Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1159 I don’t like the front

Zhui'er started blinking again. After a while, he said in confusion, "But it's true, mother, I know."

"Then think slowly, don't be anxious, tell mother first if you feel uncomfortable?"

"No discomfort." Zhui'er's eyes were still filled with thoughts.

Qing'er pressed her forehead against his and asked, "Tell mom, how did you kill that tiger?"

Zhui'er was confused and said, "Didn't mom and dad kill it? I just hit it with a stone."

"Well... then why do you say it is a bad thing? Why do you hate it so much?"

"It eats people!" Zhui'er said angrily.

"Tiger are all cannibals. Why didn't you say it was a bad thing last time we met a tiger?"

There was a bit of confusion in Zhui'er's eyes, and she muttered, "This is a bad thing anyway. I know it wants to eat us."

"Oh..." Qing'er felt that this should be the answer. It seemed that because the tiger could not talk to his son, his son thought it was a bad thing.

"Can you tell mother now who you gave that silver pendant to?" Qing'er asked softly. Now she is thousands of miles away from home, and she can't go back to ask for it even if she asks. She mainly wants to give her money when she mentions this matter. The son was distracted so as not to think about that dream all the time. Moreover, the silver pendant was a priceless treasure that had to be passed down to future generations. He couldn't just ignore it.

"Mom... I... I can't say." Zhui'er looked uneasy, fearing that she would make her unhappy.

"Did you give this child to your sister?" Qing'er expressed her suspicion.

Zhui'er panicked and begged anxiously, "Mom! Don't go to my sister to ask for it. My sister said there are still evil spirits entangled in her. I don't want my sister to be entangled by evil spirits..." As he said this, there were tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. It's fine if mother doesn't want it." Qing'er felt a little worried. Shuiyan was married too far away, and it wouldn't be easy to come back.

"Mom, you must keep your word!" Zhui'er stared into her mother's eyes, her sincerity beyond words.

"Oh... then you first tell your mother how she told you that there are still evil spirits entangled in you."

After listening to Zhui'er repeating Shui Yan's words, Qing'er nodded slightly and said, "Then let her take it with her first, but I have to make an agreement with her that the pendant is something left by your great-grandfather. Wait for her." I feel like there are no evil spirits anymore, so I have to give it back to us, right? Dad and mom also need to use that treasure to drive away the evil spirits.”

"Hmm..., okay." Zhui'er nodded sensibly.

Qing'er couldn't help but think of the water column she saw rising next to the wedding boat that day and what Shui Yanniang said later. She now understood that the people on that boat were safe and sound mostly because of the silver pendant. I hope that it is the evil spirit that is entangled with Shui Yan. I hope that the magic power of the silver pendant has killed the evil spirit. In that case, she can feel at ease when asking for the silver pendant in the future.

Seeing that her son was blinking but his eyes were still looking at her, and he seemed a little worried, she lowered her head lovingly and kissed her son on the forehead, and said softly, "Good boy, I don't blame you, you are right to help your sister." , Mom keeps her word, I won’t rush to her to ask for it, just let her take it.”

Zhui'er smiled and assured her with all her might, "I can beat that little girl holding a winter melon. Mom, you don't have to be afraid of her. Didn't you say you would send me to learn my skills? After I learn my skills, I can beat Xie Sui." Now, I'll help you and dad get rid of the evil spirits. Then you won't have to ask your sister for your money back.

Fallen. "

"Good boy, you must learn your skills well and be able to protect your parents." Qing'er happily kissed her son's forehead again. She was content to have such a sensible child, even if she was separated from her son Xianfan in the future. , she has no regrets, as long as her son can make a difference, she is willing to die.

After eating, they packed their luggage and the three of them continued on their journey. When Zhui'er saw that his father had brought the tiger skin, he was unhappy and said, "I don't want the skin of this bad thing."

Hongshi smiled and said, "Silly boy, do you know how much this skin is worth? Although we still have money, we spend too much money when we go out. This money is flowing like water, and your mother and I have already spent it. I feel guilty, the road is still far away, not only do I have to save money, but I also have to make as much money as possible when I encounter opportunities to make money. Do you think I am willing to carry such a heavy thing for a long distance? You don't know how to live? You’ll understand how hard it is when you grow up.”

Zhui'er looked at Qing'er for help, "Mom..., I don't want dad to carry the skin of this bad thing."

