Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1151 Then I like you too

Qing'er sat speechless. She believed that her son would not lie, but if all this was true, it would be too absurd. Her son, who was just four years old, had beaten away the monster in the water? She couldn't believe this. Even if her son could drive away the ghost-faced snake before he was born, it was a mortal creature after all, and spirits were difficult for even the warlocks to deal with. Grandpa was called a living god, and in the end he didn't What can I do about the river demon...

Thinking of the danger last time, Qing'er vaguely felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly woke up and opened the clothes wrapped around her son, and saw that the silver pendant was gone! When she was taking off her son's clothes just now, she felt that Zhui'er's behavior of covering the tether with his hand was a bit strange. At that time, she was afraid that her son would be frozen, so she didn't think much and hurriedly wrapped him up.

"Where's the pendant? Why is it gone!"

This secret was eventually discovered by her mother. Zhui'er lowered her eyes with a guilty conscience and whispered, "I lost it..."

"Nonsense!" Qing'er angrily pinched the cut knot, stared at her son and said, "You have learned to lie, haven't you? Tell me! Where is the pendant!"

Zhui'er shrank into a ball in fear, but closed her mouth tightly and remained silent.

Seeing that her son was so frightened, Qing'er still refused to say anything. She had no choice but to suppress the anxiety in her heart, calmed down a little and said, "Did it beat away the little girl?"

Zhui'er was startled for a moment, and then his eyes flickered, and he could tell that he had some idea in mind.

"If you don't tell the truth to mother, you won't be a good boy." Qing'er's face darkened.

Zhui'er immediately lowered his eyes honestly and gave up the idea of ​​making up lies.

Qing'er checked the break of the knot and asked, "Tell me the truth, did you give it away?"

Zhui'er closed her mouth tighter and glanced at her mother timidly, with a look of pity on her face as she begged her for mercy.

Qing'er said harshly, "No! You must explain it clearly to me, this is your lifeblood!"

The corners of Zhui'er's mouth drooped, and his little lips trembled slightly. He was about to cry. It was too difficult for him to keep this secret.

"Zhui'er, don't make mother anxious. Just tell her that she doesn't blame you."

Zhui'er held on and refused to answer, but she was so embarrassed that she started sobbing.

Qing'er was really anxious now. She placed him heavily on the bed, raised her eyebrows and said, "If you don't tell me, I won't like you anymore!"

"Mom..." Zhui'er couldn't help but started to cry, but she still remembered not to disturb the people in the front yard, so she tried her best to suppress her crying and not make too much noise.

"I don't like you anymore!" Qing'er stared at him with threatening eyes.

"Then I like you too...Mom..." Zhui'er opened her little hands and moved closer to her mother, feeling aggrieved and scared. Tears flowed down her face into two raging rivers, and she was sobbing so pitifully. .

Qing'er relented and hugged her son into her arms again. She was so angry that her teeth itched and she said, "Just tell mother, you are going to make me anxious!"

"Mother! Mother..." Zhui'er finally burst into tears. He didn't know how to deal with what was happening in front of him.

"Don't cry, Zhui'er. If Zhui'er doesn't cry, you can't let your grandparents hear it!" Qing'er became more and more anxious.

Zhui'er stopped crying abruptly, but the two small rivers on her face flowed more violently.

"Mother won't ask anymore, mother won't ask anymore..."

Qing'er hugged her son tightly, and her own tears fell.

Zhui'er has always been too sensible. This is the first time that he has cried so miserably and helplessly. Qing'er can't bear to continue to force him. No matter how important the silver pendant is, he can only wait until he comes back and coax him slowly. He told the truth.

After her son stopped crying, Qing'er asked in detail about the fight between him and the little girl. The more detailed she learned, the more absurd Qing'er felt, but she knew that this absurd thing must be true.

After finishing the meal, Qing'er broke two bowls one after another. Everyone saw that she was uneasy. Qing'er said that she was a little dizzy these days and let it go. Her son started fighting with monsters, so she would be surprised if she was not frightened to the point of despair. This was because her son had shown many strange behaviors since he was a child, so she was prepared. Otherwise, it would be good if he was not frightened and went crazy at this moment.

Qing'er didn't go out the next day. She set up a frame in the backyard to look like weaving a fishing net. But after getting everything ready, she became stunned when she saw her son playing with the puppy. It stands to reason that if you offend the spirits in the river, you should move your family and leave the river as soon as possible. The farther away the better, but she really can't find an excuse to persuade her family, but if she doesn't escape, disaster will happen sooner or later. , she secretly cut the fishing net last night, so Hongshi and his father-in-law had to go to work in the fields, but this is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, they will go fishing, in case the spirit finds them How is your head doing?

