Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1156 It’s a bad thing!

This barbaric land was much more dangerous than the one he had traveled through before. Within ten days of walking, the steep mountain road made it difficult for the two newly purchased donkeys. As a last resort, Hongshi had to let one go. , and then carrying Zhui'er on his back, he killed the other donkey and roasted some donkey meat to supplement the dry food.

The family of three then had to walk on foot. In the first few days, Hongshi was still trying to carry Zhuo'er, but after climbing several mountains, he couldn't hold on any longer and had to leave Zhuo'er to Qing'er to carry. He has long been convinced by Qing'er's long strength. They have walked at least two thousand miles now, and he is already exhausted. On the other hand, Qing'er seems to be much stronger than him. In fact, the last time he traveled through the land between the two countries, In the desolate land of the world, most of the time Qing'er was carrying the child and the heaviest package of silver. Hongshi was quite ashamed of this. Qing'er really said, he was really the one holding him back. .

After more than a month of arduous journey in the high mountains, the three of them stayed beside a mountain stream. At midnight, Qing'er suddenly woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of eyes like small lanterns dozens of feet away. Stare at them.

Either a tiger or a leopard! After traveling to so many wilderness areas, Qing'er was no longer unfamiliar with this kind of situation. She quietly pushed Zhui'er. Previously, when she encountered ferocious beasts, she always asked Zhui'er to deal with them. If there was no Zhui'er, They have long become prey to wild beasts.

As soon as Zhui'er opened her eyes in a daze, she heard her mother whisper in her ear in a low voice, "There's a big tiger, please let it go away." At this time, she could see clearly through the bright moonlight that it was a tiger. A huge and colorful tiger, this tiger was more than twice as big as an ordinary tiger, so she was a little flustered.

Zhui'er rubbed his eyes and looked at the tiger. Then he frowned and his big eyes were obviously displeased. He pointed at the tiger and said, "It's not a good thing!"

Qing'er was shocked. She had encountered so many ferocious beasts before, but Zhui'er had never been like this before. She always sent them away calmly, which made her rush to push the red stone again.

Hongshi fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion. Qing'er pushed him several times but failed to wake him up. When Qing'er was in a hurry, a deep tiger roar sounded that shook the mountain forest. With the tiger's roar, there was a roar in the valley. A gust of wind blew up, making Qing'er shiver in fear, and Hongshi was also awakened by the tiger's roar.

Qing'er didn't care to call Hongshi, she pulled out the steel knife from under the package and protected her son in front of her. Facing such a big tiger, she could not help but tremble all over.

Hongshi, who was not yet fully awake, was holding an ax in front of his son. Little Futon'er was so frightened that he peed on the floor. He noticed the tiger when it first appeared, but the tiger's ferociousness frightened him. It didn't even dare to say a word.

"Zhui'er, can you coax it away?" Qing'er's voice was trembling anxiously.

"It's a bad thing! Kill it!" Zhui'er seemed to be full of resentment towards the tiger, grabbing a small stone and squeezing between his parents.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er's cry was a little garbled. If her son couldn't get rid of the tiger, it would be difficult for the family of three to survive today.

The tiger roar sounded again, and Qing'er's call was drowned in the heart-shaking tiger roar. This time, not to mention Little Futon'er, even Hong Shi, who was quite courageous, peed his pants. In the King of Beasts Before the majesty of the world, there were not many mortals who could not wet their pants.


Damn you! "But newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Not only was Zhui'er not scared away, but he yelled viciously, and then angrily threw the stone in his hand at the tiger that walked in.

"Fall..." Seeing the tiger approaching step by step, Qing'er was so nervous that she couldn't speak. After saying the word "fall", she pulled her son back with trembling hands.

Hongshi's legs were weak and he moved forward step by step. He held his ax high and walked towards the tiger. Seeing this, Qing'er no longer cared about his son. She followed her husband with steel knives in both hands and faced the approaching tiger.

"Mom!" Zhui'er clenched her two little fists tightly, opened her calves and ran forward, trying to catch the tiger before her parents.

The third tiger roar sounded, and the leaves rustled. The tiger, which was bigger than an ox, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the red stone with a gust of wind!

Hongshi had long been frightened to death. It was his deep love for his wife and children that supported him to fight to the death, but he could no longer exert any strength in his hands. Under the tiger's lightning-fast pounce, , he couldn't even swing the ax in his hand. If he was facing an ordinary tiger, Hongshi wouldn't be so unbearable, but this tiger could scare people to death just by its size.

