Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1169 Then let’s be ten years old

After Yunjuan looked at it for a while, she went to prepare the room and bedding for Zhui'er. When she came back, Zhui'er was still sitting on the futon, but she could no longer sit still and her body was twisting and turning.

"Okay, Zhui'er, get up." She said distressedly.

Zhui'er opened her eyes and said with grievance, "It's not that I can't hold my breath, but my legs are numb, itchy and numb. Can I sit in a different position?"

"Hurry up and spread your legs." Yun Juan squatted down and used her spiritual power to help dredge his blood, while complaining to Xu Zhong, "Why are you so cruel! The child is in such pain, and you don't care?!"

Xu Zhong smiled bitterly and said, "I tried to persuade him several times, but he ignored me."

Zhui'er interjected, "I can sit still for a whole day. If I can do it, you have to keep your word and teach me how to fly immediately." After saying that, he closed his eyes tightly to show that he would not cheat. Play slippery.

Yunjuan pulled him up with both distress and humor and said, "Silly boy, you are really too young. Starting to practice now will only do harm but no good. You have to wait until you are ten years old, but before that we can teach you I will tell you some common sense about cultivation, tell you some rules and interesting things about cultivation, and also teach you the knowledge of identifying spiritual herbs and refining elixirs, which every monk must learn."

"It's still a few years until I'm ten..." Zhui'er lowered his head in disappointment.

Yunjuan picked him up and comforted him softly, "It's all like this. Ten years old is still too early. The youngest we have to accept disciples here is twelve or thirteen years old. You have to calm down for a while after you start." You can only start practicing in the future, but your stupid uncle only officially started practicing when he was fifteen." She pointed at Xu Zhong with a mocking look.

"Then...then let's be ten years old." Zhui'er reluctantly compromised, and Xunyi's wisdom of being reasonable and not making unnecessary struggles was brought into this life without losing any of it.

"What a good boy!" Yunjuan happily kissed him on the face, which really made her a little overjoyed. She thought this matter would require a lot of effort, but she didn't expect this child to be so sensible.

Xu Zhong also showed a strange look. This child's behavior really made him feel that he should look at him differently.

"Let's go! I'll take you to see what fun there is here first." Yunjuan happily hugged Zhui'er and walked out of the house. Xiao Futon'er hurriedly chased after her with the dried meat in her mouth.

To be precise, this hill should be a small hill. Because it is located on the Gaolong Mountains, the terrain is still very high. From time to time, silk-like clouds and mist float over. Looking around, there are red, yellow and purple colors. , pink... all kinds of grass and trees are in groups, which is quite pleasing to the eye. Zhui'er has climbed many mountains along the way, but he has never seen such beautiful scenery.

What made him most happy was the fresh air here, which felt so comfortable to breathe. He didn't know that this was the full spiritual energy at work.

Since then, Zhuo'er has lived here. Although he promised Aunt Juan to wait until he was ten years old before learning the skills, he couldn't let it go. The next day, he frowned and started to be in a daze. It was inevitable that he couldn't learn the skills immediately. He missed his mother, and he began to worry that her mother would be anxious if she couldn't find him. If her mother thought he had drowned, how uncomfortable it would be... As he thought about it, he shed tears. Now he wanted to go back to his mother.

Yunjuan was silently disappointed when she saw such a young child without saying a word.

Tears, extremely distressed, asked in the softest voice, "Do you miss your parents?"

Zhui'er nodded and said pitifully, "Aunt Juan, can you send me to find my parents? My mother must be dying of panic now."

Yunjuan coaxed him and said, "I have heard about you. Don't worry. According to my guess and your Uncle Xu's, you must have met a monk who rescued you after you fell into the water. That person must be with you." Say hello to your parents. He may have thought you were a talented person, so he sent you here. This is a blessing in disguise for you. Your parents may still be smiling from ear to ear now. Don’t worry about them. Worried."

"Really?" Zhui'er was a little doubtful.

"It should be like this. A monk can see much farther than a mortal. How far can you be swept out of the water in such a short time? If you rush out too far, you will drown. He can easily find you. "Dad, if you don't believe me, look at it." Yunjuan pointed to a nearby mountain peak, "There are two white Hongxin birds flying over there, you will see them soon."

Zhui'er stared at the mountain peak with wide eyes. Sure enough, after a while, two white Hongxin birds flew over from behind the mountain peak.