Qing'er was worried for a while, then turned around and saw her son squatting by the wall, staring at a little mouse with big eyes. She hated mice by nature, so she scolded her in disgust, "You are playing with a mouse." What? Don't kill it yet!" He grabbed a stick and walked over.

"Oh!" Zhui'er responded, pretending to kick the little mouse, but in fact, he blocked his mother with his body.

Qing'er could see that he was playing tricks on her, so she didn't bother to take it seriously. She let the little mouse escape while she went back to worry.

After a while, when she turned around to look at Zhuo'er, she saw that he was digging a hole on the ground with a small shovel. Futon'er was also digging the soil with his little paws. Qing'er didn't care about him and just casually ordered, "After playing, you have to go." Fill the hole."

"Oh!" Zhui'er stopped and glanced at her mother secretly. Seeing that her mother had turned her head back, she hurriedly started digging again.

Qing'er thought about it but couldn't think of any good solution. She felt that she had to settle this matter with Hongshi, otherwise if something really happened, she would have tricked everyone. After making up her mind, she turned to look at her son again, only to see her son still digging a hole with his little butt raised, and there was a pile of soil around him.

"Why did you dig such a big hole?" Qing'er walked over and asked a little strangely.

Zhui'er was already sweating profusely. When he saw his mother coming over, he smiled stupidly and pretended to be nothing, threw away the shovel, wiped the sweat with his sleeve and said, "I was just digging for fun, mother, I won't dig anymore."

The guilty look on her son's part made Qing'er suspicious. She deliberately lowered her face and said, "Zhui'er, you've really grown up, haven't you? You dare to tell lies to mother, right?"

Zhui'er lowered her head in recognition of her mistake and whispered, "Mom, I don't dare anymore. The little mouse just now seemed to say there was something down there, and I wanted to dig it out."

Qing'er crouched down and asked in a low voice, "What did it say? What did it say was down there?"

Zhui'er frowned and said, "I thought it seemed like there was something down there. It didn't say anything, and I don't know if my guess was right."

Qing'er hesitated for a moment, then got up and took out a handful of grass from the woodshed, and started digging without saying a word. Qing'er sat speechless. She believed that her son would not lie, but if all this was true, it would be too absurd. Her son, who was just four years old, had beaten away the monster in the water? She couldn't believe this. Even if her son could drive away the ghost-faced snake before he was born, it was a mortal creature after all, and spirits were difficult for even the warlocks to deal with. Grandpa was called a living god, and in the end he didn't What can I do about the river demon...

Thinking of the danger last time, Qing'er vaguely felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly woke up, pulled open the clothes wrapped around her son, and saw that the silver pendant was gone! When she was taking off her son's clothes just now, she felt that Zhui'er's behavior of covering the tether with his hand was a bit strange. At that time, she was afraid that her son would be frozen, so she didn't think much and hurriedly wrapped him up.

"Where's the pendant? Why is it gone!"

This secret was eventually discovered by her mother. Zhui'er lowered her eyes with a guilty conscience and whispered, "I lost it..."

"Nonsense!" Qing'er angrily pinched the cut knot, stared at her son and said, "You have learned to lie, haven't you? Tell me! Where is the pendant!"

Zhui'er shrank into a ball in fear, but closed her mouth tightly and remained silent.

Seeing that her son was so frightened, Qing'er still refused to say anything. She had no choice but to suppress the anxiety in her heart, calmed down a little and said, "Did it beat away the little girl?"

Zhui'er was startled for a moment, and then his eyes flickered, and he could tell that he had some idea in mind.

"If you don't tell the truth to mother, you won't be a good boy." Qing'er's face darkened.

Zhui'er immediately lowered his eyes honestly and gave up the idea of ​​making up lies.

Qing'er checked the break of the knot and asked, "Tell me the truth, did you give it away?"

Zhui'er closed her mouth tighter and glanced at her mother timidly, with a look of pity on her face as she begged her for mercy.

Qing'er said harshly, "No! You must explain it clearly to me, this is your lifeblood!"

The corners of Zhui'er's mouth drooped, and his little lips trembled slightly. He was about to cry. It was too difficult for him to keep this secret.

"Zhui'er, don't make mother anxious. Just tell her that she doesn't blame you."

Zhui'er held on and refused to answer, but she was so embarrassed that she started sobbing.