"Ah!" Seeing that her husband was about to die in the tiger's mouth, Qing'er yelled like crazy and stabbed the tiger with a knife in both hands. But compared with the tiger's swift and windy movements, her and Hongshi's reactions were... It seems too slow.

"Poof!" The steel knife miraculously pierced the tiger's left abdomen. The force of impact from the steel knife made Qing'er fall down, but the steel knife remained on the tiger's body.

"Red stone~~!" Qing'er just thought her husband's life was in danger, screamed and got up, and when she wanted to fight the tiger again, she saw a scene that made her confused with her red eyes.

I saw the tiger lying motionless on the ground. Most of Hongshi's body was pressed under the tiger's belly. The blade of the steel knife inserted into the tiger was hanging in her husband's throat, and her son He stood in front of the tiger's huge head, gritted his teeth and stared, waving his small fists and hitting the tiger's forehead like raindrops.

"Zhui... Zhui'er..." Qing'er shouted as if she was dreaming.

Without raising his head, Zhui'er waved his fist and said, "I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death! Mom! Come and help me beat it!"

Qing'er saw the pale Hong Shi looking at her with frightened eyes. She walked over slowly and fearfully, and asked her son in a low voice, "Is it dead?"

"You have to beat it even if it's dead! It's a bad thing!" Zhui'er stopped, angrily picked up a small stone from the ground, and started to hit the tiger on the head again.

Now Qing'er was finally sure that the tiger was dead, and hurriedly walked over and pulled out the steel knife hanging from her husband's neck.

"Really dead?" Hongshi asked in a low voice, as if he was afraid that the tiger would suddenly come to life.

Qing'er also felt very uneasy. She held the steel knife and stabbed the tiger's neck randomly until the blood flowed to her husband's body. Then she took a deep breath and pulled her husband out from under the tiger's body.

"Zhui... Zhui'er, stop fighting." Hongshi looked at the tiger with trembling eyes and said to his son. Seeing that his son ignored him, he asked Qing'er again, "Did you kill it?" When he asked this question, He frowned and stared at the incision on the tiger's abdomen. Although the knife penetrated deeply, it was certainly not enough to kill the tiger immediately. This barren land was much more dangerous than the previous one. After walking for less than ten days, the steep mountain roads made it difficult for the two newly purchased donkeys. As a last resort, Hongshi had to let one go. , and then carrying Zhui'er on his back, he killed the other donkey and roasted some donkey meat to supplement the dry food.

The family of three then had to walk on foot. In the first few days, Hongshi was still trying to carry Zhuo'er, but after climbing several mountains, he couldn't hold on any longer and had to leave Zhuo'er to Qing'er to carry. He has long been convinced by Qing'er's long strength. They have walked at least two thousand miles now, and he is already exhausted. On the other hand, Qing'er seems to be much stronger than him. In fact, the last time he traveled through the land between the two countries, In the desolate land of the world, most of the time Qing'er was carrying the child and the heaviest package of silver. Hongshi was quite ashamed of this. Qing'er really said, he was really the one holding him back. .

After more than a month of arduous journey in the high mountains, the three of them stayed beside a mountain stream. At midnight, Qing'er suddenly woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of eyes like small lanterns dozens of feet away. Stare at them.

Either a tiger or a leopard! After traveling to so many wilderness areas, Qing'er was no longer unfamiliar with this kind of situation. She quietly pushed Zhui'er. Previously, when she encountered ferocious beasts, she always asked Zhui'er to deal with them. If there was no Zhui'er, They have long become prey to wild beasts.

As soon as Zhui'er opened her eyes in a daze, she heard her mother whisper in her ear in a low voice, "There's a big tiger, please let it go away." At this time, she could see clearly through the bright moonlight that it was a tiger. A huge and colorful tiger, this tiger was more than twice the size of an ordinary tiger, so she was a little flustered.

Zhui'er rubbed his eyes and looked at the tiger. Then he frowned and his big eyes were obviously displeased. He pointed at the tiger and said, "It's not a good thing!"

Qing'er was shocked. She had encountered so many ferocious beasts before, but Zhui'er had never been like this before. She always sent them away calmly, which made her rush to push the red stone again.

Hongshi fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion. Qing'er pushed him several times but failed to wake him up. When Qing'er was in a hurry, a deep tiger roar sounded that shook the mountain forest. With the tiger's roar, there was a roar in the valley. A gust of wind blew up, making Qing'er shiver in fear, and Hongshi was also awakened by the tiger's roar.

