er asked calmly.

"Yeah!" Zhui'er looked at the clouds with reluctant eyes and nodded vigorously.

"Then what do you think of your mother?" Qing'er narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Hmm... um... I don't know." Zhui'er said, his eyes still looking at the clouds lustfully.

"Then why do you always stare at our peach tree in the yard?"

"Because it's beautiful."

Qing'er felt that she couldn't ask anything else, so she pulled him up to go home, but Zhui'er raised her little face and continued, "It seems to be talking to me."

"Who?" Qing'er didn't react for a moment and glanced around.

"Peach tree." Zhui'er looked at her with big pure eyes and said.

Qing'er hurriedly knelt down and lowered her voice and asked, "What did it say to you?"

"I don't know, I just feel like it's talking to me..." Qing'er's nervous look made Zhui'er afraid to speak.

"Good boy, tell me, did it really talk to you?" Qing'er squeezed out a smile and gently stroked his back.

"It seems..., it won't let me touch it." Zhui'er said, wiggling his fingers.

"It...that's what it told you? Not letting you touch it?" Qing'er felt the hairs on her back stand up.

"It didn't make a sound, but I knew it." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er closed her mouth tightly and looked at her mother who changed her face in a panic.

"What did it say to you? It didn't make a sound. How do you know what it said?" Qing'er asked eagerly,

Zhui'er shook his head and closed his mouth tighter.

Qing'er stabilized her mind, smiled again and coaxed him and said, "Zhui'er, be good, tell your mother, and your mother will listen to it later to see if you heard it right."

Zhui'er blinked twice, a little undecided, but after a few murmurs, he finally said, "It... seems to let me play with it."

"How does it ask you to play with it?" Qing'er swallowed her saliva, suppressing her panic and then asked, "Can it transform into a little person?" She had to suspect that the peach tree had become a spirit. , but that tree was planted by her grandfather, and it has only been more than thirty years since then. The legendary tree that can become a spirit must have been hundreds of years old, but she then thought that her grandfather was a living god who planted this peach tree. Some anomalies are also possible.

Zhui'er whispered, "There is no villain, just...just...just look at it."

A fierce light flashed in Qing'er's eyes. It turned out that it was the peach tree that had fascinated her son's soul. No wonder such a young child was always in a daze. He couldn't explain it. He had to cut down the spirit tree as soon as he got back. We have to invite a magician to perform a ritual again.

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