Qing'er was really anxious now. She placed him heavily on the bed, raised her eyebrows and said, "If you don't tell me, I won't like you anymore!"

"Mom..." Zhui'er finally couldn't help but started to cry, but she still remembered not to disturb the people in the front yard, so she tried her best to suppress her crying and didn't dare to make too much noise.

"I don't like you anymore!" Qing'er stared at him with threatening eyes.

"Then I like you too...Mom..." Zhui'er opened her little hands and moved closer to her mother, feeling aggrieved and scared. Tears flowed down her face into two raging rivers, and she was sobbing so pitifully. .

Qing'er relented and hugged her son into her arms again. She was so angry that her teeth itched and she said, "Just tell mother, you are going to make me anxious!"

"Mother! Mother..." Zhui'er finally burst into tears. He didn't know how to deal with what was happening in front of him.

"Don't cry, Zhui'er. If Zhui'er doesn't cry, you can't let your grandparents hear it!" Qing'er became more and more anxious.

Zhui'er stopped crying abruptly, but the two small rivers on her face flowed more violently.

"Mother won't ask anymore, mother won't ask anymore..."

Qing'er hugged her son tightly, and her own tears fell.

Zhui'er has always been too sensible. This is the first time that he has cried so miserably and helplessly. Qing'er can't bear to continue to force him. No matter how important the silver pendant is, he can only wait until he comes back and coax him slowly. He told the truth.

After her son stopped crying, Qing'er asked in detail about the fight between him and the little girl. The more detailed she learned, the more absurd Qing'er felt, but she knew that this absurd thing must be true.

After finishing the meal, Qing'er broke two bowls one after another. Everyone saw that she was uneasy. Qing'er said that she was a little dizzy these days and let it go. Her son started fighting with monsters, so she would be surprised if she was not frightened to the point of despair. This was because her son had shown many strange behaviors since he was a child, so she was prepared. Otherwise, it would be good if he was not frightened and went crazy at this moment.

Qing'er didn't go out the next day. She set up a frame in the backyard to look like weaving a fishing net. But after getting everything ready, she became stunned when she saw her son playing with the puppy. It stands to reason that if you offend the spirits in the river, you should move your family and leave the river as soon as possible. The farther away the better, but she really can't find an excuse to persuade her family, but if she doesn't escape, disaster will happen sooner or later. , she secretly cut the fishing net last night, so Hongshi and his father-in-law had to go to work in the fields, but this is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, they will go fishing, in case the spirit finds them How is your head doing?

Qing'er was worried for a while, then turned around and saw her son squatting by the wall, staring at a little mouse with big eyes. She hated mice by nature, so she scolded her in disgust, "You are playing with a mouse." What? Don't kill it yet!" He grabbed a stick and walked over.

"Oh!" Zhui'er responded, pretending to kick the little mouse, but in fact, he blocked his mother with his body.

Qing'er could see that he was playing tricks on her, so she didn't bother to take it seriously. She let the little mouse escape while she went back to worry.

After a while, when she turned around to look at Zhuo'er, she saw that he was digging a hole on the ground with a small shovel. Futon'er was also digging the soil with his little paws. Qing'er didn't care about him and just casually ordered, "After playing, you have to go." Fill the hole."

"Oh!" Zhui'er stopped and glanced at her mother secretly. Seeing that her mother had turned her head back, she hurriedly started digging again.

Qing'er thought about it but couldn't think of any good solution. She felt that she had to settle this matter with Hongshi, otherwise if something really happened, she would have tricked everyone. After making up her mind, she turned to look at her son again, only to see her son still digging a hole with his little butt raised, and there was a pile of soil around him.

"Why did you dig such a big hole?" Qing'er walked over and asked a little strangely.

Zhui'er was already sweating profusely. When he saw his mother coming over, he smiled stupidly and pretended to be nothing, threw away the shovel, wiped the sweat with his sleeve and said, "I was just digging for fun, mother, I won't dig anymore."

The guilty look on her son's part made Qing'er suspicious. She deliberately lowered her face and said, "Zhui'er, you've really grown up, haven't you? You dare to tell lies to mother, right?"

Zhui'er lowered her head in recognition of her mistake and whispered, "Mom, I don't dare anymore. The little mouse just now seemed to say there was something down there, and I wanted to dig it out."

Qing'er crouched down and asked in a low voice, "What did it say? What did it say was down there?"

Zhui'er frowned and said, "I thought it seemed like there was something down there. It didn't say anything, and I don't know if my guess was right."

Qing'er hesitated for a moment, then got up and took out a handful of grass from the woodshed, and started digging without saying a word.

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