Qing'er smiled helplessly and said, "What your father said is true. We have never spent so much money before. I feel really guilty. If we spend all the money, we will have to beg for food along the way." "

Zhui'er stopped talking, glanced at the tiger skin with disgust and pouted her little mouth.

One afternoon a few days later, the three of them climbed a high mountain. Qing'er and Hongshi took out the map and compared it with the surrounding terrain to judge whether they were going in the right direction.

At this moment, Zhui'er suddenly looked into the distance and said, "Mom, I don't want to go any further."

Qing'er knelt down and said with a smile, "Why, are you tired of it? This journey has been a bit difficult, but I also saw a lot of interesting things."

"I don't like the front." Zhui'er frowned and looked at the vast mountains in the distance.

"Why don't you like Fa?" Qing'er asked patiently. Zhui'er has been silent these past few days. She suspected that her son was probably thinking about that strange dream. He was absent-minded no matter how she made him talk. Now his son finally started to After talking, Qing'er will of course be more caring and patient.

"I just don't like it." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er pursed her lips, seemingly unable to give any reason.

Hongshi patted his son on the head from behind and scolded with a smile, "It's not all your fault. Otherwise, why should we suffer like this? Stop being so troublesome and wait until we get to town to buy you delicious food." ”

Qing'er glared at her husband with dissatisfaction and said angrily, "Don't be a good boy to get a cheap deal. Have you forgotten how you shouted 'it's worth it' that day? Go away!"

Hong Shi smiled coquettishly, turned and walked away.

Qing'er smiled and said to her son, "Ignore him and tell mother, what's not to like?"

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "I just don't like it. Mom, where are we going? I don't want to go forward, let's go back."

Qing'er touched his head with pity and said, "My mother has never been to that place. She knows that walking such a long way is too difficult for you, but in order to learn how to protect your mother, you just have to endure it." My son has always been very good. We have already walked almost half the way, so we can’t give up halfway, right?”

Zhui'er whispered with an embarrassed look on her face, "But I...but I really don't like it and don't want to go that way."

Qing'er thought his words were a bit strange, so she pointed in a random direction and asked, "Can we go that way?"

Zhui'er looked in the direction of Qing'er's finger and said hesitantly, "Okay..." Zhui'er started blinking again, and after a while, he said in confusion, "But that's true, mother, I know. "

"Then think slowly, don't be anxious, tell mother first if you feel uncomfortable?"

"No discomfort." Zhui'er's eyes were still filled with thoughts.

Qing'er pressed her forehead against his and asked, "Tell mom, how did you kill that tiger?"

Zhui'er was confused and said, "Didn't mom and dad kill it? I just hit it with a stone."

"Well... then why do you say it is a bad thing? Why do you hate it so much?" .??.

"It eats people!" Zhui'er said angrily.

"Tiger are all cannibals. Why didn't you say it was a bad thing last time we met a tiger?"

There was a bit of confusion in Zhui'er's eyes, and she muttered, "This is a bad thing anyway. I know it wants to eat us."

"Oh..." Qing'er felt that this should be the answer. It seemed that because the tiger could not talk to his son, his son thought it was a bad thing.

"Can you tell mother now who you gave that silver pendant to?" Qing'er asked softly. She was thousands of miles away from home now, and she couldn't go back to ask for it even if she asked. She mainly wanted to give her money to her when she mentioned it now. The son was distracted so as not to think about that dream all the time. Moreover, the silver pendant was a priceless treasure that had to be passed down to future generations. He couldn't just ignore it.

"Mom... I... I can't say." Zhui'er looked uneasy, fearing that she would make her unhappy.

"Did you give this child to your sister?" Qing'er expressed her suspicion.

Zhui'er panicked and begged anxiously, "Mom! Don't go to my sister to ask for it. My sister said there are still evil spirits entangled in her. I don't want my sister to be entangled by evil spirits..." As he said this, there were tears in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. It's fine if mother doesn't want it." Qing'er felt a little worried. Shuiyan was married too far away, and it wouldn't be easy to come back.

"Mom, you must keep your word!" Zhui'er stared into her mother's eyes, her sincerity beyond words.

"Oh... then you first tell your mother how she told you that there are still evil spirits entangled in you."

After listening to Zhui'er repeating Shui Yan's words, Qing'er nodded slightly and said, "Then let her take it with her first, but I have to make an agreement with her that the pendant is something left by your great-grandfather. Wait for her." I feel like there are no evil spirits anymore, so I have to give it back to us, right? Dad and mom also need to use that treasure to drive away the evil spirits.”