"Really! Aunt Juan, can you see what's behind the mountain?" Zhui'er's eyes lit up.

Yun Juan smiled and patted his face and said, "It's just like flying. You can do it after a few years of practice. It's nothing. How about it? Do you want to stay and learn?"

"Yes!" Zhui'er nodded vigorously, but then asked worriedly, "Does my mother really know that I am safe and sound?"

"Of course." Yunjuan replied with a smile.

"That's okay! When I learn to fly, I'll go find my mother!" Zhui'er's eyes showed longing.

Yunjuan's argument was full of flaws, but it was enough to deceive such a child. It had been more than five hundred years since she embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation. She had seen too many such children who were separated from their parents. She herself She has experienced it before, so she has long been dismissive of it. Out of her love for Zhui'er, she just wants to let Zhui'er stay and practice in peace. After all, in the eyes of the monks, it is a mortal who has the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation. The best way out she could get. Although she didn't have the opportunity to be on the big road, it was undoubtedly a blessing to be able to stay with Xu Zhong, who she fell in love with, for a long time.

The person who sent Zhuo'er secretly mentioned it to the couple, hoping that they could find out where the child's hometown was. If they wanted to ask, just now was the best opportunity, but Yunjuan didn't want to ask about it anymore, she Afraid that the child would be sent back, not only did she stop asking, she also quietly told Zhui'er not to tell anyone where her home was. After a while, she wouldn't be afraid anymore. It was impossible for the sect to know such a person. Send back such a secretive child.

Yunjuan's instructions coincided with Zhui'er's inner calculation, so he couldn't help but reveal a sly smile.

Yunjuan understood when she saw him like this, pinched his little face and said, "Little thing, you are really big as a kid!"

Zhui'er smiled. He couldn't be happier now. Since his mother knew that he was safe and sound, there was nothing to worry about. All that was left was to look forward to growing up to ten years old soon.

In the days that followed, Yunjuan took on the responsibilities of a mother instead of Qing'er. In this regard, she was even more dedicated than Qing'er. After all, Qing'er was also busy with housework, and Yunjuan was a female cultivator. In addition to taking care of the cultivation, Apart from the spiritual herbs, the rest is free time. After Yunjuan looked at it for a while, she went to prepare the room and bedding for Zhui'er. When she came back, Zhui'er was still sitting on the futon, but she could no longer sit still and her body was twisting and turning.

"Okay, Zhui'er, get up." She said distressedly.

Zhui'er opened her eyes and said with grievance, "It's not that I can't hold my breath, but my legs are numb, itchy and numb. Can I sit in a different position?"

"Hurry up and spread your legs." Yun Juan squatted down and used her spiritual power to help dredge his blood, while complaining to Xu Zhong, "Why are you so cruel! The child is in such pain, and you don't care?!"

Xu Zhong smiled bitterly and said, "I tried to persuade him several times, but he ignored me."

Zhui'er interjected, "I can sit still for a whole day. If I can do it, you have to keep your word and teach me how to fly immediately." After saying that, he closed his eyes tightly to show that he would not cheat. Play slippery.

Yunjuan pulled him up with both distress and humor and said, "Silly boy, you are really too young. Starting to practice now will only do harm but no good. You have to wait until you are ten years old, but before that we can teach you I will tell you some common sense about cultivation, tell you some rules and interesting things about cultivation, and also teach you the knowledge of identifying spiritual herbs and refining elixirs, which every monk must learn."

"There are still several years until I turn ten..." Zhui'er lowered his head in disappointment.

Yunjuan picked him up and comforted him softly, "It's all like this. Ten years old is still too early. The youngest we have to accept disciples here is twelve or thirteen years old. You have to calm down for a while after you start." You can only start practicing at the age of fifteen, but your stupid uncle only officially started practicing at the age of fifteen." She pointed at Xu Zhong with a mocking expression.

"Then...then let's be ten years old." Zhui'er reluctantly compromised, and Xunyi's wisdom of being reasonable and not making unnecessary struggles was brought into this life without losing any of it.

"What a good boy!" Yunjuan happily kissed him on the face, which really made her a little overjoyed. She thought this matter would require a lot of effort, but she didn't expect this child to be so sensible.

Xu Zhong also showed a strange look. This child's behavior really made him feel that he should look at him differently.