Qing'er didn't care to call Hongshi, she pulled out the steel knife from under the package and protected her son in front of her. Facing such a big tiger, she could not help but tremble all over.

Hongshi, who was not yet fully awake, was holding an ax in front of his son. Little Futon'er was so frightened that he peed on the floor. He noticed the tiger when it first appeared, but the tiger's ferociousness frightened him. It didn't even dare to say a word.

"Zhui'er, can you coax it away?" Qing'er's voice was trembling anxiously.

"It's a bad thing! Kill it!" Zhui'er seemed to be full of resentment towards the tiger, grabbing a small stone and squeezing between his parents.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er's cry was a little garbled. If her son couldn't kill the tiger, it would be hard for the family of three to survive today.

The tiger roar sounded again, and Qing'er's call was drowned in the heart-shaking tiger roar. This time, not to mention Little Futon'er, even Hong Shi, who was quite courageous, peed his pants. In the King of Beasts Before the great power, there were not many mortals who could not wet their pants.


Damn you! "But newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Not only was Zhui'er not scared away, but he yelled viciously, and then angrily threw the stone in his hand at the tiger that walked in.

"Fall..." Seeing the tiger approaching step by step, Qing'er was so nervous that she couldn't speak. After saying the word "fall", she pulled her son back with trembling hands.

Hongshi's legs were weak and he moved forward step by step. He held his ax high and walked towards the tiger. Seeing this, Qing'er no longer cared about his son. She followed her husband with steel knives in both hands and faced the approaching tiger.

"Mom!" Zhui'er clenched her two little fists tightly, opened her calves and ran forward, trying to catch the tiger before her parents.

The third tiger roar sounded, and the leaves rustled. The tiger, which was bigger than an ox, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the red stone with a gust of wind!

Hongshi had long been frightened to death. It was his deep love for his wife and children that supported him to fight to the death, but he could no longer exert any strength in his hands. Under the tiger's lightning-fast pounce, , he couldn't even swing the ax in his hand. If he was facing an ordinary tiger, Hongshi wouldn't be so unbearable, but this tiger could scare people to death just by its size.

"Ah!" Seeing that her husband was about to die in the tiger's mouth, Qing'er yelled like crazy and stabbed the tiger with a knife in both hands. But compared with the tiger's swift and windy movements, her and Hongshi's reactions were... It seems too slow.

"Poof!" The steel knife miraculously pierced the tiger's left abdomen. The force of impact from the steel knife made Qing'er fall down, but the steel knife remained on the tiger's body.

"Red stone~~!" Qing'er just thought her husband's life was in danger, screamed and got up, and when she wanted to fight the tiger again, she saw a scene that made her confused with her red eyes.

I saw the tiger lying motionless on the ground. Most of Hongshi's body was pressed under the tiger's belly. The blade of the steel knife inserted into the tiger was hanging in her husband's throat, and her son He stood in front of the tiger's huge head, gritted his teeth and stared, waving his small fists and hitting the tiger's forehead like raindrops.

"Zhui... Zhui'er..." Qing'er shouted as if she was dreaming.

Without raising his head, Zhui'er waved his fist and said, "I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death! Mom! Come and help me beat it!"

Qing'er saw the pale Hong Shi looking at her with frightened eyes. She walked over slowly and fearfully, and asked her son in a low voice, "Is it dead?"

"You have to beat it even if it's dead! It's a bad thing!" Zhui'er stopped, angrily picked up a small stone from the ground, and started to hit the tiger on the head again.

Now Qing'er was finally sure that the tiger was dead, and hurriedly walked over and pulled out the steel knife hanging from her husband's neck.

"Really dead?" Hongshi asked in a low voice, as if he was afraid that the tiger would suddenly come to life.

Qing'er also felt very uneasy. She held the steel knife and stabbed the tiger's neck randomly until the blood flowed to her husband's body. Then she took a deep breath and pulled her husband out from under the tiger's body.

"Zhui... Zhui'er, stop fighting." Hongshi looked at the tiger with trembling eyes and said to his son. Seeing that his son ignored him, he asked Qing'er again, "Did you kill it?" When he asked this question, He frowned and stared at the incision on the tiger's abdomen. Although the knife penetrated deeply, it was certainly not enough to kill the tiger immediately.

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