"Hmm..., okay." Zhui'er nodded sensibly.

Qing'er couldn't help but think of the water column she saw rising next to the wedding boat that day and what Shui Yanniang said later. She now understood that the people on that boat were safe and sound mostly because of the silver pendant. I hope that it is the evil spirit that is entangled with Shui Yan. I hope that the magic power of the silver pendant has killed the evil spirit. In that case, she can feel at ease when asking for the silver pendant in the future.

Seeing that her son was blinking but his eyes were still looking at her, and he seemed a little worried, she lowered her head lovingly and kissed her son on the forehead, and said softly, "Good boy, I don't blame you, you are right to help your sister." , Mom keeps her word, I won’t rush to her to ask for it, just let her take it.”

Zhui'er smiled and assured her with all her might, "I can beat that little girl holding a winter melon. Mom, you don't have to be afraid of her. Didn't you say you would send me to learn my skills? After I learn my skills, I can beat Xie Sui." Now, I'll help you and dad get rid of the evil spirits. Then you won't have to ask your sister for your money back.

Fallen. "

"Good boy, you must learn your skills well and be able to protect your parents." Qing'er happily kissed her son's forehead again. She was content to have such a sensible child, even if she was separated from her son Xianfan in the future. , she has no regrets, as long as her son can make a difference, she is willing to die.

After eating, they packed their luggage and the three of them continued on their journey. When Zhui'er saw that his father had brought the tiger skin, he was unhappy and said, "I don't want the skin of this bad thing."

Hongshi smiled and said, "Silly boy, do you know how much this skin is worth? Although we still have money, we spend too much money when we go out. This money is flowing like water, and your mother and I have already spent it. I feel guilty, the road is still far away, not only do I have to save money, but I also have to make as much money as possible when I encounter opportunities to make money. Do you think I am willing to carry such a heavy thing for a long distance? You don't know how to live? You’ll understand how hard it is when you grow up.”

Zhui'er looked at Qing'er for help, "Mom..., I don't want dad to carry the skin of this bad thing."

Qing'er smiled helplessly and said, "What your father said is true. We have never spent so much money before. I feel really guilty. If we spend all the money, we will have to beg for food along the way." "

Zhui'er stopped talking, glanced at the tiger skin with disgust and pouted her little mouth.

One afternoon a few days later, the three of them climbed a high mountain. Qing'er and Hongshi took out the map and compared it with the surrounding terrain to judge whether they were going in the right direction.

At this moment, Zhui'er suddenly looked into the distance and said, "Mom, I don't want to go any further."

Qing'er knelt down and said with a smile, "Why, are you tired of it? This journey has been a bit difficult, but I also saw a lot of interesting things."

"I don't like the front." Zhui'er frowned and looked at the vast mountains in the distance.

"Why don't you like Fa?" Qing'er asked patiently. Zhui'er has been silent these past few days. She suspected that her son was probably thinking about that strange dream. He was absent-minded no matter how she made him talk. Now his son finally started to After talking, Qing'er will of course be more caring and patient.

"I just don't like it." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er pursed her lips, seemingly unable to give any reason.

Hongshi patted his son on the head from behind and scolded with a smile, "It's not all your fault. Otherwise, why should we suffer like this? Stop being so troublesome and wait until we get to town to buy you delicious food." ”

Qing'er glared at her husband with dissatisfaction and said angrily, "Don't be a good boy to get a cheap deal. Have you forgotten how you shouted 'it's worth it' that day? Go away!"

Hong Shi smiled coquettishly, turned and walked away.

Qing'er smiled and said to her son, "Ignore him and tell mother, what's not to like?"

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "I just don't like it. Mom, where are we going? I don't want to go forward, let's go back."

Qing'er touched his head with pity and said, "My mother has never been to that place. She knows that walking such a long way is too difficult for you, but in order to learn how to protect your mother, you just have to endure it." My son has always been very good. We have already walked almost half the way, so we can’t give up halfway, right?”

Zhui'er whispered with an embarrassed look on her face, "But I...but I really don't like it and don't want to go that way."

Qing'er thought his words were a bit strange, so she pointed in a random direction and asked, "Can we go that way?"

Zhui'er looked in the direction of Qing'er's finger and said hesitantly, "Okay..."

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