"Let's go! I'll take you to see what fun there is here first." Yunjuan happily hugged Zhui'er and walked out of the house. Xiao Futon'er hurriedly chased after her with the dried meat in her mouth.

To be precise, this hill should be a small hill. Because it is located on the Gaolong Mountains, the terrain is still very high. From time to time, silk-like clouds and mist float over. Looking around, there are red, yellow and purple colors. , pink... all kinds of grass and trees are in groups, which is quite pleasing to the eye. Zhui'er has climbed many mountains along the way, but he has never seen such beautiful scenery.

What made him most happy was the fresh air here, which felt so comfortable to breathe. He didn't know that this was the full spiritual energy at work.

Since then, Zhuo'er has lived here. Although he promised Aunt Juan to wait until he was ten years old before learning the skills, he couldn't let it go. The next day, he frowned and started to be in a daze. It was inevitable that he couldn't learn the skills immediately. He missed his mother, and he began to worry that her mother would be anxious if she couldn't find him. If her mother thought he had drowned, how uncomfortable it would be... As he thought about it, he shed tears. Now he wanted to go back to his mother.

Yunjuan was silently disappointed when she saw such a young child without saying a word.

Tears, extremely distressed, asked in the softest voice, "Do you miss your parents?"

Zhui'er nodded and said pitifully, "Aunt Juan, can you send me to find my parents? My mother must be dying of panic now."

Yunjuan coaxed him and said, "I have heard about you. Don't worry. According to my guess and your Uncle Xu's, you must have met a monk who rescued you after you fell into the water. That person must be with you." Say hello to your parents. He may have thought you were a talented person, so he sent you here. This is a blessing in disguise for you. Your parents may still be smiling from ear to ear now. Don’t worry about them. Worried."

"Really?" Zhui'er was a little doubtful.

"It should be like this. A monk can see much farther than a mortal. How far can you be swept out of the water in such a short time? If you rush out too far, you will drown. He can easily find you. "Dad, if you don't believe me, look at it." Yunjuan pointed to a nearby mountain peak, "There are two white Hongxin birds flying over there, you will see them soon."

Zhui'er stared at the mountain peak with wide eyes. Sure enough, after a while, two white Hongxin birds flew over from behind the mountain peak.

"Really! Aunt Juan, can you see what's behind the mountain?" Zhui'er's eyes lit up.

Yun Juan smiled and patted his face and said, "It's just like flying. You can do it after a few years of practice. It's nothing. How about it? Do you want to stay and learn?"

"Yes!" Zhui'er nodded vigorously, but then asked worriedly, "Does my mother really know that I am safe and sound?"

"Of course." Yunjuan replied with a smile.

"That's okay! When I learn to fly, I'll go find my mother!" Zhui'er's eyes showed longing.

Yunjuan's argument was full of flaws, but it was enough to deceive such a child. It had been more than five hundred years since she embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation. She had seen too many such children separated from their parents. She herself She has experienced it before, so she has long been dismissive of it. Out of her love for Zhui'er, she just wants to let Zhui'er stay and practice in peace. After all, in the eyes of the monks, it is a mortal who has the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation. The best way out she could get. Although she didn't have the opportunity to be on the big road, it was undoubtedly a blessing to be able to stay with Xu Zhong, who she fell in love with, for a long time.

The person who sent Zhuo'er secretly mentioned it to the couple, hoping that they could find out where the child's hometown was. If they wanted to ask, just now was the best opportunity, but Yunjuan didn't want to ask about it anymore, she Afraid that the child would be sent back, not only did she stop asking, she also quietly told Zhui'er not to tell anyone where her home was. After a while, she wouldn't be afraid anymore. It was impossible for the sect to know such a person. Send back such a secretive child.

Yunjuan's instructions coincided with Zhui'er's inner calculation, so he couldn't help but reveal a sly smile.

Yunjuan understood when she saw him like this, pinched his little face and said, "Little thing, you are really a little kid!"

Zhui'er smiled. He couldn't be happier now. Since his mother knew that he was safe and sound, there was nothing to worry about. All that was left was to look forward to growing up to ten years old soon.

In the days that followed, Yunjuan took on the responsibilities of a mother instead of Qing'er. In this regard, she was even more dedicated than Qing'er. After all, Qing'er was also busy with housework, and Yunjuan was a female cultivator. In addition to taking care of the cultivation, Apart from the spiritual herbs, the rest is free time.

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